He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1224: Flirtation?

Obviously it was just a figure from the back, but she could clearly determine that this person was not someone else, it was Tang Yu.

"Tang Yu." Li Hanyan sighed these two words softly, feeling agitated in his heart. Tonight, because of this fireworks feast, she missed the year when they met each other very much. She didn't expect that they were actually enjoying a firework together. She came closer, "Why are you here? Aren't you in Country S now?"

Tang Yu put out the cigarette butt, looked back at her, and said quietly: "Suddenly I wanted to see someone, so I came back temporarily."

Li Hanyan was startled.

His lips moved, and he wanted to ask him who he wanted to see, or whether it was a man or a woman, but he couldn't ask. After all, I was afraid that the answer would hurt me.

"What about you? Why are you here?" Tang Yu stood up and asked in a puzzled manner.

After his reminder, Li Hanyan suddenly remembered what was going on. The sadness flicked away, replaced by anxiety, "I'm looking for the stars. Have you seen her? I just separated from her, I'm afraid that something will happen to her..."

"She has already gone back." Tang Yu replied.

"Going back?" This little thing didn't even tell her. Li Hanyan felt that he should call her later and talk about her. His heart loosened instantly, his eyes rolled, and he accidentally bumped into Tang Yu's two-button shirt open. Moreover, one of the silver buttons on the shirt fell off.

He has always been a rigorous person, it is impossible to wear a shirt with no buttons.

Li Hanyan couldn't help but took a second look. At this look, his heart felt as if he was torn apart. There is a shallow hickey on the man's chest.


It can be distinguished from the bright red color, this hickey must have been left soon.

and so……

He was with a woman just now in such a dark space? But, who on earth is that woman? Is it someone he said suddenly wanting to come back to see? Is it the person who left those fierce scratches on him last time?

Li Hanyan had a dull pain in her chest. She was never a small-minded person, but at this moment, when she intuitively understood the fact that Tang Yu had other women, she still couldn't help but feel jealous.

It was mostly a woman's instinct, and her gaze was cast to another closed door.

She was messed up by a ghost, and she walked over to that door.

Tang Yu stared, "Cold smoke!"

Li Hanyan didn't stop, but because of his call, he walked tighter. She really wanted to see what the woman he liked would look like. Who is worthy of the second master of the Tang family, put down work and hurried back. The person he likes, is the shy Xiaojiabiyu, or the sensible daughter?

In the next instant, his hand was already on the doorknob, but before he could push the door open, the man had already clasped her wrist forcefully with one hand. He was so strong, it was almost as if he was about to crush her hand.

"What are you doing?" He looked at her aloft, his eyes cold.

That look made Li Hanyan's heart cold.

She is more certain...

"Can I see her?" Li Hanyan's eyes were moisturized, and his expression was always gentle. I cried brightly, but the corners of my lips were still slightly tilted, and I worked hard to raise a faint smile, "I'm just wondering what the person you like is like."

Tang Yu's thin lips tightened.

He doesn't mind letting her know who he likes, but...

That girl cares.

Up to this moment, he still remembered how she was shaking and frightened just now. My heart hurts tightly.

He glanced sideways, glanced at the closed door, his thin lips lifted up, "In the future, you will know her sooner or later."

Li Hanyan's chest was tearing and painful.

Sooner or later I will know her...

What kind of identity does he plan to use to introduce the two of them?

"Second Lord." At this moment, Du Hui's voice appeared at the entrance of the lounge. He is a very smart person. He glanced at the situation and said immediately: "I have sent the little lady home, and her condition has eased."

Tang Yu glanced at Du Hui, his gaze returned to Li Hanyan. The tears in her eyes were clearly visible, but there was still not much emotion on his face. Just said blankly: "Send Miss Li back."

Her tears couldn't make him feel bad. To be precise, the tears of all women couldn't shake his heart. Only, that little girl.

Even, she didn't need tears, just a soft pleading, he could obey her in everything.

"Miss Li, please." Du Hui said politely.

Li Hanyan knew Tang Yu's temper, and if he stayed again, it would only annoy him. Moreover, he has already admitted indirectly...

Don't watch it!

Don't watch it!

"No need to send it, I drove over by myself." Her voice was low, low.

"Then send it to the car." Tang Yu insisted. It saves her turning back and frightening some timid girl.

Li Hanyan followed Du Hui out. As if she had received a violent blow, she was a little desolate, looking like Du Hui looking like she wanted to cry, and she couldn't bear it.

What a nice woman this is! A woman like Li Hanyan is the goddess in many men's minds. It's a pity that in the eyes of the second master, there is really no room for a second person besides the young lady.

"Du Hui, is he... serious?" Li Hanyan asked without holding back. The sound is a bit unstable.

"..." Du Hui couldn't bear to tell the truth when she saw her like this. He sighed and comforted her like nonsense: "Why is it serious or not? Erye doesn't have that kind of thought. You know, Erye has a lot of business. , There are so many people outside, there is always something to be played on the spot."

In fact, it is more than serious, it can't be more serious!

"Really?" Li Hanyan looked at him inquiringly, unbelieving.

Du Hui opened his lips and wanted to say something, but Li Hanyan had already turned his eyes away, as if he was comforting himself: "I will treat you as if you were telling the truth."

At least, this way you can lie to yourself and make yourself feel better.

Du Hui was silent, and accompanied Li Hanyan to the garage.

In the middle of the night, Li Hanyan spoke again, his voice even more broken, "Can you talk to me about her? What kind of girl is she? How old? How long have they been together?"

A series of questions showed her care.

Du Hui sighed, "Miss Li, you should ask your second master about these things in person another day. Second master doesn't like someone to talk about his private affairs."

Li Han smoked his lips bitterly, "Then you told me just now that you are acting every time?"

Du Hui glanced at her, "Ms. Li has always been a smart person and knows the second master. What I just said..."

Speaking of this, he did not go on.

Li Hanyan knew what his next words were. Sure enough, saying that it was acting on the spot, but just to comfort her! However, she still couldn't help but want to take it seriously.

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