Hero’s Creed

Chapter 466: The curtain opens

"What it is?"

The walnut saw a mechanically constructed metal ball with some plant vine-shaped tubes inserted on it. After being wound for a few weeks, it extended into a large transparent flask.

Two-thirds of the flask contains a green viscous solution, they are lustrous, and at a glance they know that they are not ordinary products.

"It is the essence of magic energy." Homer explained, "The effect of the magic energy well is to gather magic energy, and have a complex compression and condensation device at the core, which can liquefy high-purity magic energy."

"What is the use?"

The walnut was puzzled and knocked on the flask with his fingers, looking for a gap up and down, trying to pry it open.

"Of course to supplement the magic energy, but they are higher energy, and only one drop can fill up all the magic energy of an ordinary Dragon Slayer." Yilian had heard of this liquid, which is a military prohibited item and can be sold on the black market. Extremely high price.

"so smart?"

Walnut is ready to try.

"Be careful, don't break the flask, a drop of extract needs a lot of magic energy to condense for a year to form, which is very precious." Homer explained, "No one drinks it directly, because it is wasteful, generally used as a potion. Additives."

"This flask is about twenty liters, it is estimated that it has been accumulated for more than a thousand years? Ha ha, now we are all cheap."

Downton began to pretend to extract the essence, want to prepare some defense for Elaine and Celes.

After consuming the magic energy, the shortest time for the most talented magic energy to absorb the magic stone is more than ten seconds. This process is enough to be bombarded once by strong enemies. If it is the most excellent magic potion, it can be instantly filled after drinking. Magic energy, but the accumulation of chemicals will always cause damage to the body and affect future development. And the price is expensive to die, even the children of the noble nobles, just prepare a few self-defense. Use at the most critical juncture.

The essence of magic energy does not have these drawbacks, and a drink will replenish the magic energy. Not only will there be no hidden dangers, but it will increase the body's affinity for magic energy.

"What's this? If you get the Fountain of Elements, you mustn't be crazy about it?" Homer wasn't too excited. In her opinion, the Fountain of Elements was the best.

"I'm definitely going crazy." Downton rolled his eyes. What is the fountain of elements? It was bred in nature, and it took hundreds of years to produce a drop of superb spring water. You can't buy it if you have money, and it ranks 16th on the Magic Potions list.

Downton collected the essence lightly, until Homer put it in the war space, he was relieved. To know that a drop of water is enough for a family of four to enjoy decades of luxurious life.

From the magical well, Downton didn't wait long, and Jackson also came.

"Master, the Duke of Death's magic robe was blown to pieces. His War Space badge did not know where it fell? It took a lot of time to find it." Jackson handed the found staff to Downton .

The staff is about one and a half meters long and has a purple luster throughout. It is made of the core of a plant and inlaid with gemstones on the top.

"It's called Broken Star. It is a legendary commodity-level staff. In addition to greatly increasing magic power, it also comes with a star shield and high defense." Homer continued to popularize science.

"Can be used by Celes."

Downton asked Jackson to continue to look for the badge, and returned to the Duke’s mansion with the rest.

At this point, the entire Porosna was completely in Downton's hands. He stood on the roof, looking down on the dungeon, satisfied.

"There aren't even any people. What's so happy about?" Among the former masters of Homer, there are several kings, so I think these results are not worth mentioning.

"Well, I believe there will be people soon." Downton shook his fist. After all the chores were resolved, the West Border Raiders could be launched.

With his subordinates, Downton will naturally not be personally involved. After capturing 200 ghouls with confession of the undead, he arranged for the firebird to enter the demon hunting ground, killing all the demons running through the plane cracks, and destroying the soul. It was given to Homer, but it displeased the cheap god.

"Don't you just give you the bone dragon's soul? The next time I kill a living sacrifice to you." Downton rolled his eyes, and the cheap **** was really less and less powerful in front of him.

"That's what you said." The cheap **** wanted to make Downton swear, even intending to encourage him to go to Dragon Island to slaughter the dragon, or Homer interrupted it.

"Downton is now going to Dragon Island, and it will definitely become a **** of feces." The implication is that Homer does not reject Downton's dragon slaughter.

After finishing the relationship with Celes, Prince Rosicky returned, and behind him were nearly three hundred death knights, all of whom belonged to the Knights of the Holy Snow Falcon.


Looking at these majestic death riders riding a water of undead war horses, wearing white ice falcon armor, Downton couldn't be more envious.

"These guys are really loyal enough, even if they become death knights, they still loyal to Rosicky." Thyssen chewed a piece of meat and looked at this group of people with a bad look. He actually wanted to tell Downton that you don't need to envy him. , Our Krupp giants are no worse than those death knights.

"When I'm in power, I'll give you a set of legendary armor." Downton just finished, and suddenly remembered that Krupp had his own hellfire war chest. A little less, "There is no reason for fame and status."

Followers follow their masters, in addition to friendship, they will naturally consider for the future. With Downton's current status, it is really impossible to make any promises.

"Thank you for taking care of Celes!"

After sitting in the reception room, Rosicky said thanks.

"This is what I should do, I don't have to be outside." Although facing the prince of the Snowman Empire, he is no more than Hamlet's and does not know how many times, but Downton does not have any stern and humble attitude.

"I want to live in the dungeon with Uncle Dupont. I don't know if it's convenient?" Rosicky returned to the Western Continent. Ten times he was going to be hunted down by the Holy See, so he could only stay in Porosna temporarily and make plans.

"no problem!"

Downton promised that because of his prince status, even if Rosicky became a death knight, it would be impossible for him to follow his own. Although he had known it for a long time, he still felt a bit sorry to hear it with his own ears.

"Thank you!"

Rossi got up and saluted. He had to say that his upbringing was really good. With the contributions of the Dead Rider Legion and his sister, he was also eligible to share part of the ownership of the dungeon, but he did not mention it, but set himself up. In the guest's position.

"I told you earlier, Downton is a good person." Seeing his brother and Downton had a great time talking, Celesce was very happy.

"What do you plan to do in the future? Will you return to the Xueman Empire? Or will you settle on the plane of the dead language? If it is the latter, Homer can build a portal for you." After Juliet had tea, Downton asked, "Magic Noh, you can continue to use it, a little more strength, and more safety."

"I want to go back to the ground first. After thousands of years have passed, everything has changed." Rosicky sighed. Although there are also undead tribes on the Western Continent, they are hiding in the dark. After all, here are humans and humanoids. They are always subject to discrimination in the kingdom of the Lord.


Downton didn't say anything about sheltering Rosicky, he would definitely contact the Xueman Empire, and they would definitely send people by then.

"By the way, Dupont told me that there were more than 300 knights who passed through the Falling Ceremony at that time. Except for a part who followed the son of the Duke, the rest were either stationed around the dungeon, or they were lucky to restore their memories and escape the magic energy. Well hide, you can recruit them."

Rosicky finally made a piece of valuable news.

Walnut rides the bone dragon flying in the sky of the dungeon, shouting recruitment words with amplified magic, but unfortunately no dead rider came to take effect.

"My Emperor Polo, these guys look down on their masters. If they are caught, they must be broken into pieces." Jackson was angry.

Downton is not much annoyed, think about it too, they can pass the depravation ritual, their strength is certainly not bad, and the former was the Grand Duke Hohenzollern of the Marshal rank. Now he is suddenly replaced by a civilian of the rank of ruling. Anyone can accept it. This psychological gap can't be achieved.

"It's awful, I will dig them up and hang them all!"

Walnut grunted her mouth, annoyed for Downton, she jumped up and jumped on the back of Bone Dragon, and she would continue to look for it.

"Let us do it. The dungeon is so big, you are not familiar with the terrain. It's too difficult to catch them."

Duobang took the initiative to take this task.

"Then you have labor!"

Downton is not urgent. Even if he catches those dead riders, loyalty is a problem. Who knows if they will continue to be loyal to the Duke after he returns? When the time comes, he can't eat enough, and he still has more important things to do.

"Site, popularity, fame, I want it all!"

Downton had been fed up with despised scenes, and he was about to start the West Border Raiders plan immediately.

"Not bad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With your strength, you are qualified to compete for the power of the Duke of Western Realm!"

Rosicky heard of this news from Celesce and expressed his willingness to help. Downton's development has reached a bottleneck. If he wants to continue, he must have a site and taxation to let them expand in a snowball style and generate huge profits.

When Downton returned to the morning fog town, Jackson found Hiller's Frost Knight knight's sword. As for the armor, it had been destroyed by the meteoric explosion.

"Leave it to Rosicky!"

For the knight, the saber is their partner, the tomb, without permission, Downton will not stay, anyway, he has got the dragon gun and shield, and even if these two pieces, he is ready to find Hiller's descendants personally handed them over.

At the same time, returning from the lava secret realm to the west, the almost wounded Embir arranged for a new town mayor and sheriff to take over Downton.

"I want to let the untouchable know that the master will always be the master!" Embier's face was furious, and he beat his servant with a leather whip. "If he doesn't offer Sharomanda, I will let my father send a large army to conquer He, destroy his ten races, let him be a slave forever, and taste the most miserable pain in the world."

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