Hero’s Creed

Chapter 654: Powerful

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Di Maria licked the scarlet lips, salivating Smaug's flesh, body and soul, and eating it can definitely advance to the first order, but at this time he can only look at the ocean, who makes people a flying super beast. One second to remember "" popular novels update the fastest

In super-order Warcraft, the most difficult thing to do is the flying species, like Firebird, which consumes Di Maria by remote magic.

The first element, the crystal dragon, and Smaug, strangled together, because they have not cooperated before, so they hindered their hands and feet, unable to exert their full strength, and from time to time will be injured by friendly attacks.

The ghost hunter hid aside, looking for a chance to be a sneak attack, which would tear large pieces of flesh and blood from Smaug, but the red dragon king didn't even scream, and he was utterly utterly messy.

On the ground, there was a turbulent sea of ​​fire everywhere, a foot high, so that the whole world was orange and red, and the hot waves surged into the sky, so that everyone was like being in a furnace, about to be cooked.


Downton bombarded towards the exit of the secret road with all his strength, but the steel floor remained immobile, leaving no dent.

"Don't bother. The melting pot is made of the hardest alloy. It takes too much time to break him. It might be better to fight Smaug."

Oak is kindly reminded.


Downton cursed angrily. At this level of fighting, they simply couldn't get in the way. It was already very difficult to protect themselves.

The fire is boiling, but this is continuous damage. Although everyone has opened the soul shield, it is temporarily okay, but it will consume a lot of magic energy, and if it runs out, it will definitely die.

Juliet's rank is too low to be carried first, and within thirty seconds, the soul shield is burnt to ashes. Fortunately, Xia Luo cast a natural shield in time to give support.

"You can't go on like this, you have to find a way!"

The old cloth was crying anxiously, wishing to leave here immediately.

Sissi once again showed the power of the local tyrant, with a dozen shields on her body, dazzling enough to blind others' eyes. Just maintaining them consumes tens of thousands of gold coins worth of magic energy every second, but for the princess, it is not a problem at all.

It is the four people who are truly stress-free, such as Downton, Twilight, Charlotte and Walnut. Even Batty, who is the third order of the Dragon, is not so easy.

Downton is the body of the fire god, almost immune to all fire magic. Not to mention the flames, he jumped into the hot furnace and he couldn't even hurt a hair.

Flame Banshee likes the high temperature and high temperature environment, at this time flying around Downton, singing happily.

A green vine plant sprang up at Xia Luo's feet, with foliage and mottled green shadows. Let her feel as cool as staying in the forest of three days.

Twilight's magic shield is more like an energy field. The blue diamond-shaped film is surrounded by a circle and spread around, completely shielding the sea of ​​fire.

Walnut still bears her oval dharma shield, jumping alive in the flames, nothing at all.

Super beast wars, magic on the bomb, elemental explosion. Splashes of sparks everywhere.

Seeing that the reptiles on the ground had not yet been burned to death, Smaug felt that his strength had been insulted. One circled, his tail swept, and after repelling the crystal dragon, he was breathing again towards Downton and his entourage.


Flames of tens of meters long spit down, and clusters of flames flew like flowers.


Downton yelled. The Flame Banshee flew in front of him, inhaling as much as she could, and a flame was devoured.


The flaming banshee's belly visibly rose, and then she sat in the air. Opening his mouth, puffed out a flame, then shook his head helplessly towards Downton, it was really impossible to eat!

"I'm in charge of defense!"

Xia Luo waved his dagger quickly, drawing three mysterious mysterious magic circles, and then on the ground appeared magical condensed plants, and their vines interspersed to form a large green net.


The dragon breath crashed on it, crashing and drifting.

"Dragon Puppet!"

Seeing the firebird killing, Smaug quickly faced the battle, but it didn't intend to let go of these reptiles. Its wings fluttered and a huge red fireball with a radius of up to ten meters fell.


The fire mass hit the ground, the shock waves scattered, and set off everyone's clothing corners, then everyone saw a red-skinned Yalong with a three-meter-long elemental knife killed from the flames, and ran straight.

The Yalong people are seven meters long and three meters high, and have four thick long legs. Behind them are a pair of small wings. However, their flying ability has deteriorated, and it is more symbolic.

Its face is similar to human species, but like the body, it is covered with hard scales, comparable to steel.

"Homer, give me a shield!"

While the old cloth and Cindy retreated, Downton made a step forward and used Heaven to shine to intercept the Yalong.


The two sides collided fiercely, and the blast wave directly blown away the surrounding flames.

The powerful long sword of the Yalong people slashed and the harsh wind brought out the harsh sound.

Downton blocked his hammer, feeling the numbness from his arm, and quickly opened the rage aura.

The power of the Yalong is five times that of the King of the Hill, and its strength is at the peak of the heroic rank, which is a difficult opponent.


The Yalong people opened their mouths with a dragon's breath, holding Downton's face full, but fortunately he was immune to the fire department, otherwise he would be replaced by an ordinary person, and he would definitely suffer a big loss.

Downton has a natural advantage over the Fire Department of Warcraft, but it is a pity that the opponent's physical strikes make him a bit confused.

The thinking of Warcraft is different from that of humans, especially the Yalong people. Downton first played against this intelligent monster, so he has some inexperience.

After receiving the shield passed by Homer, Downton turned into a defense, ready to temporarily stabilize the situation, "Do you want to fight slowly? Or Smaug might summon a stronger Yalong."

"Well, let the super beasts attack!"

Twilight and Downton have the same idea, and they do their utmost to paralyze Smaug and prevent himself from becoming the target of the main attack.

"Go on, don't worry, I can't die with me."

Charlotte casts a spell and puts a shield on her body to avoid the flames around her.

Little Loli had rushed to the side of the Yalong for the first time, the giant seal was chopped, and the roaring enemy scales and sparks splashed.

Neither Su Ya nor Batty are gangsters. Surrounding the Yalong people, attack hard.

"Damn reptile!"

Seeing that the Yalong people had no success, Smaug was furious and dropped three more fire groups.

"Quick, firepower is on, kill this in seconds, don't let them form a siege."

Twilight immediately increased the casting speed.

"Di Maria. What are you looking at? Let's do it!"

Downton urged.


Di Maria ran towards an Yalong, his arms flew, throwing magic bullets, and then flew close, hitting his head with a heavy punch.


The Yaron's head was broken, and Di Maria was also polite. He grabbed his brain directly into his mouth and chewed it.

"Ma Lei, who made you fire fully?"

Downton was mad.

Sure enough, Smaug was furious when he saw the outbreak of the higher demons, and then took a deep breath, then spit out with it. Dozens of fires fell from the sky like a meteor shower.

boom! boom! boom!

The fire slammed on the floor like a heavy artillery attack. The shocking people stood unsteady, and then the Yaron people at the peak of the heroes rushed out and rushed to Di Maria and Downton.

"Homer, let go of the bone dragon!" Downton's mouth twitched with a bitter smile. He often used ghoul tsunami tactics to abuse people. Unexpectedly, he was suppressed by human tactics today. If the bone dragon is not called again, the team will be completely destroyed.

Dozens of heroes at the peak of the heroic order are enough to crush any life on the ground.

Di Maria immediately fell into a hard fight.

Downton and Twilight glanced at each other, and there was a doubt. Judging by the deceitful character of the devil, this guy did not rule out the accident, and wanted to save his strength. The fact that caused the mass destruction, after all, when Downton died a few people, its chances of escaping from Juliet's hands will also increase greatly.

All demon servants who are forced into slavery are not hungry for freedom.

"Bone Dragon. Block them!"

Downton let the bone dragon land as a meat shield, while he was cruising on the side to prevent the Yalong from breaking through the defense line and harming the team's melee.

The door of war opened again. The ghouls were too weak, and they would be burned to death, but undead abomination is all right. These painless heavy infantry took the pace and formed a defensive front, dying the Yalong.

"Is this above the legend? Great!"

For the first time, Sissi saw her aunt and ghost hunter fighting together, and was still struggling, let alone a firebird.

"No, not even a legend, just a Grand Marshal, otherwise we would have died here long ago."

Twilight explained that if she met the legend, she would remind everyone to leave immediately.

The crystal dragon is a noble lady, and she is not good at fighting, let alone living in the Bavarian royal family. She has long been away from fighting life. Although the ghost hunter is a super beast, she is still young and will not be promoted soon. , Will not be forced to recruit by Sissi's astral talent.

As for Firebird, it’s really crying without tears~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tens of thousands of years of seals have made it a great loss of strength, breaking the seal of the Starfire Palace, and forging Downton's body of Vulcan, it has consumed too much There are so many sources of soul, and even some time ago, even the body could not be condensed. It needs at least thousands of years to rest and recuperate if it is to return to its peak posture, otherwise it will not be suppressed so badly.

"Then it's Smaug's avatar?"

Sissi was shocked. If so, how powerful should the Red Dragon King be? Ontology comes, will the team perish immediately?

"It is a avatar created by Smaug with a soul source. This has already involved the law. You will not understand it when it is said. In short, it is very powerful. It can use all the magic of the Red Dragon King, and it also gave birth to autonomous consciousness. ."

Homer explained one sentence, in short, it was a hard fight.

The ghost hunter is forced to recruit, and does not want to fight deadly, and will escape when there is a chance. The crystal dragon has spared power. To ensure that he has the power to take Sissi at the crisis, the only thing desperate is the first element. It felt that the dignity of Vulcan as a lava mystery was impaired, so the firepower was fully on and he fought for his life.

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