Hero’s Creed

Chapter 325: The Royal Society of Pharmacists!

It was almost lunch time, but Elaine hadn't returned yet, which gave Downton's mind a shadow.

"Don't worry, it will definitely pass. Elaine may buy congratulations for you." Homer comforted Downton, trying to say something, interrupted by Abagong's knock on the door.

"Master, a gentleman named Medell visits!"

"Invite him to the living room!" Downton certainly remembered the potion agent who met in the lobby of the association. He did not delay to see him.

Medel was used to wearing the standard robe issued by the Association of Poisonists, because no matter where he went, the clothes would bring him enough respect.

Seeing Downton walk in, Medell, who was drinking tea, immediately got up and greeted him, with an attitude and tone like an old friend who had known him for more than ten years.

"Downton, I feel relieved when I see you in a good mood."

"Huh?" Downton and Homer were stunned, and with their wisdom, they guessed the meaning of this sentence in an instant, "Aren't they falling behind?"

"Ah? Don't you know? Didn't you go to watch the results list?" Medell is also a good person who observes and observes. After noticing Downton's expression, he was secretly happy, he was the first to comfort him. This emotional card is absolutely Out of weight.

"I didn't pass the exam?"

When he saw Medel nodding, a huge sense of loss filled Dunton's chest, and he unconsciously sat on the sofa and took a sip of tea.

The black tea was very hot, but Downton felt nothing.

Medell had seen too many candidates who lost their spirits or even collapsed after falling behind, so he kept quiet and gave Downton a breathless pause.

"It's impossible!" Homer roared in Downton's heart: "Your actual operation is full marks. I have checked the written test. At least I can get 80 points. How can I fall off the list?"

"Perhaps people have high scores?" Downton tried to find a reasonable answer. In his view, the main examiner is the Royal Pharmacy is the association, very authoritative, so the only thing wrong is to make yourself.

"Fart, there must be something greasy in it, yes. That Huajin, maybe he's playing tricks." With Homer's grace, he couldn't help but swear, he was angry that Downton was hacked and didn't say, this kid was even Do you have the courage and ideas to defend your legitimate rights?

"Do you think I didn't want to go to the association to check the score? But since people did it, they certainly wouldn't leave their feet." Downton roared back and cracked the tea cup with a click.

Homer was suddenly speechless, and it was undeniable that Downton's scruples were correct, even if he found the association. In the end, it may be a shame.

Looking at the splashing tea, Medel was startled, and quickly persuaded Downton, "Calm down, don't be impulsive, use your ability, the big deal to test twice, you can definitely get the qualification of pharmacist. I think you Once, it was simply bad luck."

"Luck?" Downton sneered. Take out the handkerchief, wipe the tea on the hand.

"Yeah, I heard that you operate full marks, then the problem must be the written test. Your basic knowledge is not strong enough, so I think you can focus on strengthening this aspect next." Medel patted his chest. "I'm a mid-level potionist, very good at these. If you don't understand anything, just ask me!"

Medel valued Downton very much, so he inquired about him, after learning that the Grand Potions had invited her in the examination room. He felt that Downton would have achieved something, so he came in the first time after the list was released. Even if he could not sign him, he had to have a relationship with him.

The icing on the cake is never as good as giving it away in the snow.

"Will Downton like this kind of gift?" Homer's little hand held a beautifully packed book with a face of unbelief. "Is there any book in the big book tube? I think we should buy some rare items?"

"This is enough!"

Cerise chose a stack of bookmarks, and she knew that Downton liked things related to culture.

The two girls twittered, and as they were about to enter the living room, Abagong ran to them and made a silent gesture.

"What's wrong?" Walnut is puzzled. Does he still have to speak quietly at home?

"The host is in a bad mood, so try to keep quiet and don't disturb him." Abagong had been watching everything in the living room. He heard Downton's fall, and he almost rushed in to ask if Medel had deliberately teased the host. How can it fail at the master's level?

"Why? I should be happy when I was admitted to the potionist?" Walnut blinked his **** and white eyes, and he hadn't responded yet. The next Celesce frowned. "You mean Downton didn't get in?" "

"Hmm!" Abagong nodded.

"Nonsense!" Walnut kicked the goblin housekeeper, and his angry face flushed. "How could Downton fall? He sleeps only two hours a day, is more diligent than everyone, and he is better than everyone else." Smart, those candidates are finished, Downton will certainly pass."

Walnut left Abagong and ran to the living room, but was pulled by Ceres.

"It's true, the results are on the list." Abagong climbed up, the walnut kicked very lightly, or with the strange power of Little Loli, it had broken a long time ago.

"That must be the wrong grade, yes, it must be." In Walnut's heart, Downton was the first genius. There was nothing to stifle him. She believed the big brother unconditionally and worshiped the big brother, so I heard This news, her first reaction was that something went wrong with the association.

"Huh, I'm going to ask them to settle the account. I dare to confuse Downton's grades." Walnut hugged the book he bought tightly to his chest, and rushed toward the door without looking back. Her white teeth were bitten. Lips, but she didn't feel any pain, and now she was left with the idea of ​​retrieving results for Downton.

"Walnut!" Ceres chased out.

"Little master, don't be impulsive!"

Abagon didn't expect that things would develop like this. He was in a hurry and hurried out.

The Green Goblin has been a slave to Little Loli for a period of time. He knew that Walnut was crazy, but it was comparable to the existence of Super World of Warcraft. She no matter how powerful the Pharmacist Association is, she will definitely flatten it to the ground.

"The master could not have been framed by that Huajin. There is no evidence, but Walnut can only get humiliated to get justice."

Abagong, with his broken leg, desperately chased the walnuts, but where can he keep up with Little Loli.

As soon as Walnut came out of the gate, he took out the soul mount badge and infused magic energy. The blood-red light flashed, and a burly Sherman war bear came out.

Little Loli jumped into the saddle, shook the reins, and sprinted at full speed.

There was a slow carriage next to it. Suddenly I saw a fierce bear that was bigger than a chariot. The driver shouted in shock. The horse pulling the car was even more frightened and turned around to run.

"Walnut, wait for me!"

Celesce also felt that Downton could not be dropped, so there must be some conspiracy inside. She had to follow Walnut. In addition to worrying about Little Loli's accident, she also wanted to get an explanation for Downton.

As the death banshee of Princess Xueman, there is a temperament that is not afraid of fear in the bones. This is the courage brought by identity and status.

The coachman just appeased the horse, wondering if he was dazzling just now, he saw a goblin rushing out of the door of the villa, and then released a violent bear, and then ran on it.

"My Emperor Polo, what's wrong with this?" The driver thought he must have hallucinated, otherwise how could he see the goblin riding a bear.

Pedestrians on the road didn't have this idea, and saw a little loli rushing past a war bear, almost glaring his eyes.

"I'm right, is it the Sherman War Bear mount worth tens of millions?"

"Who is that little girl? Haven't heard of Wang Du still having such a character?"

"My Emperor Polo, look. There are two war bears in the back. Doesn't even the princes have such rare and rare mounts?"

Some of the noble children who played recognized the war bear and immediately discussed it.

After all, Drankford is only a third-rate country, and usually can see some rich second-generation and right-two generations galloping on pure-blood horses, like war bear mounts, which is one level higher than super luxury sports cars. It is strange to be unobtrusive if it exists.

Abagong is about to die. He must stop the walnuts as soon as possible so that she will not make a big deal, and then send someone back to inform Downton that he thinks no one can organize little Loli except the master.

"The power of the Pharmacists Association is too great, don't you cause trouble to the owner?" Abagong thought, only to be thankful that the street was wide enough that the walnut didn't hit the pedestrian.

Of course, listening to the roar of the hoof, watching this behemoth rush over, as long as the person with long eyes flashed off early.

In front of the long street of the association hall, the candidates who lost the list are almost all scattered. Only those who have passed the exam have not left. They are waiting in the hall, waiting for the certificates, uniforms and badges, and their relatives and friends have not left. Talking and laughing, connecting feelings.

Everyone is in the same session. In the future, it is inevitable to have contacts.

However, as pedestrians in the distance avoided the road, they closed their mouths, and then saw two war bears rushing by.

The whole body of the War Bear is covered with heavy armor, with tribal emblems painted with blood, and two long fangs of animal teeth that are several meters long are even more domineering.

"What is she going to do? Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to be running towards this side!"

"Hurry, she intends to rush into the association hall!"

The pedestrians were completely panicked and shouted to dodge.

Walnut rode a war bear and rushed up the stairs in one breath, then slammed into the hall.

Boom, the bear was too burly, the door frame on the left was rubbed by it, and it was directly broken into small stones, and fell to the floor.

The hall was silent and the needles could be heard. All of them were clinging to the wall tightly, looking at the domineering war bear with a horrified face.

"Who registered the score? Stand up!"

Walnut stood on the back of the war bear, bent down to take off the torn dragon teeth hanging beside the saddle, and looked down at the hall where there was a circle, and then the eyes fell on the staff of the few people working.

The huge battle axe is taller than the walnut, and was held in the hands of little Loli, revealing an exaggerated beauty of violence! (To be continued...)

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