Hero’s Creed

Chapter 971: Dark quagmire

"Yes, it didn't disappoint me. It's fun to kill like this!"

Azar's mouth overflowed with a smile, and his left foot tapped the ground lightly. :3w.

boom! boom! boom!

Within a hundred yards of Downton’s body, the ground was detonated as if it were buried with a mine, and explosions skyrocketed. At the same time, purple flowers fluttered, as if the dandelion flower was blown away by the autumn wind.

Fuck! Fuck!

When the flower didn't land, it suddenly exploded, and black tentacles were born, swaying and twisting, drawing towards Downton.

Downton teleports, but the lines are still.

"No need to struggle. In my dark quagmire, any mobile tricks are subject to the rules!"

Azal swallowed his fingers together, wiped the blood from his face, and tapped the ground with his heel.

Bang! Bang!

Elemental puppets with a shape resembling a sabertooth were drilled out. They were like lightning, sprinting towards Downton, and the tentacles growing on their backs were constantly whipping.

Downton dodged, feeling that the tentacles were like black holes, madly extracting the soul power and magic energy in the body, he couldn't stop it at all, he wanted to leave this area, but was always intercepted.

"Titan seal, break me!"

Downton drew his sword and slashed his sword. The huge magical energy slashed a sword, and a gully of nearly 100 meters was cut directly on the ground, but as the mist filled, the destroyed black slough regenerated.


Downton fired at full power, sprinting out of the swamp, his fists slammed into the air.

The **** shadows in the sky appeared, and in the air burst, the fragments of the puppets of the crushed elements fell like meteor fragments burned by the atmosphere.

Downton had just stepped out of the swamp and saw that Hazard was already waiting in front.

"Do you think you can run away?"

In sarcasm, the little madman stabbed with a gun.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

Thousands of gunshots exploded. They were like strong winds and tsunamis, and they instantly flooded Downton to tear his'boat' in the center of the storm into pieces.

Titan barriers!

Too many attacks, too intensive, can no longer be defended, a Titan giant illusion lifted from behind Downton, arms slightly bent. Cover him under.

boom! boom! boom!

The storm-like attack hit the Titan, the elements detonated, and the crowd was dense, but Downton did not move like a mountain, unharmed!


After the big move, he couldn't hit Downton hard, and Hazard finally changed his face. He could not help but close the gun and retreat on one foot.


Onlookers are puzzled. With such a good chance to break away, why didn't Downton run away, but instead returned to the quagmire.

"If Downton steps out, he will face Hazard's carbine!"

Uncle Marshal, who protected Sissi, explained that Hazard still had an unstable state of mind, too much to win quickly, and to establish his position in front of the messengers of various countries, his breathless expression did the best. Even he will be cheated, but the timing is wrong.

A scepter peak. Even if the firewood is no longer used, it is impossible for only ten seconds to erupt.

It is understood that the onlookers looked at it again and found out that it was different. Hazard held the dragon gun tightly and was ready to turn around and assassinate at any time!

Downton's retreat broke through. Instead, Azar was thrown away.

"Humph, delusion!"

Hazard teleports, once again intercepting Downton's front, this time, he is not keeping his hand. The dragon gun turned into a rainstorm pear flower, sweeping like a summer breeze.

This time, there is no violent killing intention, no boiling war intention, only one element of peach blossoms condenses, blooms, and falls again!

On the square, in the field of vision, a poignant sense of the rain and the wind came down, making people mistakenly think that they were in the peach blossom forest after the torrential rain.


Downton finally vomited blood, and as soon as he fought, he felt that Hazard's momentum became no longer bloody, but a kind of twisted finger-like softness, those gun blades, like drizzle, like spring breeze, Also like the whispering and touching of the lover, the skin is cleared, straight into the bone marrow, sad and hurt!


Downton's belly was kicked and fell back into the quagmire. The tentacles and elemental puppets immediately rushed up.

"how do you feel?"

Hazard stood with a gun and laughed and laughed. As long as Downton stood in the mud, he would always be attacked, so he did not have to rush to attack.

"What do you say? Such a girlish attack means that I suspect you are a woman!"

Downton's mouth was counterattacked, and his right fist hit the ground. Since he couldn't escape, then destroy it!

Domineering Broken!


The surging magic energy poured into the ground, and the floor covering the square was cut and transported from the peak of several thousand meters of the Alps Snow Mountain. Each piece was worth millions of dollars. It declared the once strong national power of the Xueman Empire. The glory it possessed, but at this time under the attack of Downton, all of it turned into powder.


Shockwave lasing, a large pit of more than 20 meters appeared, a hundred yards around, all turned into ruins.

"Do you think you can crack it?"

Hazard sneered.

Downton couldn't escape, the floor was gone, but the dark mud hadn't disappeared. They were like pieces of moss with vitality, stubbornly attached to his feet.

Elemental puppets are still born, launching crazy attacks, black hand tentacles are still absorbing the magic energy and life force of Downton!

Downton's arms are on the side of the leg, and Titan Dance is launched with all his strength, and the whole person rises like a rocket.

The situation remains unchanged, and the dark quagmire sticks to Downton's feet so deadly, as disgusting as Pi Xian, and the scope is still expanding.

"Haha, it has locked your soul, except for death, you never want to leave!"

Hazard stood on the floor, ridiculed proudly, and then shook his head and smiled again, "Hey, missed strategy, what is my urgency? Anyway, as long as you kill you, it proves that I am stronger than you!"

"Brother, come on!"

Walnut rode on the back of Bone Dragon, took out the Battle Flag of Drankford, waved hard, and cheered Downton. This is the most important battle since Big Brother’s debut. A fair duel is needed, otherwise she will have long since Going up and beating the arrogant guy.

"Useless. The dark quagmire is my talent. It can absorb the power of prey and transform into its own existence, so the stronger Downton is, the more it loses!"

Azar shrugged his shoulders and said to himself, "Relying on rare talents. I'm already invincible of the same rank. I should try a marshal next time!"

Downton fell into a passive state, even if he was the **** of emptiness, he could not destroy the dark quagmire, only to watch it draw power.

"It's so convenient to dance the sky, Downton. If you hand it over, how about I let you go?"

Looking at Downton flying soaring in the sky, even Hazard, the winner of this life. Nor can he remain calm, eager to take Titan martial arts for himself!

"Go for your daydreams, Shalomanda!"

Downton growled.

The firebird, who is helping Rosicky attack the demon servants on the Rhine side, hears the call, spreads his wings, pierces the sky, and shoots meteors!

The souls of both sides are shared, so there is no need to talk about Downton, Firebird knows what he means. So he hit him.


The flame burned, covering Downton's body. The five fingers of his left hand flicked from the forehead to the back of the head. Well, the black hair instantly became longer, showing a hot flame and fluttering in the air with the breeze.

Flame Crow!

Downton had flame wings behind him, swinging as he struggled. More than a dozen flame tornadoes fired out, and each time they spin, there will be several flame crows screaming and roaring out.

With the sound of the wind breaking, the crow hit the dark slough and the explosion continued. Let the sky be full of flames and raging.

Fire Breath!

Tang Dun took a sharp breath, his chest bulging with naked eyes, and then spit out, a long flame of tens of meters swept across the dark mud, igniting all the dandelions.

Lava Serpent!

Downton slapped his palms, followed by pulling apart, two fireballs formed, followed by each stretching into a small snake, and then quickly grew, swelled to a dozen meters in length, like a python, they attacked directly into the dark swamp , A circle curled up, using his body as a meat shield to protect Downton.

Pseudo fire!

Downton finally condensed magic energy intermittently, creating a "sacred fire", this great recruiting ability is very strong, just need a prelude.

"My Emperor Polo!"

Looking at the flying stars in the sky, the onlookers raised their heads, and were all frightened by the powerful offensive that Downton instantaneously erupted, especially his bright red fiery posture, which was even more dazzling.


No girl guests are crazy, watching Downton's long hair floating in the wind, they all want to play in their hands!


With Hazard’s combat experience, he naturally saw something wrong. He shot out and wanted to intercept, but it was too late.

The lava snake flew out and crashed into Hazard.


Hazard shot the big snake in one shot, and saw Downton throwing the fire mass with surging energy towards the dark swamp.


When the **** fire came, a flame mushroom suddenly rose into the sky. At this moment, it attracted all the sights and was also the most eye-catching existence.

The sky in the palace was shining bright red, as if smeared with a layer of burning clouds!


Downton teleported, appearing in front of the little madman, waving a huge grimace.

Titan beheaded!

Hazard dodged, but it was still half a beat slow, his chest was scratched, and the impact alone made him shoot at the floor like a shell.


Hazard hit the floor, dusty.

Downton hugged his chest with both hands and slowly descended from the sky without additional attack!


A lot of people whistled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and some people were stunned. They didn't expect the situation to change suddenly, but using the demon servant, Downton seemed somewhat invincible.

"Big Brother is great!"

Little Walnut screamed.

"Haha, isn't this a heads-up? Why use a demon servant?"

Hazard jumped out of the big pit, wiped the blood on his face, and ran against Downton.



"No guts!"

Those nobles who were not used to Downton because of their failure in pursuing Sisie finally found an opportunity to sneer together, wishing to strip off his last shame bank and torture him on the column of historical shame! (To be continued...)



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