Hero’s Creed

Chapter 332: Pub recruit teammates

The head of the robber lay prone on the ground, his limbs twitching, and hot and humid blood came out of the wound on his neck and soaked the ground. m

The Ghoul Corps had already killed the other robbers. They were surrounded by the corpses and snarled, unwilling to leave. Instinctively, they were eager to devour their internal organs and brains, but without the master’s order, they could only be anxious. Waiting.

"I don't know what you are clinging to? For ghouls, humans are like rations, just like you eat other animals. It is a natural law." Homer persuaded, "The corpses are thrown here, and they will eventually be killed. If the dog gnaws off, it’s better to feed the ghouls and eat more brains. Their strength and wisdom will evolve faster."

"Forget it, this time there are outsiders, wait for the next time to eat them." Downton snapped his fingers, the door of war opened, and the undead legion returned.

The people on the carriage didn't come down. They were really scared by the crazy **** attack of the ghouls. They looked at Downton, just like to see another executioner. Fortunately, Madeleine didn't care.

"Pippen, hurry up and get the contract." Madeleine glanced at Downton's finger. She felt the magical energy fluctuate, but he wore gloves, and the elder sister's head saw nothing.

"Be careful, I still have something to do, so I will go first."

Downton didn't plan to be an opera actor. Madeleine's enthusiasm made him give up his greetings, turned the horse directly, patted the hips, and stopped after more than 20 meters. "Madeline leader, there will be a period Now!"

"Hello, wait, a chance of fame is right in front of your eyes, miss it. You will regret it for a lifetime." Madeleine chased a few steps, but unfortunately the horse was too fast. She tried her best to make her unable to catch up.

"Head, the contract is here."

Standing tall, Pippen stood in front of Madeleine and nodded.

"Everyone ran away. What's the point of asking for a contract?" Madeleine glared at her assistant. "You can't learn a little smarter? I think the development of the troupe has been stumbled all because of your mediocre assistant. "

Pippen was taught with humility, and the women got out of the car. They discussed the incident of robbers just now. They understood that the head of the group was a tofu with a knife in their mouth and cursed at most two words. Even if they made a great mistake, as long as the group members did not leave, she would not expel them.

"Hurry up and take it off. Now that Browning is the focus of the entire continent, if we perform a few classic operas there, the reputation will surely spread throughout the world."

Madeleine bites the candy, and she is always struggling. The "Toffee" should be made the first opera group in the mainland.

Browning’s land is not small, but the land is sparsely populated and the land that can be cultivated is too small. Coupled with the climate, the annual food production is poor. People who are not full are forced to leave the Principality, so this vicious circle. As a result, there are fewer and fewer people. Apart from the main city of Browning, there is not even a decent city. There are a few thousand people in the town.

Venissa is such a large town with a population of 5,000. This is due to its location near a large freshwater lake, because in summer, the townspeople can fish and hunt, and accumulate some fish that can survive the winter.

With the discovery of the lava secret, a large number of adventurers, mercenaries, mercenaries, etc. poured into the town of Venissa, which naturally led to trade and business opportunities.

The arrival of sensitive business travellers and various business groups has made Vinisha exponentially prosperous, just like those towns that have emerged because of mining. As long as the passage of lava secrets has always existed, Vinisha can not only exceed Browning There is no problem in becoming the main city in the north.

Now many Duke and Kings are envious of Duke Browning’s **** luck. Although the news of the secret has leaked and attracted many covets, only tens of thousands of dollars in business tax every day is enough to make him I woke up laughing in my dreams.

Most people think that Grand Duke Browning is stupid, but a small number of people think he is Dazhi Ruoyu. Maybe the news of the secret world was leaked out deliberately.

In order to discover the value of the mystery with the details of this principality, it takes too long to tell the truth. It is impossible for Browning to have so much time to explore with the perfect intelligence system of the nine empires, so it is better to simply use it to bring Influence to build a prosperous city.

As he approached Vinisha, Downton discovered that the population had grown, and various convoys escorting the full load of goods hurriedly passed on the road. A thriving atmosphere, even the biting cold wind could not cool people's faces. Smile.

Even the locals can no longer recognize the original appearance of Venissa, because now overcrowded, the image of the former depression is changed.

When Downton arrived, looking at the magician on the street, almost absent, he was still late.

Inns, pubs, and even houses with civilians have long been leased out, and adventurers who have nowhere to sleep set up tents outside the town, standing up next to a piece of wood, with various teams written on it. Recruitment information.

"Recruit a paladin or priest of the fifth tier of war, with a daily salary of 100 gold coins.

"Recruiting powerful mages, the salary can be 30% according to the team's weekly gain."

"My emperor Polo, the orcs get out, here is the territory of humanity!"

The information is too mixed, and even racists are interspersed. How can the orcs not take a slice of this big secret? Besides, the Principality of Browning does not restrict orcs from entering, so various orcs can be seen here, but the atmosphere is not so good.

The sub-human races of orcs, barbarians, ogres, and trolls spontaneously established forces on the east side of the town. The two sides generally enter the water without violating the river, but after entering the secret realm, the fight must be unavoidable.

"Hey, look, which one is the troll? My Emperor Polo, although it doesn't look good, but this pair of chests is really big enough." Downton saw eyes for so many different races for the first time. .

Human women have seen more, and there is always less freshness, which is like those sub-humans, Wolf Wolf Girl, Fox Fox Girl, which are all famous interracial beauties.

"What's this? At the scale of the lava realm, you wait and see, and within a month, the elves will come." Homer has long been used to this kind of scene. "It's not even a dark elf. You can see it with the dragon girl!"

"No, isn't the slave trap happy?" Downton stunned.

"Happy? You're so good as an elf? People don't have the strength to venture into the human kingdom?" Homer teased, "Don't watch it, go find a good team first!"

The strength of an adventure group can be inferred from the age and number of team members, the degree of professional matching, and the quality of equipment.

"Did you see that adventure group? Although everyone is a superb outfit of water, but they are too young, obviously a group of noble children." Homer pointed to the crowd and gave Downton insights, "For the team to come It is said that equipment is one of them, and rich experience is also indispensable."

"What else?" Downton listened with excitement and walked to the town's tavern, where it had been requisitioned by several guilds and became a temporary office. Various transactions, employment, and recruitment information can be found here.

"The most important point of joining the adventure group is to see if the other party has a good leader. Not only is the commander experienced, but the character must also be guaranteed, otherwise you will be punished and there is no place to reason." Homer is actually very annoying In the tavern, the spirit of the wine is nothing but rude men.

Downton saw that there were long lines in front of the five counters. There was no way but to wait.

"Have you heard? The main group of "Garden of the Savage" has explored to the east a hundred miles, which is the farthest so far."

"Your news is outdated. The fastest is the "Indian Head". It has explored to the northwest to a position of 120 miles, but it is said that it was stumbled by a magma pool."

Information is never lacking in the tavern, and adventurers have spoken a lot while chatting.

According to Western soil laws, professional corps of major powers are not allowed to enter other countries, so secret adventures will always be the time for the large mercenary corps to compete.

Whoever explores the farthest and draws the most detailed maps, in addition to getting huge benefits, will also get huge honors and prestige, and make the team rank higher in the mercenary union.

In order to make a living, the magicians will choose to join the mercenary group, and they will definitely choose the top ranked ones. Under this mechanism, the mercenary group can always ensure that there is sufficient potential for fresh blood input to ensure competitiveness.

The eyes of the adventurers occasionally swept Downton and would not talk to him. He was too young, and with a curious expression on his face, it was a rookie at first glance and had no value in cooperation.

Of course, except for scammers and thieves, they try to pick a rookie to start, because they are easy to be fooled.

Downton queued for more than an hour before it was his turn. Standing in front of the counter, he suddenly had a rapid heartbeat, so he quickly took a few deep breaths to calm his heartbeat.

"Junior~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can I help you?" The staff is professionally trained by the mercenary union after all, the quality is good, and he has not discriminated against him because of his age.

"Can you provide some information about the more reputable adventure group? I want to join an adventure secret." Those who have registered with the union are more reputable than those outside who directly raise signs and shout people, and the team information will be more detailed , Easy to choose, naturally, this service is not free, Downton at least pay a gold coin query fee.

"Okay, please ask your age, occupation, and the position of the team you need, other jobs you can do." The staff asked in detail, because they also have a recommendation business.

How can the secret adventure not kill people, so even the powerful adventure group will add reserve personnel, they have limited time, and they will not be down to the point of recruiting on the street to raise signs, so they are directly looking for people in the union.

"Sixteen, Paladin!"

Downton's voice hadn't settled yet, the sight around him suddenly gathered and stared at him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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