Hero’s Creed

Chapter 337: First entry into the lava realm

"Whoever wants to die can stand up!"

Downton looked at the guards and held the knife handle with one hand.

"Boy, don't you take a breath, and don't look at this place?" A deputy commander spit and pointed to the barracks behind him. "Can you hit us a thousand?"

"Sir, if this guy died unexpectedly, how much would it cost to settle?" Downton ignored the ten commander and asked the hundred commander.

"Death?" The Hundred People understood what Downton meant, but did not answer.

"Ten thousand gold mark?" Downton's mouth overflowed with a disdainful smile. "I only have a maximum of 50,000. If the transaction is established, I nod."

The chief hesitated, not to mention ten thousand, and given him five thousand gold coins, he could find an excuse to kill the soldier. If he were not in a large public, he would agree.

The soldiers were surprised. Unexpectedly, Downton said such a thing. The commander-in-chief is not calm. He knows what virtue the officer is. If he excuses himself to patrol, he can kill and report a disappearance.

"Okay, the joke ends here." Anthony first interrupted the chief's words and taught the ten captains, "Put your mouth clean, he is a Templar, if you insult him, he has the right to force you to force Join the duel of life and death."

"What? Templar? No kidding, how old is he?"

"Don't be stunned. Hurry up and apologize, you can't afford such a person."

Not only were the soldiers staring at Downton in shock, but even the adventurers around were stunned. Downton's identity really surprised them.

The girl's long hair was grabbed by her violent father, and her eyes fell on Downton's face. A ray of winter sun shone on his face, making his outline more firm.

Downton took the badge and put it on his chest, being a civilian for too long. He has not been used to pressing people with his identity. According to the unwritten rules of the Western Continent, the honor of the Templars is not tarnished. It is a blasphemy against the Goddess of Justice. Downton has the right to demand a life and death duel.

"Master Cavaliers, I was just talking nonsense. You let me go!" The ten commander knelt on the ground with a thud, and snapped his face while begging Downton in a panic.

The Templars killed people, and the local sheriff had no right to interrogate them, because only the Glorious Holy See could try the knights. All they could do was report the knight’s behavior to the Holy See, and even they could not even see the result of the trial.

Many countries on the Western Continent are theocratic supremacy, the influence of the light flame is too great, so that the position of the priesthood is also high.

"Humph. Get out!"

Downton was not interested in arguing with a miscellaneous fish, and waited until the deputy leader came to the front and took out his wallet.

"Haha, your wallet is really unique." Dongba can't help but ridicule. The wallet is obviously privately sewed. The stitches are messy. It's as terrible as the centipede crawling. It is embroidered with an abstract fox pattern. .

"It was made by my sister." Downton smiled. In order to do this, Selece's fingers were hit with dozens of stitches. It made him feel distressed and warm.

"Oh, no wonder you have to pay for them. It turned out to be a big deal!" As a shooter, Dongba's eyesight is naturally not weak, and at a glance, he saw that Dunton's wallet was stuffed with 1,000 denominations. Golden ticket, bulging it. He estimated it at least 50,000 to 60,000.

"What's this? His saber is the perfect level of the Black Dragon's Wings." Anthony quipped, also complimenting Downton, so that others shouldn't be in trouble because he was young.

The members stared subconsciously at Downton's waist, and immediately remembered that his shield was not bad. Some were cold.

Hu Zuonan heard this, his eyes lit up, and stared down at Downton like he found the treasure, and then glanced at his wife again.

After paying the toll, a man in charge of scouts unfolded the soul shield and took the lead in crossing the plane rift.

Downton was in the second half of the team because he was a knight. When he stepped into the crack, a slight tear force swept through the body, and he wanted to be separated from the five horses.

The field of vision became dark and dizzy, unable to distinguish the direction at all. Fortunately, this process lasted for less than five seconds, and Downton stood on the ground again.

Before he opened his eyes, a wave of heat came.

The change in temperature between the sudden cold and the hot made everyone uncomfortable, sneezed a few times, and even coughed.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

The female wizard of the team looked at the orange burning clouds in the sky and quickly took out the dv crystal shot.

The field of vision is plain, except for the occasional volcanoes, the scenery is unobstructed. Because of the high temperature, the air is transpiring, and there is strong convection, so the distant scene appears blurred.

Volcanic ash is everywhere, and Downton’s instep is trapped inside, the warm feeling reaching the skin through the deerskin boots.

In less than five minutes, the crowd had not left the vicinity of the crack in the plane, and it was too hot to take off, and all took off their winter clothes.

"It's miserable, I'm most afraid of the heat." Dongba sweated and couldn't help but take out the kettle and take a sip.

"Save water, this is a lava secret, water is very scarce. If you don’t want to die, it’s best to keep your mouth shut." Let the army stationed here check the certificate, Anthony returned to the team, his attitude changed, showing the leader The majesty of ", in the form of an alert, set off!"

No need to tell, experienced adventurers know what to do. They rushed and started to sort out their equipment. No one spoke, because it would waste energy and water.

Downton led the horses and followed the team. Although his face did not change, his heart was already panned.

"Homer, what's the matter with you? Answer me!" Downton wanted to share with the magic book how he first entered the secret realm, but Homer was completely silent.

"Could it be that the magic code was damaged through a crack in the plane?" Downton thought, thinking that this was the only possibility. He reached into his pocket and tried to fetch a gold coin from the war space by covering it up. But nothing happened at all.

"Homer, wouldn't you tease me?"

Even Downton shouted, there was still no response.

"Mom!" There was also the girl who was also disturbed. When his father saw Anthony recruiting members, he chased up and recommended himself.

She didn't think she would succeed, plus she didn't have time to prepare supplies, so besides daily luggage. They don't have any secret strategy items.

"Don't worry." Millia clutched her daughter Juliet's hand and looked at her husband De Niro.

"Don't bother me, I'm thinking of a way." Hu Ni Nan De Niluo glared at his wife, staring at Downton, ready to hit his idea, this newcomer is the most softhearted. If you ask other adventurers, you must touch the nail.

"Lily, you go." De Niro called her daughter's nickname and ordered her.

"I don't!" Juliet refused, hiding behind Downton. She would rather do the dirtiest and most tiring work than ask for help.

"Let's go." Miriah had no way to get the supplies as soon as possible. She was thirsty and thirsty, for the sake of her daughter. What kind of beggars asked in a low voice, and she was willing to do more embarrassing things.

"Well, go back quickly." De Niro touched his stomach and looked into the distance with his eyes bright, clenched his fists, this time the salted fish must be turned over.

"Hurry up and try to reach the outpost before noon." Anthony urged and explained the basic situation.

There is not only a jet lag between the Lava Land and the Western Soil Continent. And the speed of time is also different, spend a day in the mysterious environment. It’s been two days in West Soil, but it doesn’t work if you want to practice here. The concentration of magic energy is too low, which is why the head of the team let everyone prepare the magic stone and potions. If you wait for nature to recover, it will take too long.

"Hello. Lord Knight, can you give us some clean water? Just a little." The young woman Miria lowered her voice with a humble smile, begging Downton.

Downton glanced at the sick woman, then turned to look at her daughter with frostbite. After hesitating, he shook his head.


If it were usual, Downton would have no problem sending them a water sac, because hundreds of gallons of clean water were stored in iron buckets in the war space, and he would have enough bath every day.

But just after entering the secret realm, Homer was suddenly silent, the war space was not opened, and I did not know when it would be contacted. This means that Downton currently only has the materials dragged by the horses, so save it anyway.

"Thank you!" Miliya couldn't hide her disappointment, but she didn't linger. She thanked her and left.

Downton still has a concern, he has not been in contact with this family, who knows their heart? He didn't want to be deceived as an injustice, but looking at their bad appearance, he still couldn't bear it, and waved his hands to release the wind.

A halo of white light appeared on Miria's head, and the light spot came to heal her body.

"My Emperor Polo, the wind of the **** Mu? Is this a bishop-level magic?"

The team's middle-aged knight saw this scene and called out directly, looking at Downton, as if looking at a rare earth-dragon.

The rest of the team members are also in doubt, but then comes a friendly smile. Having a strong teammate means that everyone's life is also more assured.

"Head, you have found the treasure." Rebecca sighed, even though Downton would only be able to heal this magical skill, it would be enough to recruit him at a large price. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Downton, don't waste magic energy. There are crises in the secret world. We may fight at any time." Anthony reminded kindly, giving a warning, "No skills will be allowed without my order in the future."

"So the chick is the chick, no experience killing people!"

Triangle's eyes shrugged and ridiculed Downton.

"Stop saying a few words!"

Rebecca played round, and she could see that Downton was not the kind to lose money easily, and it would be troublesome to fight.

In two hours, the team's speed was much slower, because everyone's physical strength and sweat loss were too serious,

"Head, this place is hotter than the Sahara desert!" The beard kept wiping sweat, licking the corners of his dry mouth, not willing to drink water.

"Everyone is working harder. We are in the limestone vulture territory. Let's walk over and talk." Anthony's voice just fell, and a group of black clouds appeared in the sky in the northwest. The vulture group arrived. (To be continued...)

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