Hero’s Creed

Chapter 476: Surprises of the hostess

Groups of hills came out of the red mountain forest natively and gathered towards the town of morning fog. The civilians on the border were frightened, and they dared not hide out at home.

In the town, people who have a little savings have temporarily moved away, and even the business groups are much less. Everyone feels the suffocating atmosphere before the war. How dare you feel uncomfortable at this time, rather make a small amount of money, do not want to Throw your life here.

Let Rosicky make an operational plan, Downton entered the hive independent laboratory.

"Xia Luo, you have been affected for more than half a month!"

Watching the lunch cool down, the sage wolf didn't eat at all, Downton changed it for him.

The war is to fight logistics. In addition to food and equipment, medicines must keep up. By this time, the iron and steel pharmacy is no longer important. Downton needs a large amount of ordinary healing pharmacy.

To Xia Luo's level, of course, there is no problem in making these, but the continuous and restless work makes her a little tired.

"I'm okay, I just hope you will fulfill your promise after taking down the West Side, and give the orcs a place to live." Xia Luo was talking while dripping the solution, holding her test tube with her fingertips intact, demonstrating superb skills.


Downton would not go back on his words, preparing to return to another laboratory.

"Do you still need to make a medicine? Don't you need to check it out?" Xia Luo was surprised. At this time, the Lord should show up frequently to give confidence to his subordinates.

"With questions, Homer will notify me."

Downton wants to prepare more medicine so that there may be fewer casualties.

"You are the first person I have ever met with such a good human being in the hills." The sage wolf lamented that if it was replaced by other people, it would definitely treat ogres as cannon fodder, where would they prepare medicines for them.

"As long as they fight for me. I will not treat them badly." Downton didn't want to delay. The time difference between the independent laboratory and Xitu was all achieved by burning a lot of magic stones. He now wastes a second, just a few seconds. The loss of one hundred gold coins.

"That's right. I have a cherished potion recipe. Wait for the incident to be resolved, and crack it with me at once?" Downton sent out an invitation, a little uneasy.


Xia Luo did not refuse to know that Downton was not a racist and treated the orcs equally. She has improved his senses a lot, of course, about love, no need to talk!

After glancing at the shadow of the sage wolf, Downton retreated quietly, but did not work long. He was interrupted by Homer.

"Abagon has something important to tell!" Homer put the finished potions into the war space and warned Downton, "You need to rest. If you stay so restless, the combat power will be greatly damaged."

"Got it." Downton returned to the dungeon through the cross-light gate. As soon as he walked into the study, he saw Millia exiting with the tray.

"grown ups?"

Millia froze. Quickly lowered his head and retreated to the side.

"Are you still used to living?"

Downton did not go in a hurry. After killing the young man, he hesitated to worry about being retaliated. He had brought back all the villas in Wangdu Villa, leaving only Abagong to buy supplies. Of course, he left a team that hated protection he.


To be honest, when she first came to the dungeon, Miriah was shocked, and then shocked. She didn't expect that the young man was actually a dungeon owner, but she soon adapted to it and couldn't be more satisfied with the present day.

Daily maid work is very easy, after all, they are good people, and they are used to self-reliance. She has few things and cleans her. Of course, the most important thing is that her daughter's disease is also possible to be cured. This makes her feel better and even has some gloss on her face.

"That's good, go for it!"

Downton nodded and walked into the study.

Listening to Abagong's respectful greetings, Millia froze for a moment and looked down.

A maid dresses gracefully and decently, although a small part of her chest is exposed, but this is the most popular dress nowadays, not only does it not have a little **** ~ emotional feeling, but it even more enhances the charm of women.

With black stockings on the legs and leather shoes on the feet, Millia is still very confident in her appearance, but Downton has no need to look at it except looking at his eyes politely during the conversation.

"He is a true gentleman!" Miriah was relieved that she knew her daughter liked Downton, but when she remembered that she had done that kind of shameful thing for him in a secret environment, she was ashamed of her self-blame, But now it seems, he seems to want to forget those, this is exactly what she wants.

"If my daughter followed him, maybe she could be happy." Miriah decided to really get to that point and leave quickly, so as not to delay Juliet's happiness.

"What's the matter?" Downton sat at the desk, flipping through the documents.

"Your declaration to challenge the Duke of Westland has spread to more than half of Drankfork, and everybody knows it." Abagong put the report on the ground. "So all the merchants who sell materials to us have tripled the price."

"How much is it from the budget inventory?" Looking at the dense data, Downton dropped it on the table. He believed the ability of the goblin steward.

"The reserve of ordinary goods has been completed, but the banned goods are a bit troublesome." Abagong had been wary of this day, so he had already made sufficient preparations, but the banned goods are not too many. .

"The price has risen?" Downton asked. "Is it affecting the repair of the steam airship and the reserve of goblin bombs?"

"Serious than that, our current sources are the two lines of Andrea and Hannah. Just this morning, they unilaterally canceled the transaction."

"Oh, it seems that they want more than gold coins!" Downton did not have any accidents. The arms make money, but more of a political capital.

"The current situation on Hannah's side is unknown. It is estimated that he will wait until the war is clear. After all, supporting us means praising Placido." Abagong reported, "Andrea wants to see you, requesting immediate attention !"

"Let's go and say while walking!"

Through the teleportation array, Downton appeared in the king capital. After putting on his cloak, he rushed to the agreed teahouse.

After waiting less than half an hour, the carriage of the female priest stopped outside.

"I said Downton, it's not easy to see you. Are you even busier than the king?" Andrea glanced down at Dunton blankly, and there was a lot of running between the lines.

"it is my fault."

Downton quickly apologized.

"I'm Yilian's mentor, I don't care less about her than you." The female priest was angry. She took this sibling as her successor and heir, but they didn't treat themselves as relatives. Raiders such important things in the west are actually concealed.

"I'm just worried about causing trouble to you." Downton ushered the hostess into the room and told the waiter, "Take the best black tea and pastries!"

"Want to confuse me with a cake? Not so cheap."

Although the hostess was accusing, Downton was relieved after hearing this. She wouldn't be so ridiculous if she was really ill at heart.

"I will definitely change it next time, and I will discuss it with you first when I have something." Downton quickly assured.

"You're a slippery head!" Andrea stretched her finger and poked Downton's forehead, but her face was stunned. "Your body is much taller!"

"Well. There are adventures in the secret realm!" Downton did not conceal, detailed report, in fact, this is also a display, he wants to prove his worth to the female priest.

"Come up and think carefully. Who am I not helping you with?" The hostess looked at the flame banshee rune at Downton's eyebrows and couldn't help feeling, "but your luck is so good."

"It's a fluke."

"You don't need to be humble. In fact, I don't get a lot of information. I can pit Torres twice and grab the flame banshee and the first element from him in succession, which proves that you have completely exploded him." The hostess smiled, "You don't I know, after this news was sent back to the capital, Falford’s face was greenish, you really gave me a long face!"

Downton nodded, and he was introduced by Andrea, who had been labeled as her faction in this life.

"Speak. What do you want to do? Be the Duke of Xijing?" The hostess finally started to talk about the business.


Looking at Downton without hesitation, the admonishment of the word clang, Andrea did not know how to speak. Such a tough and confident teenager, she has not encountered it for a long time.

"How sure are you to win?" the hostess asked.

"Eight percent!" Downton knew this was the test. So the introduction is very detailed, if you want to get the support of the female hostess family, you must show your strength.

After winning the Western Realm, there are still many problems he has to face. How to hold the site is the most important. The other three Dukes and even the King will certainly not stop, so Downton needs someone to mediate from it, and the hostess is undoubtedly the best Candidates.

"No, it's already a young man!" Looking at Downton's handsome face as if the face of the sun **** Apollo, coupled with the self-confident attitude of rhetoric, Andrea suddenly lost her mind, if the other party was originally married to him , Maybe you won't escape marriage?

"Prince? What's wrong?" Downton wondered.

"Ah? It's nothing, you continue to say." The hostess blushed, thinking about her own delusions, but she was the elder brother of the apprentice.

After arranging the abomination stand, Downton introduced the plan in detail~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Very good, these words prove that you are not a decision made by the brain, and I will convince the family to support you. "Andrea is at ease.

"So what about the interrupted banned transactions?"

"Relax, 20% discount and double the supply." Andrea shrugged. "Sorry, the family is not a charity hall, so I can't give it to you in vain."

"Understood!" Tang Zheng knew that these big families were not good. If they weren't Andrea, they would definitely speak to the lion.

"Right, you have a lot of money, where did you come from?" Andrea asked casually, but couldn't help but blame, "You came back from the secret realm, you didn't come to see me, the arms event was actually handed over If a green-skin goblin is in charge, you are not afraid of an error?"

"No, Abagong is a personal talent. My logistics is that he is in charge." Downton asked the waiter to leave and personally make tea for the hostess. "As for money, I have a dungeon!"

"Poof!" Andrea heard the words Dungeon, and a sip of tea spewed out directly, looking at Downton in amazement.

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