Hero’s Creed

Chapter 471: The new town mayor is here!

Walnut chased a wild boar man on a war bear, and the Frostblood Dragon Spear thrust him into a cool heart, then flicked and smashed the body towards the orc beside him.

The ghoul roar was mixed with the screams of the orcs, and there was also the sound of chewing skin, which made people shudder.

The townspeople who survived the disaster did not have any fear, but felt happy, some bold and even rushed out, stab the **** robbers with their red eyes holding the dung fork.

After losing the demon servant, a hundred people can't stop Downton's attack anymore. After a block and miss, he was smashed and cut off along the left shoulder and cut off half of his body.

The viscera mixed in the blood spilled out, the smell was pervading.

Downton did not dislike it, and cut off his head with a knife, and threw it at the townspeople, "Go, hang up his head to show the public."

"This is the newly appointed Mayor of Morning Fog Town, Lord Downton. From now on, you will get his asylum. If you encounter a robber and ignite the wolf smoke, the master's regiment will arrive as soon as possible."

Jackson screamed and made a name for his master.

"Thank you, Lord Mayor!"

The townsmen knelt down and thanked them from the bottom of their hearts. Compared to those in Lishui Town, these lucky people who had just climbed out of the edge of death almost regarded Downton as the savior.

After collecting the loot, Jackson cut off the robber's head, piled up a small Jinguan on the side of the road, and then burned the body. This was also to prevent the plague.

After Downton led the team to leave, several orc scouts who had escaped by chance appeared on the battlefield, looking at the compatriot's head, with a sorrowful face.

"Go back and report to the captain of the legion that the human must pay the price." The captain of the scout snarled and vowed to pay for the blood.


In the golden ivory tavern, the vocals are booming.

With Downton vigorously punishing the bandits in recent times, his reputation quickly spread to more than half of Sequoia County, coupled with the Templar’s ​​aura, the townspeople everywhere knew that the new mayor was a jealous and good. People, fighting for civilians.

In any tavern on the border. Most of the topics are about Downton, but if you talk a lot, it naturally arouses some people's rebellious psychology.

"It's just a 17-year-old young man. How powerful can it be? I think these rumors are mostly fake. Someone is building momentum for him."

A scared mercenary man was quite disdainful, and he placed the glass heavily on the table with a snap, and some golden beer splashed out.

"Are you jealous of your reputation?"

Someone teased.

"I'm jealous of him? See what this is?" The scarred man motioned to everyone to look at his dining table, which was covered with a red cloth.

Everyone is a mercenary who travels from south to north and has good experience. Not to mention the dry blood stains on the red cloth. It's just **** smell. You can also guess what it is.

"Whose leader is this?"

Someone is stubborn.

"Duo Duo."

The big man was complacent, especially when he heard the exclamations that sounded around him.

"This is a strong ruling order, with a head value of 30,000 gold coins." The waiter stared at the package. Complimented the big man, "You are rich!"

"I will kill a dozen of these miscellaneous fish." The big man boasted that he would not tell these people that he almost lost his life in order to kill the wanted criminal.

"You are terrific, but it is still worse than Mayor Downton." A dancer said with a lip, and the companion beside him was also helping. "That is, the mayor is more handsome than you in terms of appearance."

"Well, what's so good about Xiaosheng Xiaosheng? It's still a masculine man who is full of taste. You haven't picked up a guest at first sight. How? How about letting Lao Tzu teach you what a man's charm is today?

The big man Tumo Xingzi spouts, staring at this young and beautiful dancer, with his eyes exposed ~ **** ~ light, "How about ten gold coins? Uncle has money!"

"Get out of here, you, I don't sell myself!"

Not all dancers work part-time as prostitutes, but also have some self-care.

"You little wave hoof, are you waiting for your son-in-law, hum, don't look at your identity, a civilian, just want to fly to the phoenix tree as a phoenix!"

The big man shook his waist and sneered loudly, and the other mercenaries were making fun of it.

The young dancer had just entered the industry and had too little experience. She could not come to Taiwan after being run over. There was tears in her eyes, but she couldn't help crying.

"Under a striptease, Grandpa is happy and rewards you with a hundred gold coins!" The big man threw a bag of gold coins on the table. His eyes flashed fiercely, staring at the dancer. "If it was not for rejection, hum!"

The face of the young dancer suddenly changed. They were magicians and could not offend themselves.

"Your Excellency, you don't need to know her in general." The waitress liked the young dancer, but she couldn't be grieved, so she took advantage of the pour of wine and accompanied the smile to the round.

Slap, Dahan slapped on the waiter's face with a slap. The strength was so great that even his teeth were fanned out.

"Go away, what are you talking about? I'm talking, how can you intervene?" The big man was furious, grabbing the glass and slamming, "Quick off, uncle is anxious, but everything can be done."

"No way, go to call the security team!"

Several dancers made up their minds to let their companions run quickly, otherwise they would be completely humiliated today.

The mercenaries cheered and looked at Dahan with a sullen expression. This was obviously the first time he came to Chenwu Town. He did not know that with Downton taking office, all the rules here changed.

Dare to make trouble in golden ivory? If the goods are not killed and hanged up, they will also be thrown into the water for the first half of the year.

The dancer jumped off the platform and was about to run. As a result, the big man smashed his thigh into the thigh with a wine glass, and fell to the ground with a puff.

"Want to run? There are no doors, hurry up!" Dahan roared. He was already ruling the second order. At this kind of border, it is an absolutely powerful existence, so it will be lawless.

The waiter endured the pain and ran out quietly.

The big man drank a little bit of wine, coupled with the mercenary crowds, he started to make trouble as soon as his mind was hot. Anyway, he bullied a lowly dancer, and no one would come forward.

Just when the dancer was at a loss, a tidy footsteps came, and the noisy atmosphere in the tavern suddenly disappeared.

The big man turned his head and froze, because a group of ogren in heavy armor ran in, and their five-meter-high figure was extremely visually oppressive. Even the sunlight is blocked, casting a large shadow.

"Who is making trouble?"

The guard's gaze swept fiercely.

"My Emperor Polo, why did even the hills and natives get mixed up in the military?" Dahan was a little surprised. As for the ten ogres, he hadn't put it in his eyes. Except for the one who was headed by a magician, the others were all Ordinary indigenous people are relatively large in size and strength.

"Are you in trouble? Let's go with us!"

The captain of the guard saw that the mercenaries' eyes were on the big man, and came over and gave an ultimatum in a clumsy human language.

"What did I do? It wasn't the indigenous people's turn!" Dahan didn't get up. "Fill me wine. Didn't you hear it? Fill it up!"

"You want to resist arrest?" The captain of the guard squeezed his mace.

Downton had no extra money for the ogre armed tomahawk. Simply welding some spikes with an iron rod to make a weapon, anyway, in terms of their strength and rough martial arts, this is enough.

Dahan's answer was simple, and he flew directly. He kicked the head of the guard.

The captain of the guard didn't hide, and violently swiped his stick, but unfortunately it was at the level of the soul level. The dining table was smashed, and the big boy fart did not happen. Instead, he kicked it to the ground.

"The indigenous people are the indigenous people, and Lao Tzu can kill you without even using his hands."

Dahan is very proud.

The ogre roared, just about to fight, and was interrupted by a sudden group of guys.

Dozens of bodyguards wearing light red armor rushed into the tavern. Scolded everyone to give way.

"Haha, what are these ogres doing? A new show in the pub?"

A young man in a magic robe walked up and ridiculed casually. Without his command, the two maids had packed up a dining table as quickly as possible.

"The boss. Come out and tell me the latest interesting thing about the next morning fog town." The young man sat on the chair, with a pretentious style.

The mercenaries did not scream, even those guys who were shoved by bodyguards did not dare to attack, not to mention the aura of others, the group of well-equipped guards alone is enough to show his extraordinary origins.

"Your Excellency, what do you ask?"

The pub owner ran over at the fastest speed and nodded his head. As a member of the Brotherhood, he knew the identity of this man in front of him and was the son of the Earl of Sequoia County.

"Did you hear what I asked just now?" The young man frowned. "Forget it, I'm in a good mood today and I don't want to kill."

"What are you still doing? Tea, food!" The boss yelled at the waiter. "There are a few of you, are you dead? Hurry and dance!"

The dancers were frightened and their movements were stiff.

"Stop, what are you guys dancing? Are you shit? Forget it, get down and let these guys jump." The young man pointed at the ogre and laughed, "I haven't seen an indigenous dance yet."

"Master, do you want me to find some grass skirts? Hula is said to be a reserved program for the indigenous people, even children!"

The maid snickered her mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The bodyguards also laughed together and looked at the ogres as if they were watching funny clowns.

"Who are you?" The captain climbed up and asked loudly.

"Look at your strength, probably at the adjudication level, do you want to be my subordinate?" The young man didn't care about the ogre and asked the big man.

"May I play for my son!" Dahan immediately knelt down on one knee and swore allegiance. Such opportunities were rare. He felt that he was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

"Haha, great. From today, you are the sheriff of Chenwu Town." The youth shook his head and drank the fine wine delivered by the maid. "By the way, by the way, I am the new mayor of Chenwu Town. "

The mercenaries looked at each other. Downton did a good job. At least the robbers who killed him were enough for him to sit firmly in the seat, but what is the situation now?

These people are all at the bottom, and they are not qualified to know the inside story, but then they exclaimed aloud, looking enviously and enviously at the big man, the sheriff, this is fat, and it is only the tax of past business trips every year. And filial piety, you can get a lot of money.

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