Hero’s Creed

Chapter 611: Abyss Evil Eye


Palin’s response was not slow, but in the face of this intensive attack, he would certainly die, but just when he was desperate, the severely injured ridge armor stood out, and it blocked the deadly beams with a hill-like body, and Crazy lashes of tentacles.

puff! puff! puff!

The light beam penetrated the thick scales of the mountain ridge armor without suspense, leaving ten burning wounds on its body. The tentacles of tens of meters in length seemed to be with barbs, and every time they whipped, they would scrape a large piece of flesh.

The screams of the mountain ridge armor filled the cave.

"What is this? When was it hidden here?"

Walnut was hiding in an oval shield, her face was shocked, and with her perception, she did not find the other person approaching.

No one can answer it, and no one can see what the enemy looks like, because it is still hidden beneath the ground, and the offensive is more rapid.

Zi! Zi! Zi!

The tentacles were shaking, and the huge eyes on each of them were open, pouring out the magical firepower that had been prepared for a long time in a short time.

The entire cave is full of raging light beams. When they hit the surrounding walls, they will directly burst out of a crater more than two meters deep, just like a heavy artillery.

Downton’s shield was so fragile that he could break it with a single blow, even if it was a star-turn, and the liquid mass was torn in an instant. Fortunately, he waved the warhammer and timely blocked the two beams that were directed toward the vital point.

The sacred armor was launched, and the enemy’s main target was not Downton, so he was not injured, but he still felt great pressure.

Since the sneak attack, the enemy's soul pressure and spiritual shock are like a tsunami, wave after wave of crazy projection, sweeping around.

In the twilight body, the curse cannot be used frequently, otherwise it will bring a huge burden to the body. So this time she used a shield shield.

A fist-sized blue cube suddenly appeared behind her, and then quickly expanded into a polygonal magic barrier.

The powerful beam hit it like a boulder thrown into the lake, and even a wave did not splash, only the moire ripples around.

Twilight showing excellent coping skills compared to quick response. Sissi is another style, the local tyrant is staggering.

She didn't hide at all, or she didn't react at all. At the moment when the light beam hit, the magic outfit on her body opened automatically, and a dazzling array of shields popped out. Layered, there were more than a dozen pieces to completely protect her Got up.

Even if it is a super hit. At this time can only look at Yang Xing.

"Fuck the servant, help Palin!"

Downton shouted, and did not rush up, because the enemy did not even show up.

The astral channel opens, ghost hunters kill, tentacles bite, and firebirds hover around to ignite them. The crystal dragon frowned and walked around for four weeks. Suddenly a breath of dragon breathed out towards the land 50 meters away.

The flames were tumbling, and the soil melted in a fluid state. Then, with a bang, a six-meter-diameter round monster resembled a ball after being slammed vigorously in the lava splashing in the sky. After hitting the top of the cave, it reflected to Palin.

"It's the evil eye of the abyss. Be careful. It is best at spiritual magic and can force the enemy to fight for it."

Twilight reminded loudly. As soon as her voice fell, a wave of charm magic swept the spot.

As if hit by a sledgehammer on the spot, Downton's head buzzed, and there was a short dizziness, staggering for several steps.

Walnut is just like everyone else, and the sturdy kills the evil eyes of the abyss.

Palin's **** was almost home. If it wasn't right next to the mountain ridge armor, the gods couldn't save him, but he hadn't recovered from the ecstasy of a lucky survivor. The magic of the evil eye came, although he There is consciousness, but the body is completely out of control, grasping the heart of the mountain and throwing it into the evil eye.

"My Emperor Polo, why is it so bad for me?"

Palin regretted his death at this moment, why should he hold the heart of the mountains? Now that it is the target of being attacked, Downton and Twilight must have thought of this before letting it go. Otherwise, how could such a precious singular object be assured of being held by others?

It is useless to regret now. Palin only asks evil eyes to raise your hands, not even kill him.

In fact, this evil eye has no interest in killing him, or it is too late. In the situation where the four-headed super beast gathers, it is no longer easy to retreat after grabbing the heart of the mountain.

Once Warcraft is promoted to super level, it will instinctively drive other Warcraft and divide its own territory. The Grey Ridge Mountains is the territory of this evil eye.

The dwarf sealed the mountain, made such a big movement, woke up the evil eyes in the sleep, and let it know the existence of the heart of the mountain. With the familiar terrain and strong perception, it found it easily.

No way, this deep and complex karst cave is the old nest of evil eyes. It has been living in a dark area. It can withstand loneliness. It quietly looks at the fighting of several parties. When the last party wins, the moment of mental relaxation, it 'S momentum shot.

Speaking of this, this evil eye is really unlucky. If it is replaced by other enemies, it will have been controlled by its spiritual shock and charm, and it will be sent to the loot obediently, but these are all wills except Palin and Sissi. The tenacious and powerful Soul Tree Lord, as for Her Royal Highness, the magical defense of others is good enough, so it is not affected at all.

Such a tyrant girl, so evil eyes are in a busy battle, can not help but glance at her.

The two tentacles of the evil eye grabbed the heart of the mountain, but before they ran away, the ghost killer rushed to it, biting it off and holding the heart of the mountain.


Seeing that the loot in his hand was going to fly away, the evil eye was in a hurry and attacked the ghost hunter with all his strength, but the firebird arrived, and all the ground it flew over left a burning sea of ​​fire that swallowed the tentacles.

The crystal dragon pounced on evil eyes, breathing out of the dragon's breath, ready for melee.

Bone Dragon's movement is the slowest, at this time half of its body has just protruded from the gate of war.

If it is replaced by another super beast, the evil eye may really run away, but unfortunately it encountered a hard stubble today, let alone let the speed of the ghost hunter and the firebird explode it, and it cannot be thrown away at all. . These three are the masters of the battle-hardened battle. They are in the shape of a character, which directly seals any route that the evil eye can escape.

"Princess be careful!"

Palin killed Sissi with a long sword. He wanted to remind him, but he couldn't control his tongue.

With Downton's strength, there is no way to participate in this super beast dogfight. So protecting Sissi, seeing Palin coming over, he hit it with a blunt hammer.

The controlled Palin's movements were stiff, and where would be Downton's opponent, he was hit with a hammer in his chest.

"Fool, you hit me on the head!"

The easiest way to resist control is to faint. But Palin discovered that Downton seemed to be deliberate, just not to hit her head.

"Walnut, come back soon!"

Apart from beating Palin, Downton did not forget to greet Little Loli.

Walnut didn't help, and before approaching the evil eye, he was drawn by a tentacle and rolled back.

The five-headed super beast battle is simply the end of the world. The whole karst cave was continuously shaking in the continuous explosion of magic energy, making people unsteady. The gravel on the cave wall fell down, and the smashed shield was crumbling with cracks all over.

"Stop, I quit!"

The six tentacles were broken. The evil eyes watched the ghost hunter hide behind the mountain heart. He could not break through the defenses of the Firebird and the Crystal Dragon and grab it again. Decisively chose a truce.

"Who do you think you are? Just hit it, stop when you stop?"

The crystal dragon roared.

"Good, kill it."

Firebird knows that the magic book needs a lot of soul origin to recover, and the super beast is a big supplement. It can be met but not begged, and you can't let it go if you meet it.

"Wait, although you have many people, I am also a super-order Warcraft anyway. If you make up your mind to fight hard, you will also be injured. Afterwards, in the face of the encirclement and suppression of the dwarven army, I will definitely be unable to concentrate." , Said at the beginning, "Moreover, if I die, you will be fine, but these people will probably be buried with me."

"You can try!"

Firebird is about to get started and is stopped by the crystal dragon.

"get out!"

The Crystal Dragon didn't dare to gamble, Sissi was too weak, and she was the most likely to die.

"There will be no time in the future!"

The evil eye retreated and drifted away.

"Why let it go, this guy will definitely hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity to attack us." Walnut finally used his brain, but no one answered him, because Palin, who had recovered his freedom, rushed to Downton with great pain. He grabbed his collar, "What do you mean?"


Downton grabbed Palin's wrist and stared at him coldly. "What do you mean?"

"I'm asking what did you do just now?" Palin's teeth gritted his teeth and was beaten in vain. It's strange not to be depressed.

"Protect Sissi, by the way, your strength, let's get out of it as soon as possible and try to trouble others. If I don't do it, Sissi will be injured."

Downton's mouth twitched, mocking Palin.


Palin spit out blood in a rage, coughed a few times, then roared impatiently to justify, "That's because I'm under control, less than 50% of my strength, and you can't beat me at all."

"In fact, you are charmed here." Downton shook Palin's hand away, his face cold. "And I warn you, talk to me like this, don't blame me for turning your face."


Palin is still in a hurry and is stopped by Sissi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't be noisy! "

Simple Sissi didn't see Downton's intentions, and thought that Palin was irritating, so she complained a little.

"it is good!"

Palin looked at Sissi's blamed eyes and almost crushed his mouth full of teeth.

"Hey, your demon servant is dying."

Walnut carried a battle axe on his shoulder, reminding him.

"My ridge armor!"

Palin froze, reacted, turned and ran to the ridge armor, it was too late, it did not breathe, only a warm corpse left.

The ridge armor intercepted Sterling as a meat shield, and was seriously wounded twice by it. There was still a chance to heal, but it was sadly reminded by the deadly attack of the evil eye and directly swallowed.

ps: I'm a little tired today, only one more, and three tomorrow!

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