Hero’s Creed

Chapter 414: Blame

The treasure trove of the shrine was taken first, which made everyone in the team very sorry, but there was not much loss, because the opponent was His Royal Highness, Dilan Xue, who was defeated by such a talented person. No one would feel wronged.

"It's off!" Packing his mood, Downton led the team to the main altar to see if there was a chance to get a vote.

"Head, let's not go."

Toldo hesitated, but still spoke, and other students echoed.

"Yeah, it's too dangerous."

"Wolf King is definitely more difficult than Mueller, not to mention the dark brotherhood that does not blink."

"The killer of Assassin's Creed will certainly not let go of the fire."

After seeing the scene of the destruction of the cardinals in person, the students have deeply realized the danger of the secret strategy. Many powerful enemies have hit their ambitious ideals. When they first came in, they were ready to do a big job and break out. Some famous, now they just want to leave the secret safely.

"If you are afraid, you can leave at any time." Downton will not leave. Seeing the students have to make a request, they shake their fingers. "Don't waste your tongue, I won't supply you."

The students had no choice but to sigh for a while, even if there was no food, no mounts, it was too dangerous to walk through the dragon territory near the temple, and if they were found, they would die.

"Yilian, help them?" Rose saw her companions' eyes wink, so she came out and pleaded with Yilian.


As soon as Yilian spoke, she was interrupted by walnuts.

"Why do you want to help these people who bully you? Let them follow us, already benevolent." Little Loli grunted her mouth and looked down on these cowards.

"Don't talk about this topic again, I don't want to be distracted by these trivial matters." Downton will not let the students leave, in addition to exercising their commanding ability, they can also use them to attract firepower. After all, the more people who are suddenly attacked, the more people can share the harm.

Offended Elaine, still thinking about getting help, how could there be such a cheap thing under the sun? Downton was kind enough not to kill them by hand.

After crossing a few stairs, the crowd went to the ground. Then enter the widest main corridor, and follow it towards the top of the temple.

Jackson took ten ghouls first, and used them as a human flesh radar to conduct investigations. Even if they stepped on their traps, they would not die. Besides, even if they hung Downton, they would not be distressed. , It’s no big deal to confess.

"Who? Come out!"

Jackson's roar came suddenly in front of the corridor. Downton didn't dare to delay, and rushed past quickly. A crowd of giants followed.

"Master, there is someone in that side hall!"

Jackson gave a treasure and pointed to a small chapel on the right. The ghouls lived in the dimly lit dungeon all year round. The six senses were too sharp. They were completely seeds of scouts. The enemy wanted to hide their shadows near them. ,A little difficult.

If Downton found a hidden enemy, he must have pretended not to see it. Then use their carelessness to conduct anti-tracking attacks, Jackson will not work. This guy is too afraid of death. In addition to reminding Downton of the danger, the sentence just warned the enemy. I found you and don't act rashly.

"Come out, hide your head. It's too shameful of the faces of the natives." Downton shouted at each other and gave Celesce and Xia Luo a look to prepare them for magic to ensure they can attack at any time.

"Is it Downton?" Wayne, the head of the Time Adventure Group, came out with his hand on his ribs, covered in blood. Obviously injured.

"What about your team member?" Downton waved his hand and threw a faint wind, and Venn was no longer able to compete with his competitors. It was better to sell his feelings.

"Thank you!" Downton's behavior relaxed Wien's nervous expression, but then turned into anger and helplessness. "All died, and was killed by the Dark Brotherhood."

After passing the test of the guardian statue, the time group went straight to the main altar and encountered a seriously injured Scorpion Lord on the way.

If it is usual, the time group is definitely not an opponent, only the escape, but the scorpion lord has been dying, and Venen will let go of this fat, so he goes to war.

The dying Scorpion Lord exploded in full force in order to survive, killing two-thirds of the members of Wien, but even more unlucky was still behind.

The Brotherhood of Darkness appeared. Without a word, it was a sneak attack. If Venn had good strength, he was also an agile archer. He ran fast enough and had to die.

"Where are they?" Downton did not forget the scene of being chased by the villains for the first time in the temple. He wanted revenge.

"Just in front of the chapel!" Wien heard Downton's subtext and gave him a look of joy, adding confidence to his hands. "They should wait for us and the Lord of Scorpions to fight after you die, and the attack is too early. On the contrary, he must bear the counterattack before the death of the Scorpion. It is estimated that the combat power will be greatly damaged at this time."

"Jackson, go to investigate." Downton tossed a bottle of hemostatic agent to Wien and turned away.

Wien hesitated for a moment, but still followed, if he had a chance, he wanted to avenge his companions.

Seven minutes later, the crowd running at full speed saw a dark brotherhood in a bitter battle with Lord Scorpion in a chapel.

"It's this group of guys!" Thyssen clenched the warhammer, ready to fight, regardless of his origin.

"Wait!" Downton stopped Thyssen, because a team had already taken a step.

The Gijon Athletic Adventure Group couldn't afford the Dark Brotherhood, but wanted to wait for their group to disappear and pick up the leaks, so he has been hesitant.

At this time, the head of the team Billy glanced down at Downton, who wanted to see what he was going to do.

"I let you go, haven't you heard?" Sandy yelled, angry, and thought he would pick up a bargain. Unexpectedly, the Scorpion Lord was so difficult, he was almost dead and killed his three men, and The trouble is that there are still two unpredictable adventure groups waiting for the rabbit.

"Head of the team, let's go, there is a group of people again, it's not easy to grab!"

An adventurer looked at the configuration of the team members of the West Fox and suggested to Villa.

"It's too much trouble, even if we snatched the corpse of the Lord Scorpion? As long as the Dark Brotherhood ran away, they would be retaliated against."

"Yeah, there will be no money to spend when you have money!"

The people of Sporting Gijon are worried, and as a brotherhood of one of the three mysterious organizations in the Western Continent, their power and reputation are self-evident, and they put great pressure on them.

"Don't blame the Lord Scorpion, kill these two groups first!" Sandy yelled, intent to scare the adventurer.

Sure enough, Sporting Gijon people feared being attacked and instinctively took a step back and put Downton and his party in front.

The students, Rose, were even more embarrassed, and their faces receded nervously, only to find that Downton and Harley did not move.

"It's true that it's the lord-level Warcraft, it looks like this, is it still alive?" Walnut ignored Sandy's shouts at all, watching the lord amazed.

The scorpion is very big, three times larger than the dragon rhinoceros, and almost fills a quarter of the chapel, but this time it is no longer the appearance of the powerful and domineering.

Its tail hook has been cut off, leaving only a broken stubble, selling pus and blood continuously, and eight legs are cut in half, which makes it move like bumps on a pothole mountain road every time. The car kept shaking, and even hit the floor several times, planting a dog to eat shit.

Both cheeks were broken, and the teeth in the mouth were broken for more than half. The chitinous shell that could defend against the dragon-slaughter magic was cut and fragmented, covered with sword marks, and there were still traces of burning, black paint, There is still a burning smell.

"Don't you find it embarrassing? The courage is not as big as a little loli." Villa was mad, and Sandy's words were obviously intimidating, otherwise he would have rushed.

"You guys, are you really going to be an enemy of our Brotherhood?" Sandy glared at these people. His attack was faster, and he wanted to kill the Scorpion Lord as soon as possible.

"Our brothers are everywhere, and those who offend us have never lived. You can think about it."

"Death is too simple, we will let you live in fear."

The brotherhood was full of talk, and every word of intimidation made some adventurers look ugly.

"Don't talk nonsense, kill the Scorpion quickly, it's almost dying, you still can't figure it out, will you not be a member of a fake brotherhood?"

Downton deliberately showed his doubts, very deceptive.

"Fart, didn't you see our costumes and armbands?" Sandy exasperated.

"Black tight leather jacket, black gloves, wheat ear pattern on the back of the left hand, and warhammer pattern on the back of the right hand, yes, these guys are real."

A rude voice suddenly broke into everyone's ears, and another adventure team arrived~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the brigade style, and their leader Eto'o was talking.

"He has three skulls on his armband, which means that his status in the Dark Brotherhood is three levels." Eto'o said that there are two purposes, which can scare away other adventure groups, and then see if there is a chance to swallow If there is no opportunity, the body of Lord Scorpion can be regarded as selling Sandy, and having a relationship with the Dark Brotherhood will be good for himself in the future.

"Don't treat me like a fool, clothes can be faked." Walnut glanced at the red armband on Sandy's arm and was very angry.

"Are you blind? Didn't you see the ring on my little thumb?" Sandy raised his left hand, wearing a black ring on top of it, with a group of skulls, surrounded by simple patterns, "The opposite of it is a string of inscriptions, which only the people in our brotherhood know, should you believe now?"

"It's true!" Eto'o nodded.

"Go away quickly when I know it, and my patience is limited." You can't wait for Eto'o to worry. The Lord of the Scorpion's eyes have been blinded for a long time, and the other one has been almost disabled. Now he is out of breath. If so many adventurers really robbed monsters, he could not stop them, so they could only reveal secrets, hoping to shock them with the title of the Brotherhood. (To be continued...)

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