Hero’s Creed

Chapter 657: Lonely Mountain Will

"I want dragon heart and some dragon blood!"

Twilight is also polite, but according to her team's contribution, this requirement is somewhat pitiful. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

"This is the best experimental material. I need different parts to do the experiment, but don't worry, it won't use much."

Xia Luo actually wanted to dispose Smaug on the experiment table.

"It doesn't matter. You can use it as you want. Anyway, there are no special requirements for making abhorrent meat. It's okay to be cooked." Downton felt that if he made a few dragon meat abominations, he would definitely hang the sky.

"It's too wasteful. When I return to the Western Realm, I will instruct Celes to help you be a dragon puppet."

Homer despised that with such a complete body, Downton actually only wanted to peel the meat. If it was fully utilized, he could be a puppet servant similar to a bone dragon.

A ray of soul was stripped from the corpse and wanted to escape, but not to mention many super beasts looking around, that is, Homer and Cheap God, two masters of soul magic, can make it nowhere to hide.

Without letting the cheap **** devour it into soul power, Homer imprisoned it for its use.

"What are you doing? God is mysterious?"

Downton puzzled.

"You will know by then, if the plan succeeds, maybe Smaug will be a big surprise." Homer kept silent.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."

Oak urged.

After entering the melting pot, it is a cobweb-like channel extending in all directions, all of which are paved with bronze, letting a breath of steel come to the face.

Because there has been no maintenance for thousands of years, some parts are rusty. Seeing this scene, oak weeps again.

"I hate this place!"

Sissy frowned, and there were pipes of different thickness in the passage, like blood vessels. The denseness, coupled with the ticking water seeping, looked terrifying.

"Okay, stop!"

In front of a closed bronze gate. Oak growled.

"what happened again?"

Downton was restless. This soul is really hard to serve.

"You, Twilight, and this wolf girl. Eligible to enter the core of the melting pot, other than that, others are prohibited."

A translucent white phantom flew out of the Holy Ring of the Wrath of the Lonely Mountain, forming a soul dwarf with only the upper body. He is the spirit oak of the king of the hills.


The little walnut, who was lying on the doorway and wanted to glance, was polite and grumbled.

Sissi didn't speak, but the meaning of complaining was obvious.

"Because you are not qualified, this is the core of the Forge Fort. Only the kings of the past can step in. I am letting three people in now is already breaking the rules."

Speaking of which. The project began to growl again, which is definitely a shame for the dwarves. If it was put in the previous ruling era, he would have used an axe to kill.

"No. Let's go in together." Downton was also angry and yelled, "You are all mixed up with this look, but you dare to choose one from the other, and angered Lao Tzu, and stopped doing it."

"Good, don't do it!"

Walnut clamored, compared to a middle finger, and then was slapped on the head by Downton with a slap, "No such vulgar movements are allowed."

Little Loli grunted her mouth and drew circles on the ground with her toes.

"No, you are blaspheming past kings and insulting our glory!"

Oak shook his head into a rattle.

"Forget it, stop arguing and let the three of us enter."

Twilight is final.

“Since Smaug sent an avatar to station in the melting pot, it means that it is important here, and I don’t believe that it would be dangerous to ignite it, and it would not hurt to bring more people.”

Downton reminded in a low voice.

"I know, but you have also seen that with their strength, going in will only add chaos, and they will be distracted to protect them."

Twilight sighed, this group of teammates is really scum, except for Downton, Charlotte and Walnut, the others are cumbersome.

"Okay, oak, open the door quickly." Downton reassured everyone. "You are here, if you are in danger, run quickly and leave us alone."

"Be careful."

Juliet urged.

"Can't I go in?"

Sissi said it was not tough, and after the battle just now, she also knew that the two beasts that drew water disappointed everyone.

"It's safer here. If something goes wrong, we all have to lose our lives!"

Downton comforted.

Walnut grabbed the knocker, and the whole person hung on it. His legs in short military boots stepped on the bronze gate, pulling hard, but it was a pity.

"Don't bother, only the will of the kings of the past can open this door."

Oak casts his will and communicates with the souls of the ancestors. The totem runes on the gate immediately flashed a dazzling brilliance.


The door opened, and Walnut immediately tipped his toes to look inside. The others were also curious. Unfortunately, when the three Downtons entered, the door closed instantly.

"Oh, stingy!"

Walnut kicked his feet towards the door.

The furnace hall occupies the size of a basketball court. The floor is carved with mysterious and mysterious magic lines, and there are stone tablets erected. In the center is a large metal ball with a fist-sized hole left above it. To all around.

This is the heart of the furnace, the most powerful source of power.

"How to light it?"

Downton wasn't stupid enough to think that a match would be lit.

"Inject your soul power into the furnace, as a spark, ignite the earth's veins and burn crystals!"

As Oak explained, he instructed Downton to unscrew some of the valves on the console. The sound of steam snorted and energy was immediately injected into the power furnace.

"Is it enough?"

Downton waited and waited without rushing.

"Absolutely not enough, three together, maybe it is possible."

Oak was outspoken, not giving Downton a face.

"What will happen if you fail?"

Downton asked.

"At most, because of the severe loss of soul power, it is weak for a while."

Oak concealed it. He did not say that this period of time is likely to be hundreds of years. After all, it is no problem to live a thousand years with the racial advantages of the king of the hills.

"Xia Luo. Twilight, you are responsible for support, I'll light the furnace."

Downton didn't believe in oak and left behind.

"No. It's only possible to ignite it with one blow. Otherwise it is a waste of soul."

Oak argued, but no one ignored him.

"me and you togather."

Twilight refused.

"Don't argue. You look like this, can you afford it? Hurry up and recover!"

Downton has some masculinity and does not want to let the two girls take risks.

"it has started!"

Downton sat cross-legged and took a few deep breaths. After calming emotions, the soul tree is induced.

The mind is empty, the branches are full of leaves, and the fruits are full. Looking at the golden soul tree activated by the blood of dawn and dawn, the golden flowers are blooming, and the light of Downton flashes, only the main tree radiates soul power.

Because Oak said. To ignite the furnace in one go, Downton did not rush into it, but accumulated soul power again, even the Flame Banshee was dispatched. Singing in high song.

"Hurry up? What are you doing?"

Oak is still urging, but after a few minutes, it is silent and his face becomes dignified. It finds Downton like a soul bomb at this time, because it has too much savings, and it has even begun to overflow from the body surface.

"I just said something casually, and he could infer the secret to lighting the furnace? No wonder it is called the Fox of the Western Realm, it is really different."

Oak is no longer wordy, calm down and watch.

When the body couldn't bear the soul power, Downton controlled them and rushed to the power stove in front like a tide.

It's a pity that as a mud bull enters the sea, none of the waves splashes.

"I said earlier that you can't do it alone. I'm afraid the power stove won't heat up." Oak shrugged his shoulders, sneering.

"Watch quietly!"

Downton roared and continued to repeat the process just now.

Oak hated his teeth, and he was a dwarf king anyway. No one dared to scold himself, otherwise he would provoke war.

When it was repeated to the tenth time, the power furnace finally had a trace of temperature, and when it reached twenty times, some sparks appeared in the skull and some white steam began to come out.

Thirty times!

Forty times!


One hundred times!


A flame of the size of a fingernail exploded and collided with burning crystals, bursting out a large flame of fists, but then extinguished again.

"My Emperor Polo, are you still a humanoid Warcraft? This magical energy reserve is too terrible!"

Oak was stunned. For the first time, he began to face Downton. Not to mention, the body contains such a huge magic energy, which is enough to make many Tulongji ashamed.

"If you weren't killed instantly, it wouldn't be a problem for you to kill a Tier 6 of Tulong."

Oak felt that Downton would never feel the pain of the Devil in his life.

"Can you shut up? You are too noisy."

Repeated failures are making Dunton irritable, and the mumble like oak flies is even more annoying.


Oak originally wanted to say that igniting the power furnace was only the first step, and then you need to consume more magic energy. You are doing this now, and you can't support it at the end. But looking at Downton's attitude, he closed his mouth decisively and prepared Let him suffer a big loss.

After one hundred and fifty attempts, the furnace finally crackled and burned a flame.

"Can I stop?"

Downton inquired ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He found that after the power furnace was lit, his magical energy was out of control, just like the flood that broke the dam, surging out.

"No, you can't stop until the fire is completely ignited, otherwise it will go out." Oak warned, "If you can't hold it, let Twilight and Xia Luo start."

"Don't, I always feel something is wrong!"

Downton rejected the proposal, anyway, his soul power can still support, the big deal is about to leave when it is about to run out.

As the crystal-burning energy was injected into the power furnace and burned thoroughly, more and more white steam spewed out, and the energy converted into gas began to flow in the pipeline and rushed to various areas of the furnace fort.

The situation has stabilized, and even the soul power is no longer madly rushing out. Downton breathed a sigh of relief, wondering what the use of these burning crystals is. Can you hoard a batch of runes on the power furnace? A surging will of Gushan suddenly swept through like a tsunami and hit Downton.


Downton's Soul Tree was as if swept by a storm, trembling violently, the branches and leaves slamming down and the fruit of the soul dried up.

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