Hero’s Creed

Chapter 615: 7th order

Most of the karst cave collapsed, the ground melted into a quagmire, and like a raging sea, it would devour everyone!

This was a good opportunity to fight back, but the heart of the mountain knew that it was no use killing those humans, so it focused on fleeing.

The opponent's flying super beasts are too many, and they will certainly not be able to escape from the land, so the heart of the mountain chose to dive. As an earth monster, it has the ability to arbitrarily shuttle under the dirt.

"Quick, freeze the ground, don't let it dive!"

Homer shouted to remind.

A flame of firebirds sprayed the ground and burned the soil into lava, but it was impossible to imprison the heart of the mountains, it could only be delayed!

"Crystal curing!"

The obscure dragon language echoed in the cave, and the crystal dragon inhaled violently, and then exhaled, a large amount of purple mist spewed out, writhing on the ground, and everything they touched was solidified and became crystal-like .

Twilight and Xia Luo launched a group shield to protect everyone.

The ghost hunter charged, like a sharp razor, cut the crystal ground and chased the prey straight. As a hunter, of the five-headed super head, its perception is the most keen.


The ghost hunter blasted the ground with the heart of the mountain wrapped in a crystal shell and soared into the sky.


The crystal shell exploded, and the heart of the mountain repelled the ghost hunter with a shock wave, trying to dig into the ground again, but the firebird intercepted it first.

A large amount of crystal mist erupted from the mouth of the crystal dragon, instantly turning the karst cave into a sea of ​​mist, and everything around it was solidified.

The heart of the mountain hit the ground, hit a bitter sound, and bounced again. It could no longer easily break through the ground and escape.

Over time, the hope of escape was slim, and the heart of the mountains became more and more irritable. Crazy venting energy, the Downton five not only have to defend with all their strength, but also withdrew from the karst cave. In this fierce battle, they simply can't get in the hand, as long as it is affected, it is seriously injured.

"Since you are going to kill me. Then let them die!"

After being hit again and embedded in the ground, the heart of the mountain was completely desperate, gave up running, and vigorously shot like a cannonball at Downton several people.

Firebird and Ghost Hunter sprinted to intercept, but still half a beat.

"Quick back!"

Palin yelled, despite the fear, but stood in front of the team. He was not a paladin, but he understood that once it was hit, no one could survive, it would be better to brush a good impression and make everyone think that he was awe-inspiring.

"Go away!"

Downton strode out, hitting Palin with one shoulder, standing on the impact line of the heart of the mountain, and exhaled. Double fist blast!


A huge barbarian of magical powers emerged from behind Dunton, in a deafening roar. Fighted an endless storm of heavy punches.

boom! boom! boom!

The fist speed was too fast, and everyone's vision was filled with the remnants of the fist in an instant, watching them blast on the heart of the mountain.

Although it could not be intercepted, it was slowed down by a powerful blow. At this time difference, Firebird and Ghost Hunter came. Blocked it.

"so close!"

Palin just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly frowned, covering his ears with a painful expression, because the giant wave sound hit.


With a loud explosion, violent energy scoured around. The cave was overwhelmed and began to collapse.

"Leave here first!"

Downton was wearing two tower shields, protecting the girls on the magic carpet.

boom! boom! boom!

The heart of the mountain flicked, hitting the cave wall for more than ten times, and was caught by the ghost hunter, followed by the team and evacuated.

The crystal dragon and bone dragon are too large. For the time being, they will first return to the octave space. There are firebirds and they have enough defense.

The magic carpet is moving very fast, and it is cleverly evading the obstacles in the tunnel. A few acceleration drifts, as if dragging on the winding mountain road.

The tunnel behind him kept collapsing, and the falling stones chased all the way, and the dust was scattered. After fifteen minutes, the situation improved.

"It's finally over!"

Walnut glanced back and wiped the sweat from his head. As a result, the heart of the mountain range in the mouth of the ghost hunter suddenly exploded, and the overflowing golden shock wave overturned everyone from the magic carpet.

"What's going on? Is it alive?"

Walnut climbed up and stood in front of the sage wolf.

"Quickly find a place to draw energy. It is dead. The high-energy energy accumulated for more than 10,000 years has lost its imprisonment. It is being cast, and then dragged on. There is nothing."

Homer urged.

At this time, the heart of the mountain is full of cracks, and some debris falls continuously, and it no longer jumps, but the energy explosion is more and more frequent.

Palin only bleeds when he feels distressed, and all this wasted high energy!

I found a relatively large cave nearby and couldn't ignore the traces. The people sat down cross-legged, preparing for meditation and extracting energy.

"Homer, the hunter, wherever he is, come to extract energy, Sissi, and call out the crystal dragon."

Twilight is not as anxious as others, and it is still in order.

"Everyone else is forgotten, but what is the qualification of this magic book to draw energy?"

Palin is unwilling, so how much energy can he get? He has self-knowledge and knows that he can't beat those super beasts.

"Just in the battle, a few reminders of the magic book are very important, otherwise the heart of the mountain is likely to run away, let alone not mention these, the energy of this stone is exploding, even if we can’t draw all our energy, instead of wasting it out of thin air It's better to generate more value." Twilight stared at Palin with cold eyes. "As a nobleman, he also holds the title of Paladin. I hope you can be more generous."

"It can pay for something!"

Of course, Palin knew that the energy exploded and wasted without drawing it, so he wanted Homer to come up with some equivalents.

Downton has so many treasures, Palin is also envious.

"Don't say that, the effort of these few words, a lot of energy wasted." The crystal dragon was finalized.


Palin sat cross-legged, still trying to save.

"Shut up and get out of your way. Are you still a man with such a small belly?".

The crystal dragon scolded.

Palin wanted to cry without tears. He doesn’t care if he has millions of gold coins, but it’s high energy, and he hasn’t encountered so many opportunities in his life, but now they are all cheaper than Downton.

Calculating the number of people is not the most downton.

"Don't be noisy. I still have experiments to do, even my share is for the magic book." Xia Luo has no interest in hedging steps. It's better to configure potions for fun, "Homer, open the light door, I want to go back Laboratory."

"Don't mess up." Twilight held the sage wolf, and sharp eyes swept across everyone. "From now on, no more nonsense is allowed. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Twilight sank into his face, and the momentum of the superior suddenly flicked out of his anger.

Sissi was stunned and a little uncomfortable. She remembered the situation when the father emperor reprimanded the ministers. This kind of majesty also made her feel high and difficult to approach.

"Opportunity is rare, take advantage of the situation to decide the seventh order!"

Homer finished. He no longer ignored Downton and began to devour higher energy.

Cheap gods are naturally welcome. Although it had fallen, the fire was extinguished, and only a ray of consciousness remained, but she was a deity after all. When she was full of gluttonous energy, an energy collapse suddenly appeared around the magic code. Then it was replenished and many vortices of energy were produced.

"What kind of monster is this?"

This terrible throughput shocked both the ghost hunter and the crystal dragon.

The talents of the super beasts are not necessarily better than those of Downton, but the advantages of the ranks allow their magic to absorb scary amounts.

Palin was already mentally prepared, but he was still angry. If the ridge armor is still there, you can get one more.

"Well, it's not as good as Twilight, at least more than others, especially Downton!"

Palin was cruel in his heart and tried hard to meditate, but soon he found it was futile.

Not to mention Twilight's talents, the idea of ​​meditation alone is epic. With deep meditation, blue cubes appear in Shao, constantly changing shapes and devouring energy.

Sissi has a father emperor who has the right to dominate the world. If it is not the highest idea or the epic level, the king who spoils her can get better, so her throughput is not bad. In Shao, all kinds of magic can condense. All kinds of Warcraft, after drawing energy, they are sent to the Princess.

Homer has long taught that walnuts are suitable for her, but Little Loli has never used it. It should be said that Donton has never seen her meditate from the moment she knows. For energy absorption, little walnuts are like eating. , Very natural, never deliberately.

There is no need to withstand the repulsion of the law, as long as the energy is enough, the small walnut will continue to be promoted, probably because of her blood.

Downton's body was still surrounded by holy angels as before, and by comparison, his meditation posture was the most magnificent. Even if she had seen it, Cici couldn't help but marvel.

Otherwise, Rena said that Downton's thoughts of meditation were very precious. Sissi had already bought it. As a girl, she didn't pursue efficiency, but wanted gorgeousness and beauty.

Holy angels are more in line with Sissi's aesthetics.

Xia Luo's meditation should be the most special~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She lay on a blanket made of vines and green grass, surrounded by green man-eating plants, they have big mouths, swallowed every time they open and close There will be a large mass of energy flowing down the stalk and converging on the grass blanket.

"My Emperor Polo, my mind is not bad, how could it be so bad?"

The energy dissipation was too serious, so Palin did not lack energy, but compared with others, it was much worse. When the five Downtons meditated as if they were fast-moving meteors, he looked like a staggering one. Old woman.

Palin was extremely unbalanced in his heart. He really wanted to stab Downton next to him, but he knew it was impossible.

Various elements fluctuate violently, and the magic energy can frequently strike, making the nearby space very unstable, making a crackling popping sound. Sometimes it explodes around, and a wound will pop out, blood flowing.

This is a time to test your will and courage. If you can't keep your heart down, you will be disturbed, and the most taboo meditation is too much distractions.

Fortunately, the six people are all talented people, even Palin can keep calm. (To be continued...)

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