He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1242: Strange to each other (3)

The next day.

The top floor of the Tang Group headquarters was covered with dark clouds, and the extremely strong low pressure made everyone squeeze and dare not make any mistakes.

Du Hui held the heavy file, knocked on the door, and went in with his scalp.

When I entered, I saw Tang Yuzheng cast his eyes on the phone. The phone is driving the GPS. Du Hui glanced, and saw that the red dots on the GPS map were shining intensely, moving towards their location.

Du Hui understood, and smiled: "Second Lord, the young lady is here to look for you, right?"

Tang Yu's eyebrows loosened, but his mouth just said coldly: "We don't have any relationship anymore, why are you coming to me?"

He said, as if he didn't care, and threw the phone on the table. He glanced at Du Hui, "File."

Du Hui hurriedly sent the documents, and the two began to chat about work. Du Hui discovered that occasionally, Er Ye would glance at the screen of the phone. Moreover, every time he watched it, his expression improved. Until the red flashing dot was on the position of the'Tang Group Headquarters', flashing continuously, he had already put down the file.

His expression turned cloudy, Du Hui felt a lot more comfortable in his heart instantly, and smiled: "Second Lord, I am not wrong, I am looking for you."

Why did the little thing come to him on the initiative? Tang Yu couldn't think of a very probable reason—probably, he was coming to annoy himself again.


After all, it came.

"What are you doing while standing?" Tang Yu glanced at Du Hui.

Du Hui was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood, "I will go downstairs to pick up the young lady now. You are waiting."

After Du Hui left, Tang Yu was the only one left in the office. Suddenly he lost the thought of looking at the document, his eyes fell on the watch, his brows furrowed. Obviously there are only a few minutes, but it feels very difficult. When did he become so impatient.

ten minutes later……

The door of the office was finally knocked again.

Tang Yu's little patience was about to run out. Hearing the sound, he sat back in his chair. After being straightened, he said quietly: "In."

In the indifferent voice, no emotional changes could be heard. He took the file and flipped through it. After the door was pushed open, he looked up casually. Du Hui was the only one who caught the eye. He frowned and looked behind Du Hui again. His face suddenly became cold, "Where is the person?"

Du Hui felt that he was dead.

He coughed carefully and passed the contents in his hand, "Second Lord...this is for you."

What was handed over was a box. Tang Yu opened it and saw that it was the necklace with GPS that he gave to Song Zhixing. He breathed harder, "Anyone gone?"

"No. It's... the little lady actually didn't come at all. This was delivered by express." Du Hui explained carefully.

Tang Yu's expression became more gloomy, and he glanced at Du Hui in a gloomy look, "This month your bonus will be halved."

"Huh?" Du Hui wailed. What did you do wrong?

"Lying about information." Tang Yu lifted his lips and coldly charged him with a crime. Who told him to say that she would definitely come to him? The feeling of expectation and disappointment in the end is terrible!

Du Hui felt that he was wronged to the extreme. Obviously GPS is displayed like this! Who knows, that little girl is so ruthless, she uses express delivery for everything!


Li Hanyan asked his aunt to take care of Song Zhixing, but she was also very busy and rarely had time to accompany her. Therefore, after returning home from school, Song Zhixing often eats dinner alone.

The taste made by Aunt Mingming is very suitable for her. Moreover, because Li Hanyan has explained, all the dishes she cooks are also what she likes. However, sitting at the dinner table alone, she felt very uncomfortable every bite she ate.

In such a quiet space, it also made her feel empty in her heart, as if there was a gap missing and she couldn't fix it.

She missed the housekeeper, missed sister Li, and wanted...

Song Zhixing lowered his eyes, forcing himself not to think anymore, but there were sorrow and sorrow bubbles in his heart. She is so hopeless! He was kicked out, why do you still think of that person? And... I can always think of it several times a day.

"Miss Song, is it not to your appetite?" The aunt asked her aloud when she saw that she didn't move her chopsticks much.

She regained her senses, took the hardship in her heart, and shook her head. Put down the chopsticks and said, "It's delicious, but...I had a snack on the road when I first came back, so I'm full now."

She told a white lie and couldn't take a bite again.

If it is usually dinner with Tang Yu, he will force her to continue to eat two more mouthfuls, and he will definitely not allow her to be a picky eater.

Thinking of this, Song Zhixing was upset. Why do I think of things that I once thought so annoying? Obviously she is free!

This feeling is too annoying!

at night.

Li Hanyan still didn't come back, Song Zhixing finished his homework, sat alone on the bed and turned the TV aimlessly. In the whole room, there was only the sound of the TV. She bowed her head and glanced at her phone—it had been several days since she was driven out of the house by Tang Yu that day, and she really had no contact with Tang Yu.

Even if it was that day, she sent the necklace to his company, afterwards, he did not call her. There is no question.

Probably...really, they are just two strangers! In the past, the magazines said that when Tang Yu was ruthless in the mall, he would not leave anyone with any retreat. In fact, it's probably far more than just in the mall.

Song Zhixing's heart was sore and painful, she curled up, hugged the quilt tightly, and buried her face deeply between her knees. It seems that in this way, the depression in my heart will fade a lot; it seems that this way will not be so lonely...

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

Li Hanyan came back and called her tentatively, "Stars?"

Song Zhixing came back to his senses, and slowly raised his head, his face squeezed out a smile, "Auntie, you are back."

Li Hanyan entered the door and walked inside. She found that Xingxing's complexion was very bad. After staying with her for a week, she lost a circle. She sat down by the bed and asked uneasy: "Are you sick? Auntie said you didn't eat a few bites of food tonight."

"...No. Auntie, don't worry about me anymore." Song Zhixing didn't want her to worry about herself, and she barely cheered up, pretending to be relaxed: "I may be because the college entrance examination is coming, so I feel a little stressed. "

Li Hanyan stared at her for a long time before trying to ask: "Isn't it because I'm still angry with your second uncle?"

Suddenly mentioning that person, Song Zhixing's nose was sore. But he shook his head and cocked his mouth, "Of course not. I wanted to live with my aunt a long time ago, so he can drive me out as soon as he kicks me out..."

At the end, the voice changed a bit and became unstable.

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