Hero’s Creed

Chapter 302: Are you still a potionist?

"Waste!" Falfur snorted and left with his sleeves. The matter is now, and his trouble with Downton is to humiliate himself.

"It's a pity!" Fred sighed. This kind of talent can't be used for his own use. It's a great loss.

"Brother!" Elaine ran to Downton and hugged him. "I knew you could get a Paladin license."

"Worries you." Downton touched his sister's head. "Let me go, so many people are watching, to be reserved."

"No, you are my brother." Elaine coquettishly took Downton to Andrea.

Some monks looked at the young and beautiful Yilian girl, but they couldn't help but feel throbbing.

"Go get the badge!"

In a large audience, Andrea will not be too intimate with Downton, because it is a matter of identity.


Returning to the third chapel again, everyone's eyes on Downton have changed. In the battle just now, he has proved his strength.

"Please wait!" Magath spent thirty minutes registering for Downton, and finally took a photo and posted it on the file.

"Congratulations, in the future you will be the Knight of the Flame Flame, please go to the Knights Templar to receive badges and full set of armor."

Magath put a large red seal on an identification card and handed it to Downton.

"Thank you!" Although Magath had been pitted, Downton still maintained the most basic etiquette under the large crowd.

Seeing this scene, some deacons felt that Downton was well-cultivated.


Elaine worried that her brother would be troubled in the Knights Templar and begged Andrea to go with him.

"Forget it. Let's go with you!"

The Knights Templar manages all the daily lives of the knights. Although Fred is directly under his supervisor, the words of the priest Andrea are generally not violated.

The daily deacon was also watching the Yanwuchang just now. When he saw the three Downton, they naturally knew their intentions, so they immediately went through the formalities and took a set of white light armor and two sets of everyday clothes from the logistics office. .

"This is the Knight Guardian badge representing your identity. Please drip blood on it." The deacon handed a six-centimeter-diameter platinum badge to Downton. "Please follow me to swear!"

Downton bit his finger and dripped blood on the badge. As he swore with the deacon, the blood immediately turned into his name. Branded on the back.

The oath is very simple. Downton is, after all, a Knight of the Templar, and is an alternate of external armed forces. He will not organize a formal priesthood ceremony until he becomes a Templar.

"Congratulations on becoming a member of the Holy Flame, wearing it. You can go in and out of the church at any time." After the deacon handed his clothes to Downton, he took another canon and put it on it. "Please recite it completely. Otherwise you will be punished. ."

"Well!" Downton was the least afraid of carrying things, not to mention that he also had the Homer weapon.

"You have three days of vacation, please report to the Cavalier afterwards, we will arrange your daily work."

The following sentence of the deacon. Downton was dumbfounded.

"Ah?" Downton had time to stay in the church all day, guarding the gate? He didn't want to do that.

"Idiot, covered with Andrea, do you think you will be as hard as an ordinary guardian of the guardian?" The deacon groaned in the bottom of his heart, said all the precautions, and turned to Andrea after saluting. go away.

"Prince!" Downton didn't know how to explain.

"what happened?"

"Can I ask for a long vacation." Downton said daringly.

"Why?" Andrea's brow furrowed.

"Go back this time. I'm going to be the mayor of Chenwu Town, and my usual schedule is full. I really have no time to do it here."

"It's a big tone, the mayor? Are you in power blind?" Andrea didn't believe it. How old was Downton. If you have a backstage, you might still be able to be a leader, but he is a civilian.

"Teacher, my brother didn't lie to you." Elaine quickly explained.

Listening to Elaine talking about Downton’s experience in the mine, I heard that Downton went to the dragon hills to rob the bandits, captured the cottage, handed a few notorious wanted criminals, and finally beheaded the tyrant Tyson, protecting Chenwu Town Without being looted, Andrea stunned, "Really?"

"Of course it is true. There are more than one hundred ogres and bear goblins in the house. If you don't believe it, you can ask them."

"Ogre? What are you doing with them at home?" Andrea's focus was off.

"I wanted to sell them, but no one wanted them." Downton scratched his hair, embarrassed.

"Oh, an ogre slave? You came up with it." Andrea smirked. "Is it right?"

"Well!" Downton was helpless, and even genius merchants like Abagong couldn't sell it.

"You are too young, or focus on improving your strength. What kind of position is the mayor? All of them are supported by the nobility above, otherwise no matter how good your government affairs are, you will not be promoted in your life. It can be different here, as long as If you work harder, being a Captain Cavaliers is not a problem."

Andrea used to promote Downton because of Elaine's relationship, but now he really values ​​him. This kind of strength can definitely become his own help with a little experience.

"Even if I'm not the mayor, I don't have time to report!" Downton complained. He couldn't tell the priest that he still had a grand goal and wanted to swallow the entire west.

"What's the reason this time?" Andrea was a little annoyed, and if she was replaced by an ordinary person to get her own appreciation, she would jump up and down.

"I still have to study potions, that takes too much time."

Downton needs a backer to temporarily shelter him from the wind and rain, but he will not put everything on her. What if the backer falls down? So he had to keep expanding his forces and crawling at night until the legion expanded, and no one dared to ignore him.

"Are you still a potionist?" Andrea was surprised. "Who did you learn from?"

Divine skills can rely on epiphany, but potions are not. It is an advanced discipline that requires a lot of reading and experimentation. Without more than ten years of accumulation, don't think of success.

"With a pharmacy owner." Downton moved Xia Luo out.

"Brother didn't lie. He has already signed up. He will take the potionist qualification test in our school on the first of next month. If you don't believe it, you can check it at that time." Elaine saw that the tutor didn't believe it and quickly explained. "What are you still doing? Take out the magic you can squeeze out potions?"

Downton took out two potions, and in order to increase credit, even Juli potions were taken out.

"Both of these are configured by you?" Andrea's face dignified. As a child of the rich family, she understood the importance of a potionist.

"Huh!" Downton nodded solemnly. Explain the effect of the medicament.

Andrea obviously also understands the problem of the utilization rate of drug efficacy. After hearing 70%, he took a deep look at Downton, then unscrewed the lid and took a sip.

The magic energy squeezes the potion entrance, and the priest immediately feels that the soul tree is much closer to the surrounding magic energy.

"Quality is good. I have as much as you have." Andrea finished, stunned. Then laughed, the other party was still a teenager, how to treat him as a potionist to talk about business.

Downton quickly took out all the potions to Andrea, not for herself. For Yilian, he had to coax the tutor.

"I will give you according to the market price."

"No, I'll do it without it." Downton smiled. "It's just that it will delay the time to come to the church."

"Sliding head, okay, I will allow you to stay at home." The priest gave Downton a glance. "You have such a skill. What other paladin, just get a license and push out the potion, a lot of nobles Waiting to hire you."

"I don't want to be hired." Downton said the truth, he was not willing to be a potionist.

After the matter was dealt with, Andrea did not intend to wait for Downton to get acquainted with the environment, but went straight home.

"This potion is much better than the ordinary magic can squeeze potion. What is the reason?" Andrea has money and has drunk a lot of potions, so she knows the effect well.

"The lord prince is as bright as a torch, and the formula has been improved, so the medicinal effect has improved a lot." Downton answered truthfully, and even handed out the formula. This kind of thing is no longer valuable to him, it is better to brush it up.

Seeing Downton's movements, Andrea's eyes narrowed and almost pierced into his eyes, "Is it true that I want to show it, or lie to me?"

The priest reached out to get the recipe. His eyes kept staring at Downton, and found that he didn’t feel any distress and regret, but she was still not at ease, "What do you mean? This recipe is circulating, at least worth 30 million, you are not afraid I am greedy?"

"If you are greedy, you won't want gem necklaces." Downton complimented the priest.

"Different, the formula itself is worth 30 million yuan, but its derivative value is too great. Don’t forget that the magic can squeeze potion is the top ten best-selling potion. If it is mass-produced, many potion studios can close down in the pharmaceutical industry. Settle uproar."

To be honest, Andrea is tempted~www.wuxiaspot.com~If this formula is given to the family, it is of great significance. Even if it is not put into mass production, it can be exchanged for huge benefits, and it is not suitable for the children of the family. It can also speed up the time for their strength to increase.

"You need it, even if it's taken away." Downton said that I tried the configuration process. If it is so easy to mass-produce, I have considered recruiting a potionist to open a studio and make a big profit.

Andrea originally wanted to return it to Downton, but when she thought she had run away from home for so many years, she didn't make any contribution to the family. She became soft-hearted and withdrew the formula.

"Downton, this time I owe you the favor, no matter what trouble you and Elaine caused, I promise to protect you as much as possible." Andrea made a promise.

"Your breath is so great, what if I slaughtered the prince of Drankfork?" Downton quipped, remembering the son of the Chancellor of the Treasury who met at school that day.

"Well, King Drankford has more than one son. If he kills, he will kill. After all, if he is all killed, it will be enough to have another one."

Andrea's words were quite domineering, and both Elaine and Downton were stunned. They looked at the priest and found that she was not talking big, but really looked down on King Drankford.

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