Hero’s Creed

Chapter 976: 1st person under Marshal


Saint ‘Female’ was stunned, but he didn’t expect Downton to recover so quickly. This will is very powerful!


Although Downton has never seen the Holy Woman in the Holy Flame, but listening to the other party’s speech and this outstanding temperament, it can also be inferred that they are inseparable, not to mention the strength of the other party is even more terrible and makes people feel awe-inspiring. Salute.

Even in the face of Wood, Downton never lost the initiative, but this ‘female’ child almost made him ‘lost’ in that sweet smile.

Without any hesitation, the anger of the Lonely Mountain swept.


A layer of invisible barriers blocked the impact of the soul, and the saint'female' was unscathed.

"Sorry, this is my inherent holiness, and I can't control it!"

Born in Saint Laurent and raised in the Holy See, Saint Lily treats others with generosity and will always be so elegant and quiet, without arguing with others.

Downton was silent and used the air to capture the dragon. He took Hazard’s legendary dragon gun and the space ring. He was a bit tired. After all, according to the position, the holy ‘female’ is his boss.

"Lily, why are you here?"

Wood said hello.

"The Evil God's subordinates are messing with the'chaotic' Northern Conference, are you watching like this?"

In Lily's conversation, he has begun to wield his staff. A halo of platinum'color' spreads out, healing and enlarging his own combat units, and also suppressing the enemy.

"My Knight of Magic Bow has already shot!"

Wood smiled bitterly, then looked at Downton, "Don't get me wrong, her smile is a gift from the "Goddess" God, which can heal the wounds and relieve the tired "Jing" God and soul!"

"Thank you!"

Downton had already felt that his body should have been tired after the war, but now he seems to have taken a hot bath. All fatigue is gone.

"It's actually His Royal Highness!"

The onlookers reacted, and some devout believers knelt down directly.

"It's dangerous here, do you leave first?"

Holy Lily proposed.

The guests hesitated. They were not stupid. Staying here and watching are secondary. The main reason is security. After all, Grand Duke Rhein is here. He cannot do anything that provokes anger, but the Corps of Evil God is different.

These people haven’t left because they don’t know if it’s safe in other places. Instead of taking risks, it’s better to wait here, so that the smiling devil ‘women’ come out. That’s the superpower of the heretic referee. Besides, Wood is still there, so his Magic Bow Knights must be on standby nearby.

Wood pouted his lips, just to say something, stopped again, and looked up to the sky.

An expeditionary fleet consisting of twelve warships pierced the clouds and airborne. They were domineering and energetic, and they instantly solidified in the eyes of everyone.

"Heinrich's Grand Zeppelin Air Fleet!"

A big noble who knew the fleet shouted. The guys without eyesight immediately got excited, and their faces were full of excitement and tension seeing idols.

Downton also looked up.

The style of these battleships is the same. The audience is 328 meters wide and the ship is 32 meters wide. It looks like a barb knife. They are equipped with two magical power stoves. The maximum speed is 46 knots, and the endurance is one week!

"Cool appearance!"

Walnut fell back to Downton. Put your hand on the pergola and look towards the sky.

These warships are long and narrow, and they look like a saber with a handle on the front. They are all painted in black'color', but the bottom of the ship is painted with a large red'color' cross. That's the symbol of Saint Germain and the emblem of the Heinrich family!

The red, black and yellow national flags representing the Great Saint Geraldine empire were hung high on the mast and fluttered in the wind, and there were a series of battle flags underneath. Each side was painted with a different color. And patterns.

Seeing this scene, all people are'sucking' air, and the Westland Continent has an unwritten habit, that is, it will use the blood of the enemies killed by hand to smear the war flag, and they can be depicted on it. To show the glory of the victor.

Heinrich’s battle flags are not only numerous, but also covered with dense patterns. The super-order Warcraft alone has more than a hundred heads, and even two fleets are tattooed, which represents this peerless genius in the abyss battlefield. Defeat the two Air Force forces of the Evil God Legion!

"Haha, the first person under Marshal? What a joke!"

Downton laughed self-deprecatingly, and suddenly felt that the statement just now was really sitting in the sky, looking at Heinrich's lineup, the king was so extreme, as long as he stood there, it could not be ignored!

"Hey, why don't you look down on yourself? People are the heirs of the Supperung family, and they have already won the starting line when they were born. Are you a boy from a civilian background and other people? Heinrich sits in the study and eats While eating the most nutritious lunch and listening to the lectures of the best teachers in the whole mainland, you are nibbling on brown bread and carrying letters by the two'legs' under the wind and snow. If you compare, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Homer keenly felt that Downton was hit, so hurry to be born and comforted, but this is also a psychological statement. If Downton and Heinrich are given the same conditions, he thinks this boy will not be too bad.

"Don't comfort me."

Downton shook his head.

"Homer is right, exchange your positions, Heinrich may not be the same as you!"

The cheap **** also spoke, and he understood that Downton was also an extremely proud person who would not easily lose, but Heinrich's record was so scary that even it was somewhat admired.

"Don't worry about it, people like Heinrich will only have one in thousands of years!"

Saint Lily had a delicate mind, and when he saw Downton's self-deprecating expression, he persuaded him, but after he finished, he changed his tongue again, "Acr, not right, it's two!"


Little Walnut scratched his hair puzzled.

"Another is Dilanxue. The personal strength of the first star is not bad, but the military talent has not been shown, so rule out!"

Shengli explained, looking at Little Lori cute, ‘touched’ and ‘touched’ her forehead.

"Lion Ji? You must meet her if you have a chance!"

At a young age, almost everyone can admire it. Little Walnut is full of interest in this Dilanxue, and it seems to have seen it, but unfortunately he has not spoken.

"You said that hurt me!"

Wood smiled bitterly, he noticed. St. Lily seems to be looking at Downton, which is a bit surprising. You know, she has sworn that she will never marry for life, and will never serve the **** of God, and she has never paid attention to any man. Not even Heinrich.

"Well. At least for now, it's not without reason for her to be tempted!"

St. Lily looked down upon Donton generously, without any cover-up. This is her style of behavior. Everything can be said to people, and she is admirable and decent.

"Look, it seems something has fallen?"

A VIP screamed at the fleet in the sky.

Downton looked up and saw the belly deck of the battleship opened. A knight in black light armor directly airborne, and the blood cross on his chest was dazzling, and the bright red color cloak behind him seemed to be a battle flag, hunting in the wind, with embroidered patterns on it. , Highlighting their merits.

When the knights were tens of meters above the ground, the parachute opened and a white'color' halo appeared at their feet. That's feather drop to slow down the descent speed.

boom! boom! boom!

The knights landed and ran. The scattered soldiers gathered in the process and attacked the intended target in units of squads.

"It's the Blood Cross Airborne Corps!"

Guests from Saint-Germain flaunted loudly, and with pride, Heinrich was their pride, their imperial barriers and blades. As long as he is present, the empire will flourish!

It seemed very small when airborne, but after landing, the crowd found that each of the airborne soldiers exceeded five meters, after violent. The head is soaring to eight meters, and the fierce is like a chariot, forcibly crushing the enemy's front, ruining the mess.

"So domineering!"

Despite having seen it a few times, Wood was still shocked.

Downton thought for a while and found that even the most violent and burly undead abomination legion seemed to compare with them. In addition to being ugly, the momentum was not much cheaper, so the Krupp giants could get it, but those guys did not Good at fighting and prefer to forge.

"That's an army of mountain giants!"

The learned Homer gave the answer. Alpine giants generally inhabit the mountains at an altitude of six kilometers. The favorite thing to do is to jump from the top of the mountain and enjoy the thrill of rapid airborne, because of their talent, even if they fall directly to the ground And will not die.

Heinrich discovered and used this racial talent to establish an airborne army corps, which can quickly and flexibly invest in the enemy's front to conduct surprise attacks.

Generally speaking, in airborne operations, logistics and equipment are relatively scarce, and quick combat is required to avoid encirclement. Therefore, the individual combat effectiveness of the airborne soldiers must be strong, and the giant soldiers can accomplish this mission well.

"Okay, what's the matter, wait until you have defeated the devil's minions!" St. Lily nodded towards Downton and Wood, and looked at the VIPs, "You guys, for every life on the Western Continent, Fight hard!"


Regardless of the real intention ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at this moment, the guests are screaming hard, in front of the flame flame "girl", they can express any complaining expression regardless of "lu".

Seeing those hammer ‘flesh’ belonging to the Evil God Legion wreak havoc, Grand Duke Rhein was completely stupid, and now he is inexplicable, because those guys all entered the city of Snowman in disguise as his soldiers.

"It's over, it's all over!"

Grand Duke Rhein did not expect to do anything but miss the evil god.

Tonight, all the starlight gathered on Heinrich. Even Downton defeated the little madman Hazard and became the first person under the marshal, he could not distract any eyes.

The comparison between Downton and Heinrich is that fireflies are to Haoyue, that is, the earth is contrasting with the blue sky, completely at the same level.

The Northern Conference, which gathered the northern countries, is undoubtedly the most perfect stage. Many young talents are eager to become famous here, but they are finally submerged in the bright light of Heinrich! ;


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