Hero’s Creed

Chapter 648: End Blast Drow

"Humans, you are so arrogant! Want to beat me to please my scheduled female slave? Be your daydream!"

Drow's eyes were higher than the top, and they looked down upon Dunton with disdain, kicking on the shoulders of Palin who collapsed on his feet.

Palin flew out like a broken sack, waking up again because of the pain.

"My arm!"

Palin subconsciously went to cover the wound, but found that the bones of his right arm were completely broken, pulling down like a noodle, only some broken meat was connected.

"Haha, interesting!"

Drow applauded and laughed. He was doing two birds with one stone. Not only could he fight Downton's morale, leaving him a psychological shadow, causing a sharp reduction in combat power, but also allowing Palin to live in fear of failure all his life.

Rather than killing people, Drow is more willing to destroy his opponent psychologically and let the enemy die. It is simply too cheap, and it is far less interesting to torture them for a lifetime.

"Well, don't blame me for not reminding you that this knight's unarmed fighting skills are the best in the world. If you don't want to be killed by a second, quickly pull out the scimitar alert." Downton spit out and raised a middle finger, his face full All are mad expressions, "After three minutes, I will make you a hundred times worse than Palin!"

"It's really arrogant. Lao Tzu beat you up with bare hands today to see if your martial arts are as powerful as your mouth?"

After Drow had finished speaking, he had shot with a trace of afterimages, appeared behind Downton, and grasped his shoulder blades with both hands, to completely abolish him.

Downton turned around and punched out with a single punch, tearing Drow's shadow avatar.

"Haha, idiot, you hit the jackpot!"

Drow appeared behind Downton and laughed proudly, pulling his hands against the shoulders of the enemy like eagle claws to separate him. But before he met, he changed his face and immediately backed away.

An azure-like magician of the size of a rhinoceros fell from the sky, chasing the dodge chasing all the way down, leaving a row of half-meter deep fist pits on the square paved by the obsidian floor.

boom! boom! boom!

Dust and gravel lasing.

The fist faded, and Drow was in the dust. Just looking for the trail of the enemy, Downton appeared like a sword piercing the dust.

"Who said you have won?"

Downton returns, double boxing!


boom! boom! boom!

Countless fist shadows shot, the air oscillated, and the sonic boom spread.

Drow is a ranger, known for his agile body, but he has nowhere to hide in the face of a domineering punch like a storm. Completely overwhelmed.

"Go away! Bakong is broken!"

Downton made a series of strokes, pulled back with his right fist, uh, the magic energy overflowed, wrapped his arm, and then it threw towards Zall like a siege.


Drow was severely hit in the front, as if a cannonball flew out, directly spanning a distance of more than 100 meters. Slammed on the gate of the palace.

"Huh, is that the only way?".

Downton did not pursue. Standing on the spot, patting the dust on the body.

"I'm going to kill you! No, I'm going to make you a slave and torture me all my life!"

Drow got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his face looked like a beast. Staring down at Downton.

"I said earlier, you can't do it with unarmed combat, use double knives, let me see your strongest trick!"

Downton's left hand back to waist, right arm extended. Palms up, then fingers flicked, making a provocative gesture of coming again.

Drow, who had already put his hands on the machete, saw this scene and gave up directly, charging again with his bare hands.

Neuer frowned with the Heart Demon, and Drow had already hit each other's psychological battles, but this was a duel, and they could not be reminded, otherwise they would be in violation of the rules and lose.

"Oh, Downton is too cunning, not at all like a just and honest Templar."

Twilight couldn't help laughing lightly.

"what happened?"

Cici, who had been worried about Downton, was puzzled.

"Through Zall's own words and deeds, and the battle with Palin, Downton saw that this guy was an arrogant man, and he deliberately said that he was unmatched in unarmed combat. With Zall's character, he must be unconvinced, and he must use his opponent to take advantage. His martial arts defeated him so that he could show his strength and attack his confidence."

Twilight explained.

"I see, Downton learned the domineering boxing, the barbarian king's epic stunt, Zall and he fight against him with bare hands, it is almost dead!"

Sissi suddenly realized.

"Yes, Downton pretends to be proud and once again proposes to let Zall use weapons, to poke him and ridicule him, so that he will not use the machete instead."

Twilight shook his head, Drow was very powerful, a trick to kill Palin, definitely called a genius, but the common fault of genius is pride, arrogance, no one in the eyes, plus his young age, immature mind, this pride will Unlimited expansion, if you continue to win, will build a strong self-confidence, but unfortunately he encountered Downton.

"I'm still puzzled. Downton has always been polite. Why did he look down on people so much today, it turned out to be an intention to irritate his opponent?"

Sissy nodded, a heart of admiration surged in her heart, Downton was not very old, but the fighting wisdom was more than one piece higher than Palin, no, it was completely exploded.

"Big Brother has the reputation of the West Fox!"

Little Walnut and You Rong Yan, who like to listen to others praise Downton the most, she jumped on the back of the air rays, and then took out the West Banner and waved hard.

The people turned their heads, and the cute fox on the battle flag holding the magic code was immediately printed on their eyes.

"The Fox of the West?" Listening to the cheering of Little Loli, the adventurers put this nickname in their hearts. There is no way. Downton completely crushed Drow in the duel field in front of him. The attacking attitude is domineering. They want to remember all. Nope.

The magical energy flies, like hail and hurricane, always covering Drow.

"Damn, this martial art is so wide!"

Drow is desperately dying. With his body method, the enemy can replace most of the melee, which can completely open the distance and reshape the situation, but the opponent's martial arts are actually a range attack, and Shao fifty yards are all under his control.

If you can’t hide, then you can turn into an offense. No one can last for such a strong outbreak. After all, a lot of magic can be poured in a short time. The burden on the body and the soul tree is great.

But Zall soon discovered that he had miscalculated. The guy on the opposite side was like a perpetual motion machine, and the continuous firepower was fully on.

The continuous repression made Zall anxiously distracted, but he didn't notice it for a while, and he made a move. Another round of beating.

boom! boom! boom!

The fist was like a storm, like a rain, like a flood, poured on Zall's body, blood sprayed, and the sprinkled floor was mottled.

With fists shaking and dust flying, Downton completely crushed his opponent with a swift gesture.

"Turn offensive to defensive? It's almost death!"

Downton could not help laughing out loud. With the body of Vulcan, the speed and number of his pouring magic energy have been greatly increased. As for the magic energy reserve, he who has the flame banshee is already terrible. Now after advancing to the ranks, he obtains the soul double tree, and he explodes with high intensity The time and effort have been multiplied.

The enemy turned into an attack and was completely waiting to die. Because they simply couldn't wait for a chance to fight back, Downton would explode in one breath.

"No wonder people dare to challenge Evans of Tier 5 of Dragon Slayer. This strength, this battle wisdom, this spot against the enemy, if it continues to develop, become a battle master just around the corner."

"What is this martial art? The power is too strong, and the attack range is so large, that drow can't carry any tricks, it's a sandbag!"

"Looks like a bully punch in the barbarians?"

The adventurers talked a lot. Because Twilight used a small spell, they didn't hear the two girls talking.

"Fart, Lao Tzu is a barbarian, and Lao Tzu will also dominate. But why doesn't he have such a powerful power?"

A barbarian called out. Bakongquan is a big deal in the barbarian kingdom. Just learn it. Even ordinary barbarians who are not magicians can play a suit when they are idle. They are used for daily exercise.

When Uncle Tanan heard this, he couldn’t help covering his face. The inheritance of the barbarians was ruined. How great was Tanan, the barbarian king, and how broad his mind was. The patriarch of the barbarian tribe was also scolded by his descendants for this reason, but I did not expect this to be the result now.


Drow fell out and broke through his flesh, completely turned into a blood man.

"I'm going to kill you!"

With a choking sound, the two knives were like two lightning bolts, and he was pulled out of Drow's roar, and then rushed to Downton again.

"Oh, I told you that this knight is unparalleled in unarmed combat. Without weapons, he won't win me at all."

Downton rolled his eyes and made a look that should have been this way.

"Don't you say you want to beat Downton with your bare hands? How did you draw the knife?"

"There is no difference between drow elf talking and farting. Whoever believes will be a fool."

"Is this shameless? He still has a face to continue fighting. If he was replaced by me, how far would he have run and how far he could not afford to lose this person."

The adventurers cheated and ridiculed their opponents. The duel between the two sides has already involved racial conflict. As long as they can defeat their opponents, it is worth cheering.

To be honest, in addition to those who are still jealous of Downton, some people know that they are not good, and they begin to calculate for the future.

It is inevitable that the strength shown by Downton and the relationship with Princess Sissi are reused, and it is also good to sell your personal feelings at this time.


The teenager became famous and arrogant, and never had such a humiliation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Angrily attacked, he spit out a bit of blood directly, and the offensive couldn't help but slow down.

Downton never missed this opportunity, a paradise shone in front of Drow.


The horn of heaven was launched, the sound wave roared, and after giving Zall a control technique, Downton played the strongest trick he currently knows.


A burly barbarian giant appeared behind Downton, and his fists burst out.

boom! boom! boom!

The huge sonic boom made the onlookers cover their ears subconsciously, and then saw the endless fists sweeping Drow.

The flesh ~ the body is broken, the blood is shot, Drow is directly smashed into a pool of mud, and a generation of dark stars will fall!

Neuer wanted to rescue, too late! (To be continued...)

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