He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1209: Jealous (2)

Song Zhixing took a deep breath, as if made up his mind, put down the spoon, "Grandpa, you help me tell Grandpa, I'm willing to..."

"No!" Before she finished her words, the condensed words suddenly sounded in the restaurant.

Tang Yu threw down the cutlery on his hand, looked over the dining table, and stared at Song Zhixing coldly, "Who allows you to call the shots without authorization?"

Every word is heavy like a boulder, knocked in the dining room.

Everyone here can see that this is a precursor to a storm coming at any time.

No one dared to talk nonsense.

Song Zhixing's breathing also tightened, although she was a little more presumptuous in front of him than before, but when he was really angry, she was still timid.

"Second, I can understand your feelings. Although I am as reluctant as you are, but they are also from the Li family. Don't forget this." In this kind of scene, only the old man dared to say that, "Xingxing is already 18 Now, you have autonomy and can think. Don’t think of her as a 10-year-old girl, and respect her own meaning."

Tang Yu looked at Song Zhixing, "You can go if you want."

Song Zhixing raised his head.

I saw that he was somewhat ruthless on his face, "If you are going to leave, you will never come back again. The right to be these eight years, I have raised you for nothing."

Song Zhixing breathed tightly, only to feel that his last words, like needles, made her nose sore inexplicably.

How could he speak so mercilessly? If she really leaves, will she really cut her righteousness?

Song Zhixing once only wanted to clean up the relationship with him, but now when he said such things, she felt particularly uncomfortable and particularly wronged.

His words were very heavy and decisive. Everyone understood, and everyone understood. This **** is definitely not joking with her.

Tang Yu didn't mean to stay anymore. He stood up quickly, glanced at Li Hanyan who had already put down the tableware next to him, and said blankly: "I will send you back."

Li Hanyan just withdrew from the shock, "Oh, good."

He got up and said goodbye gracefully to everyone present before following Tang Yu out.

Originally, a good family banquet ended hastily in such an unpleasant atmosphere. Song Zhixing sat there with his head down, his eyes flushed inexplicably. She didn't know what she had done wrong, why he had to say such ruthless words. Moreover, just throw her here, just ignore it.

Tang Yu never left her here alone before. Now that there is an aunt, he has never arranged for her to go home. In that case, why bother to stay and not allow her to go?


Tang Yu and Li Hanyan came out together.

Li Hanyan could see that he was in a bad mood. The two people walked together in a low mood.

"Xingxing is just a child, don't take her words to heart." Li Hanyan comforted him.

Tang Yu's chest tightened. child? This reason has long since comforted him.

"You get in the car first, I'll make a call." Tang Yu pointed to the car parked under the stairs. Seeing that he didn't want to talk to himself more, Li Hanyan didn't say anything more interestingly, but just got into his car according to Yan.

Tang Yuqi's long figure leaned against the towering Roman pillar, lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and then took out his mobile phone.

"Second brother." Tang Wei was on the phone.

"You personally send her back." Tang Yu's voice is deep, "Don't let her get in Tang Yi's car."

That kid is used to recklessness on weekdays and likes drag racing. If she gets in Tang Yi's car, she will definitely be scared.

"Well, I know." Tang Wei paused, and at the end, he said again: "Second brother, I don't think the stars seem to have that mind. Or... forget it?"

Tang Yu breathed slightly, and took a cigarette, "Tang Wei, do you think it counts?"

The little girl with no conscience, he really wanted to let it go.

He asked himself more than once, what does he like her?

She is capricious, mischievous, young, stubborn, neither **** nor enchanting, and even less considerate. When you think about it carefully, she is really full of shortcomings.

However, the worst thing is that, even her shortcomings, he liked and even condoned her.

She was already the weakness of his Tang Yu, the weakness that couldn't get rid of. So, how can it be counted?

"Don't talk about this kind of advice just now." Tang Yu put out the cigarette butt. "You gave up too. You should know better than me what it's like to give up."

This time, it was Tang Wei's turn to be silent. Even breathing is a little unstable.

Giving up a person, and still the one you love the most, is like being drained of blood, hollowed out, and even aching in your dreams.

"Hang up." Tang Yu knew that he had hit his pain point, so he didn't go on and hung up the phone.

Tang Yu sent Li Hanyan back without saying anything along the way.

Li Hanyan only thought it was Song Zhixing's unobstructed words that made him unhappy, and didn't think about it in the depths. Midway, thinking of something, he asked him, "Tang Yu, you haven't asked the stars to give me anything, right?"

When Tang Yu heard her words, he turned his face, "She also prepared gifts for you?"

Li Hanyan was not surprised at all, and laughed, "It seems that I didn't guess wrong. She gave me a necklace and said it was you. You said this stupid boy, what are you thinking about?"

Tang Yu's breathing heavier, holding the steering wheel's hand tightly.

It seems that she has never given up on the idea of ​​bringing them together!

Tang Yu sent Li Hanyan downstairs, Li Hanyan got out of the car, and bent over to look at him, "Would you like to go upstairs and sit for a while?"

"No." Tang Yu glanced at the dial, "There is still work, Du Hui is still waiting for me."

Li Hanyan smiled, "Then don't be too late, pay attention to your body."


"Goodbye." Li Hanyan waved at the man, feeling reluctant to leave. In contrast, Tang Yu didn't linger much, drove the car away neatly and drove into the traffic.

Li Hanyan looked at the car until he couldn't see it anymore, then looked away.

I really admire the little girl of the stars~ I can see him every day, and live with him with integrity.

Li Hanyan raised his hand and touched the necklace on his neck.

Since the little girl wants to match up with them so much, should she work hard to avoid disappointing her kindness?


Song Zhixing came back in Tang Wei's car. Along the way, their heads are hanging down and unhappy.

When she got home, Sister Li saw her and looked out again.

"Don't look, the second uncle didn't come back."

"Didn't the second master also go to the old house? I thought you two came back together."

Song Zhixing snorted and complained, "How can he remember me? With my aunt, I can't be seen in my eyes. Throw me there, I'm afraid I can't remember that I am coming back. "

Sister Li is funny, "Why do I hear this so sore. Miss, you won't be jealous of Erye and Miss Li?"

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