Hero’s Creed

Chapter 462: Duke of Death

"Who is attacking?"

Di Maria was angry, grabbed a knight and hit the long street.

On the long street, Shearer walked slowly on a velociraptor mount and saw that his subordinates were thrown out. He did not have any panic. He released the reins with his left hand, and with a simple wave, a sacred white magical power formed. Steadyly caught the thrown knight and placed it on the ground.

Di Maria's eyes narrowed, his right foot stomped on the ground, after releasing a death knight who was forced to withdraw by flames, he withdrew from the battle circle and stared at Shearer without blinking.

Shearer was also holding another soul mount with a death knight fainted on it. Downton had seen it, and it was Cerise's brother.


Jackson exclaimed that it hurt Di Maria with a single blow. Is it so cautious?

Shearer was going to Celes, and she saw that Elaine took a step back instinctively, and then stopped. It knew that these people were afraid of themselves.

"It's you?"

Bone Dragon was out of tune, twisting uncomfortably, and there was a scar on his thigh, which was interrupted by it.

Shearer didn't take anybody's attention, and quietly looked at Celes, embraced by Elaine. Although her eyeballs had turned green, anyone could feel the indulgence.

"Your Excellency, Celesce is doing well!"

Downton sternly replied, but he did not forget that this sword had cut through the secret chamber of the cathedral, slamming the dominance of the Millennium Altar.

At the time, Downton was weak and only felt that the other party was very strong. When he became the adjudicator, he looked at Hiller again and he realized how powerful the other party was.

"If Tia is not doing well, you are dead!"

Hiller snorted angrily.

"How can I smell the unhappy taste of dad marrying his daughter?" Jackson murmured, knowing that the full name of the death banshee was Ceres Tia, Her Royal Highness Princess of the Snowman Empire.

"Think of a way. Wake her up!"

Downton instructed Elaine.

"No more, I don't want her to see me like this." Shearer always felt ashamed of being a death knight. Seeing people without a face, but he has no regrets. Because this is the only way to protect the siblings.

"Huh, it turned out to be a group!"

Jackson was relieved to play against such a strong man, and its miscellaneous fish was accidentally wiped out.

"I will say it again and leave here!"

Douban waved his sword and shot a magical energy blade like a demonstration, and the death knights regrouped behind it. Ready to charge.

"Hey!" Looking at the old men who had been together in the **** battlefield like this, Hiller was terribly sad. "It's all my fault. I didn't find Hohenzollern's conspiracy. It hurt you."

"Talk nonsense, get out!"

Duobang snarled.

Not waiting for Hiller's old answer, the ground seemed to be an earthquake, and suddenly a large number of cracks appeared, and a red flame came out. Following the crack spread, climbed the tower.


The floor cracked, and hot lava rose into the sky. In a high-pitched chirp, the firebird flew out of the ground.

A dozen purple tentacles like an octopus fired like lightning. He did not give up until the limit length of fifty meters.


Downton shouted, without asking, the Duke of Death came up.

"Disturb my sleep, **** you all!"

Duke Hohenzollern's voice was dull, but it revealed a strong majesty, rolling like a thunder, roaring the eardrums.

A purple mist rose from the cracks on the ground, the flame went out instantly, and then a monster with tens of meters thick tentacles crawled out, one eyed and squinted.

Staring at it, the soul seemed to be stiff.

"Hmm? It's you? No wonder these people can live to the present!" Hohenzollern saw Hiller, his face slightly dignified, "What about my son? Why didn't he see him."

"Killed by us."

Jackson bragged.

"Haha, you guys? You can't die ten times as many people." Hohenzollern didn't look directly at Jackson. Then he pointed a tentacle at it.

Jackson was shocked, and immediately opened the aura of agility, but moved a step and reached his tentacle. The strong wind brought it directly to the ground, followed by a whip whip, and pumped it away.

boom! boom!

Jackson's body was broken into two pieces and fell a few tens of meters away. It originally wanted to pretend to be dead. Who knew that the tentacles would strike again and stab his head straight.

"Master, help!"

Jackson was crying, and he was climbing hard with both hands.

Downton threw out the hammer of sanctions, while the golden dragon gun attacked, he waved his sacred whale fork and nailed it to his tentacles, trying to interfere with its attack route.

The flamingo regained his shape and shot straight down, hitting the tentacle like a meteor. It didn't care about Jackson's life and death, but if he died under his eyelids, it would think it was a shame.

The tentacle was hit without any damage, and a rebound bounced up like a poisonous snake throwing a letter to the firebird. Its attack just now was a feint. The real purpose was still the firebird.


When the two collide, the shock wave spreads.

"Eating you, I don't have to sleep anymore, I can go back to the Western Territory and take a look." Hohenzollern looked at the scorched black tentacles with a greedy expression.


The Firebird was furious and slammed again. If it were not for the loss of strength, it would be suppressed by the Duke.

"Take off, charge!"

Walnut hit the bone dragon with a death messenger to let it attack, but this guy was scared and squatted on the ground like a funeral dog.

No way, for the duke who made it, the bone dragon's soul brand has a natural fear of their father and son.

"Di Maria, come together!"

Downton had to fight, but was stopped by a magical blade.

"what do you mean?"

Downton frowned and looked at Hiller.

"Kill you!"

Hiller concisely killed Downton.

"Don't think that you are Celice's uncle, I would not dare to do it."

Downton is annoyed.

The death knights started to charge again, but before approaching the battlefield, they were shot by Shearer's holy hand and all flew out.

"Waste, don't fight!"

Hohenzollern scolded. A tentacle was drawn on the bone dragon, and it immediately followed suit, attacking the walnut.

"Oops. You are dead!"

The walnut was angry, fighting with it.

The battlefield fell into chaos instantly. Magic Cyclonus, Firebird startled, if Downton died, it was finished, but it found that the knight's strength far exceeded Downton, but it did not mean to kill him.

Di Maria did not have this burden and rushed to the Duke of Hohenzollern at full speed. It will devour the soul after killing it.

"If you want to teach me martial arts, you can talk about it later, or give me this cheat or something, there is no need to fight in person." With Downton's cleverness. After fighting, I guessed Hiller's plan, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, how could he have time to learn now.

"Fight hard, or I will kill you!"

Hiller's face was embarrassed, and then he started playing real. The big sword was hacked, leaving a sword mark on Downton's chest.

"Okay, as you wish!"

Downton roared, and the Horn of Heaven launched, followed by the giant beheading. He found that he couldn't push back the opponent and left pedaled on the ground.

Giant tramples!


The ground cracked like a cobweb, splashing at any time, Downton twisted his arms, and the giant windmill burst out.

The Flame Demon's hand spins, bringing out a circle of gorgeous fire halos. If it is replaced with the past, the enemy has been forced to retreat, but Hiller is still like a mountain.

"Can this be tolerated?"

Hiller was very satisfied. Downton's performance at least proved that he could protect Celes, but he continued to ridicule Downton without saying anything.

"Damn, are you kidding me?" Downton added a dozen more wounds. Shearer's swordsmanship was just right and wouldn't kill him at all. "I don't have time to spend with you here. I'm going Kill the Duke!"

"You are daydreaming! Want to kill it with your strength? Practice for another hundred years!"

Hiller kicked Downton's stomach with a kick, kicked him out, and followed the holy hand, grabbed him, and patted him directly on the ground.

"Don't be distracted, pay attention to his fighting style, he is imparting your life-long experience." Homer saw that Shearer had a meaning to explain things.

Downton took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down. Anyway, he was not satisfied with Hiller, and he could not participate in the fight against the Duke.

Firebird and Di Maria attacked the Duke of Hohenzollern, and they deserved to be the owner of the dungeon. They could naturally become an overlord, and their strength should not be underestimated. Even if they became undead creatures, their ranks would still fall.

Waving his staff, Hohenzollern standing on the head of the demon servant was full of energy, completely the gesture of the dharma god.

Juliet and Elaine helped Celesce to retreat quickly. They couldn't even get involved in this level of battle, and even the aftermath of the attack could blow them away.

"too strong!"

Downton glanced over and couldn't help feeling. After the trip to the lava secret realm, he even killed a strong enemy, making him a little arrogant. Now it seems that he is just a frog at the bottom of the well.

"In the eyes of the real powerhouse, the magic energy of the ruling tier is not fart. Only at the Tulong tier is it a glimpse of the mystery of power." Homer took the opportunity to teach Downton that he should not sit in the well and watch the sky, "and the subsequent promotion It's getting harder and harder, but every success in the ranks brings about earth-shaking changes."

"Concentrate on all your means of attack!"

Shearer turned to attack ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the dungeon, there was suddenly a snow flake, and a tornado swirled around his body, which was mixed with ice and snow, blocking any attacks on Downton. Down.

Downton’s proudest giant had no effect at all, even the storm could not break, let alone hurt Hiller’s hair.

"Not enough, come again!"

Shiller shouted.

"Muller, Homer, give me a crack!" Downton grumbled. Even with serious injuries, he would cut off Hiller's piece of meat today.

Elemental arm handed out the war blade, but Downton didn't get it, but quickly pulled out the flames in his waist, and he was hitting his eyebrows.


A large holy hand appeared, squeezed the projectile steadily, and then threw his fist towards Downton.

Downton was beaten, mad to death, the opponent was melee, his talent was useless, and it was impossible to win melee.

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