Hero’s Creed

Chapter 619: Wild little loli

"Flying mount?" The general's pupils shrank, but with the help of many soldiers, he was not frightened. Instead, he shouted loudly, "What are you doing? The Grey Ridge Mountains have been blocked, no access orders, all must be on the spot. Kill."

Click! Click!

The soldiers who had originally watched the chief man molesting the human female immediately took off the crossbow hung on the belt and wound it at the fastest speed.

"Are you all right?"

Downton ignored the generals and glanced for a week, making sure that a few people were not hurt, and he was relieved.

"Downton, are you back?"

With a smile on her face, Juliet ran to Downton.

"Asshole, who made you go?"

The dwarf general's lieutenant rode quickly, caught up with Juliet, and waved her whip towards her back.

"court death!"

Downton was furious and flicked his right hand, throwing a hammer of adjudication.

"Do you want to rebel?"

The adjutant was a master of adjudicating the seventh order, and the soul shield was fully opened, but the next moment he was shattered by the divine revenge, and then he was hit in the chest by a magic hammer and fell out with blood.

The dwarf general narrowed his eyes and raised the right arm of the fist. As long as he swung down, the soldiers would shoot these humans into horse honeycombs, but he did not do it in the end. He was not afraid of killing, but because a dragon appeared above his head. Too.


Ordinary soldiers could not recognize the difference between the soul mount and the super beast. Seeing Sissi riding a giant dragon flying over the sky, he was breathing coolly, and walked backwards for several steps.

The idiot also knows that the dragon's dragon's breath has a large coverage, and no one wants to stay within its attack range.

"Don't panic, it's a soul mount, not a real dragon!"

The dwarf general roared, trying to restore morale, but his heart began to drum now. Because in addition to the dragon, there is a magic carpet, and the mage above has not stood up. This is either stupid, or extremely confident in his own strength.

No matter what the general thinks, he feels the latter. Because he saw a magic book floating next to the girl, it was a legendary thing to do so.

"Who are you?"

The general asked this time, his voice was lowered, and his attitude was obviously a lot better.

"We are an adventurous team that gathers medicine into the mountains."

Downton answered casually.

"I'm worried about causing you trouble, so I didn't attack."

Juliet was worried that her response would cause Downton to be unhappy, so she quickly explained.

"You did well."

Downton touched Juliet's head, more than a thousand people, again in the wild mountains and wild mountains. There is no end to it. Once the reinforcements are attracted, it will be endless trouble.

"Nonsense, we closed the mountain as early as a week ago, and we have arranged hundreds of patrols. You must have some unspeakable secrets, hide them, otherwise you will have been discovered."

The adjutant was raised by his subordinates. Fearful face roared towards Downton, because of excessive force. He coughed up and vomited blood again.

Downton's answer was simple, his right fist shuddered downward.

The general who was waiting for Downton to reply saw this action a little unclear. So, wondering if this guy was a brain-dead, a sky-blue magic power punch suddenly fell from the sky, hitting the adjutant, and even two supporting His men were also affected.


Three people were beaten to death. Some of the limbs were twisted, obviously they were broken.

"Am I blinded? Is it actually a long-range martial art?"

"Hey, Master Lieutenant, but ruling the seventh order, he was killed by a second!"

Several hundred people looked a bit ugly.

"Questioning and defaming a duke, I have the right to demand a duel!"

Downton snorted. The title of nobility was quoted, but he was very clever and did not add the word "Western Territory" because the third-rate countries would not enter the eyes of others.

"Everyone, there are at least 50,000 troops in the Grey Ridge Mountains, including dozens of dragons!" The general is not stupid, knowing that this man is taking advantage of his strength to let himself not move, he has to say that he succeeded, so rare The long-range martial arts, such powerful power, and so many flying mounts, it is definitely not a small person.

"Are you threatening me?" Downton smiled, and the enemies said cruelly, just to prove that they were afraid. "Gray Ridge Mountain is so big, do you think they can come in time to support?"

"Huh, I just remind you not to act arrogantly!"

The general hesitated, but still did not let his subordinates lower the crossbow, because there was really no sense of security, and even he stepped back for a while. Who knows whether the human man's martial arts will hit him?

"If there are no other questions, we are leaving!"

With the improvement of his strength, Downton became more and more self-confident, and the duke's identity gave him an extra momentum. For this general, he no longer looked at it.

"This one……"

The general hesitated and let the enemy leave. It was negligent and he was to be punished by military law, but if he did not let it go, he did not confidently stop the opponent.

If you can mix this position, you are either capable or capable, but the general is the latter. Not to mention the equipment of these people, let alone being surrounded by more than a thousand people, you can still not change your face. This must be right. His own strength has absolute confidence in breaking the table.

"What this, that, get off, Count Ben has no time to spend with you here!"

Palin was annoyed. This adventure was really suffocating. He couldn't wait to leave, and wanted to send a text message to the family to call for support to clean up Downton.

Being so scorned by the general, the general’s face could not be hung, let alone his subordinates, no matter whether they were genuine or hypocritical, they all yelled and yelled at Palin. There is no way. The chief is scolded. Wear small shoes, but soon they closed their mouths.

The bronze war door opened, and the new super-bone dragon flew out, the pupil wrapped in green flames turned around, and the whole was ashamed.

When it comes to deterrence, undead and abyssal creatures have a natural advantage, because their appearance is too ugly and evil, at first glance is the evil villain.

The scene suddenly fell into an awkward silence. When Bone Dragon's eyes crossed the soldiers, some timid and even rubbed the crossbow in his hand behind him, fearing that one accidentally angered it.

Ao! Ao!

A shrill scream of some kind of Warcraft suddenly sounded in the bushes dozens of meters to the right. It seemed to be anxiously escaping, and the sound of stepping on branches was everywhere. Some trees were also broken by it, and the leaves were flying.

When all eyes turned, bang, a magic pattern mountain rhino came out.

"All defense!"

Hundreds of people immediately shouted, this thing is the elite level of Warcraft, thick skinned meat. It's very difficult, and the loss is too bad to kill it.

The soldiers raised their tower shields and hurriedly backed up. They were all praying for the rhinoceros to change course and not to run here, but unfortunately contrary to wishes.

"Fly axe ready!"

The officers shouted, ready to fight, and forced the rhinoceros to change course. But the soldiers had just pulled out the short-handed flying axe on their belts, and had not yet thrown it out. A battle axe was shot from the bushes, and the thick leather armor of the mountain rhinoceros burst into the muscles.

"How is this going?"

The dwarves hadn't responded yet, and saw one tomahawk after another shot out, as if the steel storm completely submerged the rhinoceros.

"Hurry up!"

The dwarves did not take the time to appreciate the scene of violence, and all retreated in a hurry. Because some flying axes were not accurate enough, they shot straight at them.

boom! boom! boom!

Although separated by a distance of more than 100 meters. However, the strength of the flying axe is not weak at all, and hitting the tower shield will form a chain reaction. Even the nearby soldiers fly together, and a large piece is directly vacated.

Not only the soldiers, but also the faces of the hundred people.


Mountain rhino howling. With a battle axe all over, he panicked and rushed faster, but just ran a dozen meters and fell to the ground. Struggling to get up.

"Is it an ally?"

The dwarves were puzzled, looking at the flying axe style, they belonged to friendly forces, but ordinary dwarves did not have such arm strength, no, even the ruling order could not continuously throw such a steel tomahawk storm.

The answer was soon revealed, a little loli in leather armor rushed out of the bushes in a strange-looking flying warcraft, as if dragging, and flew to the rhinoceros in a blink of an eye, she jumped down, waving more than her The tall tomahawk, a chopping off the head of the rhinoceros, then tied it with a rope, and then back on the back of the air rays.

The air rays flew, and the dwarves hurriedly opened a way, staring dumbfounded at the body of the rhinoceros weighing hundreds of pounds, so she was easily dragged behind by her, and dust was thrown.

"Uncle Tanan, how about eating barbecue at night?"

Walnut slobbered and suggested loudly.

"My Emperor Polo, I must be dazzled, but the elite-level rhinoceros, was actually easily killed by a little loli?"

At this moment, almost all the dwarves looked at Little Walnut silly, wandering the thought in their minds.

"Huh? What are you doing around here? Looking for us trouble?"

As soon as the walnut's eyebrows fell, he was ready to cut people.

"No, just by chance!"

The general quickly explained that the subconsciously fell on the gleaming tomahawk in Walnut's hands. This is definitely a legendary tomahawk. Besides, the two sides are less than 20 meters apart. With the arm strength that this little Loli just showed, if she Give yourself a shot...

A cold sweat suddenly drenched the general's back, and he dared not think about it anymore.

"Oh? What do you do with weapons?"

Walnut continued to question, her tone was not good, her perception was good, she could clearly perceive the hostility of the other party.


The hundred people next to him subconsciously retreated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No way, this little loli's eyes wandering around are terrible, he is looking for a place to kill and bury the corpse. , Put yourself in.

"What about self-defense? Do we look like bad guys than you?"

Walnut grunted.

"No, this is a misunderstanding!"

The general quickly explained that he couldn't be angry, because another ghost hunter appeared here from the astral channel.

"Then don't hurry up, we are leaving."

Palin scolded.

"Where are you going? We are in charge of escort!"

The general stubbornly suggested that he must ensure the position of these people, and it would be better if he left the Grey Ridge Mountains. (To be continued...)

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