Hero’s Creed

Chapter 983: Being on the horizon, you are within easy reach!

"I do not go!"


   Hearing Fei Wenli's invitation, Ceres refused to think about it and refused directly. She didn't want to separate from Downton or leave her home.




   The maidservant puzzled, "Aren’t you feeling lonely here? You are no longer humans, don’t you feel the discriminatory and vigilant eyes cast from all around?"


   Silence was speechless, and then she cried out. Of course she felt that even when she came home and saw her younger brother, the other members of the royal family were all alienated from them.


   "For Downton?"


   Fei Wenli, why don't you see more? She knows the heart of a woman best, and she can pierce the lace of the heart straight.




   Celesk was at a loss and looked at Rosicky.


"Your race has changed, so has the times. The snowman now is not the snowman in the past. Why should you stay here persistently? With your ability, you can stand on the mainland of the dead language and establish yourself. Country, multiply future generations, grow your family, if you don’t want to accept my registration, I can lend you funds, armaments, and even legions to let you lay down your own territory!"


Fei Wenli's words are very sincere. As we all know, the birth rate of high undeads is terrible. The death banshee and death knight want to have a baby, which will take at least decades. So they also give those unborn souls that are born naturally. Family care.


   Only unity will have strength!


   After seeing Rosicky's ability. Fei Wenli has not only regarded him as a singer, after all, he was trained as the future King of Snowman, already qualified to hold a key position.


   "Let me think about it!"


  Rosicky sighed. In fact, in his heart, he was already moved. The death of his brother made him discouraged, and after the political change, the royal family members completely left him aside, all struggling to grab the fruits of victory1.


  As Fei Wenli said. Xueman now has nothing to do with their siblings. They are just two passers-by who have missed their time. They have no affection, no warmth, and some only use it!


   "Do you want Celes to live in the eyes of discrimination? Here. She doesn't even have a friend!"


   The maid chief persuaded.


   "I have, Juliet, walnut, Elaine!"


  Selice argued, looking at her brother hopefully, eager for his rejection.


   "After all, they are not undead, and there is a natural gap between us, and here. You can't enjoy love. For a girl, that is the most precious experience!"


   The maidservant thinks that Ceres is too naive.


   "And Downton!"


   Celine's head lowered. Her chin almost touched her chest, and her two slender fingers were habitually twisted together again. She wanted to refute it, but she didn't dare to speak loudly.


"You and Downton will not have a result, let's not say that he just treats you as a sister, that is to pursue equality. Have you ever fought that Sissi princess? Downton will wear Bavaria as soon as she marries her The title of Prince. You have everything, and you, even a decent dowry, can't get it out!"


   The maid’s heart was like a machete, puncturing the inside of the lace, opening a wound, and letting her tears cut through her cheeks instantly.


"Well, Downton is not such a vanity-loving man, but in terms of beauty, do you compare to Sissy, known as the Bavarian Rose? She is the dream lover of a man from all over the Western Continent, known as the most perfect marriage Lovers!"


   The maid chief glanced at Fei Wenli and found that Grand Duke did not stop, so he continued to speak.


"do not talk!"


   Fei Wenli's face was pale. Of course she knew that, but she didn't try to think about it, but she was uncovered today, which made her feel painful.


   "We have established a space-time beacon on this continent. When you become a banshee lord after you have great power, you can also come back and compete for Downton!"


  Maid maid's words are obviously lies, because waiting for that step, I am afraid that hundreds of years have passed.


   "No more, let's go with you!"


Rosicky looked at his sister Ehhua's face with rain, and suddenly found out that he was his only relative. Whatever revives Xueman, let it go with the wind. The only thing he has to do is to give his sister happiness, and Guard her.




  The cry of Celesce is like the cuckoo's blood, and the sadness is filled.


   "We will leave, but I hope Dagong can promise me a request!"


  Rosicky ignored the sister and entered the negotiation mode.




   Fei Wenli signaled that Rosicky should not be restrained and out of touch.


   "I hope you help Downton become the first NATO leader, while leaving ten warships and their construction drawings!"


  Rosicky smiled.


   "The previous one is fine, the latter one is too much!"


   The maid intervened, "Although I don't know the level of the magical technology of the Western Continent, I don't think that Xueman Kingdom has any warships in the sky.


   "Wrong, the standards of the nine empires to build warships are not bad. Once in wartime, you know how terrible the magical industrial capabilities of their explosive warships are. After all, the maintenance cost of warships is not low."


  Rosicky shrugged his shoulders.


   "It's still too much, and Downton got the drawings, don't say if he has the strength to build, can he hold it? You know, Huaibi is also a sin!"


   can be Fei Wenli's maidservant, this young lady's banshee is not only serving people.


"This is what Downton should worry about. IMHO, I believe that Dagong is an avid art chaser, and has no intentions of the West Continent, but as the ruler of the Banshee Kingdom, he left a trick in the West. Isn’t it the intended meaning in the question? Maybe it will be used when!"


  Rosicky talked, "Anyway, ten warships, for you, is nothing more than a niche. As for the drawings, I believe you will never disclose the latest generation of warship design drawings!"


   The maidservant will say more. Interrupted by Grand Duke.


   "Shut up, argue again, it will only make people look down on!" Fei Wenli looked at Rosicky. With a smile of admiration, "I am now finally convinced that this expedition is worth the money!"


   "I will not let you down!"


  Rosicky bent over to salute, thanking Dagong for his understanding.


   Fei Wenli nodded, she read something called ambition from the man's eyes. So she smiled comfortably, she knew. You will get a talent who can march east and west for her!


   Due to the arrival of the Undead Expeditionary Force, the Northern Conference was forced to be interrupted again.


   "Heinrich's situation is not good!"


  Delegates from the St. Judeland department were all worried. Originally, Downton had won more support from the great empire in the election, and now Grand Duke Fei Wenli visited suddenly. It also added a chance for him to win.


  No one knows what the two of them have talked about, but they all know that Downton is very satisfied with the Grand Duke, because she gave him ten warships generously.


   These warships have already been evaluated by the professionals of the empire, and each one will not be less than 2 billion gold coins. It can be said that the Duke Banshee gave Downton 20 billion.


   Of course, gold coins are trivial. After all, the second-rate countries have more tax revenue than this every year. What is important is their strategic significance.


   Downton leaned on an ancient spear and several steam airships. I played invincible hands of third-rate countries, and now get these ten warships that are at least three generations higher than airships. Who is his opponent in second-rate countries?


In order to express his gratitude to the Xitu people, Grand Duke Fei Wenli was to feast guests on the flagship, and even some fish representatives from third-rate countries were invited. Heinrich was neglected.


   This is a very obvious signal and an extremely brilliant political skill.


   With Heinrich's self-esteem. He would definitely not stay in the Xueman Kingdom City and was ridiculed by others, so naturally he could not run for the position of speaker.


   "Are we leaving so gray?"


   Standing on the high post, the chief of the guard was very unhappy, staring at the brightly-lit night city, his face gloomy.


   "Why do you want to go? It's better to kill this fleet and grab the Grand Duke Fei Wenli as a female slave. Every day, you are chained to the street with iron chains to show the public, let people know that you are offended."


   The chief of the Alpine Giant muffled his suggestion.


   "Do you think I am afraid of Vivien Leigh? Are you afraid of the emperor's fish diplomats?"


  Heinrich asked suddenly.




  The men standing behind him gave a tremendous laugh. The master, but the evil **** stood in front of him, did not pretend to be a man of rhetoric, and certainly would not be afraid of them.


   "Your Royal Highness Lan Lan did too much this time!"


   The chief of the Imperial Guard complained that as the earliest confidant following Heinrich, he knew that the master left because of Lion Ji.


"I just want to know why Di Lanxue chose Downton only~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the position of speaker? I want to get it back at any time. Downton thinks that he has got the presidency of several empires and can press me At one end, he was wrong."


  Heinrich shook his invincible reins and turned to leave. "Let him be proud for a few days. I hope he won't forget. The higher you climb, the more pain you fall."


   subordinates cheered, the figure of the master of the follower, galloping on the snowy field, the plan of killing the **** is at a critical juncture, how can they have time to play with their representatives!


   "Is it really time to go?" Watching the warships lift off, the walnut hugs Cerise on the deck, whimpering, "Can't you go?"


   "Must be obedient and don't trouble Downton anymore."


   Celesce touched Walnut's head, and there was something she couldn't say.


   "Let's go, it's not too early!"


  Rosicky was a resolute man. He waved his hand towards Downton, and then patted Selice on the shoulder, letting her let go of the walnut.


   "Downton, there is time, go and see me!"


   The battleship lifted off, and Celes waving a white handkerchief. Looking at the ground, Downton's figure became smaller and more and more blurred. Her tears could no longer help, and she burst out!




   Celese screamed and rushed into Rosicky's arms.


  Rosicky looked at the ground, swearing silently in my heart, waiting for me, I will lay down a huge territory and return to the West with an endless fleet, let Downton marry you! (To be continued)

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