Hero’s Creed

Chapter 603: Ghost Hunter

The force of the soul of the dragon-slayer is strong, and Sissi can't stop it. Fortunately, she is equipped enough, and the opponent's tomahawk hits the magic shield, unable to break through the defense.


An elemental vortex suddenly appeared in the air next to the princess. Amidst the crackling flashes of lightning and detonation, a ghost hunter suddenly rushed out, spraying a magic bullet into the dwarf general of the Dragon Slayer.

The dwarf general was frightened, and the Dragon Shield quickly swam in front of him and intercepted with all his strength. His talent was launched at the same time, and the stone skin was added.

The left hand completes the throwing stance, and a storm hammer is shot, storming the ghost hunter.

The shape of the ghost hunter is similar to that of the canine family of Warcraft. It looks like a Texas red wolf, but the whole body is translucent. It seems to be cast by the starry sky. Its back spine is a row of raised sharp bone spurs and a long tail. Up to three meters, there is a hook at the end, which is usually curled up. When sneaking into the enemy, it can pop up like a crossbow.

Its size is not big, but it is a complete super-order Warcraft. This kind of Warcraft has not had the opportunity to be appreciated by all the Masters for a lifetime, because it only lives in the astral world and feeds on hunting other astral warcrafts. .

No one knows the original name of the ghost hunter, only the nickname based on its living habits, which shows how great it is a hunter.

In the pedigree of predators, the ghost hunter is definitely at the top.

The dwarf general did not recognize the ghost hunter, thinking it was a wolf-like warcraft, but he did not dare to care, because he felt a very dangerous atmosphere from it.

call out!

The ghost hunter has no wings, but jumps and runs in the air, like a flat ground. It is just a flash, and it really disappears into the field of vision like a ghost.

The dwarf general has not yet reacted. The Dragon Shield was torn into pieces by the ghost hunter's claws, and followed by a bite on his waist.


The dwarf general was chopped by giant teeth, and his two bodies fell, but they did not wait for the ground to fall. The ghost hunter catches up. Only two people swallowed them into the stomach with armor.

Because he is at high altitude. Everyone witnessed the scene where the ghost hunter bit the dwarven general. Although the general is only the first level of the dragon slaughter, it is too sharp, is it too sharp? Then a large voice of "My Emperor Polo" sounded on the ground.

The dwarves are venting their astonishment and fear in this way!

The octave space badge opens. The crystal dragon was killed.

"It's a dragon!"

"The super beast is coming, the hills are going up!"

"What should I do? The enemy is too strong."

The screams and wailings below became a mess, and some cunning dwarves began to dodge.

"Aren't you hurt?" The big dragon's eyes of the crystal dragon glared, and the fighting sound on the battlefield below was suddenly weakened by dozens of decibels. There is no way. For tens of thousands of years, the reputation of the dragon has been too loud.

"This is not the level of a local tyrant!"

Downton sighed. People are more dead than popular, and Sissy is not as good as herself. They can call two super beasts to help in minutes and kill themselves instantly. By the way, this is not considered the Bavarian army.

Twilight's face was plain and unmoved.

"No matter how many times I watch it, it is still shocking as always!"

Watching the ghost hunter and the crystal dragon standing beside Sissi to protect him, Palin's eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

Why anyone wants to marry Princess Sissi, this is the reason, it can be said that she is the most perfect Bai Fumei in the Western Continent, marry her, everything, everything will suddenly stand at the peak of life. (Pingnan Literature Network)

"How her father spoiled him!"

Cindy was stunned. This kind of local tyrant, she has lived for more than 20 years, seeing it for the first time. No, it is estimated that the old antiques that lived hundreds of years in the family have no such blessing.

Julie Ye clenched her fists and glanced down at Dunton, especially after she noticed that Sissi also aimed at Dunton involuntarily and unconsciously, and she was angry with a deep loss in her heart.

"I'm okay!" Although Sissi's expression was indifferent, there was still a little thief in your heart. Let you look down upon me, is this dumbfounded?

Sissy glanced down at Dunton, very well, he was shocked by himself, and then the princess secretly looked at Twilight again, and found that she didn't care about herself, still fighting, and could not help but flicked the corner of her mouth.

Twilight's performance reminded Sissy of the girl she shared with her. They hadn't seen them many times, but every time, they couldn't maintain their superiority in front of her. There was always a defeated and discouraged emotion. Heart.

Sissy was favored by the King. Except for her mother’s love accident, her own appearance and character are all the best choices, and her talents are also invincible. After all, as a royal family, her blood power is also pure blood. It's not going to be too bad, let alone adding talent, it's quite sharp.

The gift of Her Royal Highness is the astral spirit, which can open a channel of the astral world and unconditionally recruit a super beast to fight for her.

If it weren't for Siqian's indifference to practice, the rank was too low, and she could recruit more super beasts.

"Well, it is a super rare talent with Juliet’s Devil Banner, but when it comes to combat power, the latter is even more powerful. After all, the abyss monsters are known for being bloodthirsty and not afraid of death, but their loyalty will be much worse. Liye was hit hard, and those monsters will definitely bite back."

Homer deserves to be a wise man known as an encyclopedia. From several conditions such as the astral vortex channel, the ghost hunter, etc., he suddenly speculated that Sissi talent.

The three kings of the hills appeared in Downton's field of vision, breaking countless trees all the way and heading straight for them.

Bakong Hammer Turtle!

Downton didn't dare to let these guys get close, otherwise they must be beaten, so hurry up to intercept.

boom! boom! boom!

Dozens of heavy punches fell vertically and bombarded the ground, covering three hills.

As Downton's rank improved, the power of Pakongquan became even greater.

"My Emperor Polo, so domineering!"

Su Ya was not talking about Downton, but Sissy. The demon servant was so scary, and then began to mourn for the dwarves, causing the end of the super local tyrant, it was so miserable.

The bone dragon took off, the breath of the dragon breathed out, and a tens of meters of flame raged.

The firebird also emerged from behind Downton, fluttering its wings. He burst into a rage, and sprinkled dense hot flames.

The dwarves hadn't looked back from the shock of the crystal dragon and ghost hunter, and as a result, they collapsed, and two super beasts appeared.

Palin almost vomited blood depressed. Mountain ridge armor is also a heroic order of Warcraft. Put on the usual, domineering appearance plus strength. Absolutely eye-catching, but now the dwarves don't even glance at it.

The kings of the hills are not afraid of fighting or dying, but they will never do anything that is meaningless. Seeing that this battle had no chance of winning, they turned to a defensive position.

The pressure on Downton's party suddenly eased.

Fearing that shouting to retreat would make the enemy understand his own tactical intentions, Downton did not speak, but ran in the direction of Su Ya, and at the same time released the Xueman Falcon Eagle, one jumped and jumped up.

Su Ya and Palin are all fine people, so they won't fight silly. As the kings of the hills retreated, they immediately slipped.

"Su Ya!"

Downton shouted.


The troll made a leap and jumped a height of twelve meters, just over the treetops.


Downton took Su Ya's right hand out. Pull him on to Falcon Eagle.

"How about you give up Palin?"

Su Ya looked at Palin running underneath and secretly suggested.

Because of the recovery of the ridge armor, Palin's actions were much slower.

"Impossible, Sissi will save him!"

After a few days of getting along, Downton had a general understanding of Sissy's character. There was no way. The girl was too simple and didn't know how to cover up. She understood it very well.

The princess is kind, not to mention that Pei Lin is her close guard, an ordinary person she never knew, and she will go to the rescue.

Your own safety? Sorry, the princess never thought about it, because she never thought she would die. In her mind, ghost hunters and crystal dragons can intercept all attacks and kill all enemies.

Palin must have hated himself, so Downton decided that he could not get Sissi's favor, so he took the initiative to lower his height and greet Palin.

"What are you doing together?"

Palin was annoyed that she knew Cici best, and she would definitely come to meet her. As a result, when Downton did this, Cici naturally left, so the great opportunity for communication was wasted.

"It's up to you!"

Su Ya really wanted to stab him in a shot and get rid of this obnoxious guy.


Palin jumped on the back of Falcon Eagle, he had not yet distinguished himself, he was under siege by a group of Dragon Slayers, not to mention, there was still a scepter stage standby, he did not want to be killed by the fire because of the last one left. .

"Throwing axe, three shots!"

The commander roared, and then a large short-handed flying axe was shot at Downton's tail, which was also mixed with the storm hammer, but he didn't even hurt the enemy's hair, but it seemed like a farewell ceremony.

In fact, the commander knew that he could not hit anything, but he did this just to make an excuse to prove that he had fought hard to avoid being punished by His Royal Highness.

The scepter stage did not shoot from the beginning to the end, and watched Dunton leave in a crowd. There was no way. Facing the lineup of four-headed super beasts, he was helpless, and if he was stared at and suffered a fire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ of? Furthermore, as a scepter, even if he fails to return, the prince cannot scold him at will.

"What did the scout do?" Chasing!"

The commander roared and urged the scouts to go on the road. These people are stupid. You are afraid that there is no problem. Do you always do it? What's the matter with Duzi being here, showing an expression that accepts the rest of his life?

After re-evaluating the strength of this human adventure group, the officers sorted out the collected information and sent it back to the capital of the king. They asked the prince to decide, and then they began to follow the steps, but in their hearts, they all hoped that the reinforcements would arrive later. After this battle, they really don't want to face the adventure group with four super beasts.

After flying continuously for nearly sixty miles, while Downton was about to find a foothold, Twilight suddenly made a landing gesture.

"what happened?"

Sissi puzzled.

"found it!"

Twilight nodded toward Downton and gave him a look at the target.

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