Hero’s Creed

Chapter 454: Rare Pure Blood Nightmare

If you let Di Maria know that Firebird didn't treat it as a superpower on average, it is definitely a **** conflict, but now it has no time to observe the attitude of others and is squatting under a tree covered with green trees. Eat a buffalo and remember the past free days by the way.

Downton is also the mayor anyway. There are no soul sacrifices. Ordinary food is enough. For Di Maria born in the abyss, this is already very delicious food.

"Downton, you did this, which really made us unrequited!"

Millia was so excited that she didn't know what to say. Her daughter actually had a super beast demon servant, which meant that she no longer had to be displaced, and she could make a lot of money just by taking a job.

"It's a trifle!" Downton waved his hand and urged Homer, "Hurry up and prepare for the summoning ceremony. Don't bring the higher demons this time."

Xia Luo was eating apples on the mat, and looked down upon Dunton curiously. She was a shaman sacrificial, and she was best at speculating people's hearts, so she could see that he really didn't care about Di Maria.

"It's really as broad-minded as the blue sky. On this point alone, you have the potential to become a king." The sage wolf looked at the ogres who were willing to die for Downton, and was not surprised by this performance, because He has never discriminated against them, and his salary is adequate, and there is a future worth fighting for, which is enough to make them sell their lives.

Even the natives of hills are eager for a better life. This is the nature of intelligent creatures.

Juliet stroked the tattoo on Covenant's arm, occasionally glancing at Di Maria, and there was an unreal dreamy feeling. Do you really have a super beast? You should know that the children of those big families rarely have this kind of luck.

"Downton, what a great person!"

Juliet felt wrapped in happiness, she didn't want to be found to be careful, but the smile at the corner of her mouth could not stop.

Walnut is doing nothing. With a piece of cheese in front of Di Maria, he squinted with big eyes and occasionally poked a bucket of its skin with a dagger.

"You don't seem to worry about her leaving at all?" The cheap **** is curious. "From the perspective of ordinary people, are you absolutely broken?"

"Where can she go?" Tang Zheng smiled. "She suffers from a strange blood vessel disease. She has only more than four years to live, and now a sage wolf, a great magician and a big shaman sacrifice, treats her for free and changes it. Will you go?"

"No!" Faced with the hope of life, no one will give up.

"If her super beast is a dragon, I'm really afraid that she will run away, but that's a demon. Without me sheltering her, do you think she can hide when the Inquisition comes to the door? Even if Juliet doesn't He was sent to the torture rack and burned to death. He also had to go to Bastille."

"Not necessarily, with super beasts, many nobles and nobles could not help her, they also have the strength to protect her." Cheap God disagrees.

"The nobles of the rich also mean dangerous family fighting, and stricter rules. Juliet has gone and can only become the fightman, and here with me. They have freedom and happiness." Downton shrugged. "Just spend some time with me. I believe they will not leave."

"Originally you want to understand that you really haven't lost the cunningness of the Fox of the West, and the abacus can be really good!" The cheap **** sighed. This kid wants both talents.

"How can I have such a black heart, and I just thought of it?" Downton rolled his eyes and took the juice from Celesce.

Juliet's Devil Banner is very rare and practical. It can be said that as long as the body and soul can sustain it, it is absolutely possible to force the recruitment of demons to fight for her. If in the abyss battlefield, she can easily consume the magician who is much higher than her rank.

Downton wants to say that not envy is false, and the growth of Dou Zhuanxing is very high. But for now, it's a bit inferior. After all, this is a counterattack. If the opponent is in close combat, his talent is ready.

"Don't be depressed, you will definitely become a mage killer in the future. As long as the fight is able to withstand the forbidden spell, it means that no spell can hurt you. As for melee opponents, you even have the body of the fire god, and they are afraid of them. ?"

Homer was very satisfied with Downton's development, and taught him bitterly, "Talent is not the rarer it is, but the one who best fits the magical ability in order to exert 100% or even 200."

In the process of chatting, Homer once again completed the plane guide, let Downton come to bleed.

"Don't fail again, I can't afford to pay more than two million worth of sacrifices in one call." Downton cut his wrist, the blood ticked, and the summoning array lit up.

The long spell reverberated, and Walnut ran over, ready to dry, and Yilian stood up, ready to fight at any time.

The summoning door took shape for five minutes without any movement.

Impatiently, Walnut stretched his neck and looked around. He almost got into the summoning door, and suddenly a green shadow appeared and rushed out.

"It's going to run?" Walnut pulled his leg to chase, but plopped empty.

"Successful!" Elaine was happy. A tall and majestic hot nightmare appeared on the open ground. Its four hoofs were burning with green flames, and each time it stepped on the ground, it left a burnt mark. , Its eyes are gem-shaped, also burning two clusters of green flames.

As a nightmare warhorse, these eyes can let it see through the darkness, see through any fog, on the battlefield, it will never get lost.

"so beautiful!"

Celesque admired that the hot nightmare was covered with dark red fur, and a pair of sharp devil horns, covered with red natural armor at the joints, its mane was a dark green flame, light with the summer wind shake.

"Is it a rare nightmare of pure blood? Downton, you are rich!"

Homer sighed that ordinary hot nightmares are red flames, and only pure blood nightmares are four-footed green fire. They are born with wisdom and belong to higher demons.

"A higher demon again?"

Downton covered his eyes. No wonder this guy is not docile. If it is an ordinary nightmare, it will obey the will of the summoner, but this one is good, and the green pupil flame is burning more vigorously, which is a sign of anger.

"Humans, offer sacrifices, or I will eat you!"

Nightmare's soul is very powerful, and it directly communicates with everyone. This is also a feature of Higher Intelligence Warcraft.

"Hey, you better pay attention to the tone, don't you see the situation?"

Jackson's fox is illusory, carrying a crossbow nightmare.

"Small human, I have been in the abyss of the Green Devil for thousands of years..." The nightmare who claimed to be the Green Devil had to declare the record, so that this group of people would know how powerful it was. As a result, the firebird on Downton's shoulder fluttered, swelled to more than ten meters, and immediately shut up in shock.


The Green Devils are afraid, it is just the level of the elite level, and encountering this super beast is definitely a dead end.

"Look behind you!"

Jackson made a please gesture.

"Di Maria?"

If the Green Devils had eyeballs, they absolutely stunned them. When they saw a higher demon squatting in the shade and eating raw lambs, it just froze for a moment, and then moved towards the summoning door like a rabbit with a arrow. Galloping.

"Don't let it run away!"

Downton shouted. Throwing the hammer of sanctions, the Holy Revenge was launched simultaneously.

The legal systems shot to intercept.

A green crystal shield bounced out and revolved around the green demon's body, blocking all attacks, but after all, it did not escape, and the firebird hit a meteor and blasted it out.

"Don't kill it, I want a mount. Not a grilled horse!"

Downton quickly reminded Firebird that he knew that Shalomanda had just tied Di Maria. The anger is nowhere to vent. If you shout slowly, the green demon is absolutely dead.

"I surrender, I am willing to be your mount!"

Seeing that death was coming, the Green Devils surrendered without rhythm. This sentence spread to everyone's mind through soul power. Also shocked everyone, then looked at Jackson.

"My Emperor Polo, what do you see me doing? I am a warrior who would rather die than ever!"

Jackson was depressed and slapped his chest like a grievance.

"If you don't hide behind the tree in the next fight. I will believe you!"

Casimodo murmured muffledly.

"Let's hold the ceremony!"

Homer drifted over, and for this rare nightmare, a higher contract was needed to control it.

There is an ancient magic book, no matter how complicated the ritual is, there is no problem. The green devil stands in the magic circle, staring curiously and looking around.

"Is this the kingdom of mankind? The sky is blue, and the soil is full of fragrance!"

The Green Devil sniffed the ground and kept feeling emotion.

"Fragrant? You must have smelled wrong, because I just put a fart, and the wind should blow the smell over." Jackson deliberately disgusted the Green Devil.

The Green Devils retched.

"Do you believe me or not?"

Downton is going to kick Jackson, this thing is purely for the purpose of teasing the Green Devils. If he dared to fart here, he would have been burnt to ashes by firebirds.

"Isn't the ceremony okay? You should be a big man depending on their attitude towards you? What about my treatment? Let me make it clear. I must have 100 pounds of fresh meat every day, otherwise I will strike. ."

The Green Devils chattered endlessly, saying conditions one by one.

"Hot nightmares are all talking? My goodness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If so, I must be suffocating." Elaine had wanted a nightmare, but she quickly gave up when she heard the Green Devil's broken mouth. This plan.

Others also hid their ears, but unfortunately could not stop the exchange of soul power.

Without Downton's cliché, the Green Devils shook their origins completely. What has been going through the abyss for thousands of years, it is only one hundred years old this year, and it is a one-year-old child measured by the average age of the nightmare race , So the character will be so out of it, it has long wanted to leave the dark abyss, coupled with the firebird and Di Maria to fight, so it will have no trouble to sign the contract with Downton.

"Master, what about food? You never want to abuse the mount?"

The Green Devils walked to the picnic basket and drew their heads in to eat and chew without the permission of others. They were very happy to eat, but they had to have a arrogant criticism, "Huh, what is this? It's unpalatable, remember to prepare other food for me next time."

"I want to kill it for barbecue now!"

Not only Downton, other people were also annoyed, rolled up their sleeves and prepared to teach it. (To be continued...)

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