He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1232: Keep your distance (2)

Song Zhixing looked a little distressed, "Auntie..."

"come in."

Song Zhixing changed his shoes and walked in.

Li Hanyan put his hair behind his head, walked to the kitchen, and asked: "I haven't eaten dinner yet? I'll cook some noodles for you. You know, my aunt doesn't know how to cook, and all she can do is noodles. You will Just a moment?"

"Auntie, don't bother you. I have eaten with my classmates." Song Zhixing followed into the kitchen.

"Really? That's good. It saves me from torturing your stomach." Li Hanyan closed the refrigerator and poured her a glass of water. Song Zhixing glanced at the kitchen, "You haven't eaten dinner yet?"

Li Hanyan said ‘um’, "Forget it, I am alone and have no appetite."

"I'll do it for you." Song Zhixing put down the water cup.

"Okay, don't be busy." Li Hanyan stopped her, "I don't know you yet. Your second uncle usually treats you like a little princess and is served by others. When did your hands get wet? I haven't even cooked instant noodles."

Mentioning that man from his aunt's mouth, Song Zhixing felt like a needle stick in his heart. Feeling guilty and uneasy, she glanced at Li Hanyan with complicated eyes.

Li Hanyan also thought of Tang Yu, his eyes flushed unconsciously.

It seems that I don't want to lose my temper in front of Song Zhixing, pull his lips, and smile pretendingly, "Don't stay in the kitchen, let's go to the hall to talk."

"Yeah." Song Zhixing held the water glass and silently followed her out.

"Sit down first, I'll wear a coat." Li Hanyan said and walked into the bedroom.

Song Zhixing sat down on the sofa in the hall with a pile of magazines on the coffee table. She was worried and a little bored, so she took it over and turned it over. I just wanted to take a look at it at will, but I didn't expect to turn to Tang Yu's interview. Moreover, she gradually discovered that every magazine here has interviews with Tang Yu.

These are obviously collected by the aunt. To what extent does a person need to show affection to another person to silently collect so many interviews with him?

Song Zhixing flipped through the books, and his heart became heavier and heavier. In the end, her chest seemed to be crushed by a boulder, making her breathless.

She shouldn't have any interest in Tang Yu, but she couldn't help taking every one of those interviews seriously. She could even imagine that Tang Yu was always indifferent when interviewed.

"Do you like to watch it too?" Li Hanyan casually put on a cloak, glanced over the magazine in her hand, and sat down opposite her.

Song Zhixing was taken aback. Because of his guilty conscience, he immediately put down the magazines, only shook his head and said, "No... these business magazines, I don't usually read them."

Li Hanyan didn't realize that there was something wrong with her, but smiled bitterly, "Actually, I am not interested in magazines either."

The only person interested is Tang Yu. For so many years, she has relied on these magazines to better understand him and pay close attention to his whereabouts.

"Auntie..." Song Zhixing was struggling to see her like this. She asked tentatively, "Are you... sad because of what happened last night?"

Speaking of what happened last night, her hands on her knees clenched slightly. Guilt and uneasy.

Li Hanyan didn't hide it, and smiled, but tears flickered in his eyes, "How can you not be sad? Xingxing, your second uncle was with other women on Fireworks Island last night..."

Speaking of this, it seemed to be too sad, she paused, took a heavy breath, and then continued: "They are doing...the things that lovers can do."

The broken voice was trembling.

Because Song Zhixing is still a child, Li Hanyan's words are much more euphemistic.

However, the more he cared about her, the more guilty Song Zhixing felt, the more he hated and looked down upon himself. My aunt takes care of her feelings everywhere, but what about her? What is she giving back to her?

She opened her lips and wanted to comfort her by saying that they didn't do that kind of thing last night. However, his lips moved, and he couldn't say a word. What qualifications does she have to say such a thing? If it wasn’t for the aunt’s sudden appearance last night, she and the second uncle might have...

She didn't dare to think anymore, her fingers tightened, and her fingertips were pinched into her palm.

Li Hanyan didn't know that Song Zhixing's heart was so many times at this moment, but continued: "Xingxing, you said, your second uncle, did you recognize the truth this time? Du Hui told me that he was actually just acting on occasion. , Just playing with the other girl. I hope so."


The fun of it.

Does Tang Yu really think so? If it is, so be it. At least, the three of them will be easier.

"Auntie, don't worry, what Du Hui said is right, the second uncle is just for fun. Maybe... Maybe he just wants some excitement!" Song Zhixing thinks this is completely possible. After all, Tang Yu has always been a very sensible person, and it is absurd to be serious with a child like her.

Maybe... he really just wanted to sleep with her. Sleeping with his nominal niece may satisfy his excitement as a man.

"Is it possible?" Li Hanyan asked back.

"Whether it may be impossible, the second uncle will not be with that person." Song Zhixing said surely as if to make Li Hanyan feel at ease.

"Xingxing, why do you say that? Have you met her? What kind of girl is she?"

"She... Auntie, she is inferior to you in everything."

Li Hanyan smiled bitterly, "Don't comfort me."

"Really." Song Zhixing looked at Li Hanyan, and said bitterly: "She is not as beautiful as you, not as good as you, and not as mature as you. Moreover, she is not sensible, self-willed and arrogant, and will provoke her second uncle from time to time. Angry. Auntie, she is really sick all over her body..."

"But that's it, your second uncle likes her too." These comforts didn't seem to have any effect, but it made Li Hanyan even more injured. The painful tears couldn't hold back, and she murmured: "Is such a girl who is not good in your eyes, your second uncle also likes her——"

She raised her head, and the broken tears made Song Zhixing almost choked with blame.

She continued: "The stars, a man likes the advantages of a woman, that can only be regarded as appreciation, not love. However, if you like someone until her body is full of shortcomings, when he accepts it, it is true love. You Second uncle to her..."

"No! Impossible!" Song Zhixing cut off Li Hanyan's words, feeling a little excited, "Auntie, Second Uncle can't fall in love with such a person! Even if..."

She changed her tone, "Even if the second uncle really likes her, they will never be together. I promise you! Auntie, I won't agree with them!"

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