Hero’s Creed

Chapter 661: 2 epics

"Do you think it's so easy to be a doppelganger?" Oak said with a proud voice. "Besides, there are so many red dragons guarding outside, and the front can't attack at all. Even if Smaug is a god, I can't guess that we can go secret. Road."

Ten minutes later, Oak directed the people to land in front of a small palace. This is a small vault in the treasure house, which holds the most important treasures.

Little Walnut couldn't wait to check the loot, but was caught in the twilight.

"what happened?"

The walnut puzzled and looked around, but no one saw it.

"Someone is a step ahead of us!"

Twilight looks dignified, armed with a staff and alert.

"Impossible, there is no trace of the treasury door opening. How could someone come in?" The oak screamed like a wild cat stepped on its tail. This was an insult to the dwarf's construction process.

"Twilight is right, the fractures of these stone statues are very fresh, and even the dust is not covered, apparently it has just been broken soon." There are several guardian stone statues on the ground, and the observation is meticulous. Dun soon discovered that something was wrong, "All are ready to fight."

"You're so fussed, isn't this the door of the palace that hasn't been opened yet?"

Oak checked it. There is still dust on the magic lock of the 100-weight lock. There is no trace of being moved in advance. Although it is a dwarf king, it has been occupied by Smaug and the magic lock has been modified naturally, so it has to be charged. Ma shot, and fortunately had the Ancient Great Codex, otherwise the ordinary teacher would be exhausted and had no hope of opening.

A strong breakthrough is simply impossible, it will activate a defensive alert and will attract many enemies.

In just three minutes, Homer unlocked the magic lock.


The gate of the palace was pushed away by the unholy hatred, and neatly cut magic diamonds piled up in the hall. The visual inspection is more than 10,000 tons, and the price is definitely more than 100 billion gold coins.

These are all high-quality magic diamonds, which are the war reserves of the dwarves. They will not be used until the war of annihilation.

"A lot less, it must have been rewarded to those men by Smaug."

Oak distressed and bleed straight. The entire hall was empty by five points, and according to the regulations of war, it must be filled up, even the king is not qualified to use these magic diamonds.

"Homer, open the space for war, let the abominations begin to carry the magic drill, check it by the way to see if there is any obvious lack of dust." Downton gave instructions, and he always felt something was wrong. "You are welcome, time is limited, how much can you get?"

Twilight nodded, took off the jewel ring worn on his left hand, and threw it away. A thumb-sized goblin floated out, dragging it, flapping its wings, and flew towards the magic drill.

After the female goblin sang a few spells. A vortex appeared conveniently in front of the ring, like a tornado. Suck in those magic diamonds.

Downton's magic book is not bad. Hundreds of elemental arms are stretched out, and the magic diamond is carried crazy.

Sissi’s space equipment is not as rare as Twilight’s advanced. Although he does not have to load it himself, the efficiency is significantly slower.

"Don't worry, it will be distributed according to contributions after going out."

Follow the rules of the adventure world. When a group of people enters the treasure trove, everyone can take as much as they can, and there is no need to redistribute afterwards, but Twilight and Downton are not stingy people.

"Not necessary."

Sissy didn't want to be underestimated, but to be honest. Looking at so many magic diamonds, she is also very emotional, but this is a strategic resource, which belongs to the banned materials. In addition to the high price purchase and sale on the black market, it is not sold on the market.


Seeing the magic diamond shining in the dim light under the light of the lantern, Downton's excited cheeks were flushed, even if it was evenly divided, he could get the magic diamond worth at least 30 billion gold coins, plus the wealth of the dungeon, There is no doubt that he can be ranked in the top 100 of the list of human riches on the Western Continent.

"Don't be too happy, digging the corner of the Red Dragon King, it must come back to find our trouble, so quickly take away the most precious treasure to evacuate."

Twilight reminded that the gold coins in the small palace were a plus, and it didn't matter if they were taken away, in short, make sure to leave before Smaug returned.

"Well, Oak, don't hurry to lead the way?"

Downton urged.

"After you leave Forge Fortress, I need two-thirds of these magic diamonds, and I will leave them to the dwarves." Oak refused and began bargaining.

"Ignore this idiot, let's find it ourselves."

Downton's good impression of oak is that it has fallen to the small vault, you only comment, don't you think it's too stupid? In such a place, you can find the location of the treasure without any effort.

In fact, no time is wasted at all, because behind the palace, there are small vaults with hundreds of locked magic locks. The magical runes are entwined, and I use my knees to know that all the good things are inside.


The magic lock dropped and made a dull sound. The walnut learned this time and made two abominations push the door open.

The small vault is not large. There is only one steel box inside, which is also covered with magic runes and a magic lock, and it is welded to the metal floor and cannot be taken away by force. It is called a tight defense.

"Homer, bother you." Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. "It seems that the advanced guy wasted too much time unlocking the lock, otherwise they would take all these things away."

A few minutes later, the treasure chest opened, and a red magma-colored light spilled out. At the bottom of the chest was a gorgeous crown, very thick, just like the history of tens of thousands of years of the dwarf family.

"You appreciate it slowly, and I will open the next vault."

Homer floats away, this thing oak knows the origin, there is no need to introduce yourself.

"This is the crown of the dwarf kingdom, called perfection. Kings of all dynasties can only wear it twice in their lives. One is to be crowned, and the other is to die. Its material is fused metal from the earth’s core, which is the first place of the dwarf race. A hero who has endured all kinds of hardships and received the blessing of the God of Moradin, as long as he wears it, he will not get any disease in his life.

Oak explained that every king wearing this crown, once sick, means that life has come to an end, there is no possibility of cure.

"Who do you want?"

Take Downton's body of Vulcan unless dying seriously. Otherwise, it is absolutely insulated from the disease. Of course, there is still no additional effect of this crown, because the most feared undead natural disaster virus, he can not save, but wearing this crown will not be infected.

"This is the crown of our dwarf kingdom. Did you actually give it away?"

Oak was dumbfounded, and he almost couldn't care about anger. He would divide such a symbolic thing.


Downton is not a fool, because the symbolic meaning of the crown is too great for him to possess. If the dwarf knows it, he must fight back with his old life, but he does not have the confidence to keep it.

Sissi looked at Twilight.

"I don't need it. Hold it if you want."

Twilight is not interested in these things, because they have no practical meaning.

"Thank you!"

Sissi was very excited to receive the perfect crown. This is a symbol of the imperial power of the dwarf kingdom. If it is given to his father, he will be very happy.

The second vault soon opened. Inside the treasure chest was a scepter of blue and gold intertwined, which was only one meter long. It has a warhammer shape, but the hammerhead is not steel. It's a square sapphire, surrounded by a rare metal frame, carved with unpretentious runes.

"It's called the Thunder God Scepter. It's a dwarf king's scepter. It can summon Thunder and judge the dwarves. It is accompanied by Moradin's roar, which can form a spiritual coercion against any dwarf."

Without the introduction of oak, the learned twilight broke the news directly.

Walnut reached out and touched, and as a result, a small flash of lightning broke out and flowed onto his fingers. The whole arm is tingling.

Unwillingly, Little Loli grabbed Thor's scepter in his hand and smashed it towards the treasure chest.


The treasure chest was directly exploded.

Jingle bells, steel fragments flying around.

"My Emperor Polo, the attack power is so fierce?" Walnut was a little surprised. "It seems to be more powerful than the Flame Demon Hand?"

"Nonsense, it's an epic weapon. In order to forge it, our dwarves have spent 10,000 years and consumed countless materials."

Oak rolled his eyes, but this is the king's scepter, the Chinese cabbage you saw everywhere?

"Be careful of electricians!"

Walnut made a grimace and handed the scepter to Cici.

Sissi's strength was too weak. After touching it, she felt that the current was raging, which made her unable to last, so she quickly handed it to Downton.

"Good stuff!" Downton, the king of the foreign hills, had no adverse reactions, but after waving a few times, he handed it to Twilight, "Yours."

"you sure?"

Twilight was a little surprised.

"of course!"

Downton shrugged his shoulders and looked at the light of twilight, knowing that he liked this scepter of Thor.

"This scepter has a natural suppression effect on dwarves of any race, and it represents the presence of the God of Moradin, and the person holding it has the right to judge the dwarf, so for some devout dwarves, it will be unconditional Follow the one who holds it!"

Twilight did not pick up, but looked at Downton's eyes and continued to explain.

"I told you all, you can take it back and study it yourself!"

Downton certainly knows how to have a legion of dwarf followers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How much of his power will be improved, such as the Black Hand clan riding the Iron Ridge Dragon, but he is more valued and twilight than these. Light friendship.

"Thank you!"

After Twilight discovered that Downton was indeed not kidding, he took the Thor's scepter and showed a happy smile.

"It's too much to see. You have a copy of these trophies." Downton urged, "Let's go and see what the next vault is?"

Oak's hoarseness prevented it, but it was completely ignored.

"When I run out, I will return it to you."

Twilight didn't explain what to do with Thor's Scepter? Everyone did not ask questions, after all, everyone has secrets that they don't want others to know.

Homer's unlocking skills are absolutely master-level. The magic lock with a hundred locks can't last for five minutes. This scene made a figure hiding in the dark stunned. He hesitated whether to kill these guys.

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