He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1228: Love or passion? (1)

"It turns out that we all misunderstood your second uncle!" Chen Cheng said.

In a word, it was so thoughtless that Song Zhixing was confused, "What are you talking about?"

How can you get involved with your second uncle in everything recently?

"It's Xi Nan's business."

"Why do you misunderstand the law?" Song Zhixing didn't know why.

"Xi Nan didn't persuade him to leave at all, but asked your second uncle to adjust the school."

"how do you know?"

"Xi Nan said it himself. I went out to buy something at school last night, and I just met him. By the way, this is the note he asked me to give you." Chen Cheng pulled out the small piece of paper from his schoolbag. The note came and passed it to Song Zhixing, smiling happily, with a particularly ambiguous smile, "I've seen it for you in advance, and the note has an appointment for you! I will invite you to dinner tonight."

Song Zhixing was uncomfortable with her smile. Opened it and looked at the note, it was right. She knows Xi Nan's handwriting. The questions she didn't know before were all taught by Xi Nan, and she still remembers his handwriting.

"Your second uncle is true too! Since you transferred Xi Nan to another school, why didn't you say it earlier? You caused us to worry for him in vain. You have been guilty for so long!" Chen Cheng complained as he took out the book.

Song Zhixing looked at the note, a little startled.

So, for so long, she misunderstood her second uncle. That man was probably not as ruthless as he thought. However, from beginning to end, he never explained it once.

Song Zhixing sighed and glanced down at the note again.

Chen Cheng tilted his head and leaned over, "Star, handsome guy has an appointment at night, will you go?"

Song Zhixing nodded and put the note away, "Of course. After all, he was transferred because of my mischief. I also want to see how he is now."

Chen Cheng nodded and grinned, "Then you take me! Let's go together!"

Song Zhixing had this intention, and naturally agreed. She was in a depressed mood, wishing Chen Cheng accompanied the active atmosphere.

"Xingxing, are you hurt?" Chen Cheng said suddenly.

Song Zhixing was rushing for homework. Hearing her words, he looked subconsciously. However, before I was able to ask the meaning of these words, Chen Cheng stretched out her hand and pulled her long hair away.

"I'm not hurt." When Song Zhixing realized this, he immediately stepped back, clutching his collar with both hands in embarrassment.

As soon as Chen Cheng saw her like this, he immediately thought of a possibility, and rushed out of his anger, "You said you didn't get hurt! I saw it all!"

"You are wrong."

"Cut~ You think I'm blind!" Chen Cheng rolled up his sleeves, "You said, did your second uncle abuse you at home?!"

Domestic violence?

Song Zhixing bit his lip. Was he hitting himself that day as domestic violence?

However, at this moment, these things left on my body...how can I not call the two words ‘domestic violence’.

The more she was silent, the more Chen Cheng felt that it was what she thought, and her anger became stronger for a while. No matter how she hid, people threw on her and pulled her hand from the neckline.

"Chen Cheng, you crushed me to death!" Song Zhixing screamed, his territory fell, and Chen Cheng opened a button. As soon as Chen Cheng looked down, he saw the shocking and ambiguous red mark on her neck. After a long time of shock, he suffocated a few words, "This...this is not domestic violence, right?"

She swallowed and drooled, staring intently. Fortunately, the other classmates are preparing for the college entrance examination, letting them make a fuss, no one turns around to take a second look.

"Let go! I have to pull the buttons off for you!" Song Zhixing murmured, and scolded Chen Cheng with shame and annoyance. Chen Cheng realized that afterwards, he recovered, and quickly withdrew his hand.

Song Zhixing buttoned up the buttons awkwardly, his face hot under the cover of his hair.

Chen Cheng sat back in his seat and didn't speak for a while, just staring at her with a pair of eyes.

Song Zhixing was staring at her so that her hairs were standing up. Finally, she covered the book and said, "If you want to say anything, quickly say, I will be seen through by you."

"Okay, you let me say this! Then I said it!" Chen Cheng couldn't hold it anymore.

"Say it!"

"You..." Chen Cheng held her finger in the air and pressed her neck, curious and embarrassed. He looked around and said in a low voice, "It's...hickey?"

Song Zhixing knew that Chen Cheng couldn't hide it. In the end, nodded: "Hmm..."

Chen Cheng stunned, "Did you have a boyfriend?!"


"If you didn't make a boyfriend, then you still and others... this and that?" Chen Cheng had his hands right.

"I didn't talk to him..." Song Zhixing grabbed her hand shamelessly, "We haven't gotten there."

"Isn't there yet?" Chen Cheng believed her words and nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, it is correct not to arrive. You have just turned 18 years old, that's it...it's really early. But who the **** is it? Why didn’t you even hear it before? Hey, do I know? What do you look like? How old? Where are you? When did you two get together? Does your second uncle know?"

A series of questions made Song Zhixing's head bigger. Hearing Chen Cheng mentioned the word'Second Uncle', his chest was still choking and painful.

She looked at Chen Cheng and wanted to blurt out a lot of words. That kind of self-blame, guilt, and embarrassment have been suppressed in my heart for too long, and she also needs an outlet for herself to release. At least, she needs someone to listen to her troubles.

"What's the matter?" Chen Cheng was a little worried when she saw her look different.

"Chengcheng, I'll be honest with you...but, don't look down on me..."

"How could I look down on you?" Chen Cheng thought her reaction was strange. Her Song Zhixing was timid in front of her second uncle, but she always flared her teeth and claws in front of her, acting voluntarily, when did she ever be so trembling and cautious?

Song Zhixing clenched his hands tightly, and almost pinched his fingertips into his palms. She took a deep breath and said, "It's me... it's my second uncle."

Chen Cheng thought he had heard it wrong, so he pulled out his ears and moved his ears closer, "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

Having said that, Song Zhixing also intends to conceal it again. "You heard that right, these... are all left by my second uncle."

Chen Cheng gasped in shock, staring at Song Zhixing for a long while.

When she recovered, she picked up Song Zhixing in indignation and went out.

"Chengcheng, what are you doing?" Song Zhixing grabbed her hand.

"What else can I do? Of course I go to the police! He is considered obscene!" Chen Cheng gritted his teeth, "Fortunately, I still think that he is good-looking, young and promising, and I still admire this kind of person! It turns out that he is a person with a beastly heart. Beast!"

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