Hero’s Creed

Chapter 670: Avatar

"The pope's sacred vows can also be brought back to life, but most people can't enjoy it." Cici sighed and let the Pope of the Glorious Holy See shoot? The kings of the nine empires do not necessarily have this face.

Twilight shook her head, and the person she wanted to save, the Holy Prayer was no longer effective.

Despite the crisis ahead, the thought of this might be the tomb of one of the eight holy coffins, everyone is full of excitement and enthusiasm, besides, there are some strong men such as Downton, Twilight, and Xia Luo, who cooperate with several super Beast, even if there is no harvest, it is estimated that it is no problem to retreat.

"Really think that the Black Flame Church is muddy?"

The slaves I caught in the past would cry in a fright on the way to the laboratory, but these people were okay, and they didn't even know what to say, no expression of fear, which made the three-headed men angry.

"It would be too cheap for you to die. I want you to see the horror of the torture room!"

The three-headed men murmured, and after arriving in a swampland that looked nothing different in Downton, they took out a crystal controller and pressed it a few times, and a huge portal was formed, with bones, stone tools, and steel pillars. , The atmosphere revealed as a whole is full of clan tribal style.

"Looking like this, Shiyou is the tomb of Tanan the Barbarian King."

Cindy's heart thumped violently, and he couldn't hold back the excitement.

"You guys, please!" The three-headed man stood by the portal and made a please gesture, "What's wrong? Fear!"

"Afraid of an undead!"

Walnut matched a **** and stepped off the calf to prepare to enter. Downton grabbed him.

"how about it?"

Downton didn't want to take the risk.

"No problem, just an ordinary portal, which can be entered together."

Homer detected it.

"Go, Batty. Su Ya, after you break!"

Downton walked into the portal first, and there was a short black before him. In less than a second, he appeared in a large hall with lanterns hanging on the surrounding walls. With a green glow, this hall looks extraordinarily infiltrating.

"The owner's taste is really bad!"

Sissi is not used to this kind of environment and is too depressed. Especially in the air, there is a thick smell of formalin, which makes people sick.

"What are these World of Warcraft? Why haven't I seen them at all?"

Su Ya stunned, he is also in the adventure world of seven or eight years, has visited many places, hunted a lot of Warcraft. However, in the face of these decorative specimens hanging on the wall of the hall, the name could not be called at all.

"Both are rare Warcraft, and the average adventurer may not see five heads in his lifetime, but in the animal beast park here, even the dragon can be seen!" The three-headed man flaunted and moved towards the passage on the right , "Come on, my servant is ready for afternoon tea. It won't taste good when it's cold."


"Doctor, the goalkeeper invited an adventure team into the laboratory."

A servant knocked on Dr. Mata's door. Report the actions of the three-headed man. After all, the rules of the laboratory do not allow outsiders to enter.

"Go away, and disturb my experiment again, I will pull out your bones and make a toilet in the toilet."

In the misty green lab, a skinny man stood. His back was ricketing and he kept coughing, and he seemed to be dying at any time, but his eyes glowed with green light, full of life.

The slaver was surprised. Quickly retracted his neck and crept away.


"You guys, please sit down, don't be polite."

The three-headed men clapped their hands, and two drow elves, slaves, immediately appeared holding the dinner plate, and placed the cakes and fragrant black tea on the table.

This is a reception room, made into an octagonal rhombus, the north side is the position of the owner, and then it is round, scattered with some sofas, and on the east side is a magic screen with some dv crystal shots.


Just a glance, Sissi couldn't help but want to vomit. The pictures were too cruel. The whole torture room was full of broken limbs and blood, and the most terrifying thing was that the three-headed man was tearing off a slave. The flesh, directly heated on the red hot iron, was thrown into the mouth.

The whole room was chewed from the screen.

"Huh, the prisoners who are struggling. Their meat is the sweetest. Once desperate, that kind of emotion will affect the flesh and it will not taste good." The three-headed male commented and invited everyone to sit down. Then I can’t be rude. Let me tell you about the history and current status of the laboratory!"

The three-headed man sat on the sofa and took a sip of black tea, his lips suddenly red.

"You drink blood?"

Walnut nose is slightly wrinkled.

"Aren't you afraid of leaking?"

Cindy looked around cautiously.

"What about the leak? Do you still want to get out of the laboratory? Of course, this wolf girl is possible." The three-headed man laughed. "When the next time I see you, you can't even keep your memories, let alone Body."

Batty and Su Ya cursed, the three men didn't care, shrugged their shoulders, and turned the tea cup towards the table.

"Be careful!"

Twilight Daimei frowned, shouting out in a hurry.

It was too late, click, the tea cup was placed on the dining table, and the mechanism was touched. The floor of the entire reception room suddenly contracted, revealing a bottomless pit, and only the position of the three-headed man was intact.

"Ma Lei!"

Downton had expected the three-headed man to start, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. This trap was really unpredictable.

Dominate the sky!

When Downton waved his left hand, the Azure Magic Lock shot out, and a paw slammed into the ceiling, making his body stop castration.

Xia Luo and Twilight responded super fast, and both escaped successfully. Tanan could have been, but when Juliet fell, he turned and jumped down again.

If the female apprentice died, his teacher would not be confused.


Downton just asked to help others. The floor was unfolded again with a clicking sound, and the two sides should be completely cut off.

"Come on!"

The three male shells fired like a mad cow, hitting Downton fiercely.

Soul Dragon Shield. Steel skin, sacred armor!

Tang Zheng must resist hard, and now every minute counts, otherwise he cannot rescue, but the strength of the three-headed man is too strong.

This is the moment when the three-headed man chooses. Downton, who is unavoidable, is no different from the target. He was confident to smash his head with a blow.


The two men collided sturdyly together, Downton was not dead, but the request for help was also interrupted.

"You have nothing at all?"

Looking at Downton, who was unharmed and only covered with some dust, the three-headed man was surprised. This kid is clearly the second order of the Tulong. How can it stop the full blow of the sixth stage of the Tulong, is it wrong?

"Separate action, I will save them!"

Twilight didn't hesitate. One leaned and jumped from the gap that was about to close the floor.

"Don't worry, I will go too."

Xia Luo also jumped down at the same time. Downton was enough here. I don’t know what the situation is. Twilight may have no way to save everyone.

After the two girls fell nearly 100 meters, they saw a metal plate above. The impact sound again completely blocked the patio.

This time. Even if there are flying mounts, they cannot return along the same path.


Downton thumped the floor, bit his lips in reproach, and turned his head to star at the three men.

"Haha, but the labyrinth goes below. There are countless Warcraft made by Dr. Mata perched there, so they are dead."

The three-headed man deliberately stimulated Downton.


Downton is no nonsense. Save directly.


boom! boom! boom!

Numerous fists emerged, and the storms generally overwhelmed the three men, making a sonic boom that was enough to tear the eardrums.

The three-headed man's original calm look suddenly saw such a violent offensive. Just wanting to defend, a heavy, mountain-like will surged over like a tsunami, directly hitting the soul tree, causing it to shake violently, and the leaves fell a lot.


The three-headed man screamed. He felt that his nerves were about to be torn apart, but after all, he was the sixth order of the dragon. Even if he was suddenly hit by the anger of the Lonely Mountain, his arms were still across his chest and his defense was opened.

Six soul dragon shields roamed and killed Downton.

boom! boom! boom!

Downton punched hard and hit the soul dragons solidly, and the huge power made them collapse one by one.

In a face-to-face, the three-headed men's soul shields were all broken, and the whole person was hit by an iron fist, flying over a distance of tens of meters, and directly embedded in the wall.

"Damn man!"

The three-headed men spit blood, and the devil's head suddenly sang a strange song, direct mental attack, the dwarf's head roared, and his body was petrified, covered with hard stone skin armor.

If you change to the ordinary Dragon Slayer, you will suddenly be attacked by the spirit of the demon. Even if you don’t abolish it, the attack will be slowed down, and the three-headed man will catch the opportunity to fight back.

After the baptism of the melting pot, Downton's solitary mountain will condense, thick as a mountain, even the spiritual impact of the scepter order can not affect him in the slightest.


Downton roared, and the gods started to wait, and he had lost patience.


The illusion of the giant barbarian emerged from behind Dunton~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Double fists blasted to the three-headed man. This time, under the increase of the gods, the attack power increased by multiples. The space is about to tear.

The second wave of Lonely Mountain's rage shock slowed the three-headed man's defensive movement by half a beat, and was hit by a solid shot.

boom! boom! boom!

The three-headed male iron was directly hit by hundreds of fists on the wall, the stone skin was constantly broken, the body was deformed, and then the wall was smashed with a bang.

"Damn! Damn!"

Downton is very self-blaming. Since entering the dark area, he has been smooth sailing. Even if he has encountered a death crisis twice, he has survived the past, and he has directly advanced to the ranks, which has obtained huge benefits. There was a sense of contempt in his heart, and he disregarded the underground race. After all, his competitors included the owner of the Red Dragon camp, as well as the strong men such as Wood and Tiger King Tiger. (To be continued...)

ps: I saw a book today called "Leading the Immortal Kingdom". The title of the book is very domineering, and Xianxia leads the mainstream. It is quite new, and book friends can take a look!

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