Hero’s Creed

Chapter 342: Shock War Tier 4

"So fast, you didn't do it?" Hu Zannan waited anxiously, but when Miria suddenly appeared, he was a little surprised. M

The young woman shook her head.

"What about the money? Didn't you get it?" Hu Zhannan hurriedly reached for his wife's pocket and unexpectedly discovered that there were sixteen gold tickets with a denomination of 1,000, "So much?"

"Downton is a good person!" Millia argued.

"Huh!" Seeing no one around, Hu Zhannan suddenly reached into his wife's pants and touched it under the hips.

"What are you doing?" Millia was startled and pushed De Niro away, her face flushed red.

"It's really not done. It seems that the kid is either incompetent or a dogma who sticks to the dogma." Hu Zhannan was relieved and honestly told his wife to sleep with other men, he was always a little uncomfortable.

When Julie woke up, she saw that she was lying in a tent, and her father was happily sorting out adventure items. Her face suddenly changed, and she looked at her mother, "Mom, you..."

"That boy was very kind, and his mother didn't do anything, she got more than 10,000 gold coins."

Miriah did not want to reduce her image in the mind of her daughter, and spread a good lie.

"Well, if you want me to say that the kid is stupid, wait and see, people like him will be killed sooner or later." Hu Zainan scolded and was confident in the next adventure.

Juliet sat on the blanket with her hands on her knees and fell into silence. She didn't know why. After hearing nothing happened to her mother and Downton, she was relieved in her heart.

Looking at the room that was quiet again, Downton slapped himself hard and forced himself to calm down.

"What if Homer doesn't talk anymore? What if the ancient magic book is scrapped? I'm still Downton in the morning fog town. I can still fight!"

Downton stood up, facing the wall with a heavy punch, all the depression and worry disappeared, replaced by a strong impulse.

"Good, this is the will!" Homer said suddenly. "Otherwise you will always be a loser!"

"Are you all right?"

Downton was stunned for a moment.

"When passing through the plane crack, I was eroded by the law of the mysterious plane, and now I am fully repairing it. It takes about three months to sleep, so I cannot support you during this period!"

"Huh. As long as you don't die." Downton was relieved. "But I will not give up exploring the secret realm."

"If you're afraid to leave, I'll be disappointed." Homer quipped, elemental arms grabbed the dark purgatory walnut and handed out twenty magic diamonds. "Hurry up and advance, and one more strength will be one more safety. I hope you can give me a surprise when I wake up."

"no problem."

Downton waved his fist, and the stone that fell on his heart finally fell.

Homer is not talking, and uses the final power to send out some necessary items, including some potions and soul mount badges.

After tidying up briefly, Downton set out to find a safe place to advance.

"Hey. Look, it's Downton. Where is that kid going?"

Triangular Eye and Long Hair Archer are recreational on the second floor of a tavern in the trade zone, and seeing Downton heading straight out of the base and heading west is somewhat unclear.

"Follow up. Kill him if you have a chance."

Triangular Eyes took out a bag of gold coins and threw them on the table. They couldn't care about the change and hurried down the stairs with their companions.

Downton left the base more than 500 meters, feeling far enough, and summoned Sherman to fight the bear. Riding on it galloping.

"My Emperor Polo, is actually a soul mount. Is there anything in this kid's body?" The long-haired archer opened Hawkeye to track Downton, and he was stunned after seeing him mount the war bear.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up, it's Sherman worth tens of millions." Triangle Eye swallowed and hurried back to fetch the horse.

After running for half an hour, Downton stopped in a severely weathered stone forest and turned around. After confirming that there was no trace of human and World of Warcraft activities, he sat in the shadow cast by a stone pillar up to tens of meters. Down.

After the dark purgatory walnuts were extracted from the fragments of the hand of creation, they turned golden, leaving only the purest energy. Downton placed the magic diamond on the ground, drank a magic energy to squeeze the potion, and swallowed the walnuts.

As the holy angel was meditating, the walnut was activated by the soul force, and he began to madly spill the energy and madly flow toward the soul tree in his mind.

The Soul Force appeared and stretched into a white angel shape. The concentration of magic energy in the lava realm was too low. Fortunately, there were a lot of magic diamonds in Downton, and the energy released by the walnut was enough to ensure the promotion.

The golden energy irrigates the soul tree like a tsunami, allowing it to grow with naked eyes, not only become thicker, but also more branches are born.

Downton is lucky, because the energy in the purgatory walnut is mainly used, and the concentration of magic energy around it is small, otherwise it is enough to attract nearby Warcraft.

As the purest energy, Purgatory Walnut and Downton’s Soul Tree have no rejection reaction, so it is incredible to draw it fast. In just five minutes, it has been ‘digested’.

It is worthy of being a cherished fruit worth millions, so that the soul tree has grown to a height of eight meters, a hug, and then it began to supplement.

The magic can spew down and temper the body.

Downton once again realized the kind of lingering pain that was like a thousand knives when the magic energy washes, because he had to take risks. This time he did not push the limit beyond this time. When the skin began to burst and shed blood, he began to stop meditation .

The elements of the sky are turbulent, and the law rejects brewing, because the concentration of magic energy is thin, and even the formed element giants are short.

Downton packed his things and jumped on the battle bear to escape. This open plain was enough for him to run.

The Elemental Giants are not slow, but they still can't catch up with the War Bear. Although Fireball and Lightning Bolt hit Downton, they were all blocked by the order shield, and he didn't even hurt him with a single hair.

"It's a pity, it's just a normal promotion." Downton sighed when he realized that his physical fitness had only more than doubled. If he exceeded the limit, he could at least double it.

"Elemental monster?"

Triangle Eye chased up the footsteps and saw the elemental giant chase Downton, but did not recognize it. After all, he felt that even a stupid person would not be promoted in a crisis-ridden secret world.

"No, it seems to be the elemental giant produced by the rule exclusion."

The long-haired archer has eagle eye surgery. See more clearly.

"No, he doesn't look like he was injured?"

The triangular eyes are puzzled. Generally, the magician will be seriously injured for a period of time after the promotion, but Downton is completely alive and kicking.

"No matter, in short, this is an opportunity. Just kill him. We don't have to take risks. Selling bears can be beautiful for the rest of our lives."

The long-haired archer has no big ambitions. He thinks it's a good day to be a little noble and to oppress civilians on weekdays.

"This terrain is too bad. He has no chance to ambush."

Triangular Eye recalled the landforms he had walked all the way, and he vomited blood depressed.

"What are you afraid of? Two dozen and one can't pack a fourth-order War Downton? Besides, our profession still has an advantage."

The long-haired archer is very confident. He and the Triangle Eye are both fifth-order wars. Even if Downton succeeds in advancing, he still stabilizes his head, and he does not believe that the element is hit. This kid has not suffered any injuries.

Downton discovered the two figures on the plains early, took out the Hubble telescope, and saw their faces clearly.

"Want to kill me? Huh. I was worried that I wouldn't have a chance to kill you!" Downton greeted him without fleeing.

"Bah, this kid looks down on us!"

The triangle is dying.

"Go!" The long-haired archer spit out foam, unscrewed the kettle and poured a few sips, adjusting the state.

The two sides stopped holding each other at a distance of 50 meters, and the two looked at Downton. I was surprised to find that he really didn't hurt a bit.

"Two, what's your job?"

Downton seemed to be breezy, but in fact he was thinking about tactics quickly.

The body of any archer is very flexible and extremely fast. This ensures that when they bomb their prey, they can always keep a certain safe distance from them. If they want to kill him first, they will definitely be killed by the kite. Even if he launches heaven to catch up with him, the triangle eye will interfere, let He fled calmly.

"Give all the valuables from you and get out of the team, we can spare you." Triangle Eyes threatens Downton, if this guy scares his surrender, it would be better, of course, that's better killed.

"I'm sure, your head is really a problem." Downton deliberately ridiculed each other and wanted them to lose their calm. "Are your parents married by close relatives?"

"You..." Triangle Eye is about to get started and is stopped by his companion.

"Don't be excited, this kid wants you to lose your judgment because of anger." Long Hair Archer smiled. "Actually, we are not malicious. We just saw you out of the base and worried that you are in trouble.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Downton simulated the tactics, pumped Sherman to the bear, and accelerated the charge.

"We're leaving now, **** it!" The long-haired archer saw Downton preemptively, and his face was blue, and he no longer hesitated and released his talent directly.

boom! A white ball of light exploded on the top of the archer's head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Like a flash bomb, the thorns were white around him, and at the same time he raised his long bow and used six consecutive arrows to hit Downton. Want to bombard him with a wave.

The opponent's talent was too fast, Downton had no time to close his eyes, and hit the trick. Fortunately, he had already picked up the order shield when he was charging, just in front of him.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

A serrated arrow hit the shield, and a series of booming sounds exploded.

The archer thought that Downton faced the situation of one VS two, and he certainly did not dare to attack, and he couldn’t wait to leave himself, so he was ready to say the word of leaving, paralyzing Downton, and then releasing the flash talent at the moment when Zema turned to Downton to relax. , And then attacked him, but did not expect the kid's strain to be unexpected.

"Master!" Triangular Eyes took a contemptuous attitude, thumped his horse belly, pulled out his long sword and rushed to Downton. He wanted to intercept the enemy and give the archer enough sniping time.

"How long will it take to recover?" Downton speculated on the duration of the blindness effect, and gave up the use of divine revenge to prolong the enemy, but a charge without a turning back. If he fled, he would become a living target for the archer.

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