Hero’s Creed

Chapter 288: Marquis lo*ic*n

"Pick it? Let's go and take us to see the house!" Downton doesn't want to stay in the Golden White Goose Hotel anymore, there are many people with different eyes, it is inconvenient to do anything, and the killer of Assassin's Creed doesn't know when again It appears that it is safest to live in your own house, because a large number of ghouls can be released to patrol. m

"Ah, this is about to go?" The female employee was startled, staring at Downton Majestic, did he really want to buy? Or is this a scam?

"What's wrong? There's something wrong with the house?" Downton felt that it was handed over at noon, bought daily necessities in the afternoon, and could live in at night.

"No, absolutely no problem, you wait, I will call the boss!" If this business is done, the female employee can get a huge commission, but she is worried that this group of people is a liar and dare not call the shots. So he hurried to the back.

Five minutes later, the boss of Guozi Face rushed in, and stretched out his right hand towards Downton away from Laoyuan. "Hello, are you going to buy a house?"

"Huh!" Downton's attitude is not humble, if the boss looks at people, it will be a big deal to change.

"Is this the building?" After looking at the information and getting a positive answer, the boss nodded. "Okay, I will arrange the carriage here."

"No, we rented one, you just take care of yourself." Downton suggested, "I hope it's faster."

"No problem." The boss of Guozi Face thinks that this young man should be the illegitimate child of a rich man. He just came to Wangdu, so it was shabby.

"Follow the carriage in front." After instructing the driver, Downton took out a book of potions and looked at it. For him, any second is precious, and he will never waste the price of the villa. Problem.

When he came out in the morning, Downton put the wounded goblin steward Abagong into the war space, and if he wanted to trade, let it play.

When it comes to doing business, it is the most powerful.

After entering Dongcheng District, the environment became neat and tidy. On both sides of the street, not only are flower gardens planted with bright flowers, but also tall trees and plants, which create a cool and refreshing atmosphere in this summer season.

Compared with other noisy urban areas, the residential density here is very low, and naturally the number of people is less. Very quiet and quiet.

Horseshoes stepped on the bluestone road slabs, and the hoofs burst.

"It's a place where noble lords live. It's so beautiful!" The driver said with heartfelt admiration. "In this kind of place, we are exhausted for a few lifetimes, and the savings are not enough to buy a house here."

"Sir. Here!"

Twenty minutes later, the carriage stopped in front of a villa with tall black doors.

Downton looked up and admired. The five-meter-high courtyard wall cut off the peeping eyes that might be thrown around, and you can see some trees towering and leafy.

"What do you think? The main building is Baroque. Standing on the attic of the top floor, you can enjoy the night view of Dongcheng District, a small half." Guozi face introduced. Seeing Downton showing a satisfied look, he was suddenly agitated and could not have met a major customer.

If this villa is sold, he can earn a commission of at least 200,000 coins.

"Elaine, what do you think?" Downton looked at his sister.

"Very good, let's go inside to see it!" Along the way, Yilian had eased from her trance and realized her brother's reality as a rich man. If he wants to buy a house for himself, then he should try his best to keep every gold coin from waste.

"What are you doing?" Seeing the boss and the smiling female employee eagerly leading Downton and his party into the villa, the driver was dumbfounded and subconsciously asked the walnut that fell on the back.

"Buy a house!" Walnut thought the driver was stupid, couldn't even see such obvious things?

"But... how can you buy it?" The coachman drew his hands, but he couldn't say it in the end. Yes, why can't they afford it? Is it because the clothes are cheaper to wear?

After all, it is the king capital, the land price is very expensive, so the villa will not be too big. It took everyone half an hour to walk through every corner.

While no one was paying attention, Downton released Abagon.

Elaine looked very carefully and asked a lot of details, but Guozi face did not have any impatience, but took it more cautiously. He knew the other party's performance, but instead he was going to prepare for the rhythm of buying the villa.

"You can repair this garden and plant the flowers you like. After waking up in the afternoon nap, you can enjoy afternoon tea and desserts while admiring the scenery." Guozi Face strongly describes the beauty of the future.

Looking at the swing frame covered with vines, looking at the floating pool with fallen leaves, Elaine has fallen in love with it. She looks at the open-air balcony on the second floor, already dreaming of sitting there, reading a book while blowing the night The picture of the wind.

"It's too broken. Some rooms have peeled off the walls and need to be repainted. It's too much effort and money." Abagong looked at Yilian's expression and knew that she liked the villa, so she immediately entered the housekeeper Role, began to pick the wrong price.

"Uh!" Although Guozi had noticed this goblin long ago, out of respect for Downton, he refrained from complaining, and now he heard him interject and couldn't help looking at Downton.

"He is my housekeeper, and he is solely responsible for the transaction." Downton smiled. "You talk, if the price is right, I will buy this villa."

Guozi stared at Downton's face and watched it for three minutes before he was sure that he was not kidding, but he actually let a dirty, humble goblin take charge of the 6 million transaction!

"Are you crazy? Or am I crazy?" Guozi face lip wriggled a few times, after all, he gave up persuasion, people are willing to use the goblin housekeeper, what to do? If you can't do it yourself, you can raise the price fiercely.

"Boss, please, let's go to the living room and talk, don't disturb the master." Abagong is a gentleman fan, but there are bruises on his face that were beaten in the slave market yesterday, which makes it look funny.

"Well, let's go!" Guozi smiled with a smile on his face, and he was happy in his heart. "A goblin, I guess, can't even recognize the word, even the tenth, I don't pit you a lot, I am really sorry for the goddess of fate. "

"Brother, I don't have a dream, more than 6 million villas, just because I like it, you will buy it for me?" Elaine squatted on the ground and fiddled with a wild grass.

"Just like it!" Downton is confident that he can make more money in the future. Besides, if he buys real estate, he will not lose money in the future.

"I remember when I was a kid, I envied the children of other people to have toys, crying and asking, you made a few big grasshoppers with grass stems to coax me." Elaine's tears shone, from small to big, my brother has been spoiling himself Yeah.

"You're embarrassed to say that I have fallen from the tree in order to catch the bird for you." Downton touched his arm, and he broke his hand for half a year, but he was still naughty after he got better.

Cerise stood beside her, looking at the siblings. She remembered her brother, and she couldn't help feeling sad. Her family was only him. No, there was Downton.

"I think this villa is very good, the price is not expensive, shall we buy it?"

A charming female voice suddenly interrupted the tranquility of the garden.

Downton turned his head and saw a woman in a silk dress walking in the arms of a middle-aged man. His clothes were luxurious, with eight gemstone rings.

"What are you doing here?" The ring man frowned unpleasantly, and the two bodyguards behind him immediately rushed over, ready to catch people.

"Yeah, isn't it Elaine, why didn't she accompany Madeleine, she's sorrowful now." The actress laughed when she saw Elaine.

"Do you know her?" Downton asked with the ring man.

"Her name is Ruth, an actress of the Lark Royal Opera Company, our competitor." Elaine pouted, "No wonder our opera group is always troubled by people, it turns out that you are doing it. Ghost."

This Ruth apparently climbed a big figure, begging him to add a little chaos to himself, certainly no problem.

"Have you heard of "Toffee"? That is the third-rate opera company whose attendance is less than one hundred people. It is about to close down recently. She is working in it." The counterpart is the opponent, Ruth can't wait to take the toffee. All the women were sold into brothels.

"That's much better than you being kidnapped under the title "Royal"." Madeleine, the headwoman of Toffee, is very good to Elaine, and she naturally wants to maintain her honor.

"Well, when do you see how hard you can be?" Ruth sneered, no longer taking Lilian and clinging to the ring. "I like this villa, buy it!"

Ruth didn't want to sing operas for life, too fortunately, she always had to find a way to make money, for example, let the boss in front of him buy this villa for himself, and then resell a large sum of money.

"Sir Marquis, I'm sorry, I just dealt with a business, and I'm late." The boss of the Ruhr firm ran over while wiping sweat from his forehead, and saw the female employee standing in the corridor. Not with Lord Marquis?"

"Adult asked me to wait here." The female employee, that is, the misbehaving lady who was just ridiculous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ explained helplessly, she knew that the boss meant to let her follow the Marquis to sell hard, but others Disgusting yourself for arguing, in fact, the root cause, people have no intention of buying a villa.

Boss Ruhr walked into the garden and saw that Dunton was there, froze for a moment, but quickly concealed his expression and continued to speak to Marquis Leitner with a smile on his face.

Marquis Leitner's irrelevant expression, even the pretty actress in her arms, was too lazy to tease, but looked at the walnut squatting on the edge of the swimming pool frequently. There was a discovery in his eyes. The light of the New World.

"Master Marquis, this villa is absolutely great value for money." Seeing the look of Marquis Leitner, the boss of Ruhr jumped in his heart, his expression hardened. He knew that the sale might not have been played, but he still spared no effort to sell it. .

"Uh, huh." Leitner perfunctoryly walked to Downton and asked in a condescending manner, "Who are you? Won't you come in to steal something?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it at m.qn.)

PS: There was a typo in the front. After Celes advanced to the rank, it should be the fourth rank of war! 9

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