Hero’s Creed

Chapter 639: Epic magic costume, the fury of the Lonely Mountain!

The Dragon Slayer, as the name implies, shows that the magician has the chance to single out the lowest dragon. Even if he cannot win, he can still escape and will not be killed in seconds. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

In addition, this level of elemental strike is completed by an elemental dragon. The magician only needs to last for five minutes. Of course, if you kill the elemental dragon and acquire it after acquiring the core, the strength of the body will be There is a great improvement.

The dragon flew, and the mouth was a scorching dragon's breath.

The red flame was tumbling and engulfed Downton in an instant, but for the flame immune he had no lethality and it was no different from pouring a pot of warm water on his body.

Bakong Hammer Turtle!

Downton's single fist shocked, dozens of azure-like magical creatures of the size of a rhinoceros could hit the sky with heavy punches, hit the elemental dragon like hail, and fell from the air when they hit it.

Because of the reshaping of Vulcan, all of Downton's injuries and fatigue disappeared, and now he is in the most perfect state.

Leaning forward, Downton jumped gently.


No charge technique was used, but Downton's speed was still very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the falling elemental dragon and punched with fists.


boom! boom! boom!

The heavy fist overwhelmed the elemental dragon. Downton's fist was too strong. Every bombardment would tear the air and hit a sonic boom.

The unlucky dragon was like a boat in a storm. The thundering wind and rain swayed, a crack appeared on the body, and it spread quickly. It counterattacked, but the dragon's claws were caught and it was easily opened by Downton.

Domineering Broken!

Downton charged, and the magic energy of azure and gold mixed in his right fist, then roared the dragon.


Just like the ceramic crafts struck by Juli, the dragon shattered directly and drifted in the air with the energy storm.

In the cracked tower, the core of a glass ball-sized element fell to the ground.

"No? The attack power is so fierce?"

The crystal dragon almost shocked his chin.

"It's a double tree of souls. At the beginning of its birth, it had the strength to bombard the elemental dragon."

Homer is very happy. In this way, Downton has become a marshal. Just around the corner.

"Look at it. It's not over yet!"

Sissy shouted excitedly, and two elemental dragons formed. Attack the Dragon Breath towards Downton.

In general, when the Dragon Squad is rushing, the number of elemental dragons corresponds to the rank. There is only one explanation for the situation like Downton, that is, the soul tree is too strong. The law of repulsion is even more violent.

Of course, the greater the number of elemental dragons, the more powerful the magicians. This kind of genius is a talent competing for the nobles of the great giants, and even hesitate to call the daughter of the family out for marriage.

Downton snarled and did not retreat. Attacked the dragon.

Bakongquan is indeed an epic martial art. After Downton's promotion, the power was also stimulated, which was even more terrifying. But the giant martial arts can no longer keep up with his rank.

There is no way. This is after all the martial art of the Dragon Slayer, and its mission is also completed.

During the battle, Downton carefully experienced the changes of the new body. The soul tree was luxuriant, radiating the surging magic energy, and the muscles were strong and strong, so that they flowed without resistance, and a large amount of magic energy can be poured in a short time without being affected. hurt.

As for the ability to fight, it is also soaring in a straight line, and the six senses are also more sensitive. Downton looks farther and hears more clearly. The whole world is displayed in a very subtle gesture.

"Two trees of soul, will there be no problem?"

Downton was a little worried because he had never heard of this situation. There was a soul tree with thick wrists next to the huge soul tree. It was like malnutrition. It was just over three meters high, and there were not many leaves and petals. And it looks golden overall, but it feels very warm, like the dawn at dawn, bringing light to all things.

The rule of repulsion disappeared automatically after waiting for five minutes. Tang Zheng directly exploded the two elemental dragons and absorbed the elemental core.

"Downton, congratulations, you succeeded."

After the Elemental Strike was over, Homer and his party immediately rushed in and sent Downton congratulations.

"Thank you!"

There was a smile on the corner of Downton's mouth, which was heartfelt happiness.

"You are so good!"

Sissi looked up at Downton, the sunny smile and angular face made her think this young man was quite attractive for the first time.

"well done."

The dragon family has always been proud, not to mention the rarer crystal dragon, but this time, Sissi's aunt took the initiative to say hello.

She did not please Downton, but respect for a genius. Downton's perseverance deserves such a praise.

To be honest, the more Crystal Dragon likes Downton, the more he likes to be a boyfriend for Sissi, but his status is too low, etc. If he is really the prince of the royal family of Brittany, it is possible.

"This is really a nine-death life. The spirits of the kings of the hills are too powerful. If I hadn't tried so many times before, the soul would have been shattered."

Downton felt terrified and looked down at the dark energy well. Underneath, a black ring lay quietly on the altar.

"What are you waiting for? Take it up!"

Homer urged.

Downton didn't go down, and the dragon started to grab the ring.

"This is the Holy Ring of Wrath of the Lonely Mountain?"

The crystal dragon widened his eyes and admired. This is the treasure of the dwarf empire. Only the king is qualified to wear it. Without it, the king cannot prove that he is orthodox.

This is a ring cast from the heart of dozens of metals. It is dark all over, showing a steel color and breath. Just glancing at it, it seems to have seen countless reloaded legions in array, ready to charge. On top of it, there is no longer a steel will at all times.

"so beautiful!"

Sissi sighed.

The magic pattern engraved on the holy ring is not cumbersome, and there is no matching decoration like gems and crystal jade. It is just a piece of steel metal, but it is more beautiful than any artwork, because it represents the most perfect forging process of the Dwarf Empire.

It is worthy of the epic costume, but it can be big or small. Downton's fingers are much thinner than the dwarf's, but after wearing it, it fits abnormally.

Sissi sent congratulations again, worthy of being a great princess. If you replace them with ordinary people and pass by this epic jewelry, I am afraid that you will be jealous. You have to make Downton pay something. After all, there are dragons and ghost hunters. It is not without qualifications to compete.

"Thank you. Your Highness."

Downton heartfelt thanks.

"Aren't we friends? Call me Sissi!"

Sissy gave Downton an angry look, which was beautiful. Let his heart beat beating a few times.

"Don't be too happy, you haven't fully possessed it. Although the spirits of the King of the Hill are defeated, they will be restored. They will definitely fight back again at that time, because you are not a dwarf!"

Homer is not so optimistic, but this is an epic, and if it can be obtained simply, it does not deserve the name.

"What about then?"

Downton frowned.

"Suppress them, or convince them!"

Homer doesn't want to seal this ring. After all, its main effect is to summon the spirits of many hill kings to help fight.

"Except those guarding souls. What other magical effects does it have?"

This is the first epic jewelry. Downton stroked it and put it on his left middle finger, leaning against the ring left by his mother.

"Eh?" Sissi froze. She seemed to have seen the ring next to it.

"I know there are four magical effects. The first enchantment effect is of course the signature stunt storm hammer of the kings of the hills. Relying on this wrath of the lone mountain, any race can use this remote. magic."

"How powerful? What is the cooling time?"

Downton asked.

"The power is proportional to the magical energy you consume. In terms of your magical energy reserve, you can fully play the destructive power of the Dragon Slayer peak, but it takes only five or six minutes to accumulate magical energy!"

Homer gave the data.

"Without five minutes, even if I charge for ten seconds, I guess they are all exploded."

Downton pouted his lips, and the strong men played against each other. How could he charge the enemy's time? Any negligence can make a difference.

"The ordinary Stormhammer attack also has the power of the first level of the dragon. At the speed of your current magic power, it should be able to burst eight rounds, but as the level increases, the number will increase!"

"Sizzle, the eight-handed Storm Hammer combo, can bombard a seventh-order magic man."

Sissi sighed, and was promoted to the Dragon Slayer. It was indeed a qualitative flyover for the magician.

"It's not that simple. Downton's opponents are all dragon slayers. At this level, no one will be killed by this simple attack. At most, it is suppression, and it takes a little advantage."

Crystal Dragon's combat experience is much richer than Sissi, knowing how each skill can exert great power.

"If I remember correctly, Storm Hammer also has stun characteristics. The lower the level, the lower the resistance."

The flamingo interjected.

"Yes, but this vertigo effect is more useful for bullying lower-level fish."

Crystal Dragon is not afraid of this, and it is okay to be hit continuously. After all, the magic and physical resistance of the dragon family are notoriously powerful.

"The second enchantment effect is the defense aspect, which allows the wearer to have the skin of steel, as long as the magic is enough, it can continue forever."

Homer continued to popularize science, "It sounds like steel skin. In fact, it is no different from normal skin, so it is very deceptive. If the enemy does not pay attention, it will definitely suffer a big loss."

Downton nodded and turned on the skin of steel. There was no change in appearance, but even if she was bitten by the dragon, her sharp teeth could not be broken.

"The third enchantment effect is the dwarf's unique mystery gods descend. It is more advanced and powerful than violent. After being cast, magic and physical attacks are almost all immune, and the attack power increases by a multiple. activation!"

Homer's words made Downton sigh again and again, if he had the gods, he could challenge the master of the seventh order of the dragon.

"The third enchantment effect is that when you wear it, you will get the blessing of Moradin, the dwarf god. The power of the forging is greatly increased, and it can automatically absorb elements and rules to increase the level of the forged thing. level one."

"This powerful, originally perfect level can become a legend? How much did it save?"

Downton was a little fanatic, wondering if he would lend the Holy Ring to the Krupp giants who were good at forging.

"It also has a cooling time, do you think it can be used indefinitely? After each forging is successful, it will consume a lot of energy, and it must be replenished, otherwise it will be damaged."

Crystal Dragon gave Donton a glance, don't you be so petty? You are a duke anyway, although it is not worth mentioning the title of a third-rate country.

Downton shrugged his shoulders, "Is there any?"

"The fourth enchantment effect, which is worn by ordinary dwarves for a long time. Under the inspiration of the spirit of the hill king, he will reborn and become the king of the hill."

Homer's voice was interrupted before Downton interrupted.

"My Emperor Polo, why didn't you say that I didn't want to be a dwarf!"

Downton was frightened and quickly picked the ring.

"If you are nervous, even if you want to change, it's impossible, because you don't have dwarf blood." Homer was helpless about Downton's barren knowledge, hesitating whether to give him tutoring, but these learnings didn't seem too important.

"Oh, don't look down on the king of the hills, because of their birth rate, elemental affinity, and combat effectiveness, their status is very high, and they are born to be a noble."

Crystal Dragon helped explain, but in her aesthetic, the dwarf king is also a super ugly ghost.


Downton was relieved.

"Okay, let's leave here first. The altar area is after all the key defense area. If the enemy comes, we will be under siege."

Homer urged to leave.

"The three-headed super beast, together with Downton who became the Dragon Slaughter, what can stop us?"

Crystal Dragon feels that Homer is too cautious, even if Smaug comes in person, everyone is not without a battle.

"Go to them!"

After spending a lot of time here, Downton was worried that Juliet had an accident. If there was no way, she was the worst.


Sissi hesitated and shouted.

"what happened?"

Downton puzzled.

"Where did you get this ring?"

Sissi pointed to Downton's left hand.

"It's my mother's relic, is there a problem?"

Downton showed a nostalgic look. Although he was poor in his childhood, he was very happy under the care of his mother.

"No, it seems that I have seen a similar ring~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cici did not dare to tell Downton that she had seen it in the hands of a royal prince when she visited the Britannia Empire. It wasn't Crystal Dragon's reminder, she couldn't remember.

"Where have you seen it?"

Downton was excited and grabbed Sissi's shoulder all at once. This ring might be the only clue to find his father, because the mother once asked herself to keep it safe.

"In Brittania, I can't remember clearly."

Sissi hesitated, but decided to hide it for the time being, and sent someone to investigate it first. To know that it was the royal family, what court scandal was really involved, which was very bad for Downton.


Downton sighed and let go of Sissi, his thoughts drifted away, but after running for more than a hundred meters, he was pulled back by a sudden scream.

Not the dwarves and dragons, but two other adventurous teams arrived at the same time. They both wanted to be the first to rush to the altar area to **** the solitary ring of anger in the lonely mountain, so a conflict broke out.

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