Hero’s Creed

Chapter 644: Giant's invitation

"Have you seen Dvorak? What kind of person is he? Really, as others say, he is not human?"

Sissi was curious. Some confidential information, even if her father spoiled her, would not let her browse. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

"My Emperor Polo, this topic is so high-end, I don't understand what to do?"

"Tiranxue, Heinrich, Dvořák, which is not a decision and action, are all geniuses who may affect the situation of the mainland and have no chance to see in our life."

"Nonsense, who are you? Who are His Excellency Wood and Sissy? People usually drink afternoon tea together."

The adventurers whispered that they were full of envy, but there was no point in being jealous, because even for several lifetimes, they could not reach the height of others.

"How to say, that's a very maverick guy. It's hard to guess." Wood Ningbrows thought for a moment, then shook his head and smiled, "Well, don't say this, Downton, we'll meet again."

Wood is quite a kind person. I have to say that Downton, even the Duke of the West, is a miscellaneous fish compared to others. He can be remembered by name, and he is so kind, and everyone is grateful for it.

"Hello there!"

If he didn’t already have a chassis, and he didn’t want to be willing to play, Downton did have the idea of ​​holding Wood’s thighs. Following this master should be good.

"Thank you for taking care of Sissi, he must have caused you a lot of trouble?"

Wood reached out his hand.

"Who said I was causing trouble to Downton?"

Sissy gave Donton a white glance, dissatisfied with anger.

"No, the princess gets along well."

"Oh, I don't know who he is yet?" Wood held Downton's hand hard and issued an invitation, "Do you want to join my team?"

"What? Lord Wood actually invited a young man to join him?"

"What is the origin of this guy? How can he treat His Excellency like this?"

"It seems that his relationship with Princess Sissi is very good. Really shit!"

In a word, Wood suddenly made Downton the center of all eyes.

Downton had no stage fright at this moment, and refused frankly.

"Sorry, I like to feel free."

Downton let go of Wood's hand.

"Listen to me first. I will give you the position of a group leader. Like the magic bow group, it is my branch. Rest assured, I will not swallow your men."

Wood was slightly surprised, but patiently explained.


Downton shook his head.

"My Emperor Polo, is this guy's brain broken? How many people couldn't ask for a chance. He even refused casually, not even hesitating."

"I can be sure that this guy is a fool."

"In this year and year, there are more guys with a higher heart than the sky. After a few years in the society, they will know that they are all unlucky ghosts that are thinner than paper. He will regret it in the future."

"That's it. If you don't grasp this opportunity, the goddess of luck will be mad."

The adventurers despise Downton, there is nothing good about them, they are eager to join the woods and have no way. This kid refused. In this contrast, they are not angry when they are not angry, but then comes the happiness and pleasure, what is called Downton's downcast for a lifetime.

"Wood, Downton is my friend."

Seeing Downton so categorically refused the invitation under the large audience, Sissi worried that Wood, who had been shaved, would find him in trouble, so she pleaded.

"Haha, am I such a sweet-hearted person? But he can let you talk, and it seems that a lot of things have happened between you?"

Wood laughed, and was a complete mess.

When everyone was praising Wai Wood's mind, Downton felt the maliciousness coming out of the face.

Who is Sissy? The Bavarian Rose, the dream lover of men across the continent, and the princes of the third-rate countries are generally not qualified to be her suitors. If news of his close relationship with her spreads, Downton believes that there are absolutely countless hires of coveted nobles. Killer' to clear out this potential rival.

"Don't think of people as bad, okay? He might just be teasing Sissi."

Homer felt Downton's worry.

"hope so."

Downton was silent.

"Whether Wood intentionally or unintentionally, his sentence has caused trouble to Downton. Those who want to marry and change their destiny will definitely clear Downton, and they will never allow any accidents."

The cheap **** thinks Downton's cautiousness is right. The nobility is best at stabbing in the back. Not only do you not know it, but you are stupid thinking that people are good to you.

The Green Devil looked at the hot nightmare under Wood's crotch and didn't look at himself. He was arrogant and couldn't help it. He snorted, and when the guy turned around, he bit directly at his butt.


The nightmare hissed, his hind legs lifted and kicked violently.

Green Demon evaded with a dexterous body, sticking out his tongue, screaming happily, "Can't hit me, you can't hit me!"

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. They weren’t the first to see a talking mount, but they were so cheap.

"Shut up!" Downton felt embarrassed and dead, and took the Green Devil's head, "His Wood, sorry."

"It's okay. As a pure-blood nightmare, there is no temper, and it won't be a weapon in the future." Wood smiled and shook his finger while soothing the mount. "But next time don't bite the horse's butt. Well, that’s what the famous horse does."

"My Emperor Polo, this personality is so dazzling that I can't look straight!"

Walnut covered her eyes, not knowing why, she always thought Wood's performance was fake, like wearing a mask.

"Go to the team with me. You will have a fight later, don't you want to watch it long ago?"

Wood invited Sissi.


Sissi greeted Downton, but after walking a few steps, she found that he didn't follow.

"I won't go."

Just refused, and moved forward, Downton was not so embarrassed.

"Why? Well, I'm not going anymore."

Seeing Downton didn't want to explain, Sissy hesitated and decided to take care of her face.


For the first time, the polite Wood showed a stunned expression. He just said that the two are related, but he doesn't believe it. What is Sissy's identity? How could I like an ordinary boy, but Sissy is now caring about a boy's mood. This has never happened before!

"Oh. I'm teaming up with Downton, so naturally I want to be with him. Don't think about it."

Sissi also felt that her approach was not right, so she hurriedly explained it, but faced with the speculative eyes around her, her cheeks were a little red.

"Go ahead and command. Hurry to lay the vault early."

Sissi urged.

"Well, you must be careful, I will arrange a team to protect you."

When Wood left, his eyes swept over another rushing team, then froze.

"Downton, are you okay? Ooooooooooo good!"

Juliet saw Downton. Ran over immediately.

"Don't cry, Twilight, thank you."

Downton stroked Juliet's hair and greeted the twilight that came over. Needless to say, he also knew that Twilight had helped Juliet, otherwise she was the only one who had died in the war rank.

"It's too much to see." Twilight smiled, looking at Downton. "It seems that during the time you left, you have a new harvest?"

Not waiting for Downton to speak, Wood interjected, "Are you called Twilight, from the Twilight Empire?"


Twilight shook his head.

"Like, it's too much. Your eyes are very much like a friend of mine." Wood leaned down gracefully. "I'm offended, please forgive me."

"Like who?"

Sissi asked.

Wood didn't speak, turned around and left, but walked a few steps and couldn't help turning back. Twilight and the lion Ji he admired were not just those eyes like stars, but even temperaments were somewhat similar.

Bentner and his team looked at Downton, and they were very glad that they hadn't clashed with him just now. No wonder they didn't fly Fletcher. Even Wood took the initiative to pull in. Could it be a simple character?

The bell rang, and many adventure groups arrived, preparing to wait for the opportunity, and found that a big force was there, just joining in.

About half an hour later, all of Downton's team arrived, and even the oldest guide, Lao Bu, didn't die, but he was injured and scared, and his face was always bloodless.

"Princess, you're fine, it's so nice!"

Palin also came, seeing Sissi, immediately rushed over, crying warmly and crying.

"Okay, okay, I know your loyalty, I am not a child, I can take care of myself, don't be so nervous!"

Sissy was depressed, and Palin was too nervous.

"It's all my fault, I will never leave you again."

Palin knelt on one knee, bowing his head to show loyalty.


Sissi helped Palin up.

"Your Highness, look!"

Palin activates the soul shield, and a one-foot-long dragon cruising around his body is lifelike.

"Ah? You have been promoted to Tulongjie? Congratulations!"

Sissi froze for a while, congratulating Palin from the bottom of her heart, but after seeing Downton's life-and-death advancement, the near guard's performance had no way to shock her.

"Yeah, I have succeeded in killing the dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Life has increased by ten years." Palin shivered with excitement, glancing down at Donton proudly, and deliberately flaunting, "Ha ha, twenty-three years old , Dragon Slayer, I may be able to catch up with the pace of Lord Wood, yes, after returning to Bavaria this time, I am going to ask for a long vacation to go to the envelope to catch a dragon as a demon servant."

"Oh, it's just Tulongjie, what's so arrogant?"

Walnut murmured.

"Huh, that's why you don't understand the terrible Tulongjie." Palin was too lazy to fight with Walnut. Anyway, he won Downton.


Downton sent congratulations.

"Well, thank you!" Palin accepted what he deserved, and then took a strong posture to teach Downton, "Don't see that you are now adjudicating the seventh order, there is nothing to be proud of, if there is no inspiration, maybe You will be stuck in a half-step dragon slaughter all your life, so don't show off, but go down and go down."


I wish my book friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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