He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1237: Sweeping out (1)

Song Zhixing actually just said casually. When Tang Yu asked like this, she had to bite the bullet and nod her head.

Tang Yu shook his body. The strength in her hands increased, almost crushing her wrists. With red eyes and bowing his head, he still felt so unwilling to say, "Where are you... where are you?"

It was a simple word, but when he said it, his teeth trembled.

Song Zhixing was too frightened, and his mind was muddled. He didn't relieve himself for a while, only struggling to win the shackles of the man.

"Did you go to bed?" Tang Yu squeezed her jaw hard, turned her face around, and asked coldly again without hearing the answer. His cold breath was sprayed on her face, making Song Zhixing awake for a moment.

Now, at this moment, is it the best moment to clear the relationship with your second uncle?

If she says ‘yes’, maybe the second uncle will no longer be interested in her, right? Once and for all, I got rid of him completely from then on...

In that way, you don’t have to be afraid of being unable to face your aunt; you don’t have to worry about betraying your grandfather; you don’t have to fall into the dark abyss together and become targets of public criticism...

The pale lips trembled. She stared at Tang Yu's dark eyes, and before she spoke, the sorrowful tears came out first.

Obviously it is just a simple ‘yes’ word, but it’s so difficult to say it at this moment. She raised her hand above her head and squeezed the tabletop hard, even her nails were broken. After taking a deep breath, he finally said the monophonic word.

"Don't say it anymore!" Tang Yu suddenly stopped her from saying something. He had always been afraid of nothing. At this moment, he didn't have the courage to bear such a word. He took a heavy breath of pain, his Adam's apple rolled, and the bloodshot eyes were denser, "Song Zhixing, I will ask you one last time... In your heart, I, Tang Yu, who is yours?"

A simple sentence, but it was interrupted once halfway through to say it intact. Then, he warned in a mute voice: "If you think about it clearly, then answer me, you won't have a second chance!"

Song Zhixing's heart was pulled into a ball. She didn't know what was wrong with her. The position of her chest was sour, bitter, painful, and stuffy, depressed as if she would die at any time. However, reason is constantly slowing her nerves-if she utters a wrong word today, they will fall into a bottomless abyss in the future, and they will be lost forever.

"Second Uncle..." she said, her vocal cords trembling. There is a plea in his eyes, "We...return to the previous relationship, can't we?"

In a word, it has already expressed each other's position.

As if being stabbed by a sharp sword, there was a hole in his chest. Tang Yu's tall body trembled fiercely, and he closed his eyes vigorously.

She wants to go back to the past...

In other words, she has always regarded herself as an uncle!

That's it, that's it.

Everything else is just a delusion!

There is a deep chill in the air, as if it would freeze even when breathing. Outside, the storm was raging, flapping the windows, and it sounded like a mad beast in the middle of the night, making people scary.

Song Zhixing felt that the man lying on him at the moment was more heart-shaking than the storm in the night. He seemed to pounce at any time and tear her to pieces. But the next moment, he suddenly released her and stood up straight coldly.

The body lightened, and the cold air rushed forward and swept across his body. Song Zhixing shuddered severely, and then sat up embarrassedly. She was almost half-naked now, so she didn't dare to neglect, she just put on her pants in shame, and buttoned her shirt in embarrassment. The fingers were trembling throughout.

Halfway through, he subconsciously raised his eyes, and looked at Tang Yu secretly.

He must be very angry...

However, she had no choice.

At this moment, Tang Yu was also buttoning the buttons one by one, standing upright there, without looking at her again. The whole person seemed to be shrouded in ice, so cold that even the breath was almost frozen.

Song Zhixing hadn't finished sorting out yet, Tang Yu had already stepped out. She slid down from the table and said timidly: "I...I haven't packed my things."

"No need!" Tang Yu stopped, did not turn his head, but his voice became more cold and bitter, "Song Zhixing, my tolerance and patience with you, stop here! In the future-we will, no, be relevant, and work together!"

The last few words are loud and sound. As if for fear that she would not understand, every word of him seemed to be bitten out, every word.

Song Zhixing shook so hard that she almost thought she had heard it wrong. However, Tang Yu didn't linger for another second, only stepping into the wind and rain step by step, leaving her a ruthless back.

Stiff and indifferent.

As if exhausted from all his strength, and finally unable to support it, Song Zhixing's hands on the table softened, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Stars!" Chen Cheng was afraid that she would be too embarrassed before, so she hid, prepared to act by chance, and didn't dare to rush out directly. Seeing her doing this now, I ran over quickly.

There were tears in Song Zhixing's eyes. She glanced at Tang Yu's long-distance back, and then slowly cast her gaze on Chen Cheng, holding Chen Cheng's hand tightly, "Cheng Cheng, he said...what did he mean when he said it was irrelevant? "

Seeing her like this, Chen Cheng felt uncomfortable and wiped the tears from Song Zhixing’s face, "Xingxing, he said it’s a good thing to be irrelevant. Don’t you want to continue to develop in a mess with him? It’s just right for you now. meaning."

Song Zhixing laughed, "Yeah, just what I meant... In this way, I can move out without fail, right? He said...he said that we are irrelevant..."

She should be happy, she should laugh out loud.

But why, the tears have become so disobedient? Not only did it fail to contain it, but it grew more and more.

"Are you okay?" Chen Cheng worried.

Song Zhixing pushed away Chen Cheng's hand, stubbornly propped up on the table, stood up swayingly, and raised his head, "I'm fine, I just want to have a clear relationship with him, so... why should I have anything? I am so happy now..."

He said that he was happy, but the tears in the corner of his eyes did not stop.

Chen Cheng's chest seemed to be stuffed with cotton, and he couldn't say a word. He only drew a tissue to wipe away more and more tears. Anyone can see that this is not all right at all!

It's something, quite something!


When Tang Yu walked out of the house, the driver had come over with an umbrella, and he pushed the umbrella away with one hand. The pouring rain smashed down large and large ones, making him sober like never before.

So sober enough to want to kill!

The girl he loved, cared for with care, and missed memorable, has been tainted during the few days when he was only absent!

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