Hero’s Creed

Chapter 646: Magic Bow Shooter

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No one thinks he is too big. Although Downton did not lose, Evans did not have full firepower. How to say that they are also the fifth-ranking powerhouse of Tulong and should have an overwhelming advantage.

"God's Word, I don't know when I can understand?"

Downton didn't take Evans seriously, but looked at the back of Wood's departure, showing a look of envy.

"This hurry does not come, in addition to talent, it also needs an opportunity to realize that there is no difference between God's Word and the jackpot. In short, don't think about it without good luck, it is better to focus on martial arts practice."

Homer is not splashing cold water, as long as you think about it, not to mention the Grand Marshal, even some legendary strongmen do not understand God's Word, they know how amazing it is.

"Heinrich and Dvořák will speak too?"

Downton asked Sissy, and Di Lanxue would not say it, but he had seen the girl using God's Word.

"Sure, to become a new star on the mainland, there is a default condition, that is, God's Word can be used, and Saint Mary Saint Laurent will also be. DuPont is actually not bad, even if he can't enter God's Word."

Sissi explained, and she peeked into the twilight, and the girl would say something, but why would she be silent? It seems that the real body is too famous, so he chose to disguise.

In the interval between the people talking, the dispute between Wood and Dragon Commander Neuer became more and more fierce.

It must be said that Wood's words broke out, and he also gave Neuer a dismounted horse, allowing him to put away his previously underestimated thoughts.

"Aren't you humans advocating a duel? How about we come to ten games? If you win, I will put 200 million gold coins in my hands, and if you lose. Please leave the Forge."

Neuer raised a finger and looked at Wood provocatively. Although this guy had Dragon blood, he was also very tall, with a height of more than one meter and nine, but his appearance was very beautiful. It looks like a little suffering, it seems to have been wronged again and again, and there is no sense of superior racial superiority that ordinary dragons face when facing lower humans.

"This condition is very favorable!"

Some adventurers are excited and their own wins. Not only can they weaken the opponent's strongman, but they can also earn a generous amount of gold coins. The most important thing is that he does not require everyone to leave, so that he can continue the strategy.

"Haha. Your Excellency's abacus is playing well." Wood smiled. "Your troops are all overwhelming us in terms of quality and quantity, but you choose this kind of continuous duel, but you want to consume our high-end combat power. After all, we The Dragon Slayers here are all commander-level characters. If they die in battle, even if the adventure group does not become a piece of sand, the combat power will be reduced."

Hearing Wood's words broke the Neuer plot. The adventurers were shocked, but some people had already guessed it. But he still deliberately showed admiration and flattered Wood.

"The thrust ability is good. That's how I planned it. What about your answer?" Neuer gave a thumbs-up. Compared with the delicate cheeks, this guy's momentum is quite domineering. This may be the reason of the dragon's bloodline, madness, fearlessness, and air masses!

"What's the point? The war blade in our hands is never inferior to anyone. They long for blood and long for victory!"

Wood spread his hands and lifted his chin slightly. With a proud smile on his face, at this moment, his momentum was also unparalleled and full of charm.

"Then ten rounds of war begins." Neuer turned back. "None of you take the lead?"

The subordinates of the Red Dragon King are all unruly generations, or unwilling to accept the shackles of the law, or the vicious murderer. They are basically inseparable in the civilized country, and they will swear allegiance to Smaug, Find a place to live.

Of course, as the king of the Red Dragon, ordinary fishes are unsightly, so those who can stand here are strong, and there are even some who have been rewarded by Smaug’s dragon blood for strengthening their bodies because of their outstanding performance and loyalty. .

While others were still arguing, a jackal, a two-and-a-half-year-old jackal, flipped out of the crowd, and the long knife in his hand pointed at Wood.

"Come out and die!"

Jackals of the jackals were angry, and the blood stained on the long knife, the thick **** smell mixed with the **** mist, was disgusting.

"It's just a miscellaneous soldier, it doesn't take His hand!"

The head of anxious performance jumped out.

This kind of battle, even if it is ruling the seventh order, has no chance to play, because it is the result of being spiked.

Generally speaking, the use of demon servants is not allowed in duels. For example, in the case of Sissi, even if the strength is average, you can rely on the super beast to kill the opponent. Besides, with the status of the Red Dragon King, there are many heroic orders of Warcraft Allegiance, if temporarily playing as a demon servant, is greatly detrimental to the Wood side.

"Look carefully at how others fight, and learn some lessons."

Homer reminded that Tulongjie masters are not common, so this is a rare learning opportunity.

An adventurer quietly took out the DV crystal and wanted to record, but was immediately stopped by the companion next to him.

"Do you want to die? It is not allowed to be filmed during the duel."

Talents, skillful martial arts, and all kinds of cards, the Dragon Slayers will not be easy to show people. After all, this is a guarantee to reverse the overturn. If it is spread, it will be very unfavorable for future battles.

Of course, there are magicians who deliberately leak false information to confuse the enemy. In short, fighting is a comprehensive art.

The leader of the jackal is the third level of the dragon, so he also sent a head of the same rank.

In a fair duel, the difference in rank should not exceed two ranks, but if there is a non-death-critical challenge, no one will stop.

Both sides want a good start and improve morale, so the first battle is full firepower, the wildest offensive, energy venting, naturally let the onlookers retreat a war circle of more than 100 yards in diameter.

In less than three minutes, the head of the human race was headed by the jackals.

"who is the next?"

This leader is proud and carrying a long **** knife, obviously he is going to fight.

The adventurers looked at Wood and waited for his decision. One-third of the regimental leader became silent and silent. But the rest are still self-recommended.

The human race is never short of brave people!

Wood waved his hand, beckoning everyone to be quiet, and looked at his Knight of the Magic Bow.

These demon bows wearing blue leather armor stepped forward in unison, and their battle eyes were wide and narrow.

They are not the Dragon Slayer, but the ruling order of the water, but this moment. They are not afraid of life and death. This momentum impressed the heads of the leaders.

"Humph, is it a jackal, is it worth so exciting?"

The deputy head came out. He was wearing blue and white leather armor, and the Steinway family crest was tattooed on his chest.

He had a palm width on his waist, and he wore two bow bags made of Yalong leather diagonally on the left and right crotch. Inside was a long and short magic bow.

"He is a sage arrow!"

An adventurer called out. Because this middle-aged deputy commander has only one quiver, and there are only twelve arrows in his back. This is the number of arrows that only the archer with the nickname of "Shenjianzhe" is qualified to carry.

"Bluff, let's get started!"

Jackals urged.

The dragon who served as the referee threw the torch in his hand into the sky, and when the torch fell to the ground, it was the signal to go to war.

For the archer, as long as the torch leaves the referee's hand. It is possible to prepare for the arrow on the string, but it must be fired when the torch hits the ground. Otherwise it is a violation.

The Dragon Referee was very insidious. He used his skill and the torch did not fly a few meters, and he started to fall straight down.

Seeing this scene, the adventurers immediately scolded, but then again silently. Staring closely at the battlefield.

Bang, the torch hit the ground, and Mars jumped around.


The jackal shouted and slayed like a whirlwind, and the long knife wiped a hint of blood in the air.

The deputy head still had time to take a look at the referee. Contempt.

"Don't drag it up!"

Someone shouted, but then shut up again, because they saw the Jackal suddenly rushed past the deputy leader, stumbled a few steps, and fell to the ground.

There was no blood, no screams, only a dead body.

The referee ran to the body and examined it carefully.

"Don't read it, he's dead dead."

The deputy commander snorted coldly, holding his chest with both hands as if he had never shot.

"Winner, Demon Archer!"

The referee got up and announced, staring at the deputy commander's eyes, quite shocked. The other people also looked at the expression of the undead, because they didn't see how this guy shot, they only saw the jackal from him. I ran and died.

"It is worthy of the prestigious Magic Bow Knights, this combat power is terrible!"

The adventurers have a new understanding of Wood's power.


The deputy commander's provocative eyes swept across the Dragon Front.

"I come!"

A black iron dwarf came out.

Unexpectedly, the dwarf still ran past the deputy commander and fell to the ground.


The deputy commander continued to shout, but this time the opposite side was silent, this strange attacking method, hurriedly attacked without knowing it, definitely danced ballet with death.

Just when Neuer was about to force someone to appear, Wood said, "Come back, or fight like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is boring."

"Observe, master!"

After the deputy commander bowed, he returned to the Knights. His men took this result for granted, so they were not as excited as ordinary adventurers.

"Fourth game, it's my turn."

Neuer wanted to save his face, so his wicked monster came out. This guy with an octopus head has a pair of white eyes. Anyone who has been swept by his eyes is like falling into a worm's nest. The slimy bugs crawled again, and the disgusting back hairs.

This time it was a mage showdown. A middle-aged woman came out, holding a scepter of inflammation, with magma flowing in the body.

The female mage's casting speed is quite fast. As the torch hits the ground, the six-sided shield has shrouded it.

In the duel of the legal system, the first time must be to strengthen her defense. This is a traditional tactic, but this time, she tasted the shortcomings brought by the textbook. (To be continued...)

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