Hero’s Creed

Chapter 473: Bullying too much!

The dancers were so moved that the former mayor had never thought about them. Every day they considered how to increase the tax in the purse.

Neutral mercenaries watched Downton confronting the young nobleman for the dancers, and all felt that he was a little irrational. By doing so, his mayor would definitely be the head.

"It's a big tone!" The young man sneered. "If I remember correctly, are you a civilian?"

"Boy, pay attention to your attitude, this is Xijing, it is Sequoia County, this is the earl's son, the baron, what are you?" The captain of the guard stared at Downton, yelling loudly, ready to cut his head at any time. .

As a ruling order, he has this confidence.

As the captain reported the origin, there was an exclamation in the tavern. There were several counts in the territory of the Duke of Placido, but there were only two real powers. The young man was the son of one of them.

"Asshole, pay attention to your tone, and then talk to the master like this, I shoot your head!" Jackson reluctantly cursed and pointed the crossbow at him.

"Do you think this stuff is useful to me?" The captain sneered, demonstrating the soul shield.

"It's the ruling fifth-order powerhouse!"

There was a cry of excitement in the tavern, and the mercenaries watched the captain's eyes full of awe.

Huh, the captain sneered, and enjoyed the attitude of these people!

"Do you know what this is?" Jackson took the crossbow in his hand. "The Dawnbringer, the elven craft, the perfect middle grade, equipped with a broken armor burst arrow worth 10,000 gold coins, and your shield is in front of it. Paper makes no difference!"

The captain's expression suddenly stiffened. He wanted to say that you were bluffing. How could a civilian have such a good weapon? However, even when he saw that Downton was loading ammunition into his hand, he did not forget that it was this weapon that just exploded the big man's thigh.

"Is this kid really a civilian? So rich!"

"All their weapons are rare, and I don't recognize many of them."

"Nonsense, even the ogres are equipped with heavy armor, how can they be poor ghosts. If people are powerful, dare to challenge the real power nobles?"

The mercenaries whispered and retreated wisely. They did not want to be injured by accident.

"Mayor? Asylum?" The young man laughed loudly and ordered the maid, "Show him the appointment letter!"

"Open your dog's eyes and take a closer look!"

The maid took the documents from her backpack and threw them to Downton.

"Literacy? Redneck!"

The other maid squeezed her shoulders for her master, and ignored Dunton with her straight eyes.

"Starting today, I am the new mayor of Chenwu Town, and you have been removed. How far hastily gotten me off." The youth was very proud. Aimed at the dancers. "Come here, grab them."

"Why did you catch us?" The dancers were frightened, the young man was angry, and shouted.

"Thanks for your arrears of taxes. By the way, the amount owed is too large, and it is unclear to sell them as slaves, so I decided to let you pick up guests in this town until I have finished paying them." Youth Biya , The words made the dancers pale.

"We didn't owe money!" the young dancer cried, and if anyone dared to owe taxes, he would have been thrown into the water jail by the former mayor.

"I'm the mayor. I said that I owe what I owe." There is no one in the youth's eyes, and he enjoys the miserable expression of the dancers. "Oh, let's start paying the taxes now. Have you any mercenaries heard? A copper plate is fine Enjoy them. Opportunity!"

Some distracted mercenaries were tempted, and the mischievous eyes swept the dancers' bodies.

"Master Mayor, please let us go?"

The older dancer was more jealous. She knew that the young man only humiliated herself for fighting with Downton, so she ran over and knelt on the ground.

The other dancers woke up like dreams, rushed over to kneel one by one, and begged the youth, if they were really slept by these mercenaries, they would be tortured to death.

Only the young dancer gritted her teeth and did not move.

"Yo, it's tough!" The young man whistled. "Look at your mistake, give you a chance to pay 100 gold coins within a month, or wait for being sold, right, don't think about it Sneaking away, if I let him catch, but the death penalty."

"Can it be less?" The dancers bitterly, a hundred gold coins? Even if you sell yourself, you won't get so much money.

"Go away, so many requests come from there?" The maid kicked the dancer away. "The owner was already very kind without hanging you immediately."

"What are you waiting for? Hands on, eh? The top ten are free!" The young man teased and looked at the young dancer. "Sorry, it's too late even if you want to beg for mercy."

"I'd rather die than plead with you." The young dancer shouted and drew a dagger from her arms, trembling, and pointed at the mercenaries who had been around, "Don't come over, otherwise I'll kill you guys."

"Did you see? How did you fight me?" The young man mocked Downton and stretched one foot in front of the dancer who was kneeling on the ground. "The boots are dirty, help me lick them clean."

The dancer only hesitated and bowed her head to lick her. She was just a lowly civilian, facing the youth, she had to succumb.

Except for Downton's men, no one on the scene thought he would win. There was no way out. The background was so bad.

Krupp is able to fight, but the youth guard is not bad, and with the power of other families, it can mobilize more troops every second.

As for Downton's firebird demon? It sounds pretty powerful, but nobody has seen it? Furthermore, the demon servant of the Duke of the West Realm is a super-order Warcraft, and the demon servant of the Earl of Sequoia County is also a hero level.

In this era, if you want to have territory, there is no strong force, and there is no scum that has been swallowed by people.

"Yo, yo, my mayor, the dancer you are sheltering is licking my boots, how do you feel?" The young man laughed, and then his expression became untidy. Knowing that the sky is high and the land is thick, tell you that nobles will always be nobles, and you need to look forward to the existence of your life!"

"These people are so noisy, Thyssen, break all their limbs and spine, and hang on the square to dry!"

Downton pointed to the dozen mercenaries who rushed to the dancer. In addition to wanting to take advantage of these people, they still want to show their favors to young people and mix up in public office.

The giant guards rushed out, and the most common thing to come to the border to discuss life was the war rank. There was Krupp's opponent. Even the waves were not lifted, and they were instantly turned over.

A twisted body, a burst of wailing.

Krupp pulled his hair, dragged them out of the tavern, and threw them into the street.

"Very good. I like your toughness!" The youth didn't care about the life and death of those fish. Pointed to the appointment letter. "Understood? You have been fired. If you can't read, I will find someone to read it to you!"


Downton read the appointment letter and closed it.

"what did you say?"

The youth froze for a moment.

"I said it was fake!" Downton started. Torn the appointment book to pieces.

The mercenaries did not expect Downton to adopt this method, which was a little surprised, but soon shook his head helplessly. It was useless. People wanted to be the mayor, even without an appointment letter.

"Haha, are you stupid? Do you think I'm not the mayor after tearing it?" The young man laughed, "The villager didn't know."

Uh! Downton waved his hand. Throwing a handful of scraps of paper at the young man, the expression calmly announced, "You are also fake. The fish from which you came out, dare to pretend to be the son of the count of Sequoia."

"Your brain is broken?"

The maid scolded. "Look at this guard's equipment, this is the elite of the earl."

"Go to death, kill me!"

The young man who lost his face shattered his paper and raised his right hand towards Downton, releasing the chain of lightning stored in the ring.

Dou Zuanxing shifts and expands, reflecting them after receiving lightning.

The young man was startled. Fortunately, the soul shield opened immediately to protect him, but he still yelled, "Come protect me!"

The middle-aged man stepped forward with one arrow, and the epee slashed down to Downton's head. The captain of the guard also shot, drawing a crossbow from behind his waist and sneaking into Downton's chest.

Although Jackson was afraid of death, there was no way to hide at this moment, and he rushed to the captain of the guard without fear of death, and Casimodo intercepted other mercenaries.

Downton's shield was fully opened, and the cheetah threw himself out, killing the youth.

"Death!" The middle-aged man failed to stop Downton for the first time, and wanted to start again. Rosicky, who had been standing next to him, shot faster, and the long sword stretched out to block him.

"In my place, what wild are you?"

Downton appeared in front of the youth, his right arm pulled back, and after his full strength, he burst out like a siege hammer.


The young man's nose was suddenly broken, and blood was rushing like a tap that opened the gate, and the teeth in his mouth were loose.

Because of the shocking force, the young man's entire body lifted back into the air, but before he flew away, Downton grabbed the collar of his magic robe and pulled it back, followed by another punch.


what! The young man screamed, and several teeth were even punched in his throat.

"the host!"

The guards were in a hurry and rushed to rescue one by one.

Krupp rushed up and fought with them, and the space for war also opened up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All the undead men rushed out in unison.

"You dare to beat me, you are dead!" The youth cried, "Slave them for me, one will not stay!"

Downton deliberately retained his strength, just to teach him, otherwise he would kill him suddenly, and how to vent.

"I let you stop, didn't you hear?"

The middle-aged man saw that the master was injured, and immediately released the demon servant. Ten of the guards were also adjudicating orders, and the demon servant was released.

After the dazzling magic energy flashed, eleven heads of warcraft appeared in the tavern, angry roaring, and various instant magic shots.

"It's over, Downton is dead!"

The mercenaries retreated out of the tavern, fearing that it would be affected, and at the same time looked at Downton's eyes.


During the scuffle, the tavern's wall suddenly collapsed, and a burning undead bird shot in and rammed directly into a World of Warcraft.

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