He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1249: Jealous (1)

"Little girl, you haven't come to see my boss in two weeks." Old Tang said pretending to be angry over there.

Song Zhixing felt guilty, and Tang Yu didn't ask her to go recently, and she didn't know if she was still suitable to appear there. She is the only one, not the Tang family.

"Come over for dinner tonight. You are not allowed to refuse Grandpa. I will let the driver pick you up at the school gate." Grandpa Tang's tone was the same as Tang Yu's. But in comparison, it is much more moderate.

The tolerance he gave himself made Song Zhixing feel warm.

After class, she walked out of the school gate, and the Tang family's driver was already waiting at the gate. It took about an hour by car to reach the Tang family’s house. Several cars had been parked under the majestic white jade slate stairs. It seemed that the Tang family was all there tonight.

Is your second uncle here too?

Song Zhixing squeezed the strap of his schoolbag and walked inside.

The hall of the Tang family was full of people. The chat is very lively and lively.

Song Zhixing went in, and the old man waved when he saw her, "Stars, come here."

"Grandpa." Song Zhixing Yiyan sat down beside him and called out one by one. Only Tang boss and Tang Yu were not present in the Tang family, and the rest were all present. Today, there was a very beautiful woman sitting next to Tang Yi. Song Zhixing knew him and called out, "Hello, auntie."

Mo Liangyan.

She is Tang Yi's fiancee.

Song Zhixing used to call it this way, and no one felt wrong. Mo Liangyan felt a little embarrassed when he called this out today. After a slight smile, he gave a soft answer. Subconsciously looking at Tang Yi, he finally fell to Tang Song's face again, his eyes were complicated, and he couldn't see what kind of emotion it was.

These little details were not noticed by anyone except a few parties. Song Zhixing is even more so.

She was not here at all in her mind, put down her schoolbag, seemingly unintentionally, and circling in the hall. From time to time, the line of sight fell to the backyard and then to other rooms.

"Xingxing, what are you looking for?" Tang Fei suddenly raised her voice. Originally, a group of their elders were chatting very enthusiastically, Tang Fei's voice suddenly sounded, causing everyone to turn their attention to Song Zhixing who was about to push the side door.

Tang Youyou smiled and said, "Is the star looking for the second brother?"

She was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer for a while. Putting his hand on the doorknob, I also felt very uncomfortable.

"Looking for the second child? He didn't come here today." The old man said.

Song Zhixing met Tang's old man's eyes, and quickly bowed his head with guilty conscience. I was afraid that my mind would be seen through by these people, so I only licked the dry lower lip, and said with no confidence: "I'm either looking for my second uncle, or... just look around."

It turned out that he didn't come...

When she left his office last time, he was going on a business trip. It's only half a month now, maybe it hasn't come back yet.

Song Zhixing's mood was inexplicably lowered again, and he sat back in the crowd with nostalgia.

Tang You You asked her, "I heard that you two are having a temper? You have lost so much. Isn't it just because of this?"

"...No." Song Zhixing waved his hand in a panic, and quickly found a reason, "It's because the exam is about to be done, and the pressure is high, so I lost weight."

"This second child is too unreasonable, dare to drive you out. I have to train him well when I look back." The old man felt arrogant when he thought of this. This little girl's parents are his lifesavers, no matter where they start from, they can't treat her like that.

Song Zhixing was about to say something when he saw the servant trot in and said, "Master, the second master is here."

When these words came out, Song Zhixing's heart was turbulent, and she clearly said that she was not looking for him, but her eyes still fell uncontrollably to the door.

Under everyone's sight, Tang Yu walked in slowly in a black suit.

"Grandpa." He entered the door, greeted the old man first, took off his suit and handed it to the servant. Carrying the twilight sunset outside, he has an aura that points to the country all over his body. Everyone greeted him and called'Second Brother', and Song Zhixing was left sitting there alone, nervous and sour.

Because, his gaze swept across everyone, only...He didn't stop for a moment. Only if she is like air does not exist.

Song Zhixing sighed deeply.

Everyone realized something was wrong between the two of them, and the old man took the lead and said: "Why are you here? Didn't you say that you are on a business trip, are you not free?"

"Temporarily changed the itinerary." Tang Yu's voice was flat. He didn't come back for half a month, and didn't see a little woman for half a month. He actually didn't want to miss an occasion like today.

"You got back just right." Tang Youyou glanced at Song Zhixing, "You haven't come just now, but the stars have been looking for you. Right, the stars?"

As soon as the words fell, Song Zhixing was shocked and raised his eyes suddenly. Tang Yu squinted his eyes. Right now, he was looking at Song Zhixing. The two of them looked at him. He no longer treated her as the air like he did before, his eyes fixed on her meaningfully, "Is something wrong with me?"

Song Zhixing was suddenly disturbed by his heartbeat.

She didn't even dare to say something for fear that Tang Youyou would see that something was wrong. Everyone in the Tang family was extremely keen in observation, and she did not dare to be too presumptuous.

Tang Wei smiled, "Second brother, I testify that Little Xingxing was indeed looking for you just now. However, I don't think she's looking for you like something, but more like missing you."

As soon as these words fell, Tang Yuluo's eyes on Song Zhixing's body became deeper, even a little scorching. Does this little girl miss herself? However, she looks a little more rounded than last time, and her complexion is much better. It seems that Sister Li is indispensable.

Song Zhixing was so embarrassed that Tang Wei said the central thing, her ears were red. With Tang Yu's unabashed look, she became even more panicked and said quickly: "No... I really have something to tell my second uncle. ."

Tang Yu didn't ask, just waiting for her to speak. Everyone turned their attention to her.

Song Zhixing considered it for a moment and looked at Tang Yu, "I...I have decided to go back to Grandpa after the exam."

A word, like thunder on the ground, shocked everyone.

Tang Yu's cold face suddenly appeared a little gloomy, making the whole scene condensed like a layer of frost. When he was about to get angry, everyone was afraid, Song Zhixing was naturally a little timid. But right now, the words have come to this, she had to bite the bullet and continue: "Today the school asked to fill in the volunteers, I didn't fill in any school..."

"Think clearly?" Tang Yu finally said, his tone of voice was heavy.

Song Zhixing's throat seemed to be blocked, obviously just a few simple words ‘think clearly’, but she just couldn’t say it.

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