Hero’s Creed

Chapter 945: Joke

"Is this entirely done by Goblin Technology?"


   Watching the mechanical bear swell like an inflatable ball, several drow elves stunned because they did not feel any elemental fluctuations from the male bully.


"Yes, its material is an expanded metal with memory properties. After activation, the molecular structure will change. Due to its larger size, its attack power is enhanced, but its defense power has not weakened much, even in the goblin. Times, it also belongs to high-end technology."


   Introduction by Abagong and Yourong.


   The fifteen-meter-high mechanical bear bull is like a steel giant, full of visual oppression. They also incorporate some golem technology, so they have simple intelligence.


   "Inject a few drops of blood into the groove of the heart, and touch the fingerprint to bind it, you can become its owner, very simple!"


   Abagong narrowed the bear tyrant back to Downton.


   "Walnut knows that there are such usages and will be very happy!"


Downton is very satisfied. The value of this mechanical bear is even more than that of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. Even if he doesn’t use it, he can earn a lot of money if he sells it as an arms sales. Very happy to bring such a bodyguard with very good concealment.




   After finishing the loot, the contented Downton is going back to sleep. They don’t know that the owner of this bear tyrant is the chief designer of the venture goblin investment company, otherwise it will not be preserved so intact.


  The next day, after careful consideration, Downton issued a third-level recruitment order, requiring all young and middle-aged people over the age of 18 and under the age of 35 to be recruited into the military and go to the front.


   This time, his orders were executed unconditionally. With the blessings of their parents, wives and children, the men went to the front with simple luggage.


   For nearly three hundred years, Drankfors has never made a feat of expanding territory. As soon as Downton took office, he defeated more than 200,000 troops of Samosir in one battle, not only drove these invaders back. He also occupied the Duowei city and won the Principality of Song'en.


The glorious victory also won Downton a great reputation, so the men were recruited to the battlefield, although some complaints, but from the cowards of the cowards, most soldiers are eager to make a fortune of war, Especially when I heard that soldiers on the front line grabbed a lot of gold coins. They wished they could fly to the battlefield with wings.


The mobilization of    continues, including the logistics of materials and personnel. It is a complicated and heavy job, but under the leadership of Abagon with a group of goblins, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and even a slight error has not occurred.


  The value of the goblins began to show up as the war progressed.


   Downton was wearing dark circles. Handled a lot of official duties, near noon. The servant came to inform that it was almost time for Grand Duke Song's family to execute.


   Citizens of Songen did not dare to violate Downton’s order and all walked onto the street, the town square was completely closed, and the noisy whisper filled the atmosphere, which made the atmosphere more depressed.


   When Downton appeared on the steps of the town hall. The hatred of the two teams standing guard immediately closed their feet, a slap salute.


   With the sound of military boots pedaling on the ground, the nearby citizens looked over, and when they found Downton, they quickly closed their mouths.


   for a moment. All the whispers have disappeared, people looked at Downton, their eyes surprised, no way, he is too young, but he is now the master of a country!


   The crowd automatically retreated to both sides, giving way to a passage.


   Downton waved his hand, released the bone dragon, and then jumped on his back in a longitudinal jump, riding it, and drove to the newly built scaffold 100 meters away.


  All male members of the Songen family were covered with black hoods, hands tied back, kneeling on the scaffold, and on top of their heads, a linen lasso for hanging was blown by the autumn wind and still shaking gently.


The appearance of    bone dragon caused a commotion in the crowd. They usually saw this horrible Warcraft, not to mention the wicked undead.


   "Remove the hood!"


  The executioners heard the Duke’s opening, and hurried forward to tear off the hoods of Grand Duke Song’s party. These high-ranking dignitaries had lost their elegance and extravagance. At this time, their clothes were ragged, and they were no different from the street tramps.




   Their mouths were muttered, so despite their angry expressions, there was no way to scold Downton.


   "The Principality of Songnen sent 30,000 troops and provided billions of military expenses to assist Samoser to invade Drankford, and was officially listed as an enemy country. The current city is broken. The punishment is as follows. Any tax items in the Principality will be increased by five times on the original basis!"


   A goblin courtier stood on the pedestal, and he started a decree in his hand, reading aloud.




   heard the tax increase, and there was an uproar.


   "Five times the tax? Still letting people live!"


   "Ma Lei, I know these nobles do not have a good person!"


   "Don't blame Grand Duke Soon, what would I do to provoke Drankfor?"


  Citizens are scolded and resentful. When they think of paying a lot of taxes, their lives will inevitably decline. They are full of anger at Downton and Dagong, but the former can't afford it, so they blame the latter.


   "Kill him, blame him!"


   Someone took the lead, and more and more citizens picked up debris and hit the Duke.


  The guards hurried forward and covered the prisoners with shields.


   The crowd began to crowd, the noise became louder, and the goblin courtier shouted quietly, but unfortunately to no avail.


   Downton looked at these citizens, his right foot and heel knocked a few times, the bone dragon met, exhaled, and then a huge dragon roar swept across the sky.




  Citizens put their ears on their ears with a painful expression, and suddenly became much quieter.


   "From now on, the Principality of Sonn will become the territory of Drankford, under the control of the Duke of Downton!"


   If the goblin courtier made the municipal square completely silent, the citizens looked at each other, and it was a little unacceptable. What is this? Has the country gone?


   "From then on, there is no Principality of Soon, only Soonge, and there are no Soun people, only Drankfu!"


   With the announcement of the goblin, the soldiers who watched the ceremony gave a huge cry. This is the cry of the victors, their glory.


   is in stark contrast with the desolation of the Songen people.


"The Duke of Downton is kind and kind and cannot bear to see the suffering of the people, so he took the initiative to go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to revise his nationality and waive the double tax. At present, the motherland has crossed the border and occupied the city of Dove. Lord Duke needs an army. If someone joins the army voluntarily and becomes a volunteer, they will be exempt from all taxes and give other legions of soldiers the same treatment!"


  Through the magic speaker, the goblins said one by one that the execution was only a deterrent. Downton's main purpose was to promulgate these laws and recruit soldiers.


  No one likes to fight, because it represents death, but it is different to win the battle all the time. Everyone wants to burn and loot and make a fortune of war.


   Everyone has a balance in their minds, if Downton forces the recruitment of soldiers. These people will definitely have resistance, and morale can't fight. It's different now, you can get rid of five times the tax, and enjoy the same benefits, plus the incentive to win, many men have already moved.


   "Our man was killed by you, you let us live!"


   A woman hugs her daughter. Suddenly she raised her head and yelled at Downton. She was completely desperate. The man died. What should I do in the future?


   "Sorry, on the battlefield. I can't show mercy, otherwise my subordinates will die, and they also have parents and wives. I must bring back victory, otherwise I will face them with no face!"


   Downton looked sad.


   woo woo!


   Listening to Downton’s answer, the woman was speechless. After all, the initiator of this war was Samosir, and they were all aggressors.


   "Admiral Duke has orders, if there is no young labor at home, he can be exempted from five times the tax!"


  Goblin continued to read the decree.


   Many people were relieved when they heard this. They felt that Downton was still a good person, at least he could raise his children.


   "This is psychological warfare. For them, the taxes paid have not changed, but for your senses, it has changed from resistance to gratitude!"


   Homer teaches.


   Downton nodded. He had to do this. If the Songen people were given equal national treatment for no reason, what would their natives think? They are killed or killed, is it better to surrender the enemy?


  The winner should have the spoils and superiority of the winner, otherwise why do the soldiers fight? Why do citizens pay taxes?


   Downton believes that in the next few years, the Deranke people will definitely stand tall in front of these Songen people.


   "This is what it should be. Only with victory and welfare, and only with dual spiritual and material gains will the people firmly support you, become your diehard, and fight for you!"


  Homer also took it for granted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ equality? That thing is only relative!


Grand Duke Song En watched the fact that the citizens accepted this fact, no longer filled with righteous indignation, and if his face was ashamed, what could be more painful than watching the country ruin the family and the people going back?


   "Time is up, execution!"


After reading the decree, the goblin courtier directly announced the execution.


Grand Duke Song'en is a tough guy, but his family can't do it. After all, in this world, there are always a few warriors who look at home.


  When the soldiers put the rope around their necks, these guys cried and made troubles, struggling violently, and a few timid and even scared **** urinated.


  Looking at these ugly guys, citizens can’t believe that they are the nobles who are elegant in their daily lives. For such people, why should they be superior? Why despise yourself?


   "Hang them!"


   "Hang them!"


   At first there were just a few voices, and gradually, the hanged cries converged into one piece, sweeping the square like a storm.


  At this moment, only by hanging them can we vent the anger and dissatisfaction accumulated in the hearts of the citizens.


   Downton was also startled by the sudden roar, looking at the raised arms and the twisted faces, he suddenly felt that he might be sent to the torture one day. [Unfinished continuation text provided by Flash God Shadow Team@影承Bring @听风的狼@字书文@伤感滴滴@仙波]

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