He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1230: Love or passion? (3)

Although it has been a long time since I have seen each other, because they are all good classmates, there is no sense of strangeness when they meet again.

Three people go to get food together.

Xi Nan followed Song Zhixing with the plate, and while the gentleman brought her food, he asked casually, "Are you having something on your mind today? Usually you don't talk a lot, but today you don't say anything. "

Song Zhixing nuanced and found an excuse casually: "I feel ashamed of you. If it weren't for me to mess around, you wouldn't be transferred. Although it's a better school, it's hard to adapt to the environment, right? "

"Well, it was very hard to adapt." Xi Nan looked at her, raised his lips and smiled with a clean and fresh smile, "I heard Chen Cheng say that I was transferred away after you wrote me a love letter. What about the love letter? "

Song Zhixing gritted his teeth. Chen Cheng's big mouth!

"It's been torn a long time ago, it's all like this, I'm not embarrassed to keep it as a souvenir." Song Zhixing was embarrassed to death, but pretended to be relaxed.

"Tear it, it would be a pity." Xi Nan made no secret of the regret in his tone, "Would you like to write me another one?"

"Still writing!" Song Zhixing took a hairy crab and placed it on the plate in front of him, "Student Xi, you really want to be dropped out, don't you?"

"Your second uncle is really that scary?"

Song Zhixing let out an ‘um’ from his nose, and when he mentioned him, his emotions dropped a little.

Xi Nan seemed not afraid at all, still reading the love letter, "I have been transferred, and I have never seen the shadow of the love letter. Are you saying it was too unreasonable? Then if you don't write it, just dictate it. Give it to me."

Song Zhixing was about to return the words'forgot', and the phone rang suddenly at this moment.

She took a look, and was stunned for a while. Xi Nan held his own plate in one hand and hers in the other. He just slammed her back on her back with his shoulder, "You don't listen to the phone?"

"...Listen." Song Zhixing came back to his senses, thought about it, and put the phone to her ear.

She didn't speak immediately, just stood there holding the phone. Tang Yu seemed to be very busy there, and a slight rustle came from the phone, and he seemed to be flipping through the documents to sign. About ten seconds later, he said, "Have you eaten?"

"……not yet."

"on the way home?"

Song Zhixing glanced at Xi Nan with a vague ‘um’. I dare not say that I am with him, for fear that I will hurt Xi Nan again.

"Stars, do you want to eat this?" At this moment, Xi Nan's questioning voice sounded. He didn't turn his head either, just pointed at the luxurious big abalone and asked in a low voice, "I'll get you something? I guess you will like this."

Song Zhixing wanted to cover the microphone, but it was too late. Over there, Tang Yu's breathing deepened.

"Where are you?" His tone became more serious.

Song Zhixing knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to tell the truth, "...I was eating with my classmates."

"Male classmate?"

"You just heard it." Song Zhixing bit his lower lip.

"In that case, why didn't you tell me the truth just now?" He didn't like her lying to herself, especially, for a man.

Song Zhixing didn't know how to explain, so he stood there silently holding the phone. When Tang Yu's attitude cooled down, she still felt fearful.

"Don't want to answer? Okay, then tell me, which male classmate are you with now?" Tang Yu's attitude was always calm, and he couldn't hear the slightest expression of joy or anger. Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, his thin lips lifted, and he uttered two words, "Xi Nan?"

The sixth sense is not unique to women.

Song Zhixing's heart was tight, and he never expected him to be so keen.

"It's not Xi Nan." She was afraid that Xi Nan would be hurt again, and she denied it immediately without even thinking about it. Holding the phone, walked to a quiet place, "It's just an ordinary classmate in the class. Second Uncle, don't embarrass Xi Nan anymore, it has nothing to do with him!"

Over there, Tang Yu's eyebrows jumped, and his tight fingers paused on the document.

very good!

She is really defending the boy every word!

Heh~ He almost forgot, that boy, but her sweetheart!

He could have ignored her lying, but now he not only wants to care about, but also wants to care about her!

"Stars, tell me the truth--" Tang Yu's attitude was always unhappy, but his voice was so cold and indifferent that people were scared. lie?"

Song Zhixing couldn't resist his attitude, his heartstrings tightened, and the hand holding the phone tightened. She knew that Tang Yu's heart was like a mirror. Her lies have never deceived him.

"Don't ask anymore. I'm very busy here, I'll hang up first." She can only avoid. Otherwise, the more you say, the more wrong.

"Song Zhixing, you dare to hang up my phone and try!" Tang Yuli shouted.

"Second uncle, why on earth are you so entangled in making friends with me?" Song Zhixing asked a little bit sour and tired.

Tang Yu breathed lightly and was silent for a moment. He didn't answer immediately, but instead asked, "Don't you know? Or, you have been pretending to be stupid and don't want to understand?"

Song Zhixing was very timid, she didn't dare to listen to his next words, just preemptively said: "I don't know! I don't want to know! But, second uncle, you are just my uncle, you have no right to intervene when I make friends!"

Good sentence, just ‘uncle’!

Tang Yu snorted, "Song Zhixing, what you said just now, please say it again."

Song Zhixing's heart was very confused. She desperately wanted to distance herself from Tang Yu; desperately wanted to prove to herself that she had no deformed love for him. It was really just like Chen Cheng said, but she was only briefly affected by him. Confused. Therefore, she continued to harden her heart, regardless of the sorrow and pain that came out of her heart out of control, she said hardly: "You are just my uncle, and even my aunt never asks me about making friends, why are you Want to ask? Even if..."

"What's the matter?" His voice was extremely cold.

"...Even if I have a boyfriend, you can't question me like this." She said deliberately.

As soon as Song Zhixing's words fell, Tang Yu's voice had not been heard for a long time on the phone, only the man's breathing became heavier. Song Zhixing was holding the phone and standing there with his eyes closed, only feeling dull pain in his chest. She doesn't even know why.

Isn't it what she wants to keep a clear relationship with him?

After waiting for a long time, finally...

"Just now, I assumed that you were too scared last night. I don't want to hear it again!" His voice sounded again, without temperature, but like the king's warning, there was a thunderous sound.

"Also-if you want me to be your uncle only, then you have to figure out if I still treat you as a niece!" He snorted coldly, in a cruel voice, "Have you seen it before? Did you sleep with your niece?"

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