Hero’s Creed

Chapter 443: The prototype of the Air Force

Returning to the Wangdu Mansion, I no longer have to worry about being attacked by Warcraft even when I was sleeping. Yilian and his team completely relaxed.

Abagong kept everything in order, arranged the maids to serve them for bathing and eating, and found Downton to report on their latest work.

"What, my mayor appointment is still valid?" Downton was carrying the black tea and was looking at the list of supplies. After hearing Abagon's words, he was a little surprised. He thought he had offended Emperor, the second son of the Western Duke, and he must have been removed. Too.

"At least so far, I have not received the revocation letter." Abagong explained that with the relationship between Downton and Dovek, if the owner is removed, he will inevitably notify him as soon as possible.

"Oh, exactly, as long as I become the mayor, he won't want to withdraw me anymore." Downton is very happy and can't wait any longer, "Go to the Giant Guard, yes, and Casimodo , Let it take a team of ogre guards and me back."

"Observe!" Abagong bowed. "Master, what about the supplies and harvest list this time? I need to sort them out, put them in storage or sell them!"

"Well, I forgot!" Downton patted his forehead and flicked the magic code.

The burning magic flame text is arranged, scrolling upward slowly.

Abagong quickly recorded it with a quill, but suddenly stopped after seeing the steam airship.

"What's wrong?" Downton puzzled.

"Are you sure? Is it a steam airship?" Abagong's face was hard to hide his excitement, and his wrists were shaking so much that the ink at the nib fell off.

"Yes, but it has been scrapped for tens of thousands of years in the temple's treasure trove." Homer asked, "Do you have a way to repair them?"


Abadon's answer disappointed Downton and Homer, but then added another sentence, making the two ecstatic.

"But my ancestors have!"

"What do you mean?" Downton asked. "Do you still have the design of the steam airship at home?"

"Master, how many airships did you find?" Abagong signaled his master to calm down.

"Ten ships!"

"Oh! That happened to be an expeditionary expedition, so one of the hulls on the side of the ship should have a wrench pattern to represent the maintenance of the airship."

Downton looked at Homer, waiting for its confirmation.


"When I was little, my father always told me about the glory that the ancestors created in the age of goblins, so I also knew some secrets about the expedition." Abagong laughed, "For example, under the floor of the maintenance of the captain's room of the airship, just There are many maintenance drawings hidden."

"What are you waiting for, hurry to the backyard!"

Downton couldn't wait.

The goblin expedition is not for conquest, but for exploration and sowing civilization. Due to various unexpected conditions, the goblins are unable or unwilling to return to the Western Land Continent, so they will take root in the found continent. In order for future generations to inherit civilization, a variety of books are kept under the floor in the captain's room.

In the captain's room, Downton silenced, looking forward to the goblin housekeeper.

"You can't use brute force, otherwise it will destroy the books." Abagong cracked the mechanical code through the wrench according to his father's description.

The alloy floor opened. A metal box is exposed, and Homer can't wait to stretch out the elemental arm and pull it up.

"Gnomish-style mechanical lock. It is also a sign of civilization of an era." Homer sighed and opened it without using Abagong.

There is no musty smell of paper decay, but a smell of rust-proof oil comes out, because every book is made of copper.

"A lot of precious copperplate books, Downton. We made a lot of money this time. If you give them to the big library, your authority will be directly raised to a level."

After determining the value of the book, Homer, who had always been calm, was excited, and some words were incoherent. It reads hungrily while holding a copperplate book, not willing to put it down.

Downton nodded and was very excited. In his hand was a book with a thick thumb, each of which was as thin as cicada-like bronze copper pages. The goblin text on it was still clearly visible even after tens of thousands of years. .

In order to facilitate preservation, the goblins used ultra-high-tech processing copper alloys to make such copper pages as soft as paper, and then bound them into books, not afraid of fire and moisture, even if they were crumpled and unfolded, they were still intact.

"Science, nature, astronomy, geography, and crafts, damn, what poetry collection do you take? You are really narcissistic enough. Is it bad to bring some books about science and technology?"

Homer looked at the box, it was super depressed, the space under the steam airship floor was limited, and the books he carried were naturally incomplete, which meant that there was a lack of knowledge. For the ancient magic book, the art and literature of the goblin era is a dog Shit, their most brilliant civilization is machinery and steam technology!

"Master Homer, if you insult my ancestors again, I beg to fight with you!" Abagong was a little angry.

"Yo, I haven't seen you for more than half a year, and my temper has grown!" Homer's tone sank.

"Ah, Lord Homer, I just put a fart and said nothing." The goblin housekeeper quickly nodded and asked for mercy with a humble expression.

Life has been pretty good lately, which makes Abagon somewhat smug.

"Okay, don't bully him." Downton went through the inspection for a long time, and finally found the maintenance manual, which not only described the steam airship production process in detail, but also matched a hundred pages of structural drawings, every detail. Have made comments.

Homer just scared Abachon so that he wouldn't think he had contributed books, and he could be proud of himself.

"The structural drawings are so detailed because they are left for the descendants of the expedition. If they can’t live on the ground or want to return to the Western Continent, they can recreate the steam airship according to this drawing and return through the portal. "Abagon sighed, "But the ancestors might not have dreamed about it. The age of goblins is over. Even if you make a steam airship and find the portal according to the coordinates left behind, you cannot return."

"Good stuff, good stuff!"

Downton turned down the copper pages with ease, and the structural diagram above seemed to him to be a treasure more precious than the rare magic diamond, because with them, he could build an air force.

"Don't be embarrassed, I have checked. The metal and materials on these are not complete. So it is difficult for you to completely forge the metal suitable for flight."

Homer splashed cold water.

"No problem, I can find Krupp, dwarves who are good at forging, or even offer a large amount of gold coins to solve these problems. With the manufacturing drawings, those small details are not a problem."

Downton is still fanatical. He was already fantasizing his airship leg across the sky and turning them into his own corridor.

"Are you the military technology of the nine empires? They just didn't show their cards. Even if you have an air force, you will be at most in the sky of those third-rate countries." Homer continued to fight, "and can't touch it yet. Going to the flying warcraft, otherwise it will definitely become a target at the speed of a steam airship."

"Yes, weapons, are there any defensive weapons?" Downton turned the box.

"Master. The steam airship is for voyage exploration and scientific research. Attack is not its main purpose." Abagong explained.

"Steam rifle? Good, steam catapult? My Di Polo, this is a good thing, a siege weapon! Steam chariot? What is this?"

Downton casually hummed twice, and could not hear it anymore. Every time he saw a new weapon, he would growl with joy.

Casimodo knew this was a big deal. He drove away the ogres guards and marred the backyard with hatred. Only if they are the most loyal, they will not leak.

"Wealth has made a lot of money. These are weapons that have disappeared in the long river of history. If I make them, I will sell arms alone. I can also become a rich man in this life."

Tang Dunle's brows smiled.

"Where is the big fortune?" Walnuts have always been too energetic. After washing, they held a plate of fruit to find Downton. Upon hearing his words, Little Loli opened her eyes and looked around.

"Here!" Downton waved his book. "With it, we can become one of the best arms dealers on the West Tutu Road!"

"Come on, although I don't know how the era of goblin demise, but some of these weapons are outdated, and the nine empires have military technology that can rival it."

Homer warned Downton, "And you better not play with fire. The arms trade will always be in the hands of those nobles and nobles. The shares are all allocated. If you enter in a hurry, you will be torn by those people."

With Downton’s current power, the arms smuggling business can’t be done, let alone production and sales, otherwise it will be waiting for commercial attack and assassination.

"Then I can always use it by myself?" Downton never let go. "One hundred, no, at least two hundred steamships, even if they can't fight, it is a big business to expand transportation, lease, and sell." !"

"The host is right." Abagong's eyes lit up. "If we have enough airships, we can carry out aviation business. The airship is slower and faster than the carriage, and it is more upscale. Those nobles are definitely like this. greedy."

The goblin steward with a super-economic mind immediately thought about many plans~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and guessed how much impact it would have on the traditional transportation industry.

If done well, Downton can definitely become a giant in the transportation industry, relying on this to rise to the throne of the 100 richest people in the West, rather than relying on inheriting the wealth of underground cities.

"No, Downton has spent so much energy, it is impossible to just travel, which is not in line with his style." Homer was almost misled by Downton's rhetoric. He did not intend to be a big businessman, but To be a duke or even a king.

"What is this oval-shaped thing?" Walnut lay on Downton's back, stretched his head and looked around, and found that there was a lot of fresh things on the copper page that Downton was looking at.

"Goblin bomb?" Homer looked at it, somewhat uncertain. "What are you going to do?"

"This is a one-time assault weapon. It is thrown out after being lit with fire. It will explode when it is burnt out. It uses shock waves to kill enemies. It is the best weapon against cavalry." Abagong explained to Walnut, as a goblin, plus According to the father's description, he is fairly familiar with these things. (To be continued,!

ps: I'm really sorry, the update is late!

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