Hero’s Creed

Chapter 418: Downsizing

"Little Princess!"

Watching Walnut dash into the hall with a flash at the end of the team, the two ogres scared to pee and hurried in.

"close the door!"

Cech doesn't care so much.

"and many more."

Hannah stopped it, but unfortunately it was completely useless.

"How did you come in?" Ceres was startled. "It's dangerous here."


Little Loli put her index finger on her lips and booed hard, peeking down at Dunton while hiding behind Xia Luo.

"Forget it, don't train her, you can't take care of her for life?"

Downton was about to scold the walnuts and was interrupted by Homer.

"Hey, no random running, no blind attack."

Downton urged the walnuts, and Little Loli blinked her **** and white eyes and nodded in a hurry.

"Hurry up!"

There were a total of six adventurous regiments, the number was close to two hundred. The commanders observed the environment while commanding the regiments to run, because they gathered together and were easily attacked by fire.

"Melee protection legal profession!" Downton's experience is still insufficient.

"Wait, all the people spread out!" Xia Luo said aloud. "The opponent is a super class. A large magic may destroy us. Standing together is the most vivid target."

From the intelligence point of view, the fighting wisdom of the flame giant is not too low, so try to reduce the chance of being attacked in the first place.

"What if the legal system is targeted by monsters?"

Downton was worried about his sister and Sarah.

"You are not too far away in close combat. Make sure you can charge and intercept the monsters at any time. Provide support." Xia Luo did not carry a staff and used a magic dagger. As she waved, everyone was blessed with three lightning shields.

"Actually a shaman sacrifice?"

Seeing a human tribe orcs and humans mixed together, the eyes of the adventurers were almost stunned, but soon they abandoned the chaotic emotions and concentrated on preparing for the battle.

The Starfire Hall is a circular hall with a diameter of 100 meters. Because the **** of fire is enshrined, so both the floor and the wall tiles are a flaming red. Like a solidified flame.

The dome is very high, a hundred meters in length, and various murals carved on the walls have been magnified dozens of times, and the contrast between humans is as small as ants.

"What is opposite?"

Walnut looked on tiptoe. Opposite the hall door was a 100-meter corridor, which also had a door.


The adventurers were excited, but no one dared to act rashly. Because that temple door opened, the flame giant came out.

The guardian puppet is up to two meters high. It is completely a humanoid figure of flame. Its limbs, crotch and chest are covered with metal armor and rare earth.

Boom! Boom!

The flame giant walked to the hall, it had no facial features, but there were two burning golden flames in the eye area. You can let it see the intruder.

Downton took the order shield handed over by the elemental arm in his left hand, and held the Deathbringer in his right hand, and stood at the forefront with Harley. Behind them was the giant guard lined up, and then the legal profession.

Other adventurers are cunning. All cling to the wall, this way. It's believing that Downton and Harley are in the forefront.

The flame giant stepped into the round hall, and after a week's glance, suddenly accelerated, like a meteor, shooting at the enemy at eight o'clock.


The head of the group secretly cursed bad luck, and immediately led the team to the nearest Gijon. Only with chaos would they have a chance to survive.

"Coward, what do you run? Fight!"

Walnut waved the Warhammer a few times, and if he was not worried about being scolded, he rushed up.

"To shut up!"

Downton snarled, staring at each action of the flame giant, the information was not detailed, he was not sure whether the flame giant picked an enemy at random, or had a purpose to choose, because through the whole hall, this adventure group The least number of people.

"Go away, don't come over!"

Villa is going to be angry, is this not a pitman?

In the face of the super-class flame giant, no one has the will to resist. They are all lucky and expect others to hold it for five minutes.

The speed of the flame giant is extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, he caught up with the magician who landed at the end, hitting with fists!

boom! boom! boom!

The magician not only cast the soul shield, but also activated the shield stored in the magic equipment, and put a five-sided shield on one breath, but the giant spirit only blasted it with three punches.


In the fourth punch, the flame giant's metal arm smashed the magician's sternum and penetrated directly.


The arms of the flaming giant ignited the flames and ignited the corpse, and then a toss slammed the corpse into the crowd.

"Free the devil, stop it!"

Villa shouted.

Talent magic shines, intercepts the flame giants, and all kinds of demon servants also sprang out of the octave space, roared, and joined the battle circle.

The flame giant bent his knees and jumped upright. He turned around in the air and turned over Baidu when he reached the dome. His legs stepped on the ceiling and the shells were generally shot at Villa.

"why me?"

Villa is about to die, and dodges with all his strength. He did not know that the command of the roar just now was judged by the flame giant as the team command, which belongs to the first killing sequence.

"Stop running, stop him!"

Etooba must not be used as a human shield.

Villa couldn't look back, because after the flame giant landed, he leaned forward and continued to eject, directly approaching.

The iris-shaped shield is fully open, the square shield is placed across the chest, and Villa defends with all his strength. When the talent magic shoots the flame giant, the two-tailed saber-tooth tiger kills.

The flame giant's strength is average, but the agile superman, it directly changes direction, avoids the saber-toothed tiger with a residual image, and appears in front of Villa.

And pointed into a knife, waving his arms, and in an instant, dozens of arms appeared, and the cutting air showed a sound of wind breaking enough to tear the eardrum.

boom! boom! boom!

Villa couldn't withstand this violent offensive, and the shield was hit. The shield shattered and he wanted to retreat. But the flame giant was like a tarsal maggot.


Five seconds later, the flame giant's arm pierced Villa's chest, throwing away the lit corpse and killing the next prey.

The student parties of Tordo scared almost incontinence, their legs trembling, and they kept leaning back, fearing that the flames might rush.

"Is this the superlethal lethality?"

Downton's mouth was bitter, and Cech lied. It's more than just killing the soul stage, if the ruling stage is stared at, it can't last for ten seconds.

"Don't mess up, we have to collaborate or it will be broken by everyone."

Eto'o asked Downton for help, and at the same time leaned over with the team, his decision was right. Only by exerting team strength can a block of flame giants be blocked.

"Without treatment and blessing protection, there is no mage attacking it to disperse the offensive, and the soldiers can't stop it." Harley also participated in this level of combat for the first time and felt his heart beating.

The Gijon Athletic Adventure was over. When the leader died, they collapsed completely. After the other team temporarily converged, they jumped like headless flies, and were chased and killed by the flame giants one by one.

Someone could not bear the pressure, and ran to the temple gate, beating hard.

"Open the door quickly. Let us go out, we will leave the temple immediately."

The funeral-style howl did not return any mercy. In less than five minutes, the hall gate will never open.

The flame giant continues to kill, and the adventurers who are single-handed and with a small number of teams. Some adventurers who are nervous but not yet calm have seen this and hurried to the largest number of Downton.

"Legal system goes behind, the regiment and melee stand beside me, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind."

Downton did not stop, but wanted to put them into a whole, but this time no one wants to block the eye.


Downton rushed forward, waving an axe towards an adventurer.


The adventurous man who had been evading the flame giant was cut off half of his body by the battle axe, and blood and internal organs were spilled.

"The regiment and melee are standing beside me, or get out, whoever is in chaos, I will cut him first!"

Downton glared, a few magicians were dissatisfied, and immediately clamored.


A flash of lightning shot from the dagger in Xia Luo's hand, precisely hitting the loudest magician, slamming him and turning it into a piece of coke.


The legal systems gasped and looked at Xia Luo with shock. This attacking power was terrible, and it was almost up to the Dragon Slayer.

"Do what Downton said, or die!"

Xia Luo didn't want to kill people, but he was in a hurry, and if he continued to chaos, there would be a danger of extinction.

"What are you afraid of? Downton and I are at the forefront, and it's our turn to die!" Harley shouted, waving his left hand to bless the brilliance of magic for everyone.

"Everyone calm down, as long as you have real skills, you can work around!" Downton encouraged morale. "The heads are responsible for the main defense, the melee are responsible for harassment and interception, the legal system interferes, what are you waiting for, and so on. The servants are sent out."

The flame giant carried a corpse, watched most of the intruders gather in the direction of seven o'clock, and immediately killed him.

"What are you waiting for? Magical salvo!" Downton yelled, "Commander, melee, step forward!"

The battle burst in the Hall of Starfire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was also constant exclamation in the corridor outside.

"A bunch of stupid people, wasting their lives in vain!"

The eyes of magic have been set up in the palace, so that when fighting, they can look at the whole situation outside and collect intelligence, otherwise the people inside will die and nothing will be brought back.

When the battle started, watching Villa was killed by a spike, the situation was in chaos, the adventurers scolded, but he was the head of Gijon, everyone expected that he could delay for a while and let the flame giants burst out new skills. He turned out to be the fastest and least valuable.

"No drama, this group of people is absolutely dead."

Cech smashed the kettle and didn't want to look at it again. The several heads escaped each other. Downton's team seemed to be the most stable, but he was too young and the rank was too low to count on.

"Head, come and see!"

While pondering what to do next, Cech suddenly heard his subordinates exclaiming, turned his head, and saw Downton axe to kill a magical person, and began to integrate adventurers.

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