Hero’s Creed

Chapter 953: Flame of God

"What a daze, inject soul power, don't you want to see Downton squeezed out?"

The flamingo hovered in midair, dived toward the Titan phalanx, and reduced its size. After approaching, it directly opened its mouth and spouted a fire of soul origin.


The flame on the phalanx was like being splashed with gasoline, and suddenly burst into flames and a pillar of fire rose into the sky.

"Do it!"

Afterwards, Edith drew her sword, and a light blade formed by the fire of the soul shot out, hitting the phalanx.

They coexist with Downton's soul, and when the owner dies, they also have to die, so they spare no effort to save Downton.

"My Emperor Polo, is this bone alive?"

Bone Dragon spewed out the soul fire, and immediately felt a force feedback, surging and fierce, seeming to be looking at the sky.

Homer returned to the magical state, floating in the air, under the light, the pages opened, no wind automatically, lasing the source of the soul, it also opened the war space, burned magic diamonds, and injected them as energy into the phalanx.

Not to mention that the energy stored in the ordinary magic stone, that is, the magic energy of the firebird and the twin angels, are too low to support the phalanx of the Titans. Only the higher spirit fire can do it, but this thing is too little, and the loss is too great , If it falls, it will fall, and if it is heavy, it will die.

"Can't you disconnect from the phalanx?"

Fiona was keenly aware that if they continued this way, they would also be exhausted. The phalanx of the Titan was like a bottomless hole, devouring all this energy frantically.

"Cheap god, what are you waiting for?"

Homer always roared for the first time.

"I'm following you. What bad luck is it? Is it easy for me to accumulate the source of God, is it easy for me?"

Despite the mourning tone of the cheap god, after all, he didn't die.

With the bronze door of war opened. A vast ocean of divine power immediately surged out, swept around, and then spread across the city in an instant.

boom! boom! boom!

The supreme will came to Elsingborg. All the soldiers in the city could not resist this force, and they passed out.

"what is this?"

Edith looked at the gate of war in shock, but a vortex halo blocked her view.

"Does the magic book communicate with another plane? Or rather, there is a deity living in its space?"

Fiona was also shocked. But then I felt lucky, and it seemed that I had chosen Downton as the master. This guy has nothing to hide.

A flame burst out of the gate of war, it was not hot, but it gave a warm feeling, like a bonfire in the snow in winter. However, except for the bone dragons present, they were all super-beasts at the genius level. They knew that this fire mass was enough to flatten Elsingborg from the ground, leaving nothing behind!

"Is this Divine Fire?"

The firebird marveled aloud, unlike the false **** fire in the fire temple of the lava secret realm, this is the true god's flame, burning everything. Everything is unstoppable!


Shenhuo touched the phalanx of Titan and instantly ignited it with a huge roar. This is the highest energy, and only one has completely surpassed the supply of Downton and his party.

Even if the cheap gods fell, but they fell down again, it was also a deity, located in an inaccessible place. Mastering the law of non-peeping is the life of countless magicians for tens of thousands of years. Not to mention climbing, you can't even look up at the existence.

"I lost a lot this time. How do you compensate me, Downton?"

The cheap **** is really angry, because the payment is too big, and fortunately this is Elsingborg, far away from many great empires, otherwise it will not dare to let out the fire.

Not to mention the legend, even the legendary strongman can also feel the fluctuation of the divine power. For the sake of the law of the gods, they absolutely do not hesitate to kill the country and destroy the genocide. From then on, the cheap **** is ready to live in the world of escape.

"Sorry, I have written down this kindness!"

Downton apologized sincerely.

"It's all you own, what do you care about? Quickly, the rule of imprisoning the phalanx is loose, the power is overflowing, hurry up and absorb it!"

Homer shouted, "And you, so much higher energy, can Downton run out of them? Isn't it cheap for you?"

"Eh hey!"

In the plane space, the cheap **** mischievously made a grimace. Indeed, it did not expect that after the collapse of the phalanx, such a wild Titanic power would overflow.

"This **** is out this time, a ray of law, a magical energy, don't want to spill over to me, the realm of God, suppress!"

Cheap superpowers are all on.

A blue and black light spot appeared above the phalanx, followed by a rapid expansion, showing a hemispherical shape, sweeping around. Wherever it went, the space energy was surging, and countless lightning flashed in a crackling burst.

Fortunately, all the people in the city passed out, otherwise seeing this scene, they thought the end of the world was coming!

"This is also the magic energy we can use?"

After absorbing a trace of energy, Downton was shocked. With only one point, he let his soul fruit grow up in a circle that was visible to the naked eye, and the elemental rune above was even more radiant.

"Stop talking, gobble up!"

Even Atis, who was always cold, was sweating with excitement at this time. This time, he was blessed by misfortune. These energies can at least restore them to 30% of their strength.

Of course, this is the one that removed Homer and the cheap god.

The body of the ancient Titan was condensed by all kinds of elements and linked by many laws. After the bones were burned, those elements and laws naturally disappeared and belonged to the world.

The era of Titan life has been unreliable, but at least ten billion years ago, the elements at that time were hailed as ancient elements, more pure and more diverse, and the laws at that time were the same, even if they were magical. , Also high energy.

It is said that in the ancient times, everyone was a magician, and all animals were Warcraft. Not because they were intelligently developed, but because the big world was too good for them. At that time, the magical energy was rich, even ordinary people can see it. A flare of magical energy floating in the air like fireflies.

Fortunately, a cheap **** is present today. Lowered the realm of the gods, or even the Downtons would use their soul fire to burn the phalanx of the Titan, and they would not be able to learn it. Because they will soon be scattered in the world.

"Haha, earned!"

The cheap **** laughed out loud. Although these Titan energies are not so mysterious compared to the origin of the soul, they are more advanced and surging, which helps them more.

Bone Dragon has the lowest strength. So after consuming the energy of Titan, the change is also the most obvious. Its faucet condensed a huge spike, like the unicorn of a unicorn, and then the fine bone spurs along the spine, quickly breeding. The wings are no exception.

Some strange and mysterious mysterious runes began to appear on the bones, making people unable to despise!

"Just a skeletal bone contains such a vast power. If it is a living ancient Titan, how powerful should it be?"

Homer is a cultural youth. At this time, he still doesn't feel emotional, but from this point of view. The ancient Titan is known as the creator, not without reason!

Click! Click!

Even Downton and his energetic team can't swallow these manic Titan energy immediately. Under the scouring of the realm of cheap gods, there were actually cracks.

"Don't let them overflow, otherwise it's too wasteful!"

Cheap God shouted.

Gemini Angel and Firebird added energy barriers, but they were crushed instantly.

"Homer, let go of creation!"

Downton reminded.


Homer was already doing it, and the hand of creation flew out. This seemingly ordinary stone shook violently as soon as it came into contact with Titan energy. It was as if a traveler who had staggered in the desert for a long time and was about to die of thirst saw an oasis.

The hand of creation is crazy, it actually emits a high-frequency buzz, then disintegrates, shoots each stone, walks evenly into the realm of God, and a free drop of madness devours this energy.

Because the power drawn is too large, vortexes are formed around the stones, and even the spherical realm of the gods begins to deform and sink towards them.

"This is the hand of creation?"

Artis's eyes sparkled with curiosity and exploration. Even though she had read the books, she had never seen this magical item in person.

A cross-shaped light spot appeared, followed by unfolding into a light door. Charlotte walked out of the hive lab in a robe the same color as the ripe wheat ears.

"You made a lot of noise, and the energy fluctuations here can be felt in the laboratory!"

The sage wolf's big hairy tail swayed.

Seeing Charlotte appear, Homer reacted and threw Casimodo and Jackson out.

"If you have anything to say later, draw energy first, don't waste it!"

Downton urged.

Xia Luo nodded, she drew energy from the beginning, and shocked the twin angels who were not familiar with her. This efficiency completely exploded on the scene.

"I thought Downton was already a genius, but compared to Charlotte, it seemed to be worse!"

Fiona lamented.

"It can't be said that Downton is human, but this Xia Luo is obviously not, don't look at the wolf girl, her bloodline is absolutely high!"

Edith even suspected that this wolf girl was the reincarnation of a powerful existence. Don't forget that she has the title of a sage wolf.

After a few minutes, the benefits of Titan energy into the body became apparent. The fruit of the soul double tree was dazzling and the light was not bright. Donton’s body began to show red and blue magic patterns~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Due to lack of high-energy irrigation, Downton's Vulcan body has no tendency to evolve at all, but this time, he finally ate a full meal.

The bones, muscles, and organs began to advance to a higher level under the infusion of Titan energy. They are no longer pure flesh and blood, but a body of energy mixed with it. Although it is only a quantitative change, but over time, he said Before reaching the legend, you can reach the point where the soul is intact and you will die.

The orange-red magic pattern is the condensation of the law of fire, and the blue magic pattern is the condensation of the law of Titan. They are gorgeous, dazzling, and shining.

Downton at this time looks like a perfect artwork!

"Unfortunately, it would be nice to bring Celese and Elaine too!"

Downton blamed himself, because Casimodo and Jackson, under the catalysis of Titan energy, produced qualitative changes. (To be continued) r466



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