Hero’s Creed

Chapter 608: Demon avatar

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Palin has been staying power, and is not far from the princess, in order to wait for this hero to save the beauty, seeing Sterling kill, he not only turned to intercept, but also the demon servant shot out the magic that was ready to fire, Pull your legs and rush.

"Go away!"

A black magic shield exploded on Sterling's body, blocking all magic attacks, then immediately grabbed with a big hand, directly slammed Palin's soul shield and punched him in the face.


Palin spurted his nose, and he fell into distress.

Sissy was a little panicked. She was scrambling to grab the devil's badge and released the crystal dragon, but it was still a little slower. Fortunately, there was walnut.

Little Loli exhaled, and after a horn of paradise, she rushed to Sterling and waved her death messenger.


Tomahawk is too fast, leaving only an edge that is hard to catch in the air.

Sterling kicked the walnut, but then the offensive was blocked by an axe, the shield shattered, and the mountain spine armor arrived and stopped him.

Walnut fell to the ground, rolled a few times, followed by a ball like a ball, popped up again, and continued to charge.

Little Loli is absolutely superb.

Twilight used magic to suppress Cassano's men, but Palin's departure left Downton still facing great pressure.

Over twenty magic shots came out, Downton only used it to reflect a third in order to avoid the explosion of the fighting star shift, and the rest opened the shield and the sacred armor to resist hard.

Bakong Hammer Turtle!

Downton's warhammer smashed out, flying a ruling order, clenching his fist with his left hand, and swinging down, dozens of azure magical energy punches fell from the sky and hit the enemy formation. The formation was scattered, making them unable to complete the enclosure.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing Downton's domineering posture alone, Cassano's jealousy intensified in his heart, and he shot out directly, and the blade slashed.

The door of war opened and the bone dragon flew out. The Legion of the Undead were running, and Cassano knew that if he didn't kill Downton immediately, there would be no chance.

"Downton, die!"

Cassano, who was promoted to adjudicate the seventh order, was aggressive and self-confident, but the next moment, he suffered the greatest humiliation in his life.

Downton didn't even sweep him. While struggling to resist Tu Longjie's offensive, he squeezed his fist in his left hand and gave a shock to the side.


A magical fist immediately fell and hit Cassano directly.

The unlucky **** was like a fast-moving truck that suddenly bumped into a chariot, stopped instantly, then its vision suddenly dropped, and then hit the ground with one head.

boom! boom! boom!

The magic fist overwhelmed Cassano, smashing the dust and blood.

"Damn. How is this possible? I ruled Tier 7! Why can't I beat you like a fish?"

Cassano was unbelievable, struggling to get up. Still wanting to continue the charge, he was already stunned by anger, unable to see the situation clearly, and he wanted to kill Downton.

Catch the dragon!

Downton grabbed with his left hand.

The magical power grabbed Cassano and smashed him against the side wall of the cave.


Cassano bleeds blood, although not seriously injured. But the psychological trauma is even greater, he thought he had advanced, and he could kill Downton in seconds. Who knew that people were facing a siege, just a hand. I could not beat myself.

For a moment, Cassano's confidence collapsed, his body shivered uncontrollably, and his emotions filled his mind.

"Want to kill him, drink the potion I gave you."

Sterling shouted.

"Yes, potions!"

Cassano woke up like a dream and took a bottle of potion from the space ring. This was given to him by Sterling. He said that if he drank it at the juncture of the crisis, he would get endless power, thus reversing the war.

Cassano lifted his head off the thumb and Cassano looked up, but at the moment he poured the potion into his mouth, reason returned to his mind.

After all, he is not a ruthless man with firm will, and he has a small mind, drinking a potion given by a stranger, saying there is no worries, it is false, after all, this is not the point of life and death, big loss, give the heart of the mountain to Qian Qian, in the identity of their father, the Grand Duke of Turin, they dare not treat themselves.

Cassano didn’t hesitate and gave Downton time to pursue. After seeing the horrible combat power of Liszt and Joaquin after taking the potion, he didn’t want to get into a hard fight again, so he left those men and specialized in cards. Sano.

During the running, Downton's feet spread a golden violent aura, and the surging power instantly spread throughout the body, the muscles swelled, and the blood roared.

Heaven shines!

Downton rushed to Cassano, and the golden dragon gun blasted in bursts to make a shot. At the moment when the shield was pierced, the sacred whaling fork shot out.


The treacherous Cassano thigh was pierced.

"Don't kill me, I surrender!" Cassano panicked, Downton's offensive was too fast, so that his cold sweat instantly drenched his shirt, "His Royal Highness, save me!"

"Downton, don't kill him!"

Sissi softened, although Cassano was not a friend, she knew him, and couldn't bear to see him killed in front of him.

Too late!

Using the Giant's seal to restrict Cassano's position, after pushing him into the predetermined route, Downton twisted his arms and turned to slash.

Giant windmill!

The Warhammer brought a gorgeous stream of light, breaking Cassano's last shield, and finally hit his chest.


Cassano's call for help stopped dumbly. The whole person fell out, his upper body exploded directly, and minced meat and blood were everywhere.


The body with only half of the body fell on a stone stalactite, stained with mottle.

Sissy turned her head away suddenly, and dared not look at it again.

"This is the adventure world. Since you come in, you have to be ready to kill or be killed at any time." Twilight snorted. She worried that Downton's behavior would reduce his image in the princess's heart.

"I know."

The Grand Duke of Turin has always violated his father, Huang Yang, and heard that he is still colluding with the South. Cici actually understands that Cassano's death can definitely give the Grand Duke a huge blow, but he looks at the familiar death. It's always a bit uncomfortable.

"Princess, now is not the time to be distracted!"

Palin and Ridge Ridge joined forces to block Sterling.

"I know!"

Sissi's tone hardened, and she was also court-educated, although under the protection of her father and emperor, she had not experienced a few cruel court battles. But I also heard many secret stories from the servants.

"The dead can't accept people, how do you become a king after that? Mother of a country?"

Sissy remembered her mother's teachings, and she immediately became determined.

The master died, and those slaves went crazy. Even if they went back, they were dead, so they all launched suicide attacks, and the followers were different, and began to play a small abacus.

"Not one. Kill all!"

Twilight shouted, and it stands to reason that it should be silent at this time, just do not say, wait for the slaves to be resolved, and then deal with those followers with all their strength, otherwise they will force them to fight desperately, but this girl does not want anyone to know Tang The man who killed Cassano left alive.

of course. Twilight also had a careful thought, wanting Sissi's hands to be stained with their blood. Become an accomplice, sheltering Downton from the wind and rain, otherwise the Grand Duke of Turin is looking for Downton's trouble. He is a duke of a third-rate country, and he really has no resistance.

"Aunt, kill them!"

Sissi also reacted. Downton has good strength and should try her best to draw in, so she doesn't mind helping the leader.


Palin threw a blaming look, and at this time should attack Stirling with all his strength, so that he could just stand by and watch.

Let Downton and the Grand Duke of Turin go on. This is the most favorable situation for the Bavarian royal family, but Palin soon has no intention of nonsense.


Seeing the death of Cassano, all the plans he had prepared had been ruined, and Sterling roared with indignation, and the firepower was on.


Stirling turned around, and dozens of one-foot-long black magical energy arrows appeared around his body, shooting at Sissi at the same time, and his figure surged to five meters.

"What monster is this?"

Palin intercepted with the mountain ridge armor, and his heart was shocked. He had never seen a demon that could become a human. The monster not only swelled, but also covered with scales. The sharp claws could throw out magic bullets, and Behind a pair of devil bat wings, maneuverability has been greatly increased.

Worrying, worrying, Palin’s counterattack is not ambiguous at all. If you don’t show it at this time, brushing the image of the hero in the heart of the princess is simply sorry for the opportunity of heroes to save the United States.

boom! boom! boom!

The magic energy arrows and magic energy bullets hit the ridge armor as a meat shield, and the roaring skin opened up the flesh and howled.

Sterling approached, and with a sharp claw, he tore a large piece of flesh from the ridge armor. This guy was too strong, facing the heroic level of Warcraft, it was actually a one-sided crushing gesture.

Palin bleeds away in pain, but he knows it's all worth it. Sissy is soft-hearted. The more he hurts the demon servant, the more guilt will be in her heart.

Mountain Ridge Armor felt the master's intentions, fighting desperately, entangled Stirling.


Sterling's arms seemed to be a steel knife, stabbed directly into the body of the mountain ridge armor, and then torn to the sides, a **** wound more than two meters long instantaneously opened.

"Go away!"

Sterling lifted a large number of tons of ridge armor, smashed Palin, and then burst into Sissi.

Walnut is unavoidable, carrying a battle axe and shield, his face eager to try.


Tomahawk and Sterling's arms were chopped together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ bursting out of Mars, this time Walnut was already prepared, he was not beaten, but continued to attack.

The crystal dragon glanced at the walnut with surprise, and did not expect this little loli to be so domineering.

Even when the two kings of the hills were in their heyday, they could not do the combination of ghost hunter and firebird, let alone the injured posture. After struggling for a moment, they were first bitten by the former and then burned into a ball by firebird. ash.

The ghost hunter returned for the first time, helping Sissi, and the Firebird flew to Downton. If Twilight had been magically suppressed, Downton was killed by Cassano’s followers. There is a dragon-slaughter rank, and there are a lot of devil servants. He can stand up to now, which is considered extremely tough.

"Stop him!"

The battle situation is under control. Twilight sighed in relief and began to adjust the configuration without wasting a little fighting power. (To be continued...)

PS: I'm going to a distant trip today, so I use regular release!

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