Hero’s Creed

Chapter 352: Horror Monitor Lizard

Appearing in front of everyone is a small basin of nearly five hectares, of which one-third, that is, the area of ​​nearly two football fields are all grown with raspberries. m

"One raspberry fruit counts for 200,000 gold coins, so how can one plant bear one, and the land here can be counted, at least 2,000 can be harvested, which is two hundred million gold coins!"

The dv female mage is not calm, as a legal profession, they know the value of these raspberries best.

"More than that, definitely more than 300 million."

Seeing the heavy fruits under the flowers, the plants were bent, and Karim, who had always been silent, couldn't help but speak.

The raspberries and the leaves are dark red. Because they live in a dark area and have the characteristics of fluorescent plants underground, the whole plant exudes a volcanic orange-red color, reflecting the entire small valley, gorgeous and beyond.

Because the flaming lizard'Lord' perched here, almost no one came to pick it, and the World of Warcraft didn't dare to visit, so in addition to what the'Lord' ate, the remaining Digua melons fell directly into the soil for several years. Later, it grew out again, and under this repeated spread, it became a paradise for raspberries.

Of course, the'lord' is also indispensable. In addition to the abundant water resources brought by the underground rivers, it has become a good fertilizer after the remaining rotten corpses have rotted and nourished the soil.

The ‘lord’ level of Warcraft already has wisdom, even if it is not advanced, and knows to choose a comfortable nest, and this basin is undoubtedly the most suitable.

"Ready to fight!"

Anthony's voice just fell, and a huge roar swept the basin. The powerful sound seemed to shake the waves even the sea of ​​flowers.

In a large cave on the east side of the rock, a giant flame lizard with a length of twelve meters stretched out with limbs as thick as a thousand-year-old tree.

Its eyes are larger than the grinding disc, emitting a green light, and its mouth is open. Enough to swallow an elephant, it crawls silently, its strong tail swinging around.

No one spoke. The whole group not only closed their mouths, but even lowered their breath deliberately, fearing that one lizard would cause an attack by the monitor lizard.

The dragon lizard Yuzaiyouzai. Approaching the Denver Nuggets Adventure Group as if taking a walk after a meal, in its view, these human distances become dinner but it is only a question of when to die.

"Head, it's not easy!"

Dongba wanted to retreat. At the very least, he had to recruit some more adventurers. The lord's appearance was too domineering, with sharp scales on his back. He felt that his long arrows would not penetrate easily.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, as long as this dragon is killed. Each of us can get at least 15 million gold coins, or do you want to share the treasure here with others?"

Anthony made everyone beat the drum in one sentence. Only the lizard was left in front of him. Killing it was the glory and wealth of a lifetime.

"Relax, we still have the cards, there should be no problem."

Rebecca cheered the team.

"Take a tentative attack first, and make a tactic. But I guess it's very strong, and it's estimated that it doesn't work according to the usual tactics of cornering. So legal professions must be careful." Anthony whispered, "All melee, must They should be intercepted in time to protect them."

"no problem!"

Melee replied in unison, the mage is a fortress career, very powerful. If they die, and want to rely on the soldiers to kill the "lord", it is absolutely wishful thinking.

In the ss battle, what the melee has to do is to block the fire power of the ss as much as possible to fight for attack time for the legal profession.

The shorter the ss battle. Means everyone is safer.

"All shields were changed in melee, Levin blessed the magic, and the priest blessed the shield. I counted one, two, three, and rushed together. After the battle, the legal system attacked again."

Between Anthony's talks, everyone had already thrown their backpacks far away, only lightly carrying equipment.

Chapter 361 saves physical strength, so the young man runs at a medium speed, but compared with the other two archers who dodge at full speed, it seems very slow. The dragon lizard thinks that he can easily catch up with him, and naturally he will kill him first.

Downton also saw that the dragon lizard lord wasn't because of who hurt him badly. Whoever attacks first, kills the easiest.

Anthony, Rebecca and Downton rushed to the monitor lizard lord and released the martial arts, but all fell through, because it was pressed down, the limbs were firmly on the ground, and it was like a ballista, shooting directly at Dongba.


The dragon lizard fell behind Dongba. Stretching his head is a fierce bite.

Dongba evaded dexterously, but was not relieved yet. A sharp claw waved over again, and after he flashed, the monitor lizard turned and his huge tail swept.


The black mud was scattered everywhere.

"What are you waiting for? Intercept?" Dongba was anxious and stopped attacking at all, only to escape.

boom! boom! boom!

The monitor lizard advocated a big mouth. There was a red glow in the throat, and a coconut-sized red flame burst into flames.

Ten consecutive bursts of attack, they will explode after hitting the ground, exploding into the earth, Dongba was completely submerged.

Both Anthony and his party slowed down. The dragon lizard is obviously full of firepower. At this time, he is charged to death. As a creature, he must be unable to achieve continuous firepower, so the intermittent period is the best attack time.

Downton is very alert, he has not participated in the team ss battle, so staring at Anthony's every move, seeing him slow motion, so he paused.

Bearded Bear and Waller also have no silly charge.

The archer and the mage are unaffected. They have already opened the best distance, and their firepower is full. The most magical attack is up.

Ice guns, flames, and lightning flew towards the monitor lizard.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up with Dongba, the dragon lizard gave up and turned to kill the dv female mage. There was no way, her attack was the most fierce, and the painful lord kept wailing.

"Go, block it!"

Anthony started, and a quick charge rushed over, hitting his head with a shield and slashing towards the left eye.

The monitor lizard escaped, only a wound broke out in his head.

Downton Chapter 361 slashes.

The deputy commander, beard and Waller were killed in succession, but Downton's attack was too fierce, so the dragon lizard lord grabbed and waved right, and forced the group members to bite at him.

Downton drew back, and the monitor lizard chased.

"That's it, Downton, you grab its attention, everyone fights hard!"

Anthony snarled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The long sword swung quickly.


Although Downton nodded and was not dissatisfied, he had already made a small calculation in his heart. Not to mention Anthony, the other main forces were all ruling orders, but although their offensives were fast, they all controlled within a range, and absolutely did not allow the monitor lizard The lord stared at them.

"It shouldn't be. I'm a paladin. Even if I can hold the dragon lizard lord, isn't it my duty?"

Downton was annoyed, but did not complain, but tried his best to perform his duties, but in the face of the heroic level of Warcraft, he was a bit powerless after all.


The dragon lizard slammed and smashed down Dunton's soul shield, and flew it a dozen meters away. Instead of chasing it, he suddenly turned to the assassin Eb.

Downton fell to the ground, coughed up blood, and just about to get up, he saw that Anthony suddenly broke out, killing with three swords in a row, slashing the lizard lord blood.

The painful dragon lizard roared, gave up attacking Ebb, and turned to Anthony.

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