Hero’s Creed

Chapter 265: First Coming

The wall collapsed, which made the hotel owner want to growl and demand compensation, but after he saw the mask embroidered with a dagger, he changed his tongue. m

"Hurry up and leave my hotel!"

The blood on the boss's fat face faded, and the cold sweat came out, as if bitten by a poisonous snake, and even started to push Downton.

"what are you doing?"

Jackson took a step forward, blocked the boss, and put a crossbow on his head.

"What's the use of escaping? The person who is targeted by Assassin's Creed is absolutely dead."

The adventurers talked a lot, watching Downton’s eyes was like looking at a dead man. Although the organization’s work could not be done on the table, the word of mouth was quite good, because as long as the commission they took, it would be completed at any cost.

Of course, these rumors inevitably contain some exaggerated elements, but it also illustrates the terrible and difficult of Assassin's Creed from the side.

"Hurry home and hide in your mother's arms, maybe you can live a few more days." Kyle teased Downton, wanting to see his panicked look, but he was destined to be disappointed, Downton's The expression has not changed.

"Let's go rest, Walnut, Celes, you live in a room with Xia Luo, and I will arrange the demon guards." Downton turned to the boss, "I want to live in the room next to them, if there are people, let them leave, the cost I'm out."

"No, hurry up!"

The boss dare to stay in Downton, but before he finished, Downton grabbed his collar and grabbed him.

"Shut up and hear clearly. I didn't discuss with you. Instead, I ordered to do what I said."

Downton's words made the onlookers uproar.

"Hey, you are a criminal act, okay? If the sheriff is disturbed, you will be caught and thrown into the water cell!" Kyle ran against Downton. It is also hinting to the boss.

"Go to the sheriff and say someone is making trouble..." The boss pulled Downton's wrist and commanded the waiter aloud, but soon he couldn't say anything, because a group of demon servants with helmets on their heads left When they came out, their military boots stepped on the floor and made a dull sound.

"How is this going?"

The adventurers hurried back in panic, even holding their weapons. There was no way to do it. It was really the momentum of these demon servants.

Green eyes, lifeless and lifeless breath. They make them afraid.

"Master, after the inspection, there is no danger."

Casimodo walked out, the huge figure and the grim appearance covered with sutures directly brought the atmosphere of fear to the apex.


"Undead abomination?"

The adventurers exclaimed. All of them pulled out their weapons. Stare at them with vigilance.

The boss shuddered, **** his pants, looked at Downton, as if looking at another prehistoric beast, "Please, please let me go."

Downton raised his hand and a Hercules aura spread out, "I am a holy knight, they are all my devil servants, and confess under my command."

The look of the adventurers has improved a lot. After all, Downton's priesthood status means that he is not a human being disguised as a fallen creature.

"I think of it. You are Downton in the morning fog town. You have an undead corps. The crusade is completely destroyed. Only you are returning safely with thousands of heads."

"Ah! He is the Downton who beheaded the lone wolf Romario, the wild boar Davis?"

"No, isn't this a teenager? How could he defeat the Allied Bandit Army by himself, kill hundreds of Allied Bandit Forces, and finally save Chenwu Town?"

The adventurers all stared at Downton in surprise. He was really too young to make a connection with such a tough record.

The robber's attack on Chenwu Town is a big event, which will affect the stability of the surrounding area. So at the time of victory, Dovek and the mayor had sent dozens of heralds overnight to convey the news of the good news.

This is a top priority. No mayor dared to be negligent. After receiving the information, he immediately posted a notice on the notice board in front of the town hall and tavern, so when Downton hadn’t arrived, the news about him had already been passed. Boiling up.

Now that you have won, it is a matter of military merit. The mayor and the sheriff will of course exaggerate the number of robbers, otherwise how to show their brilliance and courageous resistance, so the number of kills will increase as they pass around.

"Yes, the owner is Downton."

Jackson is so high-spirited that he has a famous owner, who also feels proud and proud.

"I heard you killed Tyson?"

"According to rumors, Tyson is a long-time famous gangster. His strength is in the fifth rank of the war. How could he do it?"

The adventurers are all gossip, inquisitive.

"No comment!" Downton let go of the boss, and he was too lazy to let him arrange the room, but lived in directly.

"You'd better get acquainted. The owner has the cronies of the Duke of Xijing as the backstage, and soon becomes the mayor of Chenwu Town. Do you think the sheriff will offend a newbie?" Jackson hugged the boss's shoulder and spoke. All are threats.

The boss nodded subconsciously, without looking at Jackson, his green pupil scared him to death.

"Very good, don't worry, we'll be leaving tomorrow." Jackson looked at his son's teachable expression and patted the boss's shoulder. "Yeah, remember to prepare breakfast, I like sweets, sugar cubes and cheese must not Less."

The news of Downton’s possession of space props is everywhere, so Homer is too lazy to hide, directly open the war space, and put away the injured ghouls.

The rest stood at the door, like a stone carving, motionless.

"My Emperor Polo, do you still make people alive?"

Adventurers look envious, who doesn't want such a fierce servant? The general magician can only recruit a demon servant when he reaches the adjudication level, but there is a corps.

Kyle no longer speaks, and his face is as dark as the bottom of the pot. He thought of showing off the guards today and running down Dunton. He thought that even if he annoyed him, the guards could handle him. The original people did not respond at the time, so they were not afraid. But simply don’t bother to care about yourself.

At the thought of this, Kyle's face burned terribly, and then turned into anger, with a kind of despised anger.

"I'm an aristocrat. There aren't any civilians in his group." Kyle decided to recruit more guards after he went back, but after glancing at the ghoul, he was frustrated again, and looked at the military capacity and water standard of others. equipment.

After more than half an hour of chaos, the corridor became quiet again. Most adventurers either moved off the third floor or checked out.

They dare not live near Downton, fearing that it will be affected.

"Sorry, it surprised you."

In Melissa’s room, Downton hurriedly left after imitating her from the war space. After the assassination just now, his mind calmed down a lot, and he did not want to get away with an unknown woman. Sheets.

"Who wants to kill you? It shouldn't be Hannah. If you die, they won't get the secret of the treasure." Homer analyzed, "The bandits and the ruthless party can't afford the Assassin's Creed, and according to their habits, they are generally Do it yourself."

"Don't guess. Franz is the tenth. I guess the news that I'm going to be the mayor has leaked out." Downton didn't feel any surprises. Dofink's servants had many opportunities to see his letters and hear the conversation. If this kind of news is sold, it is definitely worth a large price.

"It doesn't matter how much you kill, anyway!" Homer didn't care. "You have demon servants, and they won't get tired even if they stand in a month's post without sleeping. Those assassins want to wait for the assassination opportunity, it is estimated that Biden It’s hard."

Because of this episode, Downton will not enter the Hive Lab during the next few days of travel. He is worried that something unexpected may happen to them.

But no time was wasted. A great potionist mentor such as a sage wolf personally answered questions. Downton's understanding of potions was advancing by leaps and bounds.

Xia Luo seemed like nothing had happened, and his attitude towards Downton was not cold.

After the first few days of tangle, Downton finally found a solution. If he became a grand prince or a king, even if he married a wolf girl, no one would dare to find him in trouble.

"The king is almost here."

Looking at Downton's attitude towards himself again, Xia Luo sighed, but also touched. After all, this feeling of being loved is still very good.

"Release the slaves!"

As the capital of Betford, security is very strict. If there is a batch of slaves in the market, they will definitely investigate.

When a team of more than twenty people enters the Wangdu, all of them need to be registered. This is a legal requirement. Downton does not want to go to jail, he must do so.

"Glow Flame Church will not trouble me?" Downton was worried when he looked at the ten demon servants escorting the slaves.

"So you have to quickly test for a professional knighthood, but even so, some verification is inevitable." Homer reminded.

With blue sky and white clouds above his head, Downton and his party arrived at Wangdu on a sunny afternoon.

The city walls made of large stones make a magnificent and magnificent atmosphere come to the front. In front of the wide city gate, there are lots of traffic and pedestrians like weaves.

Worthy of being the king capital, it is full of prosperity, not only daily utensils, but even the clothes worn by ordinary citizens are much better than the border.

The two hundred men guarded and guarded their postures, although they had an impatient look on their faces, but no one dared to leave their posts without permission~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't even sit down and rest.

Seeing Downton's team, pedestrians kept pointing and pointing, all curious, no way, for them to live in peace, ogres and bear goblins are not common races.

If not the slaves were all tied their wrists, they would definitely not be so bold.

"What's the matter?" A ten-person leader ran over with the team, a little nervous. He knew that with the brute force of these indigenous people, those ropes could not trap them.

"Slave, want to sell!"

Abagong greeted him and negotiated with the captain.


The captain was dumbfounded, and then laughed courageously with his subordinates, and the pedestrians who watched here heard the goblin's answer and laughed.

"A group of rednecks who have never seen the market!"

"Are these people sick? Who would buy a group of dirty and lowly aborigines?"

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