He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1212: Motivated (2)

His eyes staring at her were deep and hot, as if it could melt all the barriers in his heart and penetrate her heart directly, "Really not? The stars, ask yourself."

Song Zhixing couldn't resist the look in his eyes at all, his gaze was erratic, and he didn't dare to meet him, and just said indiscriminately, "Even if... even if it is reluctant, I am not reluctant to bear you. I can't bear Sister Li, uncle steward, and reluctant. Cheng Cheng..."

Speaking of later, her voice became lower and lower.

Because, she originally thought Tang Yu would get annoyed when she couldn't get the answer he expected, but he didn't have any anger at all, just looked at her so deeply.

What she didn't know was that, in fact, he didn't have many requests. It doesn't matter if she is reluctant to bear it, at least...At this moment, she is willing to stay. Without really agreeing, she turned and left mercilessly...

Did not let him defeat too thoroughly...

That's enough...

"Since I can't bear so many people, in the future, don't talk about leaving again." Tang Yu's finger gently stroked her stubborn lips, a little helpless, and a little sigh, "Have you heard? "

That's all?

Song Zhixing was still in an accident and could only nodded obediently. The place where his fingers passed was shockingly hot.

"It's getting late, go to bed obediently." He suddenly let go and let her leave. His eyes floated a circle from her body, and then fell on the soft lips, a little uncomfortable. Raising his hand to open the door for her, her voice became even more muted, "Go out."

Song Zhixing was holding the book, standing at the door, looking at him, inexplicably, suddenly didn't want to leave. She didn't even want to think about what was going on.

He just turned around, threw the book on the ground, and lay down on the carpet again.

Seeing that sultry gesture, Tang Yu's eyebrows beat fiercely, and his tone became harder, "What are you doing?"

Song Zhixing didn't realize there was something wrong, and flipped through the book, "Of course it's homework. I haven't finished my homework yet."

"Go back to your room and write!" The tone was hard.

"This study is not yours alone." Song Zhixing felt that this person was uncertain, unpredictable, and difficult to serve. She raised her head and talked to him, "I have been doing homework like this for the past six months when you were away."

It's okay if she doesn't look up, as soon as she looks up...

Tang Yu's breathing became heavier.

The nightdress on her is loose and comfortable, and the neckline is not low. She was lying on her stomach and raised her head again, looking at it from his perspective, under the pajamas, the mature whiteness was clearly visible.

There is nothing inside this little thing!

Tang Yu's expression was gloomy, only feeling the blood rushing. She is simply challenging his restraint!

He stooped and picked her up from the ground, and threw it directly into the chair in front of the desk, and then threw her book on the table, tapping with a long finger, "Just write here! What was your posture just now? "


"Do homework!" Tang Yu stared at her and stopped her from saying more.


Song Zhixing puffed up his face and murmured. Sure enough, it's still that tyrant, Uncle Jun! It's just a few minutes, and it's completely revealed! However, if I want to change my mind now and go to Grandpa, is there still room for regret?

Song Zhixing thought nonsense, but he was just thinking about it, really obediently lying on the desk to do his homework.

Tang Yu sat down on the chair behind the desk, flipping through the documents. He suddenly discovered that two people sitting face to face like this is definitely a torment for him.


When she was lying on the table worrying about writing the question, the spring light inside was still looming.

He tried very hard to focus his attention on the file, but his mind was not here at all.

This is really a very bad thing!

Outside on weekdays, how many **** women can't wait to take off their clothes and lean in front of him, but when did he take one more look?

Now, a little girl who is still stinky, but he wants to see more. Even, it's not limited to watching!

This greatly affects his work efficiency!

Tang Yu got up, took a blanket from the cupboard, as if casually, and threw it on Song Zhixing. He didn't sit in front of the desk anymore, just kept a certain distance from her and sat down on the sofa behind her.

Song Zhixing was concentrating on his homework, his eyes went dark, and he was taken aback for a moment, and pulled off the blanket, revealing his small head. She turned her face suspiciously to look at him, "Second Uncle, what are you doing?"

Tang Yu flipped through the document calmly, as if saying casually, "It's cold, put it on."


What a cool weather in this weather now! There is nothing wrong with the second uncle, right?

"If you feel cold, put it on. I'm not cold." She said, giving him the blanket.

"Put it on!" Tang Yu raised his head and said two words heavily.

This kind of blanket is not hot!

Song Zhixing didn't know why Tang Yu made such a strange request. Isn't it correcting yourself?

She didn't like to listen to him, so she simply grabbed the blanket and wrapped him firmly. He was wrapped in her like a cicada chrysalis, Song Zhixing only thought his appearance was particularly funny, his playfulness suddenly started, and he didn't notice any danger at all. Holding both ends of the blanket with both hands, he strangled twice, leaned over and talked to him with a smile, "Second Uncle, don't you feel cold now?"

The smile is clean and bright, like the light that the sun shines through through the clouds.

This little girl, every time she had always had a stern face or crying to him. This is one of the few, smiles in front of him...

Her body is filled with a soft fragrance.

Leaning down to talk to him like this, the spring light in his clothes was revealed. He could even clearly see the attractive red berries, shivering slightly, so cute that he wanted to pick it.

Tang Yu's heart fluctuated several times, and his emotions were difficult to suppress. He slowly put down the file, looking at her level, "Stars, do you want to feel it yourself?"

At the bottom of the man's eyes, there was a dark glow that was **** and full of temptation.

Song Zhixing looked at him as if bewitched, did not understand the meaning of his words, but inexplicably drumming in his heart. When she realized that she was in danger and wanted to escape, she was hugged directly by the man. His knees flattened against her tight legs, his big palms involuntarily held her buttocks, and pushed in slightly, she was separated with her legs and sat face to face on his legs.

Song Zhixing exclaimed, his voice trembling. This posture was too dangerous and ambiguous. She held the blanket and stretched her hand more subconsciously.

But Tang Yu didn't give her time to relax, grabbed her hand, and let her hand slip through the collar of his nightgown. Without any hindrance, her fingertips touched the man's hot muscles, and her eyelashes trembled with shock.

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