Hero’s Creed

Chapter 483: Become famous in 1 battle

The guards who followed the Earl, even if they were more brave than the dragon, did not have the courage to fight the two super beasts at the same time. Seeing that something was impossible, they all left the team quietly, trying to escape while the owner was attracting the attention of the other party. Off.

The bone dragon patted with wings in the air, Downton stood on its back and looked at the count indifferently.

"Untouchables, there is a seed to fight against me!"

The Earl's Long Sword pointed to Downton far away, swearing, and if it were not too far away, he had carried out a sneak attack with the magic stored in the magic suit.

"I'm sorry, I still have a lot of post-war matters to deal with, so you will die happily!" After the orc veteran put a handful of sand on his eyes, Downton's knight spirit was much less, under absolute advantage What kind of heads-up will idiot play?

"Aren't you a Templar? Is there any honor to dare?"

The Earl tried to make a move, but Downton didn't want to listen to his nonsense at all.

"Firebird and Bone Dragon, it's yours!"

The Firebird, who had been beaten for a long time, could not wait. As soon as Downton spoke, he immediately made a high-pitched chirp, spread his wings, and shot at the count.

The Earl's heroic demon servant fought bravely, but he dropped it decisively, turned around and ran away. After a moment of madness, he calmed down a lot, so when death came, he did not have the courage to fight.

Seeing this scene, the demon servant's resistance suddenly weakened. It remembered the scene where he met his master. Unfortunately, as his status changed, his people also changed.

"Go away without dying!"

Firebird cursed a word, and used a breath of fire to force the demon back. To kill the count, the man is not yet here. The watermelon-sized fireball has drowned him like a meteor swarm.

boom! boom! boom!

The earl's soul shield was blown apart and fragmented. With the help of the life-saving super devil's costume, he was not killed in seconds, but he suffered more pain.

The high temperature and the shock wave raged, so that the count no longer had an inch of perfect skin, after struggling for a moment. There was a loud blaze.

Ignoring the wailing earl, Downton was hesitating whether to kill the demon servant, the bone dragon had already rushed up, and the dragon breathed out.

After all, Bone Dragon is a dark creature and enjoys the thrill of killing, and drawing the enemy's brain and soul debris can also enhance its own strength. Why not do it?

"I'm going to use its body as a hate, don't burn it out!"

Downton sighed and gave up the woman's kindness.

"You are right to do this. If the Earl wins, you will be skinned and boned. The body of Warcraft is an important potion resource. It can't be wasted." Cheap God persuaded Downton. But the latter sentence revealed its careful thinking, "Remember to leave the remains of the soul to me!"

Besieged by two super beasts, the Earl's demon servant has no chance of surviving, as far as escape? Firebird's flying speed can blast it into slag.

"Firebird, tap light next time, the loot will burn you out." Downton did not participate in the battle. Looking for loot in the ashes of the earl's body, only one ring remained intact.

Fortunately, this is a ring made of octave metal, because it is important, so it is extremely delicate and strong. Several defensive magics were added to avoid being burned by high temperature.

There are magic locks on it. Downton couldn't solve it, he could only take it home to Homer to solve.

Five minutes later, the battle ended, and the bone dragon dragged the body of Warcraft and began to return to the town of Chenwu.

The mountains and fields are full of fleeing human soldiers, and the tired ogres do not rest. They chase like crazy for the bounty, but with little success.

The foreign corps composed of orcs are very cautious. They all act on the basis of fifty people. They do not seek hard work, but seek no fault.

"No wonder Rosickie didn't use them until the end!"

Downton sighed, and the orcs went to fight for the promise of land, residence, and tax relief. In their hearts, they had not regarded themselves as his people.

The enemy is powerful, and the orcs have no desire to die. If the battle is broken, it will inevitably cause a chain reaction and lead to a larger crash. When the time comes, you can’t stop it.

"The racial contradiction between the orcs and humans has existed for tens of thousands of years. How can it be easily resolved?" In the mayor's hall, Rosicky couldn't help rolling his eyes as he heard Downton's emotions.

"The orcs also have good people who know the good news!" Downton retorted.

"Yes, the slaves you saved will fight desperately, but there are others, other people run, they don't run, they die?" Rosicky took a sip of tea, "If you want to win in the war, you must do May exclude all uncertain factors."

"Perfect strategy? That thing never exists. War is less than who made mistakes, who has fewer, and the greater the chances of winning." Homer took the ring and threw it to Downton in less than a minute, " Untie it, see for yourself!"

The octave space inside the ring is not big, just a camping tent for single use. Think about the identity of the earl, Downton is relieved, this thing is very expensive, he can not afford a ring with more space.

In addition to a perfect level shield and a long sword, a few sets of clothes, five stacks of gold tickets with a denomination of one thousand, a few gems besides a box of gems to deal with different situations, the rest are a large number of gems and three gems Fifteen magic red diamonds.

"Estimate the price!" Downton tossed the magic diamond. This thing is a hard currency in everyone's face. It can be compared with gold coins and gems. It also shows his identity and heritage.

"About 30 million gold marks, hehe, even if the ogres kill the enemy, the bounty will not cost 300,000 coins. Downton, you are rich."

Homer teased and sorted the potions, introducing him, "Two of them were used for life when severely wounded and dying, and the wounded can last two hours longer, and the other five are crazy potions."

"I know this. Dragon-killing potions can increase the combat power of the magician by several times in a few minutes, so they are also known as potion potions."

Downton took a translucent reagent tube and admired it. It contained a red potion, which was not sticky. You can see white bubbles rising continuously, and every few seconds, there will be a huge sound Roar.

The roar is the characteristic of this medicine. The louder the sound, the better the quality.

"Yes, it is one of the strongest offensive potions."

Rosicky is no stranger to this. As a prince, his knowledge is not bad.

"Master, the statistics are complete!"

During the conversation, Abagon came and sent a statistical form, and at the same time handed a soul stone to Homer.


The cheap God wanted, but Homer didn't agree, it swallowed it clean.

"More than a thousand soul wreckages, you can't leave me a few hundred?" The cheap **** was very depressed and wanted to drag Homer out and beat it.

"Donton doesn't owe you any sacrifices?" Homer finally had a full meal, teasing casually, leaving the cheap **** speechless, yes, why do people support themselves?

"Three hundred and sixty-seven ogres have died in battle, and more than five hundred are injured. Charlotte and Elaine are being treated. I have collected the armor and weapons. I am badly damaged and ready to rebuild the furnace. Or armed soldiers."

Abagong’s well-organized report made Rosicky aside and was amazed. This goblin is better than some professional human elites in handling these matters.

"Well, you can deal with these things!"

Downton flipped the form down and stopped paying attention. He was going to go to Mengengjing for meditation, and it was important to work hard.

"Okay!" What if Abagong was still worried about the prisoners? Downton certainly wouldn't do the slave trade. Now that he doesn't care, he can just do it right, without having his master bear the title of slave trader.

"Prepare some supplements for Celes." Downton noticed Abagong's resignation and couldn't help asking, "You are my housekeeper, just say anything, there is no need to taboo!"

"Those human soldiers hurt a lot. Elaine and Charlotte are treating them. In my humble opinion, this is an uneconomical deal. It is better to kill them."

Abagong carefully selected the words. The cost of saving the prisoners was too great, and healed were also crippled. He couldn't even do the most basic physical work.

"Forget it, let them save, and let those crippled prisoners leave after a big deal." Downton was too young to be so ruthless.

After reporting the work, Abagong smiled and congratulated towards Downton on one knee, "Master, congratulations, you have become famous in one battle!"

Wang Du, Andrea is furious toward family affairs.

"It's been a few days? Why isn't the armed forces I want ready yet?" The female priest was very angry. Someone in the family must have tripped herself before the personnel had not arrived.

"I'll do it now!" The manager was sweating.

"Then what are you still doing here?" The female priest couldn't worry about it. She had received intelligence from the Earl of Sequoia to suppress Downton a few days ago. Long.

"No, I can't wait any longer. Downton can't finish it. I have to go there to sit down." Andrea stood up. "After the people are in order, let them go directly to Chenwu Town."

"Follow your orders." The manager hurriedly agreed.

Andrea just walked to the door, and a spy hurried in, almost hitting her with arms.

"Master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ won."

The detective was shocked, and had not yet responded from the battle report. He even forgot to apologize to the hostess.

"What won?"

The female priest went straight away and wanted to hit someone, didn't you see that I was busy? You are still spending time here.

"Downton won!"

"what did you say?"

The hostess stunned, staring at the spy.

"Earl Sequoia's elite army was destroyed, and even he died in Downton's hands."

Waiting for the detective to submit the report, the female priest has already pulled it into her hand and started to browse, "How is it possible? How can he do it? Earl Sequoia is not a fish!"

The battle report is very detailed, but the female priest still has a feeling of being unreal. It was really too unexpected for Downton.

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