Hero’s Creed

Chapter 667: Target king

The high-intensity search is too exhausting. In a crisis-ridden environment, this is a taboo, so Downton and his party have to suspend their actions and wait for the information returned by the Twilight Demon Servant.

Palin no longer entangles Sissi, but seizes every second to meditate, improve his strength, and strive to catch Super Beast.

Tanan took Juliet to hunt, and Walnut followed him on an air ray. Little Loli was so active that it was impossible to calm her down.

Downton sat by the campfire and looked at a copy of Charlotte's notes. His recent potions course dropped a lot, but in his current capacity, it doesn't make much sense to be a potionist.

"I think compared to studying, you should meditate. With your talents, you can do your best to advance the order. Maybe you will be promoted to the Scepter stage at a younger age than Wood."

Sissi sat over, and she didn't mention the geniuses of Heinrich and Dilanxue. In her heart, Downton was very powerful, but she was always more than one step away from them.

"Meditation? That's rough work!"

Downton ridiculed, remembering the journey along the way, and could not help but sigh. Except when he was a postman when he was so poor that he didn’t even want to buy a magic stone, he could only accumulate magic energy by meditation. Since he discovered the dungeon, he rushed all the way to the Tulong Stage, and he almost never meditated.


Sissi was choked and didn't know what to do. Palin almost spit out an old blood in anger. Are you despising me?

"Downton has a flame banshee, even if he doesn't meditate, he is always absorbing magic energy and nourishing the soul tree." Twilight gave Tangton a glance: "But your current mentality is absolutely necessary. In addition to accumulating magic energy, meditation is also hard work. A method of will that can exercise your spirit."

"I know!"

Downton begged for mercy, he didn't want to argue with Twilight, this girl only drinks water and bread every day, not a priesthood, but living a more disciplined life than the priesthood.

"Twilight, is this kind of life interesting?"

When she thought that Twilight even ate bread, the amount was the same every day, and she didn’t want to be greedy with appetite. Sissy was a bit unnatural. She asked herself if she couldn’t do this.

"What's interesting? Eating a big meal, full of sightseeing around the world?" Twilight shook his head: "That's not my pursuit."

"What is your pursuit?"

Sissi was curious.

"Let every one of me..." Twilight treated Downton and his friends as friends, so they disengaged their defenses, so that the secret almost came out.

"What is it?"

Sissi is about to die. She hates this kind of half-talk.

"Twilight means that as long as a person does what he likes and can generate value, psychological satisfaction is meaningful." Homer interjected: "It is a realization and recognition of self-worth."

"Not bad!"

Twilight nodded.

"Downton, how about you?"

Sissi found that she was not mature at all when compared with Twilight. Even the most basic three concepts had not yet been formed, and she didn't know what she was alive for.


Downton suddenly discovered that he had no goals to fight for. As the Duke of the Western Realm, he sat in an underground city, worth tens of billions of gold coins, and could fully enjoy his life.

In the past, when I worked hard for three meals, I dreamed of becoming a nobleman, but now, he doesn't have much sense of belonging to this identity. At least he is not like aristocrat.

"Help Homer and Firebird return to their heyday, and check my life by the way."

Downton also added a sentence in his heart, but also had to help the cheap **** to ignite the fire.

"Be sure to check, I always think your life is not simple, you can start from the Breton empire." Sisie glanced at the ring in Downton's hand, if he was really a prince, then A big scandal is involved.

"I'm really not aspiring. You have to give me the effort to climb up, become a king, marry a princess, and promote a legend. Don't you want to go to the level above the legend?"

Homer hates that iron cannot be made into steel. This is how young people do.

"To be king, many people will die."

Downton frowned, and the current state of the West was no problem at all to annex another state, but how many people would die? How many people will be displaced?

"You are wrong. Those civilians are living in a state of distress, which is worse than dogs. You are helping them to turn over." Homer persuades: "As a Templar, you should not inspire everyone Are you happy?"

"I agree with this. Eliminate slavery, eliminate racism, and eliminate the gap between countries. By then, there will be no war in the entire world, and everyone can live happily."

Twilight's stubborn face proved that this was definitely not a joke.


Downton shook his head.

"You don't do it, how do you know it's impossible before you get the result?"

Twilight asked.

"The lack of means of production means that the world you say will not exist. As long as there is society, there will be classes, the difference is that the lowest class can get a little more or less."

Downton is not a fool without learning. He thought of the courses he had heard in his dreams, and then talked about it in combination with experience.

Homer looked at Downton a little unexpectedly. This knowledge reserve was a bit unexpected, and Sissy and Twilight had the same expression.

"Nobles should guide the society and take on the responsibility of leading the world, but most of them did not do it, but for the family to pass on forever, squeezing the labor force under it, the labor force is insufficient, and there is no clear incentive mechanism, there is a lack of enthusiasm for production. This has led to problems such as low productivity and insufficient production materials."

Twilight looked directly at Downton without letting: "The current world is like a decayed and broken chariot, only to reassign classes, find a group of people who can lead the world, and combine the whole world into a whole. Operational efficiency will increase."

"You dare to guarantee that the new class will not repeat this process? Don't forget that every dynasty's replacement is the replacement of the old aristocracy by the new aristocracy, and no progress has been made in society."

Downton shrugged his shoulders.

"In fact, society has indeed progressed, from the primitive civilization of drinking Maoru blood to the present feudal civilization." Twilight looked at Cici: "Don't you notice that Bavarian businessmen have begun to be dissatisfied with the current Has the new status generated new demands?"

"Yes, all kinds of chambers of commerce are now coming together and are asking for more rights from the royal family. For this reason, the nobles have suppressed several times and hanged thousands of people, but they still can't extinguish this flame."

Sissi’s tutoring is so good, she doesn’t want to learn anything, and every time, she walks out of the palace to practice. Everyone is saying that Maximilian II, who spoiled her, is going to train her to become Queen of Bavaria. .

"Yes, this is the power of capital."

Twilight went on to say that it covers the status quo of various countries. These insights, even the children of ordinary noble families, do not necessarily have.

Downton was silent, because of the relationship between dreams, he knew that the next era, called capitalism, the change that Twilight said would come, but that is definitely not a world where everyone is happy.


Homer sighed, who doesn't want a student like Twilight? It really wants to teach all his life.

"Homer, I hope to get your teaching. At the end of this trip, I would like to invite you to my home as my mentor."

Twilight sincerely asked.

"Sorry, I still have this master who needs help."

Homer hesitated and refused. Although it was not close to Downton's contractual relationship, the two-year relationship allowed him to recognize him.

"Really? That's a shame."

Twilight stopped talking, but the loss on his face was almost dripping.

"What is Twilight's identity? Even nobles will not consider this?"

Downton was curious, but didn't ask.

"You still have the leisure to take care of this? Don't you even think of a girl's ideals, don't you feel ashamed? I don't care, after returning home this time, you will beat Drankford and become the new king."

Homer forcibly made a plan, and his master, even a third-rate country, had to mix the title of king.

"Hamlet is the great prince, do you want me to fight him?"

Downton was depressed. Harley was a friend after all, he couldn't do such a thing.

"His mother's status is too poor, and there is no power. The throne is absolutely not his part." Homer looked for an ally: "Sissi, do you want to foster a Bavarian country? Your father will also be impressed by you." ."

"May I?"

Sissy was a little excited, leading the change of state power. This was a rare experience.

"You can practice your hands with Downton. It doesn't matter if you fail. Anyway, we'll run." Homer was interrupted by Downton before he finished.

"Don’t be kidding, listen to the priest Andrea said that the behind-the-scenes controller of the royal family of Deranke is the Saint Geraldine Empire, otherwise why do you think the declining royal family has not been annexed by the Duke of the Four Realms? Support your back."

Downton is not a fool. Derankfoss is an important piece in the north. Jutland is absolutely impossible to lose. He wants to rebel, and he must face the army of Jutland in the end.

"That's why I found you Sissi allies!"

"Impossible, there are still a few small countries between these two countries, and Saint Laurent will be reluctant to be lonely. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Downton's words have exposed his careful thinking.

"Oh, you said you never thought about being a king? If you didn't think about it, would you know so many things?" Homer caught Downton's aching foot.

"Downton, if you want to be a king, I will help you."

Twilight expressed its position.


Downton accident, in fact, to tell the truth, that man does not want to rule the world? Even if it is the king of the third-rate country, it is also the king!

"Because you won't exploit the people!" Twilight's answer made Downton complacent.

Su Ya and Batty heard a lot of energy on the sidelines. The more honorable the master's rights, the higher their status in the future. Maybe they can still do it with the hands of the king.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Sudden applause interrupted the discussion, and a black figure stood on an yalong beast and flew out of the mist of the swamp.

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