Hero’s Creed

Chapter 424: Super-staff

The ring of guardianship is a group divine magic. As long as it is activated, all companions within 30 yards can be protected. No matter how many people, the magic energy consumed is the same.

The adventurers rushed into the aura area, and immediately felt that the hot air wave had weakened a lot, and a sense of security emerged.

"It's worthy of the scepter order, it's too sharp."

The adventurers praised, finally relieved.

"Are you the godson of the justice goddess?" Harley looked at Downton with a sorrowful face. There was no way out. There were too many high-level magic skills in this kid's club. It was inevitable that he was jealous because of his morality.

"It's just epiphany in a near-death situation!" Downton yelled and quickly explained, but he wanted to hold a cheap kiss, "How come you are so generous this time?"

"Let's talk nonsense, if you can't get the flames, you have to make up the sacrifice!" If you see the crisis, the cheap **** will not risk him falling and dispersing to give him the scepter magic.

This is group protection, defense and practicality are absolutely ranked in the top ten in divine art. Of course, there is also a great drawback, that is, it consumes too much magic energy.

If Downton doesn't get the Fire Banshee, then up to three seconds will be empty.

"How big is this kid's magical energy reserve?" Some heads with extraordinary eyes frowned, unable to resist the excitement and emotion. Five seconds had passed, but the ring of protection was still there.

"Return me the magic potion and magic diamond!" Because he was wearing Hellfire armor, Downton couldn't get the potion in the battle bag, so he shouted to his companion.

Cerise is still outsourcing. Walnut had rushed to him like a kitten and handed the potion up.

"Huh. It's too extravagant to use a magic drill to supplement the magic."

The adventurous and adventurous people around me are all jealous, jealous and hateful. People are more dead than popular. Downton’s team is superior in terms of equipment and supplies. It is no wonder that they dare to challenge the wild garden.

Downton does not care about hiding, he must fill up the magic energy as soon as possible, otherwise he will encounter a fierce battle, and the enemy will not give him an intermission time.

The guardian ring is really a magic trick. Even with the support of the Flame Banshee, he has a feeling that the magic can be quickly evacuated.

With so many people gathered together, it naturally became the target of Shenhuo's attack. It shot like a meteor and slammed into Downton.

"Spread!" Downton shouted, waving his shield and launching the barriers of heaven!

Charlotte blessed him with lightning shield while evading.


The shield on Downton shattered. He was also blasted by the explosive air wave and spitting blood on the ground, but by his delay, everyone also had enough time to scatter and flee.

The scorching fire was shot again and went straight to Downton.


Downton raised his shield and defended with all his strength. Elaine, Harley, and Xia Luo quickly cast spells, blessing him with layers of shields.


Downton steadily stood this time, relying on multiple defenses to finally be safe, and Xia Luo's shield was the biggest credit.

The **** fire spins, the flame javelin shoots around.

I originally thought Downton attracted firepower. The adventurers who were about to take a break were unlucky again, and several distracted people were shot dead.

Downton dare not care. Sure enough, the fire rose into the sky, and after avoiding the shield, he shot suddenly with a diagonal line and hit his head.

"Be careful!" Celesque screamed scared, her face bloodless.

The Shenhuo, which sprinted with all its strength, quickly spit out the flames, exploded the multi-layer shield, and flew straight down.

The speed of Yilian and Harley's mantra has been mentioned, but the speed of blessing the shield is still unable to keep up with the rapid attack of Shenhuo. Xia Luo can barely keep up, but Shenhuo has rushed into the shield range with its speed. Inside.

Xia Luo couldn't help this melee.

Holy armor!

Downton's body surface flashed over with a touch of gold, and was hit by the fire.


The flames exploded and the sparks scattered.

Downton flew, rolling in awkward laps and spitting out several blood.

Shenhuo fired again, the ghouls swarmed to intercept, Casimodo and the two ogres leaped forward with great strides and fearlessly, to be a meat shield, and the small walnut also chased behind.

Ogres have a relatively low IQ. Recently, they have been fed and dressed warmly in Wang, and they are almost a hundred times happier than living in the hills, so they are also loyal to Downton.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the sage of the goblin housekeeper. When looking at the ogres in the nursing home, it is natural to choose a more honest and honest, knowing gratitude.

"Go away!"

Although the ogres are indigenous, it is also life. In the face of the attack of Shenhuo and the death, there is no difference. Downton originally wanted to dodge. As a result, seeing this scene, he carried a shield and launched heaven to shine.

boom! boom!

Shenhuo penetrated the ghouls, exploded them, and shot towards the ogres without any obstruction. Downton flashed at the moment they touched them.


The two sides collided, Downton was blown up again, and the ogres were overturned by the waves.

Harley rushed to support!

"You want to die, get away!"

Downton was going to be mad, although Harley was wearing the order suit he sent him, but he could not protect against the attack power of Shenhuo much, and the chance of death was great.

Xia Luo held the magic dagger and waved it quickly, the blade of light crossed, leaving behind a mysterious magic circle in the air, and then the light was vigorous.

boom! boom! boom!

A fountain surrounded by two people rises from the floor, and the water splashes, and the six-meter-high fountain column shoots a lot of blue water arrows.

Shit! Shit!

The water vapor filled, the rain curtain intercepted, and the fire turned.

Elemental attributes are similar. Shenhuo has a natural aversion to water-based magic, but don’t want to be touched. Anyway, these people will die anyway. It’s the same to kill others first.

Downton wanted to get up, but he stumbled for a while, and then he found that his clothes were soaked, and his fingers hurt even with a movement.

Just dancing with death, Downton's heart thumped and couldn't stop. Up to now, facing the powerful offensive of Shenhuo. He and Torres are the longest supported.

Shenhuo began to wreak havoc again, and bursts of screams.

"Too... terrible!" Kate's legs were soft and fell to the ground. The other students were also pale. If it were not Downton's guardian ring, everyone was dead.

Downton finally had time to observe the battlefield. The Hurricane Dragons rushed the most fiercely. Now there are only five left, and the Krupp Giants are mostly dead.

The Brigade Adventure Group was completely destroyed, Eto'o was bombarded by charismatic bomb magic into a scorched rotten meat, and Fanny and Vieri relied on the group defense of Hannah's best magic costume, dangerous and dangerous life Until now.

"It's good to have money!" Severely wounded Wien sighed with emotion. Almost all of Green Day's people were alive, because these children from the upper clan all carried one or two life-saving magic costumes.

Torres roamed around the field riding a serpent. When Downton stretched out, he suddenly waved his staff.

call out!

A two-winged flame snake flew over at the dead end of Downton's field of vision and rushed straight down to Downton.

"Be careful!"

Walnut saw it and shouted to remind her that she wanted to rescue, but the flame snake was extremely fast.

The liquid masses that move from star to star appear above Downton's head. After unfolding and devouring the flame snake, reflect it.

"What are you crazy about?" The Walnut Warhammer pointed at Torres amidst the sky sparked by two flame snakes, questioning loudly.

Some temporarily safe adventurers couldn't help but look over.

"Downton. Is the Flame Banshee good?" Torres said this almost with his teeth, staring at the rune on Downton's forehead. The anger contained in his sight was replaced by magma, enough to burn him to ashes.

"What? This kid robbed the Flame Banshee from Torres?"

"What the **** is this guy? Torres is the winner of the Saint Judeland Empire Magic Youth Competition!"

The adventurers looked at Downton in shock. Even Dupont and the Wolf King were a bit surprised. They knew the strength of Torres. This young man is not his opponent in any way. It can actually make him suffer a big loss. It really is not. simple.

"thumbs up!"

Downton clenched his battle axe tightly, and while speaking, the golden dragon speared at once, assassinating Torres from behind.


Torres didn't move his fingers, and the snake's tail flicked, knocking out the golden dragon gun.

Walnut gathered around Downton, hostile to Torres, ready to fight.

"Dare enough!"

The adventurers watched Downton praise, no matter what he had done before, today, the name Downton will definitely be remembered by everyone.

"I said two people, can you kill the fire and fight again?" DuPont wanted to be a peacemaker.

"Yes!" Torres agreed with his mouth, but the snake under him suddenly opened his mouth, and the red letter spit out, and watermelon-sized flames shot at Downton.

If Torres gets the Fire Banshee, with his talent, he can definitely be promoted to the scepter level in a few years, but now even if he reaches that level, it will take 20 or even 30 years. How can he not **** off?

"Truce? I can't wait to eat your corpse raw immediately!" Torres' face was fierce and his firepower was full, and he wanted to bomb Downton.

Cerise fought back.

Watching the flames raging all over the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The student party was taken aback. Apart from Rose, all actions were taken away from Downton with the fastest speed. They didn’t want to be affected by the pond fish.

Fighting the stars and moving to the full power, Downton was prepared to harass with the divine revenge, and then shot him down with a whaling fork, but at this time, the fire suddenly burst into full power.


The more powerful magic flame nuclear explosion swept through the Starfire Hall. This time the hot flame was tumbling, which was tens of meters high, and almost filled every corner of the hall almost instantly.

The air was steaming, and my eyes were fiery red.

Downton cast the guardian ring for the first time. Charlotte also showed a green ring under his feet. The aura of thorns was launched to protect everyone.

Torres wrapped around his shield and slid towards his tail. The serpent curled up to protect its owner as a meat shield.

The air was burned out and everyone could not breathe. The suffocation increased. Fortunately, the process lasted for a short time. The flame disappeared and the air refilled into the Temple of Sparks.

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