Hero’s Creed

Chapter 692: Riot

"Temporary truce, how about exploring the Tomb of the Barbarian King together?" Mueller scratched his hair. "You will find my benefits if you touch more."

"No need."

Sissi simply refused.

"Hey, my legs didn't grow on you."

Mueller saw the black panther vomit blood and jumped down, kicking it to the side.

"You are cruel."

Sissi pouted, and with Downton, her sense of security is back.

"Where are they at Twilight?"

Downton interrupted Mueller's explanation and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, we are separated." Sissy's face was sad, and Palin was also lost.

"Don't worry, are you tired too? Find a place to rest first!"

Downton nodded and glanced at Mueller, letting him follow.


Listening to Downton’s concern, Sissy was so beautiful in her heart that she didn’t know. In fact, Downton didn’t have the time to continue the search. She had to rest, so to speak, but she didn’t want Mueller to see through the truth.

At the same time, a large number of adventure groups entered the misty swamp and successfully found the entrance to the laboratory.

"What are you talking about? There are now a thousand intruders in the laboratory? Just kidding, they couldn't find it even if they were exhausted."

Welbeck didn't believe it, and slapped his teeth.

"It's true, we were besieging the first group of intruders, but found that the number was increasing."

The men dared not cover their mouths and shuddered to report.

"Damn, it must be the information leaked by Smaug, ready to take advantage of the fisherman." The black shell was furious, and only Smaug, who had lived underground for thousands of years, had time to slowly explore the swamp and then find the exact entrance to the laboratory.

"Master, what now?"

Subordinates pleaded.

"What else can we do? All are dispatched. Strangle the intruder."

Heibei was anxious. Smaug already had a furnace fort, and was not satisfied. Since he dared to provoke provocation, let him suffer a big loss.

Heibei was right, it was Smaug that did it. However, the King of the Red Dragon did not have any feelings of pride at this moment, but hurried back to the lair in a hurry, because the news came from his staff that the treasure house was stolen.

"Master, things are not going well, Dr. Mata was killed!"

An assistant hurried in, the sweaty report came on the news.

The black beaver, who was scorching his head, originally wanted to blame the assistant for not understanding the rules. As a result, he heard Matta died and stood up suddenly. "how is this possible?"

"It's true, he went to chase an experimental body, but the corpse did not exist. We still saw the sacred orb of the soul box that kept its ray of soul broken before we knew he was dead."

The soul is nihilistic and very difficult to control, so a ray of soul must be left as a guide.

The assistant looked at Hebei timidly. Deeply afraid of being angered, it is a pity that he has not been evaded.

"Damn. Why didn't you protect the doctor?"

Heibei waved a big hand, and a cloud of black flames shot out, churning over his assistant, and instantly burned him to ashes.

The audience was silent.

"What are you still doing? Go find the murderer, dispatch all, and issue a kill order. Tell the warden and the garrison, except for the guy who killed Mata, I don't want a live mouth."

Heibei sat down on the throne with her head worried, and Mata was an important figure in the plan of Pope Heiyan. Responsible for the devil's development project, now dead, everything will be put on hold.

"If the pope knows that Mata is dead, he will definitely kill me!" Heibei couldn't sit still, and started by himself.

I have to say that Downton and his party have once again been favored by the Goddess of Luck. Hebei received the news of Mata’s death. He must definitely catch the murderer and try his best to arrest them. They can’t hold on for long. Now there are so many invaders. They It is relatively safe.

Heibei's face was full of worry and anger, and after a dozen steps, the whole room began to shake like an earthquake.

"what happened?"

Looking at the crooked men, the black shells were embarrassed to maintain balance and growled and questioned, but the next second he could not care, because the floor suddenly flipped and sunken, and the layout of the entire space was changing.

No one can answer Heibei because such things have never happened in thousands of years.

The entire tomb is a complex high-order cube, and each part that constitutes it is a magic block. At this time, it is like being twisted by two invisible big hands, and the internal landform has completely changed.

The rotation lasted for an hour, and when everything calmed down, Heibei's position had already changed. Even if he had lived here for five hundred years, he would not recognize his position.

"Damn, I said long ago, this is the tomb of the Holy Coffin, how can it be so easy to occupy, is it a loss now?"

Black shells littered their magic, the surrounding houses were blown up, and their anger was vented. Don’t guess. The intruders must have broken into places they didn’t know, and then activated the defensive facilities of the tomb, causing the tomb to be completely transformed.

"This is miserable. I don't know how long it will take to suppress the rebellion!"

Heibei has a headache. Their biggest card is to be familiar with the terrain. They can attack and retreat, but now they have not only lost their geographical position, but their subordinates have been divided into many places. Advantages also cause a drop in morale and combat effectiveness.

As Hebe thought, his men were in a bitter fight. The adventurers who could be led by the regiments into the misty swamp were elite, and they went deep into the danger zone and paid more attention to nature, so they tried their best as soon as the terrain changed. Gathered together, so apart from some unlucky ghosts, not many people lost.

"What the **** happened?" Walnut frowned, clutching the big bag on his head and crawled up, looking blankly around, "Where is this?"

"I don't know." Tanan comforted everyone, "but finally got rid of those terrible experiments."

"You don't have to dump at all, I can kill them."

Little Walnut grumbled, feeling as if she had been despised.

"There are too many enemies. We will be killed when you kill them." Cindy complained.

Xia Luo glanced at Tanan, the moment the terrain slowed down. She felt a sharp wave of soul from the barbarian.

"Twilight is lost, what shall we do?"

Su Ya bandaged a wound over a foot in the abdomen, Twilight was arguably the most powerful, but when the terrain changed, she was fighting with the terrible prison chief and failed to keep up.

"Take care of yourself first. Downton didn't think about our help."

Xia Luo persuaded, with Downton's character, he would be happy as long as everyone was safe.

"Ma Lei, what the **** is going on?"

Downton looked at the unfamiliar environment and vomited blood. He was different from those invaders. He had a map, and he could use the geographical position to formulate various tactics. The result is now completely changed. The map of the orc's hide became waste paper.

"Haha, are you ashamed to be angry? The real strong man will be calm at all times." Mueller patted his chest. "I'm going to make sure that the barbarian's agency is armed."

Downton rolled his eyes and ignored Mueller, releasing more than one hundred ghouls to disperse the alert.

"Just be some!"

Passing the bread covered with ghost honey to Cici, Downton closed his eyes and meditated, he had the essence of magic. Magic energy can be restored quickly, but mental fatigue cannot be eliminated. Constantly engaged in high-intensity battles will reduce thinking and execution.

The undead had no problem sleeping for dozens of days. After releasing Bone Dragon Alert Mueller, they could rest assured, but Sissy couldn't sleep at all. This dim and dead atmosphere made her feel afraid. Want to talk to Downton, and worry about disturbing him.

"I can relax with you!"

Mueller wanted to get close to Sissi, and as a result, a powerful soul shock roared, causing his soul tree to shake and his body to shake.

"Yo. Don't be so nervous, I'm not malicious."

Mueller raised his hands and watched Downton's eyes narrowed, secretly fortunately he was not reckless, this guy really saw him all day long.

"Far away from her."

Downton glared at Mueller, seemingly strong, in fact, his heart was also sighed, the Orc was directly stunned by the anger of the Lonely Mountain, but this one was good, just frowned, showing that his spirit was extremely tenacious.


Mueller sat back and he needed a rest.

Time was lost in silence, and Cici, who was thinking about it against the wall, finally fell asleep. She didn't know how long after that, she smelled a scent and sat up subconsciously.

"Wake up? Breakfast will be ready soon."

Downton squatted by a campfire, boiled a pot of rice porridge, and there was an iron plate next to it, which was leaning on a few pieces of ham and meat, and the fragrance was emitted from it.

Sisie ‘hmm’, with her hands on her chin, admiring the busy figure of Downton, feeling very fresh, “Will you still cook?”

"I was a civilian before, okay? If you don't do it, you will starve to death."

Downton poured some olive oil on the iron plate and beat an egg.


With the sprinkling of spices, the fragrance is filled.

"I will help too!"

Sissi ran over, but didn't know what to do.


Downton handed Sissy two bowls~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Breakfast was not rich, but Sissie ate a lot and couldn't help but praise, "It's delicious."

"You're just hungry, plus freshness, if you eat like this every day, you feel too tired." Downton teased.

"If Sissi made these for me every day, I would be willing to die."

Mueller sat beside him and nibbled a smoked ham. His thighs, which weighed a few tens of pounds, were swallowed into his belly for a while. Looking at the amount of food alone, he was not human.

"Don't dream, but I want to do Downton's words." Sissy wrinkled her nose. After she said that, it felt wrong, and her cheeks were flushed. She quickly glanced down at Downton and found that he didn't Caring, I was relieved, but also a bit depressed and lost. "It's a stupid puzzle."

Downton's face was sunny, handsome, and outstanding in strength, and rescued Sissi several times. The princess inevitably had a touch of affection for him. Unfortunately, he who liked Charlotte didn't notice it at all. Go further. (To be continued...)

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