Hero’s Creed

Chapter 685: Against Dr. Evil

With the mount, you can rest without delaying your escape. It can be said that the chance of survival is greatly increased, so the prisoners fight for their old lives, especially in Downton. In advance, they rewarded a dragon killer who killed more than ten demons. After Xiong, the team's fighting intention reached its peak.

Downton was not happy, but his brows were deeper. These demons, as if they didn't know what death was, launched a crazy counterattack, and even exchanged injuries for injuries, even if they died, they had to pull a cushion.

If Downton had opened a violent aura, so that the prisoners' combat power soared, they really could not stop these guys.

"Their soul tree is polluted."

Homer inspected several corpses with soul detection, and the tone was solemn. If Pope Heiyan accumulates an army of demons, then the mainland will definitely rekindle the war.

"If we go back alive, we will report all this to the Holy See."

Downton cut off the head of a demon man, approached the stone gate, and pounded it continuously, breaking it.

A living area with no visible ceiling appeared in the eyes of the people. There were stone huts filled with barbarians' style. They were countless like mushrooms after the rain. They were full of them. There were interlaced paths between them, covered with stone slabs. .

If you look down from the sky, you can find that these principles are connected, it is the clan emblem of the barbarian, the tribal totem.

"Is this still a tomb? It's bigger than some indigenous tribes in the Sequoia Forest!" Downton couldn't help but say, "How much does it cost?"

"The barbarian king Tanan once captured more than half of the Western Continent. How much money did you say? Some kings' burials are larger and more luxurious than here, not to mention people or one of the eight holy coffins."

Homer took it for granted.

"Wages are hurting money, what are you doing with these residences? No one will live here?"

Downton spit, and most of the kings started to repair tombs before they died. How much tax must be wasted.

"The tomb keeper will live here, but it seems to have been killed by the people of the Black Flame Church." Since seeing these buildings, Homer has no doubt that this is definitely the tomb of the barbarian king, "Don't worry about these trivial things, if you find it Its exclusive armament. You will be developed when it is passed down."

"Twilight must be disappointed!"

Downton remembers that Twilight was looking for the tombs of the Virgin Miracle and the Rosary of the Magic Palace. This time she was white.

"Head of the team, it's finished, it's your turn to fulfill your promise."

The demons were wiped out, and the few who killed the most enemies couldn't take a breath, and gathered around Downton to ask for rewards.

There are also two big hits. They all accused each other of stealing the head they had.

"Don't be noisy, ten of you, all share!"

Downton lost the soul badge.

These guys caught it and couldn't wait to instill the demon to release the mount and looked at Sherman with heavy armor on their heads. They couldn't help swallowing and caressing carefully.

"This is the long-lost troll millennium empire war bear mount, very rare. Commander, where did you get it from?"

One end is not strange. There are so many problems. Does Downton find a troll ruin?

"Effectively, I will not treat you badly." Looking at these searching eyes, Downton didn't explain, and ordered two people. "You are acting as scouts for the time being. Be alert."

The dare who didn't dare to complain complained and flew out on the war bear.

"What is the exclusive arm of the barbarian king?"

Downton asked Homer while distributing food to the crowd. He didn't dare to let the prisoners stop for a rest, because the demon must have issued a warning signal of encountering an enemy. Soon a large number of reinforcements will come.

"Before Tanan became a barbarian king, he used the broken pieces. You have already got it. After that, he used giants and tyranny."

Homer is an encyclopedia.

"Bakonghuo? This name is very domineering, is it related to Bakongquan?"

Downton took out the water sac, took a sip, and looked around at the surrounding environment.

"Although the minstrel links them together and compiles many legends, in fact there is no connection at all, Tanan should just like the name and name the martial art like this."

Homer explained.

"Actually, I think giants are also cool."

Tang Dun smacked his lips and deserved to be a barbarian king. The things he used were all a barbaric and domineering atmosphere.

"Of course it's cool. The giant caracal, also known as the broken hand, is a giant dragon axe created by the death clan and one of the most famous death costumes in the abyss."

"Abyss? The death clan is not a tribe?"

Downton stunned.

"The death clan here refers to the abyss clan. This epic battle axe is presided over by its lord Horror King. It has great damage to the sacred bloodline races such as angels and protoss. It can be said that it is a natural enemy of you clergymen. Has doubled the damage."

The cheap **** interjected, "So don't think about owning this battle axe, just approaching it, your combat power will be suppressed infinitely, and the weaker fish will be directly broken by the murderous intentions of the battle axe. Now."

"Ah? What about Napa?"

Downton is depressed, if there is no inheritance, what is the point of coming here?

"Then you can use it. Its alias is Devil's Split Spirit. It is a forged holy sword of the angelic family. It is one of the Skyfire armaments. It has double the lethality to the monsters of the evil camp. Holding it, any curses and negative effects will not take effect. "

The cheap **** smiled, "You should also have a sword. As a paladin, you are always chopping people with warhammers and axes. It's too inelegant."

"There are angels in this world?"

Downton's focus is clearly wrong.

"Those angels live in the plane of heaven, but they have white feather wings and a halo, and they are not the same as the angels promoted by the Holy Flame."

Cheap God Tucao, in fact, the earliest image of an angel was an angel who accidentally passed through the plane crystal wall and fell to the Western Earth Continent. Witnesses saw them, because the image is too holy, and the magic of the light system is good at being holy As a result, they have a natural aversion to evil creatures, and they naturally condemn them, so they are spread more and more widely and become a spokesperson for sacred and justice.

"You say this in front of me as a paladin. Don't you think it's inappropriate?"

Downton's mouth twitched a little, and if he heard this from a fanatic, he would desperately fight with the cheap god, and it would have been put on a gallows and hanged.

"Come on, I'm still a god." The cheap **** made a blind eye and taught Downton. "People have different understandings and their horizons are too narrow because they stand too low. You take a step and it is a different world."

"what about others?"

Downton was not a devout believer and was too lazy to be true.

"There is also a weapon that is used by the barbarian king until death. It belongs to the magical level. If you get it, you will get great benefits."

Homer stopped suddenly, dangling Downton's appetite.

"What is it?"

Downton asked.

"The enemy is coming!"

The two scouts fled back in fear, and followed a large group of demon hunters. They continuously fired crossbows and carried out sniping.

"I can't escape this time, I am dead!"

The prisoners' faces changed greatly, as the hunters were riding hot nightmares and burning horseshoes across the road. There will be a cluster of flames and black hoof marks.

The demon man hunters did not hurry to attack, but dispersed their formations. Surrounded this group of prey.

This is the main road in the living area. A carriage decorated with bones and two dragons pulling, walking around, surrounded by the king of the hill riding a **** lizard, without exception, they all carry a Collar. It is marked with its own number.

There are not only cavalry, there are more than thirty air cavalry riding bipedal dragons, holding crossbows in their hands, circling, monitoring prisoners on the ground.

"My experiment. It took me a lot of effort to find you!" A king of the hills respectfully pulled the curtain of the carriage, revealing the pale and thin face of Mata.

"Your eyes make me sick!"

Downton frowned, and Mata’s eyes were fixed on his body, like cold-blooded reptiles sliding across his skin. The cold feeling was creepy.

"Really? But you made me salivate. I can't wait to send you to the test stand." Mata didn't care about Downton's complaint. "How? If you choose to cooperate, I will treat you as me." Treat your children and give you the best treatment."

"No need, I have only one father."

Downton refused.

"You can think clearly, if you promise, you will have everything, wealth, status, beautiful woman, how much." Mata smiled, "With the power of the Black Flame Church, let you be a king of a third-rate country. No problem at all, just use it as a toy."


The prisoners sucked in cool air and looked at Downton. They were really dead than the popular ones. They had to squat in the black prison and tortured by cruel experiments, but they were good and they could be kings.

A few Tu Longjie couldn't help but whisper. This is the solicitation of the Black Flame Church. If they have this treatment, they don't mind joining, but unfortunately they look down on themselves.

"Sorry, not interested. If I want to be a king, I can grab it myself."

Downton picked up the battle axe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ thinking about how to break through.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Mata applauded and laughed, "Yes, only this kind of character is the perfect experimental body. Like those cowards, only worthy of me as an experimental body that can be discarded. Don’t worry, I don’t want to hurt you, I Will let you have a stronger power, even like me, have a longer life."

"Live your virtue, I would rather die." Downton suddenly sneezed two times, frowned and sniffed the air, then covered his nose, took out a bottle of antidote and poured it into his mouth, " If you want to hit it, don't use this kind of tricks."

"Huh? Are you a pharmacist?"

Mata was a little curious. Unless he was very sensitive to herbs, it would be impossible to recognize his invisible and colorless anesthetic poison mist.

"Yes, I am a pharmacist, so don't try to hurt me with the potion."

Downton is actually bluffing. Mata is an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years. If he is above the level of the Grand Potions Master, if he fights with weird potions, he can’t bear it. (To be continued...)

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