Hero’s Creed

Chapter 678: Potions plantation area

Downton brought a temporary team of prisoners to the entire prison area, and less than half an hour later, more than 1,000 people were rescued.

Too many personnel, together with the siege of the warders, inevitably caused the phenomenon of being left behind, but the prisoners still had high morale, as if they could defeat the defensive forces at any time and completely control the laboratory.

Downton is not so optimistic, even if these prisoners are in the best condition and the supply is perfect, they may not be able to beat the laboratory, let alone the current disability. Some of them have been injected with drugs and suffered. Too many experiments have long become waste.

"Why didn't find the Orcs?"

Downton questioned Cazorla because of his misinformation, but it delayed a lot of time.

"I must remember correctly, they must have left."

Cazorla wiped his sweat, angry Downton, really put too much pressure on him.

"Head, don't worry about half-orcs, let's kill them quickly? Wait a minute, and the enemy's reinforcements will increase."

"Yes, half-orcs are the cannon foals created by the evil gods. They are born with a lot of mercy, and they will not be grateful if they are saved."

"Head of the group, take advantage of the high morale of everyone now, let's go out in one go!"

The prisoners were clamoring and clamoring loudly, and they strongly recommended that the troops they could find were all here, and there was no need to stay any longer.

"Go? Do you recognize the way?"

Downton sneered.

"You can catch the prisoner for questioning."

The prisoners immediately succeeded. They did not know that the laboratory was transformed from the tomb of a holy coffin. It was so important that in order to prevent spies from stealing information, except Hebei and Mata. No one knows the structure of the laboratory. On the contrary, what they get is false information. If they follow that route, they will fall into a trap sooner or later and be caught in the urn.

"I want to leave. Even though I'm leaving, I still have to find a companion besides the Orcs." Downton said, and turned and rushed into a chute.

After being delayed in the prison area for so long, the enemy's guards are estimated to be coming. If the big troops act, they will definitely be the first to be annihilated, so Downton needs someone to leave the team and disperse the guards.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Downton obsessed. Fully one-third of the prisoners immediately left, and they were not stupid. This team has a large number of people and must be the target of major blows. Then their chance of escape will increase.

"Head, you are too stubborn."

Those who watched and watched indefinitely saw that someone was leaving, and their heads were covered with sweat.

"I'm reiterating. I won't leave without finding my team member." Downton stared back. "You either shut your mouth and follow, or you get out of my way."

"Head Downton, you forced us, let's go!"

Some people couldn't stand Downton's tone, and turned around to leave, especially the Tulongjie. After all, they are strong, and they have their own judgment. They feel that freedom has been restored, even if they die, they must die in their judgment. It would not be worth it if you followed others and ran to death.

Tu Longjie's appeal is extraordinary, not to mention the same prison, and the prisoners in the nearby prison almost all know that they naturally hold groups and act together.

At this time, it is absolutely the first to die, and the feeling of loneliness that seems to be abandoned by the whole world is too tormenting.

"Head of the team, we will have a date."

The grand prince of Noyalti was Cleveli, who was born with a pair of triangular eyes, full of cunning, and thus got a nickname called Clever. He smiled at Downton and turned away.

Jabal was shocked, because he found that Clever did not make any gestures, so there were more than a dozen Tulong steps and a large number of prisoners leaving with him. The appeal was the most in the leaving team.

"How about you? Don't go?"

Downton quipped.

"Well, you gave me a perfect level of equipment and enough supplies to eat for half a month, I immediately withdrew, otherwise I will follow you."

Jabal did not give up. He felt that instead of running around in prison, it was better to follow Downton. As long as he had room for war, all problems would be solved.

There is another most important reason. Jabal doesn’t think Downton is the kind of person who can sacrifice himself for his subordinates, so there must be some secrets that he stays here.

"That's Welbeck, one of the four kings under Pope Heiyan. I don't believe Downton doesn't know that with his strength, he can't shake people at all. If he doesn't leave, it means there is no fear."

Jabal felt that Downton must have any means to escape from the laboratory, but he kept it secret.

"You really look like maggots!"

Downton ridiculed that this kind of dog skin plaster was too annoying to feel, but he had no way to deal with this kind of dead skin.

The temporary team was running in the dark tunnel, footsteps and rapid breathing sounded together. At this time, they were left behind, but no one would help the leader.

A team of jailers guarded a stone gate. From the lookout, they saw this group of people appearing, all showing a trembling expression and calling for support loudly.

The prisoner with the long-range attack talent immediately cast, so more than one hundred magic hit the stone gate, with a bang, the stone gate shattered, and the jailer was knocked out by the shock wave.

"Ma Lei, kill slowly, leave a few live!"

The prisoners were mistreated, seeing that the enemy was not only going to death, but also torture the body, which made it impossible for Downton to find a prisoner to torture.

When Downton came over, the jailers were all dead, and the only corpse left was intact, with a twisted irregular twist.

After being taught a lesson, the prisoners finally kept their rules, and Cazorla, who had received armor and weapons, took the lead and captured a captive himself.

"Head of the group, ask me clearly. Black shells do not allow half-orcs to live in the living area, so they are all on the side of the beast and the horses are sitting."

Cazorla said loudly.


Downton frowned, knowing that things were going big. If the Orcs were not slaves, the possibility of causing them to riot would be greatly reduced.

"They are here!"

The temporary team turned around a corner, and saw the slave catcher also appearing across the street. After shouting to inform their companions, they rushed up aggressively.

The magic halo lingered. The slave-slayers released their demon servants, dozens of heads, to block the Yongdao tightly.

The prisoners' faces immediately became dignified. When they were caught, their demon servants were already dead, and now they are fighting with others. But there was not much chance of winning, so there was a complete stop, and some people even turned around unconsciously to escape.

"Kill the past!"

Downton shook the reins and started to sprint.

Sherman's short-distance sprint ability exploded and instantly increased the speed to the limit. After rushing into the thirty meters, the opponent's magic was overwhelming.


Downton opened the skin of steel, and three liquid masses appeared above his head, spinning. After swallowing the magic, reflect them.

boom! boom! boom!

The magic exploded and the elements sparked.

Sherman hedged with a black rhinoceros, and then slammed together.


The black rhinoceros's sharp horn pierced the War Bear's armor, but except for a scratch and a Mars burst, he didn't hurt his skin, but the treated mammoth tusks on the War Bear's shoulders were not stagnant. Poke into its body.

The war bear's head picked up. He jumped a few tons of black rhinoceros into the sky after Downton ran. A thud hit the ground, blood splattered.

Downton’s long-range magic is full, and a handle of the storm hammer blasts into the group of demon servants opposite with a flash of electric arc. The smashed flesh and blood flew across the body, and the corpses ran across the field. . Coupled with the thick skin and thick meat, he carried this round of offensive and was about to make persistent efforts to slam Downton close to the body. As a result, he saw a golden dragon gun whizzing like a crossbow.

puff! puff! puff!

Crimson blood spilled. The walls were stained red, the devil servants in the tunnel were stabbed into sieves, and some were luckier and did not die. They were trampled by Downton riding on Sherman.

Fractures and screams filled the Yong Road instantly, and the bleak echo stirred.

The temporary team swarmed by, not forgetting to make up the knife.

A plume of purple mist floated out of the corpse, which was the remains of the soul, and was sucked into the magic book. This time, Homer could finally eat it.

After going through the blockade of several groups of slavers one after another, Downton did not find the living area and the stall, but instead entered an area planted with various plants.

"My Emperor Polo, these are rare potions!"

There are transparent glass covers here, filled with flowers and plants. Downton is also a potionist who passed the assessment anyway, so after watching those precious potions and recognizing the value, they must drool.

"Here is the laboratory of the Black Flame Church. It is inaccessible. A large number of experiments require massive potions. There is no planting area. Do you go outside to buy potions every day? That way even the secrets can't be kept."

Homer was not surprised, the experiments in the magic book can also plant potions, and in order to make them grow well, the owner of the building spent a lot of effort.

"It's a pity, I want to transplant them all!"

Not enough time, Downton can't take away these herbs and burn them with a fire? He is really reluctant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, the value is too great.

"Then don't burn it, with the power of Twilight and Xia Luo, maybe you really have a chance to defeat the black shell." Homer suggested that this is too important. Even if it falls, the Pope of the Black Flame will immediately send troops to recover, but as long as You can take these herbs away within a few days.

The prisoners who followed were also stunned. If they could take away the potions, they would definitely make a fortune. Some people couldn’t help it. They had already smashed the glass cover and broke in to extract the herbs. When I imported the bag, I remembered that I was wearing a prison uniform.

"Oh, since this is a planting area, there must be some pretty rare potions? Can you find them?"

Downton urged everyone, "Hurry, spread out, and find the most luxurious glass cover, which must be a valuable potion. If you find it, I will give him the perfect level of equipment."

Without Downton's blind chaos, the prisoners quickly dragged out several drug slaves from a few horns.


Listening to the confessions of the drug slaves, Downton's heart burst into anger. (To be continued...)

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